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Two to three thousand years ago, the fringing tidal salt marsh wetlands (including brackish and freshwater marsh) of the Delaware coastal zone were three to four times wider than at present. Observed variations in rates of marsh surface aggradation suggest that some areas are undergoing inundation whereas many other areas are undergoing aggradation at rates greater than sea-level rise as measured by a local tidal gauge (average 33 cm/ century based on a 70-year record) and may be undergoing floral succession. Accompanying these sedimentary processes are coastal erosion rates up to 6.9 m/yr along the Delaware estuary, up to 2.8 m/yr along the Delaware Atlantic coast, and ranging from 0.1 m/yr to 0.6 m/yr along the Delaware Atlantic coastal lagoons. Human development has destroyed nearly 9% of Delaware's fringing salt marshes between 1938 and 1975. The rapidly growing trend toward hardening the edge of the adjacent landward uplands leads us to the conclusion that much of the fringing salt marsh of Delaware will disappear over the next two to three centuries with only small remnants declining to extinction ca. 1500–1700 years into the future. Impacts on the State of Delaware, comprised of 13% fringing salt marshes 1/4 century ago, will be profound in terms of destruction of a large segment of the Atlantic coastal or eastern North American migratory bird flyway, and an eventual forced accommodation of the inhabitants of Delaware to these naturally ongoing geological processes.  相似文献   
For the first time,the present study reports the life-history traits,comprising length-frequency distribution(LFD),sex ratio(SR),length-weight relationships(LWRs),condition factors(CFs),and relative growth(W_R),of Clupisoma garua in the coastal waters of Bangladesh.A total of 150 specimens ranging from 8.60 to 25.20 cm total length(TL)and 4.26 to 128.80 g body weight(BW)were collected using traditional fishing gear from August 2013 to July 2014.The overall sex ratio of males to females in the study did not dif fer significantly from the expected value of 1:1(χ~2=0.96,P0.05)but there were significant sex differences(P0.05)in the intercepts and slopes of graphs characterizing traits in C.garua.The calculated bvalues for the LWRs were 2.955,2.893 and 2.927 for males,females and combined sexes,respectively,and there was negative allometric growth in all cases(b3).The condition factors(K_A,K_F,K_R)and relative growth(W R)also did not differ significantly(P0.05)between the sexes.This study provides a useful tool for fi shery specialists to evaluate the relative condition of fish and to initiate early management strategies and regulations for the sustainable management of the remaining stocks of this species in the entire coastal region of southern Bangladesh.  相似文献   
Variations in incoming shortwave radiation influence the net surface heat flux, contributing to the formation of a temperature inversion. The effects of shortwave radiation on the temperature inversions in the Bay of Bengal and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean have never been investigated. Thus, a high-resolution (horizontal resolution of 0.07°×0.07° with 50 vertical layers) Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) model is utilized to quantify the contributions of shortwave radiation to the temperature inversions in the study domain. Analyses of the mixed layer heat and salt budgets are performed, and different model simulations are compared. The model results suggest that a 30% change in shortwave radiation can change approximately 3% of the temperature inversion area in the Bay of Bengal. Low shortwave radiation reduces the net surface heat flux and cools the mixed layer substantially; it also reduces the evaporation rate, causing less evaporative water vapor losses from the ocean than the typical situation, and ultimately enhances haline stratification. Thus, the rudimentary outcome of this research is that a decrease in shortwave radiation produces more temperature inversion in the study region, which is primarily driven by the net surface cooling and supported by the intensive haline stratification. Moreover, low shortwave radiation eventually intensifies the temperature inversion layer by thickening the barrier layer. This study could be an important reference for predicting how the Indian Ocean climate will respond to future changes in shortwave radiation.  相似文献   
Solar System Research - An active region (AR) of the sun is an area of strong magnetic field. Sunspots are frequently formed in an AR. Solar activity exhibits in the form of solar flares and...  相似文献   
This paper examines the stability of the transition from the early decelerating stage of the Universe to the recent accelerating stage for the perfect fluid cosmological locally rotationally symmetric(LRS) Bianchi-I model in f(R, T) theory. To determine the solution of field equations, the idea of a timevarying deceleration parameter(DP) which yields a scale factor, for which the Universe attains a phase transition scenario and is consistent with recent cosmological observations, is used. The time-dependent DP yields a scale factor a=exp■, where β and k are respectively arbitrary and integration constants. By using the recent cons_traints(H_0 _= 73.8, and q_0 =-0.54) from Type Ia Supernova(SN Ia) data in combination with Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations(BAO) and Cosmic Microwave Background(CMB) observations(Giostri et al.), we obtain the values of β = 0.0062 and k = 0.000016 for which we have derived a cosmological model from the early decelerated phase to the present accelerating phase. By applying_ other r_ecent constraints(H_0 = 73.8, q_0 =-0.73) from SNe Ia Union data(Cunha), we obtain the values of β = 0.0036 and k = 0.000084 for which we have derived a cosmological model in the accelerating phase only. We have compared both models with experimental data. The stability of the background solution has been examined also for the metric perturbations alongside the properties of future singularities in a Universe ruled by dark energy with phantom type fluid. We demonstrate the presence of a stable fixed point with a condition of state ω <-1 and numerically affirm this is really a late-time attractor in the ghost overwhelmed Universe. Some physical and geometric properties of the model are found and examined.  相似文献   
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In this study, the method of lines (MOLs) with higher order central difference approximation method coupled with the classical fourth order Runge-Kutta (RK(4,4)) method is used in solving shallow water equations (SWEs) in Cartesian coordinates to foresee water levels associated with a storm accurately along the coast of Bangladesh. In doing so, the partial derivatives of the SWEs with respect to the space variables were discretized with 5-point central difference, as a test case, to obtain a system of ordinary differential equations with time as an independent variable for every spatial grid point, which with initial conditions were solved by the RK(4,4) method. The complex land-sea interface and bottom topographic details were incorporated closely using nested schemes. The coastal and island boundaries were rectangularized through proper stair step representation, and the storing positions of the scalar and momentum variables were specified according to the rules of structured C-grid. A stable tidal regime was made over the model domain considering the effect of the major tidal constituent, M2 along the southern open boundary of the outermost parent scheme. The Meghna River fresh water discharge was taken into account for the inner most child scheme. To take into account the dynamic interaction of tide and surge, the generated tidal regime was introduced as the initial state of the sea, and the surge was then made to come over it through computer simulation. Numerical experiments were performed with the cyclone April 1991 to simulate water levels due to tide, surge, and their interaction at different stations along the coast of Bangladesh. Our computed results were found to compare reasonable well with the limited observed data obtained from Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) and were found to be better in comparison with the results obtained through the regular finite difference method and the 3-point central difference MOLs coupled with the RK(4,4) method with regard to the root mean square error values.  相似文献   
Rainfall induced landslides are a common threat to the communities living on dangerous hill-slopes in Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh. Extreme population pressure, indiscriminate hill cutting, increased precipitation events due to global warming and associated unplanned urbanization in the hills are exaggerating landslide events. The aim of this article is to prepare a scientifically accurate landslide susceptibility map by combining landslide initiation and runout maps. Land cover, slope, soil permeability, surface geology, precipitation, aspect, and distance to hill cut, road cut, drainage and stream network factor maps were selected by conditional independence test. The locations of 56 landslides were collected by field surveying. A weight of evidence (WoE) method was applied to calculate the positive (presence of landslides) and negative (absence of landslides) factor weights. A combination of analytical hierarchical process (AHP) and fuzzy membership standardization (weighs from 0 to 1) was applied for performing a spatial multi-criteria evaluation. Expert opinion guided the decision rule for AHP. The Flow-R tool that allows modeling landslide runout from the initiation sources was applied. The flow direction was calculated using the modified Holmgren’s algorithm. The AHP landslide initiation and runout susceptibility maps were used to prepare a combined landslide susceptibility map. The relative operating characteristic curve was used for model validation purpose. The accuracy of WoE, AHP, and combined susceptibility map was calculated 96%, 97%, and 98%, respectively.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - Due to unbalanced spatial distribution and insufficient capacity allocation of water resources in the Jinqu Basin, developing and utilizing the red bed groundwater...  相似文献   
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