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Soil-temperature measurements can provide information on the distribution of degassing fissures, their relationship to the internal structure of the volcano, and the temporal evolution of the system. At Vulcano Island (Italy), heat flux from a <3 km-deep magma body drives a hydrothermal system which extends across the main Fossa crater. This heat flux is also associated with variable magmatic gas flow. A high-density map of soil-temperatures was made in 1996 at a constant depth of 30 cm on the central and southern inner flanks of the Fossa crater. These measurements extended over an area covering about 0.04 km2, across which the heat flux is predominantly associated with a shallow boiling aquifer. The map shows that hot zones relate to structures of higher permeability, mainly associated with a fissure system dating from the last eruptive cycle (1888–1890). From 1996 to January 2005, we studied the evolution of the heat flux for the high temperature part of the map, both by repeating our measurements as part of 14 visits, during which temperatures were measured at a constant depth, and using data from permanent stations which allowed soil-temperatures to be continuously measured for selected vertical profiles. These data allowed us to calculate the heat flux, and its variation, with good precision for values lower than about 100 W m−2, which is generally the case in the study area. Above 100 W m−2, although the heat flux value is underestimated, its variations are recorded with an error less than 10%. During the period 1996–2004, two increases in the thermal flux were recorded. The first one was related to the seismic crisis of November 1998 which opened existing or new fissures. The second, in November 2004, was probably due to magma migration, and was associated with minor seismic activity.  相似文献   
In this study, change in rainfall, temperature and river discharge are analysed over the last three decades in Central Vietnam. Trends and rainfall indices are evaluated using non‐parametric tests at different temporal levels. To overcome the sparse locally available network, the high resolution APHRODITE gridded dataset is used in addition to the existing rain gauges. Finally, existing linkages between discharge changes and trends in rainfall and temperature are explored. Results are indicative of an intensification of rainfall (+15%/decade), with more extreme and longer events. A significant increase in winter rainfall and a decrease in consecutive dry days provides strong evidence for a lengthening wet season in Central Vietnam. In addition, trends based on APHRODITE suggest a strong orographic signal in winter and annual trends. These results underline the local variability in the impacts of climatic change at the global scale. Consequently, it is important that change detection investigations are conducted at the local scale. A very weak signal is detected in the trend of minimum temperature (+0.2°C/decade). River discharge trends show an increase in mean discharge (31 to 35%/decade) over the last decades. Between 54 and 74% of this increase is explained by the increase in precipitation. The maximum discharge also responds significantly to precipitation changes leading to a lengthened wet season and an increase in extreme rainfall events. Such trends can be linked with a likely increase in floods in Central Vietnam, which is important for future adaptation planning and management and flood preparedness in the region. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Accurate and precisely located self-potential (SP), temperature (T) and CO2 measurements were carried out in the summit area of Stromboli along 72 straight profiles. SP data were acquired every metre and T data every 2.5 m. CO2 concentrations were acquired with the same density as T, but only along seven profiles. The high density of data and the diversity of the measured parameters allows us to study structures and phenomena at a scale rarely investigated. The shallow summit hydrothermal activity (Pizzo–Fossa area) is indicated by large positive SP, T and CO2 anomalies. These anomalies are focused on crater faults, suggesting that the fracture zones are more permeable than surrounding rocks at Stromboli. The analysis of the distribution of these linear anomalies, coupled with the examination of the geologic, photographic and topographic data, has led us to propose a new structural interpretation of the summit of Stromboli. This newly defined structural framework comprises (1) a large Pizzo circular crater, about 350 m in diameter; (2) a complex of two concealed craters nested within the Pizzo crater (the Large and the Small Fossa craters), thought to have formed during the eruption of the Pizzo pyroclastites unit; the Small Fossa crater is filled with highly impermeable material that totally impedes the upward flow of hydrothermal fluids; and (3) The present complex of active craters. On the floor of the Fossa, short wavelength SP lows are organized in drainage-like networks diverging from the main thermal anomalies and converging toward the topographic low in the Fossa area, inside the Small Fossa crater. They are interpreted as the subsurface downhill flow of water condensed above the thermal anomalies. We suspect that water accumulates below the Small Fossa crater as a perched water body, representing a high threat of strong phreatic and phreatomagmatic paroxysms. T and CO2 anomalies are highly correlated. The two types of anomalies have very similar shapes, but the sensitivity of CO2 measurements seems higher for lowest hydrothermal flux. Above T anomalies, a pronounced high frequency SP signal is observed. Isotopic analyses of the fluids show similar compositions between the gases rising through the faults of the Pizzo and Large Fossa craters. This suggests a common origin for gases emerging along different structural paths within the summit of Stromboli. A site was found along the Large Fossa crater fault where high gas flux and low air contamination made gas monitoring possible near the active vents using the alkaline bottle sampling technique.  相似文献   
In order to assess the structural evolution of the Brive basin and the Paleozoic activity of surrounding major faults in the French Massif Central, we carried out a paleomagnetic study on Early Permian rocks from this basin. Positive-fold tests and solely reversed polarities indicate that the characteristic remanent magnetization is likely to be primary. Early Permian tilt-corrected site mean declinations vary from 207°–167° indicating that the Brive basin experienced internal vertical-axis rotations. On the contrary, Late Permian paleomagnetic site means exhibit a circular Fisherian distribution showing no relative rotations. Detailed analyses of Permian paleomagnetic data from five contemporaneous basins of the French Massif Central reveal that these basins share the same equatorial paleolatitude with stable Europe throughout the Permian. However, in Early Permian, three of the five basins experienced differential rotations. The Saint-Affrique basin not only suffered internal deformation during the Early Permian, but the basin as a whole underwent a full-scale counterclockwise vertical-axis block rotation with respect to stable Europe. As a consequence, paleomagnetic data from similar late orogenic basins have to be thus carefully considered for establishment of Apparent Polar Wander paths.  相似文献   
The EU funded SIMDAT project is aimed at applying generic grid technology for the solution of complex application problems in several representative fields including automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical and meteorology. To satisfy the requirements of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the WMO Information Systems (WIS), the partners in the meteorology activity within SIMDAT (ECMWF, Deutscher Wetterdienst, the UK Met office, EUMETSAT and Météo-France), have developed grid-enabled software that provides generic distributed access to distributed meteorological data repositories via web-based portals, through a series of nodes organized in a mesh network. However, granting access to such an infrastructure, especially considering its fully distributed nature, is a serious challenge and a risk to the security of the overall grid infrastructure. SIMDAT solves this problem by implementing a security model based on a decentralized fine-grained access control mechanism that federates data providers and security issues using the notion of “trust domains”. In this paper we highlight the main features of the SIMDAT grid application and describe its security model in detail.  相似文献   
This paper determines the weathering and atmospheric contributions of Ca in surface water from a small spruce forested silicate catchment (N–E France) receiving acid atmospheric inputs. The bedrock is a granite with K-feldspar and albite as dominant phases. The calcium content in plagioclase is low and the Ca/Na ratio in surface water is high, reflecting other sources of calcium from those expected from the weathering of major mineral phases. The biotite content is low. Only traces of apatite were detected while no calcite was found in spite of a major hydrothermal event having affected the granite. The strontium isotopic ratio 87Sr/86Sr and Sr content was used as a tracer of weathering and was determined in minerals and bulk bedrock, open field precipitation, throughfall, soil solution, spring and stream water. The Sr isotopic ratio of the reacting weathering end-member was predicted by simulating the alteration of the granite minerals by incorporating strontium into the water–rock interaction kinetic code KINDIS. In the early stages of water–rock interaction, K-feldspar and biotite strongly influence the isotopic composition of the weathering solution whereas, the Na-rich plagioclase appears to be the main long-term reactive weathering end-member. Approximately 50% of dissolved Sr in streamwater are atmospherically derived. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of exchangeable Sr in the fine fraction at 1-m depth from a soil profile indicate that the amount of exchangeable Sr seems essentially controlled by atmospheric inputs. The exception is the deep saprolite where weathering processes could supply the Sr (and Ca). Na-Plagioclase weathering obviously control the chemistry and the isotopic composition of surface waters. The weathering of trace mineral plays a secondary role, the exception is for apatite when plagioclase is absent. Our hydrochemical, mineralogical and isotopic investigations show that a major part of the strong Ca losses detected in catchment hydrochemical budgets that result from the neutralization of acid precipitation has an atmospheric origin. Consequently, in the long term, in such areas, the availability of such an exchangeable base cation might be strongly limited and surface waters consequently acidified.  相似文献   
Le Jura     
For most geologists and physiographers the Jura Mountains are the prototype of a folded chain with very regular anticlines and synclines. The more detailed picture based on the research of the last years is somewhat different. Faults older than the folding play an important rôle. The resulting structural phenomena and the different modern interpretations are exposed. A general survey of the earlier literature is found in the admirable monography of the Jura Mountains by EMM. DE MARGERIE (44).
Zusammenfassung Viele Geologen und Geographen betrachten den Jura als den Typus eines Faltengebirges mit regelmäßig hintereinander gestaffelten Synklinalen und Antiklinalen in der Form von Sinusoiden, obwohl bereits frühere Forschungen — in der bewundernswerten Bibliographie vonEmm. de Margerie (44) zusammengefaßt — ein viel naturnäheres Bild gaben. Die Untersuchungen der letzten 10 Jahre haben dieses Bild vertieft und namentlich die Vorgeschichte der Faltung als besonders wichtig hervorgehoben. Verschiedene Gruppen von Brüchen, die sich schon vor der Faltung bewegten, haben einen großen Einfluß auf Anordnung und Gestalt der Falten. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen werden nach den tektonischen Erscheinungen, von den Querverschiebungen und den Randverwerfungen des Rheintales bis zum Alter der Faltung, zusammengefaßt und gruppiert. Das naturnähere Baubild, besonders aber die neueren Anschauungen über die Entstehung der Alpen, bedingen auch neue Deutungen des jurassischen Bewegungsbildes. Die Rolle des kristallinen Sockels ist zur Zeit eines der interessantesten Probleme. Geophysikalische Untersuchungen sind zu seiner Lösung notwendig.
In order to mimic the photodegradation of vitamin E during phytoplankton senescence and study the behaviour of the resulting photoproducts during cell lysis, vitamin E dispersed in seawater was irradiated with solar light in the presence of hematoporphyrin as sensitizer. Under these conditions, singlet oxygen-mediated photooxidation and free radical oxidation (autoxidation) acted simultaneously on the substrate, affording 4,8,12-trimethyltridecanal, 4,8,12-trimethyltridecanoic acid, 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one, α-tocopherylquinone, 4,8,12,16-tetramethylheptadecan-4-olide, 2,3-epoxy-α-tocopherylquinone and 5,6-epoxy-α-tocopherylquinone as minor products. Different mechanisms were proposed to explain the formation of these different isoprenoids. The main products (85% of the degraded substrate) appeared to be previously described diastereoisomeric trimeric oxidation products of vitamin E, whose pyrolysis during gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) afforded 2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadec-1-ene (prist-1-ene). On the basis of their greater ability to produce prist-1-ene during pyrolysis than intact vitamin E and their highly favoured production in phytoplanktonic cells, these trimers are proposed as likely sources of this isoprenoid alkene, previously identified in many pyrolysates from immature kerogens.  相似文献   
Diatom frustule-bound organic compounds presumably play an important role in biomineralization and constitute an important pool of organic matter preserved in diatom frustule-rich sediments. In this study, detailed analysis of diatom frustule-bound organic matter in opal-rich Southern Ocean plankton and sediments revealed for the first time the presence of low molecular weight, UV light absorbing compounds called mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs). Chemically cleaned diatom frustule-derived biosilica was dissolved in HF, releasing bound or entrapped organic compounds that were subsequently characterized using liquid chromatography with UV-Vis and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC/PDA/ESI-MS). Palythine ([M+H]+ = 245), porphyra-334 ([M+H]+ = 347) and shinorine ([M+H]+ = 333) were the most abundant MAAs detected in HF digests of plankton and sediment. Traces of asterina ([M+H]+ = 289), palythinol ([M+H]+ = 303) and palythinic acid ([M+H]+ = 329) were also detected. MAAs in cleaned HF digested frustules were up to two orders of magnitude more abundant than methanol extractable MAAs. MAAs are substituted with acid hydrolysable amino acid residues. Our results suggest that MAAs, and not proteins, could be responsible for the high proportion of the amino acids glycine and threonine found in hydrolysates of HF digested diatom-rich environmental samples. Total MAAs accounted for 3-27% of the carbon and 2-18% of total nitrogen in the frustules undergoing various chemical cleaning treatments. This is the first report of MAAs in close association with a mineral phase and we hypothesize that the mineral matrix could stabilize these compounds, thereby enhancing photoprotection against the harmful effects of UV light. The presence of frustule-bound MAAs in sediment cores further suggests the possibility that they could be used in compound-specific isotope analysis of diatom-bound organic matter and as indicators of past solar irradiance.  相似文献   
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