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The Monglo adakite contains mafic and ultramafic xenoliths, which probably originated from the mantle section of an Early Cretaceous supra-subduction zone ophiolitic complex located within the Luzon arc crust. Spinel-bearing dunites are dominant among this xenolith collection and display evidence for three episodes of subduction-related melt percolation. The first one is evidenced by an undeformed clinopyroxene characterized by convex-upwards REE pattern. This clinopyroxene crystallized from a calc-alkaline basaltic magma, likely formed in the Cretaceous supra-subduction setting of the ophiolite. Then, two metasomatic events, evidenced by orthopyroxene-rich and amphibole-rich secondary parageneses, respectively, affected most of the spinel dunites. The opx-rich paragenesis is related to the circulation within the dunitic upper mantle of hydrous slab-derived melts similar to those affecting the mantle peridotite xenoliths from Papua New Guinea and Kamchatka. Finally the amphibole-rich veins are related to the interaction between the studied dunite xenoliths and the host adakite or an adakitic melt similar to it.  相似文献   
Pliocene to recent volcanic rocks from the Bulusan volcanic complex in the southern part of the Bicol arc (Philippines) exhibit a wide compositional range (medium- to high-K basaltic-andesites, andesites and a dacite/rhyolite suite), but are characterised by large ion lithophile element enrichments and HFS element depletions typical of subduction-related rocks. Field, petrographic and geochemical data indicate that the more silicic syn- and post-caldera magmas have been influenced by intracrustal processes such as magma mixing and fractional crystallisation. However, the available data indicate that the Bicol rocks as a group exhibit relatively lower and less variable 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7036–0.7039) compared with many of the other subduction-related volcanics from the Philippine archipelago. The Pb isotope ratios of the Bicol volcanics appear to be unlike those of other Philippine arc segments. They typically plot within and below the data field for the Philippine Sea Basin on 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb diagrams, implying a pre-subduction mantle wedge similar to that sampled by the Palau Kyushu Ridge, east of the Philippine Trench. 143Nd/144Nd ratios are moderately variable (0.51285–0.51300). Low silica (<55 wt%) samples that have lower 143Nd/144Nd tend to have high Th/Nd, high Th/Nb, and moderately low Ce/Ce* ratios. Unlike some other arc segments in the Philippines (e.g. the Babuyan-Taiwan segment), there is little evidence for the involvement of subducted terrigenous sediment. Instead, the moderately low 143Nd/144Nd ratios in some of the Bicol volcanics may result from subduction of pelagic sediment (low Ce/Ce*, high Th/Nd, and high Th/Nb) and its incorporation into the mantle wedge via a slab-derived partial melt.  相似文献   
The Middle Jurassic plutonism of the Central High Atlas (Morocco) was emplaced in N45° trending anticlinal ridges. It is characterised by various petrographic facies including mafic rocks (troctolites), intermediate rocks (diorites, monzodiorites), and evolved rocks (syenites), together with heterogeneous facies resulting from mixing between acidic and the intermediate magmas. Mineralogical and chemical data show (i) the transitional character of the Jurassic magmatic series of the Central High Atlas and (ii) the implication of continental crust as a contaminant during fractional crystallization. To cite this article: R. Zayane et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 97–104.  相似文献   
Geochemistry of Adakites from the Philippines: Constraints on Their Origins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. We have identified in the Philippine Archipelago 230 samples of Late Miocene to Quaternary intermediate and evolved magmatic rocks or glasses, the compositions of which plot within the adakitic field defined by Defant and Drum-mond (1990) using Sr/Y ratios versus Y contents. These rocks belong to four different subductions, along the Manila Trench (Batan, Northern Luzon, Central Luzon), the Negros and Sulu Trenches (Negros and Western Mindano), the Cotobato Trench (Southern Mindanao) and the Philippine Trench (Eastern Mindanao). Lavas from Central Mindanao overlie the deep remnants of the Molucca Sea Plate, and were emplaced in a post-collision setting.
All these samples show a significant depletion in Y and HREE with respect to their "normal" calc-alkaline equivalents, suggesting that garnet was either a residual phase during partial melting or a fractionating mineral during differentiation or assimilation coupled with fractional crystallisation (AFC). However, only 19 samples out of our set (i.e., 8 %) display very high Sr/Y ratios (100–250). Our preferred model for the genesis of these "typical adakites" is ca. 20 % partial melting of subducted altered oceanic metabasalts converted to eclogite. This melting process could have been triggered by water from the underlying serpentinites. Most of the samples, termed "intermediate adakites", display major and trace element chemical features intermediate between those of the former group and those of normal calc-alkaline lavas. We show that magma mixing between slab-derived adakitic magmas and mafic mantle-derived melts accounts for most of the trends linking typical and intermediate adakites, although an additional contribution of mantle is required in some cases.  相似文献   
Résumé Les échantillons de cheminées du site 13° Nord de la Dorsale Est-Pacifique sont étudiés au M.E.B. et à la Microsonde Electronique afin de mettre en évidence les microfaciés, la répartition des phases et les compositions chimiques ponctuelles. Les observations font apparaître deux types de cheminées où dominent dans l'un les sulfures de zinc et dans l'autre les sulfures de cuivre. Le sulfure de zinc est principalement représenté par la wurtzite. La pyrite, phase dominante de la minéralisation, est souvent associée à la marcasite. La cubanite, souvent associée à la chalcopyrite dans les cheminées à sulfures de zinc, n'a pas été observée en association avec les sulfures de cuivre. Les grains de sulfures de zinc présentent une zonation caractéristique de leur teneur en fer qui décroît du centre à la périphérie. On peut interpréter cette observation en liaison avec la vitesse de croissance de ce sulfure. Ces observations et ces analyses permettent de formuler des hypothèses sur la formation, la croissance et le dépôt des sulfures.
Hydrothermal sulfide samples from 13° North East Pacific Rise are studied employing S.E.M. observations and Electron Microprobe. The morphology and stoichiometry of sulfide samples are presented in this paper. Two categories of samples are available: pyrite-zinc sulfide smokers and pyrite-copper rich sulfide smokers. Wurtzite is the predominant Zn-sulfide phase. Pyrite, well developed in our sampling, is associated with marcasite. Cubanite, very often associated with chalcopyrite in Zn-rich sulfide smokers, is not observed in association with Cu-rich sulfide smokers. Zn sulfide crystals present a characteristic zonation; their iron content decreases from the center to the edge of the crystals. Rates of growth can be correlated to these zonations. Our analyses and observations allow a reexamination of the formation and growing conditions of the sulfide crystals.
This study is devoted to the physicochemical and mineralogical characterizations of palygorskite from Marrakech High Atlas, Morocco. The raw clay and its Na+-saturated <2 μm fraction were characterized using chemical, structural, and thermal analytical techniques. Measurements of specific surface area and porous volume are reported. The clay fraction was found to be made up of 95 % of palygorskite and 5 % of sepiolite. An original feature of this palygorskite is its deficiency in zeolitic H2O. The half-cell structural formula of its dehydrated form was determined on the basis of 21 oxygens to be (Si7.92Al0.08)(Mg2.15Al1.4Fe0.4Ti0.05 $ \square_{1} $ )(Ca0.03Na0.08K0.04)O21, while the hydrated form could be formulated as (Si7.97Al0.03)(Mg2.17Al1.46Fe0.40Ti0.05)(Ca0.03Na0.07K0,03)O20.18(OH)1.94(OH2)3.88·2.43 H2O. These formulas show that the (Al3++Fe3+)/Mg2+ ratio is around 0.84, revealing a pronounced dioctahedral character. Further, inside its octahedral sheet, it was determined that the inner M1 sites are occupied by vacancies, whereas the M2 sites are shared between 90 % of trivalent cations (78 % for Al3+ and 22 % for Fe3+), 7.5 % of Mg2+, and 2.5 % of Ti4+, all of them linked to 1.94 of structural hydroxyls. The two remaining Mg2+ by half-cell occupy edge M3 sites and are coordinated to 3.88 molecules of OH2. Channels of this palygorskite are deficient in zeolitic H2O since they contain only 2.43 H2O molecules. A correlation was found between these results and the observation of very intense and well-resolved FTIR bands arising from dioctahedral domains (mainly Al2OH, Fe2OH, and AlFeOH) along with very small responses from a trioctahedral domain (Mg3OH). Accordingly, a schematic representation of the composition of the octahedral sheet was proposed. The cation exchange capacity, specific surface area, and total pore volume were also assessed to be ca. 21.2 meq/100 g, 116 m2/g, and 0.458 cm3/g, respectively.  相似文献   
Geoelectrical resistivity investigation using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique was conducted at Port Blair, South Andaman Island, to locate the fractures in different formations and to decipher its groundwater potential. A total of 40 VES were carried out covering the entire study area using Schlumberger electrode configuration out of which 34 VES fall in Andaman Flysch formations and the remaining VES in Ophiolite formations. The interpreted resistivity results were integrated with nine borehole lithologs for the subsurface analysis. The combination of VES with borehole litholog data has provided a close correspondence on subsurface hydrogeological conditions. The interpreted VES data of various formations showed drastic variations in the resistivity ranging from higher in Ophiolite, moderate in Andaman Flysch and very low in valleys of Andaman Flysch formations. The study further revealed that the weathered and fractured volcanics of Ophiolite groups of rocks and sandstone that occur in the Andaman Flysch formations constitute the productive water bearing zones categorized as good groundwater potential zone. Based on the geoelectrical parameters, viz., thickness of layers and the layer resistivity values, a groundwater potential map was prepared, in which good, moderate, and poor groundwater zones were demarcated. Further, numerical, spatial and litho-geoelectric models of resistivity were analyzed in terms of groundwater potential and these models have thus enabled to prepare a comprehensive groundwater development and management plans proving its efficacy in this art of exploratory investigations.  相似文献   
A comparative study of xenoliths from lavas and granitic rocks of central France indicates that:
  1. The evolution of the xenoliths is essentially the same in intermediate to acid lavas as in granites. The major factor in this evolution is the assimilation by the host magmas of the quartzofeldspathic components of the xenoliths, which then become Al, Fe, Mg-rich restites.
  2. Liquid immiscibility between melted xenoliths and host magmas can only be postulated for acid xenoliths in alkali basalts.
  3. The basic microgranular xenoliths in some granites do not show important compositional gaps with their host rocks, though they are regularly more basic. They can be considered as early segregations (cumulates).
A mica whose structural formula: (K1.76Na0.31)(Fe2.22Mn1.29Mg0.99Ti0.28Al0.240.98) ·(Si7.33Al0.67)O20.26(F2.16OH1.58) closely approximates that of tetrasilicic potassium mica K2(M 5 2+ )Si8O20(OH,F)4 where M2+ represents Mg2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, ..., has been discovered in the matrix of a peralkaline rhyolite (comendite) of the Mont-Dore massif (France). These micas had been obtained previously by synthesis only. In the groundmass of the rock, the micaceous phase is accompanied by a manganoan arfvedsonite, pyrophanite, magnetite, apatite, sphene, zircon and fluorite. The crystallographic properties of the mica are typically that of a tetrasilicic mica, with d 060 = 1.533Å and space group C2/m. There is a regular decrease of d 060 (parameter b) with the ionic radius of the octahedral cation in synthetic micas containing Fe2+, Co2+, Mg2+, Ni2+. The purely Mn2+ end-member could not be synthesised; its instability is discussed on the basis of structural considerations. The conditions of crystallization of the micaceous phase are estimated to be 760 ° C, 800 bars with a f o 2=10–14.7 bar. This mica has crystallized from a residual liquid, with high activity of silica and low activity of alumina, whose origin is discussed. The name MONT-DORITE is proposed for this natural tetrasilicic mica having Fe/Fe+Mg >1/2 and Fe/Fe+Mn >1/2. This name is from the stratovolcano Mont-Dore.  相似文献   
Major, trace element and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) data and unspiked K–Ar ages are presented for Quaternary (0.90–0.95 Ma old) basalts from the Hayyabley volcano, Djibouti. These basalts are LREE-depleted (Lan/Smn = 0.76–0.83), with 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.70369 to 0.70376, and rather homogeneous 143Nd/144Nd (εNd = + 5.9–+ 7.3) and Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.47–18.55, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.52–15.57, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.62–38.77). They are very different from the underlying enriched Tadjoura Gulf basalts, and from the N-MORB erupted from the nascent oceanic ridges of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Their compositions closely resemble those of (1) depleted Quaternary Manda Hararo basalts from the Afar depression in Ethiopia and (2) one Oligocene basalt from the Ethiopian Plateau trap series. Their trace element and Sr, Nd, Pb isotope systematics suggest the involvement of a discrete but minor LREE-depleted component, which is probably an intrinsic part of the Afar plume.  相似文献   
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