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Matthew Whyndham reports on a meeting that brought together researchers interested in using smart optics in space science, in order to determine future directions in this new and flourishing field.  相似文献   
Data on source conditions for the 14 April 2010 paroxysmal phase of the Eyjafjallaj?kull eruption, Iceland, have been used as inputs to a trajectory-based eruption column model, bent. This model has in turn been adapted to generate output suitable as input to the volcanic ash transport and dispersal model, puff, which was used to propagate the paroxysmal ash cloud toward and over Europe over the following days. Some of the source parameters, specifically vent radius, vent source velocity, mean grain size of ejecta, and standard deviation of ejecta grain size have been assigned probability distributions based on our lack of knowledge of exact conditions at the source. These probability distributions for the input variables have been sampled in a Monte Carlo fashion using a technique that yields what we herein call the polynomial chaos quadrature weighted estimate (PCQWE) of output parameters from the ash transport and dispersal model. The advantage of PCQWE over Monte Carlo is that since it intelligently samples the input parameter space, fewer model runs are needed to yield estimates of moments and probabilities for the output variables. At each of these sample points for the input variables, a model run is performed. Output moments and probabilities are then computed by properly summing the weighted values of the output parameters of interest. Use of a computational eruption column model coupled with known weather conditions as given by radiosonde data gathered near the vent allows us to estimate that initial mass eruption rate on 14 April 2010 may have been as high as 108?kg/s and was almost certainly above 107?kg/s. This estimate is consistent with the probabilistic envelope computed by PCQWE for the downwind plume. The results furthermore show that statistical moments and probabilities can be computed in a reasonable time by using 94?=?6,561 PCQWE model runs as opposed to millions of model runs that might be required by standard Monte Carlo techniques. The output mean ash cloud height plus three standard deviations??encompassing c. 99.7?% of the probability mass??compares well with four-dimensional ash cloud position as retrieved from Meteosat-9 SEVIRI data for 16 April 2010 as the ash cloud drifted over north-central Europe. Finally, the ability to compute statistical moments and probabilities may allow for the better separation of science and decision-making, by making it possible for scientists to better focus on error reduction and decision makers to focus on ??drawing the line?? for risk assessment.  相似文献   
Three challenges compromise the utility of mathematical models of groundwater and other environmental systems: (1) a dizzying array of model analysis methods and metrics make it difficult to compare evaluations of model adequacy, sensitivity, and uncertainty; (2) the high computational demands of many popular model analysis methods (requiring 1000's, 10,000 s, or more model runs) make them difficult to apply to complex models; and (3) many models are plagued by unrealistic nonlinearities arising from the numerical model formulation and implementation. This study proposes a strategy to address these challenges through a careful combination of model analysis and implementation methods. In this strategy, computationally frugal model analysis methods (often requiring a few dozen parallelizable model runs) play a major role, and computationally demanding methods are used for problems where (relatively) inexpensive diagnostics suggest the frugal methods are unreliable. We also argue in favor of detecting and, where possible, eliminating unrealistic model nonlinearities—this increases the realism of the model itself and facilitates the application of frugal methods. Literature examples are used to demonstrate the use of frugal methods and associated diagnostics. We suggest that the strategy proposed in this paper would allow the environmental sciences community to achieve greater transparency and falsifiability of environmental models, and obtain greater scientific insight from ongoing and future modeling efforts.  相似文献   
The ~900 km long Darling Scarp in Western Australia is one of the most prominent linear topographic features on Earth. Despite the presence of over‐steepened reaches in all westerly flowing streams crossing the scarp, and significant seismic activity within 100 km of the scarp, there is no historical seismicity and no reported evidence for Quaternary tectonic displacements on the underlying Darling Fault. Consequently, it is unclear whether the scarp is a rapidly evolving landform responding to recent tectonic and/or climatic forcing or a more slowly evolving landform. In order to quantify late Quaternary rates of erosion and scarp relief processes, we obtained measurements of the cosmic‐ray produced nuclide beryllium‐10 (10Be) from outcropping bedrock surfaces along the scarp summit and face, in valley floors, and at stream knickpoints. Erosion rates of bedrock outcrops along the scarp summit surface range from 0·5 to 4·0 m Myr?1. These are in the same range as erosion rates of 2·1 to 3·6 m Myr?1 on the scarp face and similar to river incision rates of 2·6 to 11·0 m Myr?1 from valley floor bedrock straths, indicating that the Darling Scarp is a slowly eroding ‘steady state’ landform, without any significant contemporary relief production over the last several 100 kyr and possibly several million years. Knickpoint retreat rates determined from 10Be concentrations at the bases of two knickpoints on small streams incised into the scarp are 36 and 46 m Myr?1. If these erosion rates were sustained over longer timescales, then associated knickpoints may have initiated in the mid‐Tertiary to early Neogene, consistent with early‐mid Tertiary marginal uplift. Ongoing maintenance of stream disequilibrium longitudinal profiles is consistent with slow, regional base level lowering associated with recently proposed continental‐scale tilting, as opposed to differential uplift along discrete faults. Cosmogenic 10Be analysis provides a useful tool for interpreting the palaeoseismic history of intraplate near‐fault landforms over 105 to 106 years. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We performed high-resolution simulations of two stellar collisions relevant for stars in globular clusters. We considered one head-on collision and one off-axis collision between two 0.6-M main-sequence stars. We show that a resolution of about 100 000 particles is sufficient for most studies of the structure and evolution of blue stragglers. We demonstrate conclusively that collision products between main-sequence stars in globular clusters do not have surface convection zones larger than 0.004 M after the collision, nor do they develop convection zones during the 'pre-main-sequence' thermal relaxation phase of their post-collision evolution. Therefore, any mechanism which requires a surface convection zone (i.e. chemical mixing or angular momentum loss via a magnetic wind) cannot operate in these stars. We show that no disc of material surrounding the collision product is produced in off-axis collisions. The lack of both a convection zone and a disc proves a continuing problem for the angular momentum evolution of blue stragglers in globular clusters.  相似文献   
Sulphide mineralisation associated with rocks from the Palaeoproterozoic Olary Domain (OD) and overlying Neoproterozoic Adelaidean sequences has undergone a complex history of metamorphism and remobilisation. In this study, new trace element and sulphur isotopic analyses of pyrites from a large number of deposits and paragenetic generations are combined with an existing data set to build up a sequence of mineralising events linked to the tectonometamorphic evolution of the region. The typically high Co/Ni ratios (>10) indicate that early strata-bound pyrite precipitated from a volcanic-related fluid, which had fluctuating activities of the two metals during the early stages of the evolution of the Willyama basin. This period of mineralisation was followed by a diagenetic concentration of sulphide mineralisation at the horizon known as the Bimba Formation, which occurred as a result of the differing redox conditions between the upper and lower sequences in the Willyama Supergroup. During the Mesoproterozoic (1600 to 1500 Ma) Olarian Orogeny, metamorphic remobilisation of strata-bound pyrite resulted in an epigenetic signature; the trace element concentrations of this generation were controlled primarily by the proximity of mineralisation to the mafic intrusive bodies found throughout the terrane. Further reworking of existing sulphides during the Delamerian Orogeny and associated granitoid-intrusive rocks led to the formation of a new generation of epigenetic pyrite that occurs in quartz veins in the Adelaidean sequences and veins that crosscut Olarian fabrics in the Olary Domain. δ34S results range from 16‰ to 11‰, but most data fall between 2‰ and 4‰. This association is suggestive of an initial uniform deep-seated crustal reservoir of sulphur, which has been repeatedly tapped throughout the metallogenic history of the region. The isotopic outliers can be explained by the input of biogenic sulphur or sulphur derived from oxidised, possibly evaporitic, sediments, respectively. Previous workers have invoked the Kupferschiefer and the Zambian Copperbelt as analogues to mineralisation processes in the Olary Domain. This study shows that δ34S and trace element data are suggestive of some affinities with the aforementioned analogues, but a more likely link can be made between epigenetic remobilisation in the Olary region and the iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) style of mineralisation found at the nearby Olympic Dam deposit.  相似文献   
Evidence for former fast glacier flow (ice streaming) in the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet is identified on the basis of regional glacial geomorphology and sedimentology, highlighting the depositional processes associated with the margin of a terrestrial terminating ice stream. Preliminary mapping from a digital elevation model of Alberta identifies corridors of smoothed topography and corridor‐parallel streamlined landforms (megaflutes to mega‐lineations) that display high levels of spatial coherency. Ridges that lie transverse to the dominant streamlining patterns are interpreted as: (a) series of minor recessional push moraines; (b) thrust block moraines or composite ridges/hill–hole pairs constructed during readvances/surges; and (c) overridden moraines (cupola hills), apparently of thrust origin. Together these landforms demarcate the beds and margins of former fast ice flow trunks or ice streams that terminated as lobate forms. Localised cross‐cutting and/or misalignment of flow sets indicates temporal separation and the overprinting of ice streams/lobes. The fast‐flow tracks are separated by areas of interlobate or inter‐stream terrain in which moraines have been constructed at the margins of neighbouring (competing) ice streams/outlet glaciers; this inter‐stream terrain was covered by more sluggish, non‐streaming ice during full glacial conditions. Thin tills at the centres of the fast‐flow corridors, in many places unconformably overlying stratified sediments, suggest that widespread till deformation may have been subordinate to basal sliding in driving fast ice flow but the general thickening of tills towards the lobate terminal margins of ice streams/outlet glaciers is consistent with subglacial deformation theory. In this area of relatively low relief we speculate that fast glacier flow or streaming was highly dynamic and transitory, sometimes with fast‐flowing trunks topographically fixed in their onset zones and with the terminus migrating laterally. The occurrence of minor push moraines and flutings and associated landforms, because of their similarity to modern active temperate glacial landsystems, are interpreted as indicative of ice lobe marginal oscillations, possibly in response to seasonal climatic forcing, in locations where meltwater was more effectively drained from the glacier bed. Further north, the occurrence of surging glacier landsystems suggests that persistent fast glacier flow gave way to more transitory surging, possibly in response to the decreasing size of ice reservoir areas in dispersal centres and also locally facilitated by ice‐bed decoupling and drawdown initiated by the development of ice‐dammed lakes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Biological reduction of iron-sulfate minerals, such as jarosite, has the potential to contribute to the natural attenuation of acid mine drainage (AMD) sites. Previous studies of AMD attenuation at Davis Mine, an abandoned pyrite mine in Rowe Massachusetts, provided evidence of iron and sulfate reduction by indigenous bacteria. Jarosite is a large component of the sediment at Davis Mine and may play a role in AMD attenuation. In this study, microcosms were constructed with groundwater and sediment from Davis Mine and amended with glycerol, nitrogen and phosphorus (GNP) and naturally formed natrojarosite. Over time, higher total iron, sulfate, pH and sodium concentrations and lower oxidation–reduction potentials were observed in microcosms amended with GNP and jarosite, compared with unamended microcosms and killed controls. Geochemical modeling predicted jarosite precipitation under microcosm conditions, suggesting that abiotic processes were unlikely contributors to jarosite dissolution. SEM imaging at the jarosite surface showed microbial attachment. Microbial community composition analysis revealed a shift to higher populations of Clostridia, which are known to reduce both iron and sulfate. The results show that jarosite may be utilized as an electron acceptor by iron and/or sulfate reducing bacteria at Davis Mine and its presence may aid in the attenuation of AMD.  相似文献   
Fulgurites are natural glasses formed by cloud-to-ground lightning. Several different morphologies of fulgurites have been reported in previous studies, including sand fulgurites, rock fulgurites, and clay fulgurites. Herein, we examine sand, clay, and caliche fulgurites and demonstrate that these differ systematically in their morphology. We further use morphological features to constrain properties of fulgurite-forming lightning strikes. We classify fulgurites into four types of morphologies with an additional minor type. Type I fulgurites are sand fulgurites consisting of thin, glass walls; type II fulgurites are clay fulgurites, consisting of thick, melt rich walls; type III fulgurites are caliche fulgurites, consisting of thick, glass poor walls; and type IV fulgurites are rock fulgurites, consisting of glasses with walls consisting of surrounding, unmelted rock. Fulgurite morphology shows that the energy of fulgurite-forming strikes is between 1 and 30 MJ/m of fulgurite formed, suggests heating rates in the order of 1,000 K/s, and lightning channel thicknesses of about 1 mm diameter. Lightning generates mixtures of at least two components in most fulgurites: an SiO2 glass identified as lechatelierite and a groundmass of more varied composition. In addition to these four primary types, a fifth type—droplet fulgurites—is morphologically dissimilar from the other types, but is compositionally related to the type II or IV fulgurites. Additionally, two fulgurites, both from York County, Pennsylvania, USA, showed the reduction of iron to iron metal with an assortment of Fe–Ti and Si–P compounds with stoichiometry that ranges from nearly pure Fe metal to FeSi. These metal silicides include stoichiometric Fe3Si, Fe2Si, and Fe5Si3, and possibly Fe8Si3 and Fe7Si3, and provide a terrestrial source for these phases, which are typically associated with extraterrestrial material.  相似文献   
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