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K---Ar dates for muscovites and biotites in granitoid rocks and hydrothermal ore deposits of the northeastern parts of the plutons making up the Triassic Carabaya batholith, underlying the axial Cordillera Oriental of northern Puno Department, southeastern Peru, are markedly variable and mutually discordant. Steep transverse gradients are defined in the apparent ages of both micas, which decrease systematically from SW to NE, delimiting a ca. 25-km-wide, longitudinal zone of anomalously young Mesozoic to Paleocene dates. Age minima of 37±1 Ma are attained in three of the four studied transects. 40Ar/39Ar step-heating analyses of selected micas confirm the occurrence of a thermal disturbance, and modeling of the spectra suggests that argon loss in muscovites attains at least ca. 75% in the northeastern part of the zone. A single K-feldspar spectrum yielded a minimum at 31 Ma, and apatite fission-track age cluster at ca. 31 and 18.5 Ma. The affected granitoid rocks generally display little megascopic evidence of tectonism, but microscopic deformational fabrics increase in intensity with apparent decreasing K---Ar age, paralleling a marked increase in alkali feldspar ordering. Secondary fluid inclusions trapped within the microfabrics reveal that the plutonic rocks were penetrated by a homogeneous H2O---CO2---CH4---NaCl fluid at ca. 300–400°C and 0.7–2 kbar. This fluid is implicated in the degassing of the rocks. These diverse data are interpreted as evidence for a major, but moderate-temperature (400°C) and brief, tectono-thermal event at ca. 37±1 Ma (biotite closure temperature)—i.e., at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. The K-feldspar 40Ar/39Ar data and the Oligocene fission-track dates may record the later stages in the event, whereas the Miocene fission-track dates are tentatively ascribed to a distinct Neogene episode. Essentially identical geochronological and petrological relationships have been documented in the Cordillera Real of northwestern Bolivia by McBride et al. (1987), permitting the delimination of a disturbed belt paralleling the South American plate boundary and more than 450 km long. The tectono-thermal domain, which we term the Zongo-San Gabán Zone, constituted the foreland boundary of the Andean orogen in the vicinity of the Arica Deflection during the late Eocene Incaic orogeny. This regional thermal event, which involved the basement, appears to have resulted from compressional or, in some segments, transpressional tectonics.  相似文献   
Lead isotopic measurements were made on Andean igneous rocks of Jurassic to Recent age in Moquegua and Tacna Departments, southernmost Peru, to clarify the petrogenesis of the rocks and, in particular, to investigate the effect of crustal thickness on rock composition. This location in the Cordillera Occidental is ideal for such a study because the ca. 2 Ga Precambrian basement rocks (Arequipa massif) have a distinct Pb isotopic signature which is an excellent tracer of crustal interaction, and because geomorphological research has shown that the continental crust was here thickened drastically in the later Tertiary.Seven samples of quartz diorites and granodiorites from the Ilo and Toquepala intrusive complexes, and seven samples of Toquepala Group subaerial volcanics were analyzed for Pb isotopic compositions. The plutonic rocks range in age from Jurassic to Eocene; the volcanic rocks are all Late Cretaceous to Eocene. With one exception, the Pb isotopic ratios are in the ranges 206Pb/204Pb= 18.52–18.75, 207Pb/204Pb= 15.58–15.65, and 208Pb/204Pb= 38.53–38.74. The data reflect very little or no interaction with old continental material of the Arequipa massif type.Lead from four Miocene Huaylillas Formation ash-flow tuffs, two Pliocene Capillune Formation andesites and five Quaternary Barroso Group andesites has lower 206Pb/204Pb than that in the pre-Miocene rocks, but relatively high 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb (206Pb/204Pb= 18.16–18.30, 207Pb/204Pb= 15.55–15.63, 208Pb/204Pb= 38.45–38.90). Tilton and Barreiro [9] have shown that contamination by Arequipa massif granulites can explain the isotopic composition of the Barosso Group lavas, and the new data demonstrate that this effect is evident, to varying degrees, in all the analysed Neogene volcanic rocks. The initial incorporation of such basement material into the magma coincided with the Early Miocene uplift of this segment of the Cordillera Occidental [32], and thus with the creation of a thick crustal root. The data strongly imply a relationship between crustal thickness and degree of crustal contamination of magmas in this area, but a rigorous relationship is not yet established.  相似文献   
Mössbauer measurements at 300 K, 77 K and 4.2 K and X-ray data are presented for synthetic aluminous goethites (α Fe1?x Al x OOH) in two series containing up to 15 mole percent aluminium (hydrothermal preparation) and 19 mole percent aluminium (low-temperature preparation). The Mössbauer spectra for specimens at 300 K and 77 K display broadened and relaxed line-shapes with the relaxation rate increasing with aluminium substitution, whereas all the 4.2 K spectra can be described by a single magnetically split spectrum. At 4.2 K the magnitude of this splitting is 505 kOe for pure goethite and it decreases by 0.52 kOe per mole percent aluminium substitution. The absolute value of the recoil-free fraction f at 4.2 K has been measured for pure goethite and for aluminous goethites containing 7, 15 and 19 mole percent aluminium; it increases from f=0.69±0.02 to f=0.89±0.02 in this range. The increase is attributed to a stiffening of the goethite lattice as it contracts to accommodate the smaller aluminium ion. At 300 K f is found to decrease from f=0.65±0.05 for pure goethite to f=0.50±0.03 for goethite with 19 mole percent aluminium.  相似文献   
High precision U–Pb geochronology of rutile from quartz–carbonate–white mica–rutile veins that are hosted within eclogite and schist of the Monte Rosa nappe, western Alps, Italy, indicate that the Monte Rosa nappe was at eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions at 42.6 ± 0.6 Ma. The sample area [Indren glacier, Furgg zone; Dal Piaz (2001) Geology of the Monte Rosa massif: historical review and personal comments. SMPM] consists of eclogite boudins that are exposed inside a south-plunging overturned synform within micaceous schist. Associated with the eclogite and schist are quartz–carbonate–white mica–rutile veins that formed in tension cracks in the eclogite and along the contact between eclogite and surrounding schist. Intrusion of the veins at about 42.6 Ma occurred at eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions (480–570°C, >1.3–1.4 GPa) based on textural relations, oxygen isotope thermometry, and geothermobarometry. The timing of eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Monte Rosa nappe determined in this study is identical to that of the Gran Paradiso nappe [Meffan-Main et al. (2004) J Metamorphic Geol 22:261–281], confirming that these two units have shared the same Alpine metamorphic history. Furthermore, the Gran Paradiso and Monte Rosa nappes underwent eclogite-facies metamorphism within the same time interval as the structurally overlying Zermatt-Saas ophiolite [∼50–40 Ma; e.g., Amato et al. (1999) Earth Planet Sci Lett 171:425–438; Mayer et al. (1999) Eur Union Geosci 10:809 (abstract); Lapen et al. (2003) Earth Planet Sci Lett 215:57–72]. The nearly identical PTt histories of the Gran Paradiso, Monte Rosa, and Zermatt-Saas units suggest that these units shared a common Alpine tectonic and metamorphic history. The close spatial and temporal associations between high pressure (HP) ophiolite and continental crust during Alpine orogeny indicates that the HP internal basement nappes in the western Alps may have played a key role in exhumation and preservation of the ophiolitic rocks through buoyancy-driven uplift. Coupling of oceanic and continental crust may therefore be critical in preventing permanent loss of oceanic crust to the mantle.  相似文献   
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