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Deployed for diverse purposes, artificial substrata can, theoretically, act as fish attractors or as fish producers. We tested these hypotheses by comparing fish assemblages on two artificial hard substrata, the Ca’ Roman and Sottomarina jetties, before (1994 and 2003) and after (2005 and 2006) the deployment of a new breakwater in the area. Our results support the fish production hypothesis. A remarkable increase in richness and abundance of sedentary species was observed on the extant substrata with the presence of the new barrier. More mobile species showed less definite trends. The net result has been a total increase in abundance and richness in the area. While fish assemblage showed important temporal variation in composition before deployment (Ca’ Roman, comparison between 1994 and 2003), clear trends of increasing abundance were concurrent with the presence of the new barrier. This increase in abundance, particularly of sedentary species, may be attributed to enhanced connectivity and/or an improvement in larval retention due to the changes in water circulation connected with the new breakwater, or to an increase in juveniles and/or adults promoted by changes in environmental conditions. Indeed, changes in benthic cover were recorded, with an increase of uncovered rock and the appearance of previously unrecorded algae after breakwater deployment.  相似文献   
The evaluation of the feasibility of ex situ carbonation in landfills utilizing raw natural substances (namely serpentinites as Mg-source and the CO2-rich fraction of biogas as C-source) was tested through a laboratory procedure comprising three steps. The first step is the acid attack of a serpentinite at 70 °C, by means of HCl 2 M, to get MgCl2-rich solutions. Attacks of different durations were performed to evaluate the time needed. The second step is the neutralization of the MgCl2-rich solution by addition of concentrated ammonia. The third (carbonation) step is mixing of the neutralized MgCl2-rich solution with a solution of ammonium carbonate. This was produced in a landfill by absorption of CO2 contained in biogas in a solution of ammonia. The neutralization of acid MgCl2-rich solutions caused the precipitation of ferrihydrite with secondary ammonium carnallite and salammoniac, whereas abundant precipitation of Amorphous Hydrated Impure Magnesium Carbonate (AHIMC), sometimes with minor nesquehonite, occurred in the third step. This solid carbonate acts as a stable CO2 sink up to 380 °C. The geochemical behavior of some minor elements was also investigated during the experimental processes revealing that Al, Cr and Ni were removed during neutralization (second step), in contrast to Ca which remained in the circumneutral MgCl2-rich solution and entered into the structure of AHIMC. During the carbonation step, precipitation of artinite, hydromagnesite, lansfordite, magnesite and nesquehonite was thermodynamically impossible as the aqueous phase was undersaturated with respect to these solid phases upon separation of AHIMC.  相似文献   
A seismic antenna approach based on the generalized zero-lag cross-correlation method for rapid earthquake localization is proposed. This method is intended to be applied primarily for early warning, whenever the epicentre-to-target distances guarantee enough lead-time, rapid response purposes, and for those circumstances when a seismogenic area is not directly accessible with seismic stations or/and a network of instruments is concentrated within the area to be warned. The procedure we propose aims to provide useful information for magnitude determination and shake-maps generation. Indeed, it relies only on the first P-wave triggered arrivals from seismic stations, and is designed to work in real-time for the localization of events occurring outside of the network, that is, under conditions that might be detrimental to standard localization approaches. The procedure can by summarized by a few preliminary pre-seismic and real-time co-seismic steps. In the pre-seismic time-frame, for the cases where a large and dense network exists, waiting for all stations to trigger could dramatically reduce the available lead-time for the warning. Therefore, in such cases, the network could profitably be divided into sub-arrays, while also taking advantage of available earthquake recordings or simulated data sets. During the co-seismic time-frame, the main operations are: (1) individual on-site triggering by the P-wave of the seismic stations (e.g. by a STA/LTA algorithm); (2) real-time communication of key parameters (e.g. P-wave arrival time, and signal quality) to a main centre by SMS/WLAN; (3) setup of a pseudo data set, composed by a Gaussian function centred at the P-time, and with a bell width that can be set up proportional to the trigger signal-to-noise ratio (SNR); (4) calculation of a coherency map for the sub-array with triggered stations (preliminary sub-array location); and (5) stacking of coherency maps from the different sub-arrays (final location). By the stack of coherency maps estimated by the different sub-arrays in the last step of the procedure, the epicentral area’s location may be better constrained. This innovative approach for rapid localization was applied to both synthetic data, and real observations of two small earthquakes that occurred in the Marmara Sea, Turkey, which were recorded by the Istanbul Earthquake Rapid Response System.  相似文献   
In San Gregorio (L’Aquila, Italy) a three-story, reinforced concrete (RC) building had the first floor collapsed following the earthquake of April 6, 2009. The remaining two stories fell with a displacement in the horizontal projection of about 70 cm. This unusual behaviour is made more puzzling by the fact that buildings located at a short distance and with similar features had little or no damage reported. To understand the causes of the collapse we performed strong motion recordings, microtremor measurements, a detailed geological survey, a high-resolution geo-electrical tomography, a borehole with a down-hole test. On the building we performed a geometrical survey and laboratory tests on concrete cores. The acceleration and noise recordings have shown a high amplification with uphill-downhill direction. The geological survey has revealed the presence of co-seismic fractures on stiff soils. Geo-electrical tomography has shown an unexpected, strong discontinuity just below the building. Taking advantage of excavations in adjacent lots, we have highlighted rare cataclastic decimetric bands with a very low resistance material incorporated in well-stratified calcarenites. The same soft material has been founded in the borehole down to 17 m from ground level, showing a shear wave velocity that starts at 250 m/s, increases with depth and has an abrupt transition in calcarenites at 1,150 m/s. The surface geophysical measurements in the vicinity of the site have not shown similar situations, with flat HVSR curves as expected for a rock outcrop, except for a lateral extension of the soft zone. The analysis on the quality of the building materials has yielded values higher than average for the age and type of construction, and no special design or construction deficiencies have been observed. A strong, peculiar site effect thus appears to be the most likely cause of the damage observed.  相似文献   
After a 26 years long quiescence El Reventador, an active volcano of the rear-arc zone of Ecuador, entered a new eruptive cycle which lasted from 3 November to mid December 2002. The initial sub-Plinian activity (VEI 4 with andesite pyroclastic falls and flows) shifted on 6 and 21 November to an effusive stage characterized by the emission of two lava flows (andesite to low-silica andesite Lava-1 and basaltic andesite Lava-2) containing abundant gabbro cumulates. The erupted products are medium to high-K calc-alkaline and were investigated with respect to major element oxides, mineral chemistry, texture and thermobarometry. Inferred pre-eruptive magmatic processes are dominated by the intrusion of a high-T mafic magma (possibly up to 1165 ± 15 °C) into an andesite reservoir, acting as magma mixing and trigger for the eruption. Before this refilling, the andesite magma chamber was characterized by water content of 5.3 ± 1.0%, high oxygen fugacity (> NNO + 2) and temperatures, in the upper and lower part of the reservoir, of 850 and 952 ± 65 °C respectively. Accurate amphibole-based barometry constrains the magma chamber depth between 8.2 and 11.3 km (± 2.2 km). The 6 October 2002 seismic swarm (hypocenters from 10 to 11 km) preceding El Reventador eruption, supports the intrusion of magmas at these depths. The widespread occurrence of disequilibrium features in most of the andesites (e.g. complex mineral zoning and phase overgrowths) indicates that convective self-mixing have been operating together with fractional crystallization (inferred from the cognate gabbro cumulates) before the injection of the basic magma which then gave rise to basaltic andesite and low-silica andesite hybrid layers. Magma mixing in the shallow chamber is inferred from the anomalous SiO2–Al2O3 whole-rock pattern and strong olivine disequilibria. Both lavas show three types of amphibole breakdown rims mainly due to heating (mixing processes) and/or relatively slow syn-eruptive ascent rate (decompression) of the magmas. The lack of any disequilibrium textures in the pumices of the 3 November fall deposit suggest that pre-eruptive mixing did not occur in the roof zone of the chamber. A model of the subvolcanic feeding system of El Reventador, consistent with the intrusion of a low-Al2O3 crystal-rich basic magma into an already self-mixed andesite shallow reservoir, is here proposed. It is also inferred that before entering the shallow chamber the “basaltic” magma underwent a polybaric crystallization at deeper crustal levels.  相似文献   
We compare simulations of the Lyman α forest performed with two different hydrodynamical codes, gadget-2 and enzo . A comparison of the dark matter power spectrum for simulations run with identical initial conditions show differences of 1–3 per cent at the scales relevant for quantitative studies of the Lyman α forest. This allows a meaningful comparison of the effect of the different implementations of the hydrodynamic part of the two codes. Using the same cooling and heating algorithm in both codes, the differences in the temperature and the density probability distribution function are of the order of 10 per cent. The differences are comparable to the effects of box size and resolution on these statistics. When self-converged results for each code are taken into account, the differences in the flux power spectrum – the statistics most widely used for estimating the matter power spectrum and cosmological parameters from Lyman α forest data – are about 5 per cent. This is again comparable to the effects of box size and resolution. Numerical uncertainties due to a particular implementation of solving the hydrodynamic or gravitational equations appear therefore to contribute only moderately to the error budget in estimates of the flux power spectrum from numerical simulations. We further find that the differences in the flux power spectrum for enzo simulations run with and without adaptive mesh refinement are also of the order of 5 per cent or smaller. The latter require 10 times less CPU time making the CPU time requirement similar to that of a version of gadget-2 that is optimized for Lyman α forest simulations.  相似文献   
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