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To make predictions of future climate it is necessary to understand the past climate—temperature as well as precipitation. While a wealth of temperature proxies exist from northern latitudes, there is still a lack of information about past precipitation variability. Here we present a 300‐year‐long tree‐ring width chronology from xeric‐site Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Tyresta National Park, east central Sweden. Tree‐ring widths were compared to the long observed temperature and precipitation records from Stockholm during 1786–2000. Analyses of the climate/growth relationship showed that, in general, May–June precipitation had a dominating influence on pine growth. However, during dry periods, negative responses to June–July temperature were stronger, especially evident in the late nineteenth century. Periods of below‐average growth were associated with dry conditions in May–June, but occasionally periods of wet and cool summers also produced narrow rings. Periods of above‐average growth were linked to wet, but sporadically also cool and dry, early summers. The years between 1815 and 1833 appear to be particularly dry in the 300‐year context. Since growth anomalies are found in other Swedish drought‐sensitive tree‐ring chronologies during this period, it is likely that this dry period had a regional extent. This is the first tree‐ring chronology from southern Sweden that provides multi‐century information of past summer drought and moisture variability with high resolution and the study will add important information regarding past climate variability in southern Sweden.  相似文献   
This work, which was done within the Swedish nuclear waste management program, was carried out in order to increase the understanding of the mobility and fate of rare earth elements (REEs) in natural boreal waters in granitoidic terrain. Two areas were studied, Forsmark and Simpevarp, one of which will be selected as a site for spent nuclear fuel. The highest REE concentrations were found in the overburden groundwaters, in Simpevarp in particular (median ∑REE 52 μg/L), but also in Forsmark (median ∑REE 6.7 μg/L). The fractionation patterns in these waters were characterised by light REE (LREE) enrichment and negative Ce and Eu anomalies. In contrast, the surface waters had relatively low REE concentrations. They were characterised either by an increase in relative concentrations throughout the lanthanide series (Forsmark which has a carbonate-rich till) or flat patterns (Simpevarp with carbonate-poor till), and had negative Ce and Eu anomalies. In the bedrock groundwaters, the concentrations and fractionation patterns of REEs were entirely different from those in the overburden groundwaters. The median La concentrations were low (just above 0.1 μg/L in both areas), only in a few samples were the concentrations of several REEs (and in a couple of rare cases all REEs) above the detection limit, and there was an increase in the relative concentrations throughout the lanthanide series. In contrast to these large spatial variations, the temporal trends were characterised by small (or non existent) variations in REE-fractionation patterns but rather large variations in concentrations. The Visual MINTEQ speciation calculations predicted that all REEs in all waters were closely associated with dissolved organic matter, and not with carbonate. In the hydrochemical data for the overburden groundwater in particular, there was however a strong indication of association with inorganic colloids, which were not included in the speciation model. Overall the results showed that within a typical boreal granitoidic setting, overburden groundwaters are enriched in REEs, organic complexes are much more important than carbonate complexes, there is little evidence of significant mixing of REEs between different water types (surface, overburden, bedrock) and spatial variations are more extensive than temporal ones.  相似文献   
Water samples (n = 354) from a small catchment (7.4 km2) covered by acid sulphate soils (pH < 4) were collected during all seasons and all types of hydrological conditions in 1990–2001. The electric conductivity (EC) and pH, i.e. the key indicators of acid sulphate soil impact in the current setting, were determined. Representative daily runoff and precipitation data was available for the whole study period. The 10th and 90th percentiles for EC and pH were 29–140 mS/m and 3.8–4.6, respectively. While the water quality varied remarkably from year to year, and even within seasons, some regularity was found. The water quality was generally worst in late autumn (water temperature < 5 °C) and in spring. Of all seasons the variations were clearly smallest in spring, indicating that most representative samples can be obtained in this season. There were significant correlations between autumn, early winter and spring water quality within hydrological years. Thus acid and metal surges in spring are somewhat predictable. At base flow conditions (runoff about 1 L/s km2 or less), the water quality was relatively good in all seasons. Above base flow conditions, the impact of acid sulphate soils tended to slightly increase with increasing runoff and precipitation, especially in early summer, but not in late summer. No significant signs of dilution during flood conditions (up to 100 L/s km2) were found and neither were there any correlations to rising or falling limbs. The severity of individual summer droughts, which in theory should increase the oxidation of S and acidity in the soils, had little or no impact on the water quality in subsequent autumn and spring. On the other hand, there was a remarkable long-term increase in EC and a corresponding decrease in pH (starting in 1995) after a suite of several very dry summers. After that the water quality did not improve even if the dry summers were followed by some wet summers. This indicates that the temporary pool of readily leachable acidity in the soils is fairly large. Moreover, it indicates that the potential shift towards more extreme global weather conditions (with more severe dry spells) may have significant impacts on the water quality in midwestern Finland, a region that is heavily affected by acidity and metals from acid sulphate soils.  相似文献   
A method that infers a statistical model, which describes a relation between the knowledge of a geologist (quantified by geological interpretations) and the available information (such as geophysical data, well log data, etc.) that a geologist uses when he/she interprets is proposed and tested. The statistical model is then used to perform automatic geological interpretations wherever the same kinds of information, as used for the initial interpretations, are available. This methodology is named Smart Interpretation (SI). In this study, we look at two different approaches to infer such a model, and we demonstrate the applicability of the model to predict the depth to a low resistivity subsurface layer, based on interpretations from a geological expert, using a 19-layered resistivity model obtained from inversion of airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data. This study shows that SI is capable of making predictions with great accuracy. The method is fast and is able to handle large amounts of data of different origin, which suggest that the method may become a very useful approach to assist in geological modeling based on increasingly large amounts of data of different nature.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA) experiment that will be flown on the first Indian lunar mission Chandrayaan-1. The SARA is a low energy neutral atom (LENA) imaging mass spectrometer, which will perform remote sensing of the lunar surface via detection of neutral atoms in the energy range from 10 eV to 3 keV from a 100km polar orbit. In this report we present the basic design of the SARA experiment and discuss various scientific issues that will be addressed. The SARA instrument consists of three major subsystems: a LENA sensor (CENA), a solar wind monitor (SWIM), and a digital processing unit (DPU). SARA will be used to image the solar wind-surface interaction to study primarily the surface composition and surface magnetic anomalies and associated mini-magnetospheres. Studies of lunar exosphere sources and space weathering on the Moon will also be attempted. SARA is the first LENA imaging mass spectrometer of its kind to be flown on a space mission. A replica of SARA is planned to fly to Mercury onboard the BepiColombo mission.  相似文献   
On Earth, periglacial solifluction is a slow mass-wasting process related to freeze–thaw activity. We compare the morphology of small-scale lobate features on Mars to solifluction lobes in Svalbard to constrain their processes of formation. The analysis is based on high-resolution satellite imagery of Mars (HiRISE, ~25 cm/pxl), aerial images of Svalbard with a similar spatial resolution (HRSC–AX, ~20 cm/pxl) acquired through an air campaign in summer 2008, and ground truth obtained during two summer expeditions in 2009 and 2011 on Svalbard. We present a detailed study of two crater environments on Mars displaying two types of lobate forms, characterized as sorted (clast-banked) and non-sorted lobes. On both Svalbard and Mars such lobes typically occur as clusters of overlapping risers (lobe fronts), pointing to differential velocities in the soil. The martian small-scale lobes have well-defined arcuate risers and lobe treads (surface). Lobe widths range between 14 and 127 m and tread lengths between 13 and 105 m. Riser height is estimated to be approximately 1–5 m. The lobes on Mars share the plan view morphology of solifluction lobes on Svalbard and their morphometry is within the range of values of terrestrial solifluction lobes. The lobes are distinct from permafrost-creep landforms such as rock glaciers. We show the results of a survey of 53 HiRISE images covering latitudes between 59°N and 81°N. Similar to Svalbard, the studied lobate features on Mars occur in close spatial proximity to gullies and thermal contraction polygons. The widespread distribution of the lobate forms in the northern hemisphere and their close association to ground-ice and gullies are best explained by mass-wasting processes related to frost creep, gelifluction and/or plug-like flow. This suggests a protracted process (thousand to several thousands of years) of freeze–thaw activity at the northern high latitudes on Mars. Age constraints on lobe deposits and superposition relationships with gullies and polygons imply a process involving liquid water within the last few million years.  相似文献   
Mats O. Molén 《Sedimentology》2014,61(7):2020-2041
Interpretation of quartz sand grain surface microtextures with scanning electron microscopy has been riddled with inconsistencies, invalid assumptions and much subjectivity. Therefore, a novel classification for analysing grain surface microtextures is presented based on the origin of complete grain surfaces. This novel method has solved most of the earlier problems of interpretation of surface microtextures, and it is easy to use and to quickly find evident genetic interpretations of diamicts. The data are plotted graphically in ‘2‐History Diagrams’ or ‘3‐History Diagrams’ for quick visual inspection and statistical evaluation. Source rocks and Quaternary glacial deposits from Scandinavia and Southern Ontario, representing different ice‐substrate dynamics, are analysed to define surface microtextures from typical glacigenic grains, bedrock and fluvially transported grains. Typical glacially crushed grains display large‐scale fractures and abrasion. Shield bedrock grains display large or small‐scale fractures and solution/precipitation microtextures. Fluvially transported grains exhibit abrasion and solution/precipitation microtextures.  相似文献   
Several recent studies have highlighted the importance of soil organic matter (SOM) mineralization at high latitudes during winter for ecosystem carbon (C) balances, and the ability of the soil to retain unfrozen water at sub-zero temperatures has been shown to be a major determinant of C mineralization rates. Further, SOM is believed to strongly influence the liquid water contents in frozen surface layers of boreal forest soils and tundra, but the mechanisms and specific factors involved are currently unknown. Here we evaluate the effects of the chemical composition of SOM on the amount of unfrozen water, the pore size equivalents in which unfrozen water can exist, and the microbial heterotrophic activity at sub-zero temperatures in boreal forest soils. To do this, we have characterized the chemical composition of SOM in forest soil samples (surface O-horizons) using solid state CP-MAS (cross polarization magic angle spinning) NMR spectroscopy. The acquired information was then used to elucidate the extent to which different fractions of SOM can explain the observed variations in unfrozen water content, pore size equivalents, and biogenic CO2 production rates in the examined soil samples under frozen conditions (−4 °C). The data evaluation was done by the use of principal component analysis (PCA) and projections to latent structures by means of partial least square (PLS). We conclude that aromatic, O-aromatic, methoxy/N-alkyl and alkyl C are the major SOM components affecting frozen boreal forest soil’s ability to retain unfrozen water and sustain heterotrophic activity (95% confidence level). Our results reveal that solid carbohydrates have a significant negative impact (95% confidence level) on CO2 production in frozen boreal spruce forest soils, in contrast to the positive effects of carbohydrate polymers during unfrozen conditions. We conclude that the hierarchy of environmental factors controlling SOM mineralization changes as soils freeze. The effect of SOM composition on pore size distribution and unfrozen water content has a superior influence on SOM mineralization and hence on heterotrophic CO2 production of frozen soils.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to determine the composition, density and spatial distribution of the soil seed bank of woody species, as well as their regeneration pattern in two different land use systems, controlled (ranch) and open grazing, in an Acacia woodland of the Rift Valley in Ethiopia. We also compared the species composition of the soil seed bank and the above-ground vegetation to find out if differences exist in the soil seed bank and advance regeneration between the two land use systems. The germination requirements of seeds of the woody species were also investigated under laboratory conditions. Acacia senegal, Acacia seyal, Acacia tortilis, Dichrostacys cinerea and Balanites aegyptiaca were encountered in the above-ground vegetation in both systems. Seeds of only A. tortilis (90±32 seeds m−2) from the ranch, and A. senegal (5±3 seeds m−2) and A. tortilis (72±34 seeds m−2) from the open system were found in the soil seed bank along transects with patchy horizontal pattern. The two systems were not significantly different in density of soil seed banks of A. senegal andA. tortilis . Jaccard's similarity index showed that only a few woody species were common in the soil seed flora and above ground vegetation. However, all of the species accumulated seeds (58±43–331±130 seeds m−2) in/on the soil under the canopy. Very large numbers of seeds of A. tortilis (19382±9722 seeds m−2) and D. cinerea (1278±494 seeds m−2) were also found in barns. Most of the seeds recovered from the soil samples (60–80%) were found in the litter layer. Acid and mechanical scarification improved legume germination (36–99% and 60–99%, respectively) over boiling water (0–48%). Treatment means differed significantly for all the legumes (p<0·001) but not for Balanites. Height and diameter class distribution of regeneration of A. tortilis and D. cinerea in both systems and A. senegal in the open system had a negative exponential correlation (rs=−0·5, −0·25 and −0·86, respectively). A. seyal and B. aegyptiaca showed poor regeneration. Horizontal distribution of advance regeneration of all the species was patchy. Advance regeneration of A. seyal, A. tortilis and B. aegyptiaca were not significantly different, while that of A. senegal and D. cinerea were significantly different between the two systems. Poor representation of species in the soil seed bank along transects and in the different height and diameter classes may be attributed to the low density of mature trees as well as the mode and strategy of seed dispersal. Ungulate and wind dispersed species (e.g. A. senegal, A. tortilis and D. cinerea) were highly favoured. Patchiness in the distribution of seeds and advance regeneration was also a result of endozoochory. Dispersal of non-ungulate dispersed seeds (A. senegal, A. seyal and B. aegyptiaca) was restricted to the canopy zone. Piles of seeds ofA. tortilis and D. cinerea that were found in barns were a result of consumption of their pods by cattle. High concentration of seeds in the litter layer may be due to low soil disturbance and larger size of seeds. The height and diameter class distribution of A. senegal (in the open system), A. tortilis and D. cinerea also indicated that the species have good regeneration. Results from the germination tests indicated that seeds of the legumes require pre-sowing treatments to give a rapid, uniform and improved germination. Intervention through artificial regeneration should be employed to improve the density and regeneration capacity of those species with hampered regeneration at both systems.  相似文献   
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