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In the coastal area of western Finland, a large number of streams are strongly acidic and contaminated with metals. The reason for this is not historical and present industrial, mining and urban activities, but a current high rate of weathering and leaching of widespread acid sulphate soils (pH 2.5–4.0) developed in artificially drained Holocene marine and lacustrine sulphide-bearing sediments. Evaluation of existing hydro- and geochemical field and experimental data revealed that: (1) cobalt, Ni and Zn are extensively leached from the acid sulphate soils and thus exist abundantly in streams affected by such soils, (2) copper and Tl are also leached abundantly from the acid sulphate soils, although not to the same extent as are Co, Ni and Zn, (3) vanadium is in general depleted and Cr only weakly enriched in streams draining ‘the average acid sulphate soil’, but they increase substantially in severely acidic streams in catchments underlain with particularly acidic soil, (4) arsenic and Pb are not leached more abundantly from the acid sulphate soils than from the common types of soils and sediments (till, glaciofluvial deposits, peat) resulting in aquatic abundance and distribution patterns unrelated to the acid sulphate soil occurrences.  相似文献   
The influence of salinity on growth and Cu uptake in the green macroalga Ulva reticulata collected from the intertidal area in the Western Indian Ocean was studied under controlled laboratory conditions. Exposure concentrations ranged from 5 to 500 μg Cu l−1 at five salinities (ranging 20–40). The accumulation of Cu increased with decreasing salinity, so that the uptake at 500 μg Cu l−1 was approximately 2.7, 2.4 and 2.0 times higher at salinities of 20, 25, and 30 respectively, than uptake at salinity of 35, and with uptake being lowest at salinity of 40. Ulva maintained a positive growth rate over the whole salinity range (20–40), with highest rates at salinity of 35. When exposing to Cu at low salinities (20 and 25), the growth rate of Ulva was strongly inhibited suggesting an increase in toxicity of Cu with decreasing salinity. EC50 and NOEC increased with increase in salinity, implying a reduced Cu toxicity at high salinities. It was concluded that salinity needs to be considered when using macroalgae, such as U. reticulata, as a bioindicator of heavy metals in areas with heavy rainfall, underground fresh water intrusion or in estuaries, as they might accumulate more metals and be more negatively affected.  相似文献   
The creatures that gaze back at us through the binocular microscope are so uniquely well‐preserved and life‐like that had we not known better we would have thought that they were modern. Instead they are half‐a‐billion‐year‐old arthropods extracted from Cambrian rocks of Sweden. The microscopic fossils, colloquially known as the ‘Orsten’ fossils, are now world‐famous and basking in the light of the research catwalk since their discovery in the 1970s. These fossils have provided significant insight into the long lost Cambrian biotas and early animal evolution.  相似文献   
The Baltic Sea ecosystem has suffered from a heavy pollutant load for more than three decades. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals have been of most concern due to their persistence and toxic properties. Ringed seals (Phoca hispida baltica) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) living in the Baltic Sea have been suffering from pathological impairments, including reproductive disturbances, which have resulted in a depressed reproductive capacity. We investigated several biochemical parameters as potential biomarkers for exposure to and effects of the contaminant load in the Baltic seals. Seals from less polluted areas were used as reference material in terms of the pollution load. In both Baltic seal populations, the levels of some biochemical parameters diverged from those in the reference seals, and some of these showed a clear correlation with the individual contaminant load. Of the potential bioindicators, we propose cytochrome P4501A activity and vitamin E levels, in blubber or plasma, as exposure biomarkers for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in both species. The arylhydrocarbon receptor-mediated chemical-activated luciferase gene expression (CALUX) response reflects the whole PCB and DDT burden in ringed seals. Retinyl palmitate (vitamin A) levels showed a negative correlation with the individual POP load, and is proposed as potential effect biomarkers for the depletion of the vitamin A stores. As the nutritional levels of both vitamin A and E have an impact on the vitamin levels in the seals, more information on the dietary vitamin levels is needed before any conclusions can be drawn. As the relationship between biochemical parameters and contaminants varied between the two species, species-specific characteristics has to be considered when monitoring the health status and possible toxic effects of the contaminant load in ringed and grey seals.  相似文献   
Natural hazards in Nordic Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Compared to many areas of the world, the human losses caused by natural hazards are smaller in Nordic countries. This is mainly due to the low population density in the exposed areas. However, the economic losses are significant and the geohazards picture varies among the countries. The predominant natural hazards in Nordic countries are floods, landslides, and, with the exception of Denmark, snow avalanche. Volcanoes and earthquakes are major geohazards in Iceland, and parts of Norway are susceptible to seismic activity. Slidetriggered tsunamis also represent a threat to parts of the coastal areas of Nordic countries and Greenland.  相似文献   
Some extraordinary people have dedicated their lives to making art pieces out of long dead organisms. One of them is Esben Horn, founder of model shop 10 Tons Studios on the outskirts of Copenhagen, Denmark. A bona fide ‘master of puppets’, he makes jaw‐dropping replicas for museums around the world, with the utmost respect for science and organismal anatomy. Recently, our joint efforts resulted in the exhibition ‘Heavy Metal and Punk Fossils’—a novel, albeit perhaps unconventional, forum for scientific outreach.  相似文献   
This study examines the dynamics of sulfur and trace elements (As, Co, Mo, Ni, Ti and Zn) when brackish-water sediments, unusually rich in metastable iron sulfide (probably a mixture of mackinawite and greigite), are brought into the oxidation zone by postglacial isostatic land uplift and farmland drainage. When subaqueous sediments approach the sea level, metastable iron sulfide is oxidized in the upmost layers and pyrite preserved and even accumulated concomitantly trapping Co, Ni and Zn but not As and Mo. When the land uplift has brought the sediments above sea level and natural drainage thus is initiated, the pyrite is oxidized and Co, Ni and Zn are released and transported down the profile. If this setting remained undisturbed, the slightly oxidized sediment (unripe soil) would become covered by peat and thus protected from further oxidation and metal translocation. Often these sediments are, however, artificially drained resulting in extensive oxidation and fast soil-profile development. The soil is an acid sulfate (AS) soil, characterized by low pH (<4), extensive leaching of metals and an abundance of disseminated brownish Fe(III) precipitates. We suggest that the fast soil development is due to initial oxidation of metastable iron sulfide, followed by pyrite oxidation. Drain bottom sediment, which in terms of chemistry and S-isotopes resembled that of the surfacing sea bottom strata, acted during the sampling period as a sink for metals. The abundant preservation of metastable iron sulfide below the groundwater table, even long periods after uplift above the sea level, is a puzzling feature. We suggest that it is the net result of sulfur starvation, an abundance of Fe(II) and strongly reducing conditions.  相似文献   
CCD photometry of the NEAR mission fly-by target 253 Mathilde is presented. Measurements taken during 52 nights of observations, from February to June 1995, allow a rotation period of 17.406±0.010 days and a lightcurve amplitude of 0.45±0.02 mag to be determined. A B-V color index of 0.67±0.02 and a V-R of 0.35±0.02 are measured, which are compatible with C-type membership. The determination of the phase relation results in H = 10.28±0.03 and G = 0.12±0.06. Indications that the lightcurve is not strictly singly-periodic are found. A power-spectrum analysis detects a secondary frequency f2 = 0.0322±0.0010 d−1, which is interpreted as evidence for a complex rotation state.  相似文献   
俄罗斯贝加尔湖区伸展构造及与中国东部伸展构造对比   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在晚白垩世-始新世夷平面基础上,由于断裂作用形成了贝加尔裂谷系。断裂作用最大幅度超过10 km。在裂谷系中心部位发育的断层长度最大、最深、最早,并以准对称形式向四周扩展。贝加尔裂谷系是在地幔隆起和印度-欧亚大陆碰撞双重作用下形成。贝加尔裂谷系与中国东部新生代断陷盆地和汾渭裂谷系同时形成,并有密切的成因联系。它们的形成不仅受太平洋板块的俯冲和印度-欧亚大陆碰撞的制约和影响,而且位于中国西南部的地幔流发散中心,呈扇状向太平洋区流动,可能是它们在更深层次上的共同场源基础。  相似文献   
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