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Annett Wolf Eleanor Blyth Richard Harding Daniela Jacob Elke Keup-Thiel Holger Goettel Terry Callaghan 《Climatic change》2008,87(1-2):75-89
We tested the sensitivity of a dynamic ecosystem model (LPJ-GUESS) to the representation of soil moisture and soil temperature
and to uncertainties in the prediction of precipitation and air temperature. We linked the ecosystem model with an advanced
hydrological model (JULES) and used its soil moisture and soil temperature as input into the ecosystem model. We analysed
these sensitivities along a latitudinal gradient in northern Russia. Differences in soil temperature and soil moisture had
only little influence on the vegetation carbon fluxes, whereas the soil carbon fluxes were very sensitive to the JULES soil
estimations. The sensitivity changed with latitude, showing stronger influence in the more northern grid cell. The sensitivity
of modelled responses of both soil carbon fluxes and vegetation carbon fluxes to uncertainties in soil temperature were high,
as both soil and vegetation carbon fluxes were strongly impacted. In contrast, uncertainties in the estimation of the amount
of precipitation had little influence on the soil or vegetation carbon fluxes. The high sensitivity of soil respiration to
soil temperature and moisture suggests that we should strive for a better understanding and representation of soil processes
in ecosystem models to improve the reliability of predictions of future ecosystem changes. 相似文献
Sylvain Nguyen † Reda Baina Mathias Alerini ‡ Gilles Lambaré Vincent Devaux Mark Noble 《Geophysical Prospecting》2008,56(5):613-625
Depth velocity model building remains a difficult step within the seismic depth imaging sequence. Stereotomography provides an efficient solution to this problem but was limited until now to a picking of seismic data in the prestack time un-migrated domain. We propose here a method for stereotomographic data picking in the depth migrated domain. Picking in the depth migrated domain exhibits the advantage of a better signal-to-noise ratio and of a more regular distribution of picked events in the model, leading to a better constrained tomographic inverse problem. Moreover, any improvement on the velocity model will improve the migrated results, again leading to improved picking. Our strategy for obtaining a stereotomographic dataset from a prestack depth migration is based on migration of attributes (and not on a kinematic demigration approach!). For any locally coherent event in the migrated image, migration of attributes allows one to compute ray parameter attributes corresponding to the specular reflection angle and dip. For application to stereotomography, the necessary attributes are the source/receiver locations, the traveltime and the data slopes. For the data slope, when the migration velocity model is erroneous, some additional corrections have to be applied to the result of migration of the attributes. Applying these corrections, our picking method is theoretically valid whatever the quality of the migration velocity model. We first present the theoretical aspects of the method and then validate it on 2D synthetic and real seismic reflection data sets. 相似文献
Mountain water resources management often requires hydrological models that need to handle both snow and ice melt. In this study, we compared two different model types for a partly glacierized watershed in central Switzerland: (1) an energy‐balance model primarily designed for snow simulations; and (2) a temperature‐index model developed for glacier simulations. The models were forced with data extrapolated from long‐term measurement records to mimic the typical input data situation for climate change assessments. By using different methods to distribute precipitation, we also assessed how various snow cover patterns influenced the modelled runoff. The energy‐balance model provided accurate discharge estimations during periods dominated by snow melt, but dropped in performance during the glacier ablation season. The glacier melt rates were sensitive to the modelled snow cover patterns and to the parameterization of turbulent heat fluxes. In contrast, the temperature‐index model poorly reproduced snow melt runoff, but provided accurate discharge estimations during the periods dominated by glacier ablation, almost independently of the method used to distribute precipitation. Apparently, the calibration of this model compensated for the inaccurate precipitation input with biased parameters. Our results show that accurate estimates of snow cover patterns are needed either to correctly constrain the melt parameters of the temperature‐index model or to ensure appropriate glacier surface albedos required by the energy‐balance model. Thus, particularly when only distant meteorological stations are available, carefully selected input data and efficient extrapolation methods of meteorological variables improve the reliability of runoff simulations in high alpine watersheds. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The mean residence time (MRT) of karst groundwater in three mountainous catchments of the Western Himalaya was estimated using multiple approaches: the tritium method, the sine wave model and tracer tests. Water samples were collected from precipitation, glacier melt, streams and karst springs for δ2H and tritium analysis during 2012 and 2013. High tritium values were observed in winter precipitation and low values in summer precipitation. The variation of tritium in karst springs was similar to that of the streams, whereas glacier melt showed lower tritium values. The MRT of cold karst springs was shorter than that of warm karst springs. The tracer breakthrough curves (TBC) retrieved for different springs suggested a short travel time for groundwater and possibly conduit flow. Deterioration of water quality and variation in flux magnitude are the two main practical consequences of the short travel time of karst groundwater in the region.
EDITOR D. KoutsoyiannisASSOCIATE EDITOR K. Heal 相似文献
Petra Döll Mathias Fritsche Annette Eicker Hannes Müller Schmied 《Surveys in Geophysics》2014,35(6):1311-1331
Better quantification of continental water storage variations is expected to improve our understanding of water flows, including evapotranspiration, runoff and river discharge as well as human water abstractions. For the first time, total water storage (TWS) on the land area of the globe as computed by the global water model WaterGAP (Water Global Assessment and Prognosis) was compared to both gravity recovery and climate experiment (GRACE) and global positioning system (GPS) observations. The GRACE satellites sense the effect of TWS on the dynamic gravity field of the Earth. GPS reference points are displaced due to crustal deformation caused by time-varying TWS. Unfortunately, the worldwide coverage of the GPS tracking network is irregular, while GRACE provides global coverage albeit with low spatial resolution. Detrended TWS time series were analyzed by determining scaling factors for mean annual amplitude (f GRACE) and time series of monthly TWS (f GPS). Both GRACE and GPS indicate that WaterGAP underestimates seasonal variations of TWS on most of the land area of the globe. In addition, seasonal maximum TWS occurs 1 month earlier according to WaterGAP than according to GRACE on most land areas. While WaterGAP TWS is sensitive to the applied climate input data, none of the two data sets result in a clearly better fit to the observations. Due to the low number of GPS sites, GPS observations are less useful for validating global hydrological models than GRACE observations, but they serve to support the validity of GRACE TWS as observational target for hydrological modeling. For unknown reasons, WaterGAP appears to fit better to GPS than to GRACE. Both GPS and GRACE data, however, are rather uncertain due to a number of reasons, in particular in dry regions. It is not possible to benefit from either GPS or GRACE observations to monitor and quantify human water abstractions if only detrended (seasonal) TWS variations are considered. Regarding GRACE, this is mainly caused by the attenuation of the TWS differences between water abstraction variants due to the filtering required for GRACE TWS. Regarding GPS, station density is too low. Only if water abstractions lead to long-term changes in TWS by depletion or restoration of water storage in groundwater or large surface water bodies, GRACE may be used to support the quantification of human water abstractions. 相似文献
Improved estimates of the amount of subsurface gas hydrates are needed for natural resource, geohazard, and climate impact assessments. To evaluate gas hydrate saturation from seismic methods, the properties of pure gas hydrates need to be known. Whereas the properties of sediments, specifically sands, and hydrate‐bearing sediments are well studied, the properties of pure hydrates are largely unknown. Hence, we present laboratory ultrasonic P‐wave velocity and attenuation measurements on pure tetrahydrofuran hydrates as they form with reducing temperatures from 25°C to 1°C under atmospheric pressure conditions. Tetrahydrofuran hydrates, with structure II symmetry, are considered as proxies for the structure I methane hydrates because both have similar effects on elastic properties of hydrate‐bearing sediments. We find that although velocity increased, the waveform frequency content and amplitude decreased after the hydrate formation reaction was complete, indicating an increase in P‐wave attenuation after hydrate formation. When the tetrahydrofuran hydrate was cooled below the freezing point of water, velocity and quality factor increased. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance results indicate the presence of water in the “pure hydrate” samples above the water freezing point, but none below. The presence of liquid water between hydrate grains most likely causes heightened attenuation in tetrahydrofuran hydrates above the freezing point of water. In naturally occurring hydrates, a similarly high attenuation might relate to the presence of water. 相似文献
Mathias Ronczka Thomas Günther Michael Grinat Helga Wiederhold 《Near Surface Geophysics》2020,18(4):369-383
A major problem for the freshwater supply of coastal regions is the intrusion of saltwater into aquifers. Due to extensive extraction of freshwater to suffice increasing drinking water demands and/or in periods of reduced groundwater recharge, the equilibrium state may be disturbed. The result is an upconing or movement of the fresh–saline groundwater interface, which reduces the local drinking water resources at coastal regions or islands. The saltwater monitoring system (SAMOS) is a vertical electrode chain installed in a backfilled borehole. It provides a solution to observe the transition zone in detail, both temporally and spatially. We present monitoring data of the first year from three locations ‐ with different geological conditions that show disturbances in the resistivity distribution that result from the drilling processes. A clayey backfilling, for example, can lead to beam‐like artefacts, and a mixed fluid within the backfilling changes its bulk resistivity, both leading to misinterpretations. We performed data inversion under cylindrically symmetrical conditions in full‐space in order to separate these resistivity artefacts from the undisturbed background. Data inversion reveals that it is possible to separate drilling effects on the resistivity distribution from the undisturbed background. Thus, an interpretation of the natural transition zones can be made immediately after the installation. 相似文献
Concurrent Treatment of 1,4‐Dioxane and Chlorinated Aliphatics in a Groundwater Recirculation System Via Aerobic Cometabolism

Min‐Ying Jacob Chu Peter J. Bennett Mark E. Dolan Michael R. Hyman Aaron D. Peacock Adria Bodour Richard Hunter Anderson Douglas M. Mackay Mark N. Goltz 《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》2018,38(3):53-64
This research demonstrates that groundwater contaminated by a relatively dilute but persistent concentration of 1,4‐dioxane (1,4‐D), approximately 60 μg/L, and chlorinated aliphatic co‐contaminants (1.4 to 10 μg/L) can be efficiently and reliably treated by in situ aerobic cometabolic biodegradation (ACB). A field trial lasting 265 days was conducted at Operable Unit D at the former McClellan Air Force Base and involved establishing an in situ ACB reactor through amending recirculated groundwater with propane and oxygen. The stimulated indigenous microbial population was able to consistently degrade 1,4‐D to below 3 μg/L while the co‐contaminants trichloroethene (TCE) and 1,2‐dichloroethane (1,2‐DCA) were decreased to below 1 μg/L and 0.18 μg/L, respectively. A stable treatment efficiency of more than 95% removal for 1,4‐D and 1,2‐DCA and of more than 90% removal for TCE was achieved. High treatment efficiencies for 1,4‐D and all co‐contaminants were sustained even without propane and oxygen addition for a 2‐week period. 相似文献
Emily Procter Markus Stoffel Michelle Schneuwly‐Bollschweiler Mathias Neumann 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2012,37(9):913-922
The evolution of a debris‐flow cone depends on a multitude of factors in the hydrogeomorphic system. Investigations of debris‐flow history and cone dynamics in highly active catchments therefore require an integrative approach with a temporal and spatial resolution appropriate for the goals of the study. We present the use of an orthophoto time series to augment standard dendrogeomorphic techniques to describe the spatio‐temporal dynamics of debris flows on a highly active cone in the western Austrian Alps. Analysis of seven orthophotos since 1951 revealed a migration of active deposition areas with a resulting severe loss of forest cover (> 80%) and a mean tree loss per year of 10·4 (range 1·3–16·6 trees per year). Analysis of 193 Pinus mugo ssp. uncinata trees allowed the identification of 161 growth disturbances corresponding to 16 debris flows since 1839 and an average decadal frequency of 0·9 events. As a result of the severe loss of forest cover, we speculate that < 20% of the more recent events were actually captured in the tree‐ring record, giving a decadal return interval of ~7·5 events for a period of 60 years. Based on three annual field observations, it is evident that this catchment (the Bärenrüfe) produces very frequent (< 1 yr), small (in the order of a few 10 to 100 m3) debris flows with minor material relocation. The specific challenges of tree‐ring analysis in this tree species and in highly active environments are explicitly addressed in the discussion and underline the necessity of employing complementary methods of analysis in an integrative manner. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Amaury Frankl Jean Poesen Nelles Scholiers Miró Jacob Mitiku Haile Jozef Deckers Jan Nyssen 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2013,38(14):1672-1684
Small‐scale aerial photographs and high‐resolution satellite images, available for Ethiopia since the second half of the twentieth century as for most countries, allow only the length of gullies to be determined. Understanding the development of gully volumes therefore requires that empirical relations between gully volume (V) and length (L) are established in the field. So far, such V–L relations have been proposed for a limited number of gullies/environments and were especially developed for ephemeral gullies. In this study, V–L relations were established for permanent gullies in northern Ethiopia, having a total length of 152 km. In order to take the regional variability in environmental characteristics into account, factors that control gully cross‐sectional morphology were studied from 811 cross‐sections. This indicated that the lithology and the presence of check dams or low‐active channels were the most important controls of gully cross‐sectional shape and size. Cross‐sectional size could be fairly well predicted by their drainage area. The V–L relation for the complete dataset was V = 0 · 562 L 1·381 (n = 33, r2 = 0 · 94, with 34 · 9% of the network having check dams and/or being low‐active). Producing such relations for the different lithologies and percentages of the gully network having check dams and/or being low‐active allows historical gully development from historical remote sensing data to be assessed. In addition, gully volume was also related to its catchments area (A) and catchment slope gradient (Sc). This study demonstrates that V–L and V–A × Sc relations can be very suitable for planners to assess gully volume, but that the establishment of such relations is necessarily region‐specific. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献