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Amphibole fractionation in the deep roots of subduction-related magmatic arcs is a fundamental process for the generation of the continental crust. Field relations and geochemical data of exposed lower crustal igneous rocks can be used to better constrain these processes. The Chelan Complex in the western U.S. forms the lowest level of a 40-km thick exposed crustal section of the North Cascades and is composed of olivine websterite, pyroxenite, hornblendite, and dominantly by hornblende gabbro and tonalite. Magmatic breccias, comb layers and intrusive contacts suggest that the Chelan Complex was build by igneous processes. Phase equilibria, textural observations and mineral chemistry yield emplacement pressures of ∼1.0 GPa followed by isobaric cooling to 700°C. The widespread occurrence of idiomorphic hornblende and interstitial plagioclase together with the lack of Eu anomalies in bulk rock compositions indicate that the differentiation is largely dominated by amphibole. Major and trace element modeling constrained by field observations and bulk chemistry demonstrate that peraluminous tonalite could be derived by removing successively 3% of olivine websterite, 12% of pyroxene hornblendite, 33% of pyroxene hornblendite, 19% of gabbros, 15% of diorite and 2% tonalite. Peraluminous tonalite with high Sr/Y that are worldwide associated with active margin settings can be derived from a parental basaltic melt by crystal fractionation at high pressure provided that amphibole dominates the fractionation process. Crustal assimilation during fractionation is thus not required to generate peraluminous tonalite.  相似文献   
New Rb-Sr whole rock age data are reported from two metasedimentary sequences of the Damara Supergroup in the central Pan African Damara belt of Namibia (South West Africa).Calc-granofels rocks of the Karibib Formation (Swakop Group) near Usakos are dated at 665±34 Ma (87Rb=1.39×10–11 a–1) which is interpreted as reflecting a high-grade metamorphic event predating widespread granite intrusion.Pyroxene-bearing feldspathic gneisses of the Khan Formation (Nosib Group) from the Khan-Swakop River area east of Swakopmund show incomplete homogenization at 474±16 Ma. In view of similar ages obtained on the nearby Rössing alaskite granite and on biotites from a variety of rock assemblages this age is interpreted as reflecting a second Damaran metamorphic event rather than a specific stage in a long cooling history as previously thought.It is probable that the new ages characterize two distinct Pan-African tectono-metamorphic events previously named Katangan and Damaran episodes respectively (Clifford, 1967). The younger of these has affected large areas of south western Africa both within orogenic zones and on the neighbouring Kalahari Craton and may reflect crustal processes of sub-continental proportion during the closing stages of the Pan-African tectogenesis.
Zusammenfassung Neue Rb-Sr-Gesamtgesteins-Isochronenalter von zwei sedimentären Abfolgen der spätpräkambrischen Damara-Supergruppe in der Zentralzone des Pan-Afrikanischen Damara-Orogens von Namibia (Südwest-Afrika) deuten auf eine mehrphasige metamorphe Geschichte hin.Kalk-Granofels-Gesteine der Karibib-Formation (Swakop-Gruppe) südöstlich von Usakos ergaben ein Alter von 665±34 M. J. (87Rb=1,39×10–11 a–1) und wir interpretieren dieses Alter als das Resultat isotoper Homogenisierung während einer intensiven Regionalmetamorphose, die vor dem Eindringen weitverbreiteter Granite stattfand.Pyroxenführende und feldspathaltige Gneise der Khan-Formation (Nosib-Gruppe) aus dem Gebiet der Khan- und Swakop-Flüsse östlich von Swakopmund zeigen unvollständige Homogenisierung ihrer Sr-Isotope um 474±16 M. J. In Anbetracht ähnlicher Alter für den benachbarten Rössing-Alaskitgranit und für Biotite verschiedener Gesteinstypen aus dem gesamten Zentralbereich des Orogens interpretieren wir obiges Alter eher als den Höhepunkt einer zweiten Regionalmetamorphose als ein bestimmtes Stadium in der post-orogenen Abkühlungsgeschichte.Es ist wahrscheinlich, daß unsere Altersbestimmungen zwei deutlich voneinander getrennte pan-afrikanische tektono-metamorphe Phasen charakterisieren, vor allem wenn man sie in Zusammenhang mit publizierten Daten betrachtet, und wir nehmen an, daß diese den vonClifford (1967) postulierten Katanga- und Damara-Episoden entsprechen. Die jüngere dieser Episoden hat nicht nur die pan-afrikanischen orogenen Bereiche im südwestlichen Afrika, sondern auch weite Teile des Kalahari-Kratons erfaßt und mag auf tektogenetische Prozesse von nahezu kontinentalen Ausmaßen in und unter der Kruste im frühen Paläozoikum zurückzuführen sein.

Résumé Deux séquences métasédimentaires du supergroupe du Damara ont été datées par la méthode Rb/Sr.Des gneiss calciques («granofels») de la formation de Karibib (groupe de Swakop), récoltés près d'Usakos ont été datés à 665±34 Ma (avec87Rb=1.39× 10–11 a–1). Cet âge est interprété comme le résultat d'un événement métamorphique de degré é levé antérieur à la mise en place des grandes masses de granite.Des gneiss feldspathiques à pryoxène de la Formation de Khan (Groupe de Nosib), échantillonnés dans la région de la Khan River — Swakop à l'Est de Swakopmund, montrent une homogénéisation isotopique incomplète à 474±16 Ma. Des âges voisins ayant été obtenus pour l'Alaskite de Rössing qui affleure dans la même zone et pour les biotites de différentes roches, cet âge est interprété comme le résultat d'un second métamorphisme damarien plutôt que comme un stade de la longue histoire de refroidissement comme cela avait été imaginé auparavant.Ces nouveaux âges caractériseraient les deux épisodes tectonométamorphiques distincts de l'orogénie Pan-Africaine, qui avaient été appelés respectivement épisode katangien et épisode demarien parClifford (1967). Le plus récent de ces événements a affecté une grande partie de l'Afrique du S.W. aussi bien dans les zones orogéniques que dans le craton voisin du Kalahari; il peut refléter une évolution crustale d'échelle subcontinentale se produisant pendant les derniers stades du tectogène Pan-Africain.

Rb/Sr - , - ; , .- , , 665±34 (87Rb=1,39 10–1a–1); , . , , , , 474 ± 16 . - ; , , . , - - , , . , 1967 , . - - , ; , , .

Contribution No. 27 of the South African Geodynamics Project, presented at the 9th Colloquium on African Geology, Göttingen, April 1977.  相似文献   
The chemical compositions of garnets from 58 eclogite, 72 peridotite and 4 pyroxenite xenoliths in kimberlites have been estimated from their unit cell edge length and refractive indices. The samples studied were obtained from 17 kimberlite occurrences and include all those of known source which remain in the famous Williams (1932) collection which is stored at the University of Cape Town. Every suitable sample available to the authors has been examined.A gap in the range of garnet volume percentages occurs in the samples studied between approximately 15 and 30%. Garnet peridotites characteristically have <15% garnet and eclogites >30% garnet. Very rare exceptions occur. Our collection contains no eclogites with olivine and only one with orthopyroxene. All but two of the peridotite-pyroxenite group contain orthopyroxene. The garnets from the peridotites and pyroxenites plot on a pyrope-almandine-uvarovite triangle in a narrow band with a remarkably constant almandine/uvarovite ratio. Garnets from the eclogites are plotted on a pyrope-almandine-grossularite triangle and have a wide spread of compositions. These fall into 4 groups viz. eclogite I, eclogite II, kyanite eclogite and corundum eclogite.The reasons for the differences in garnet chemistry are considered and a tentative evolutionary scheme suggested by partial melting of the garnet peridotite which is assumed to occur in the upper mantle. Recent models of upper mantle composition and the genesis of garnet-bearing xenoliths in kimberlite are briefly and critically examined.S.A. UMP Publication No. 9.  相似文献   
A 700 km wide-angle reflection/refraction profile carried out in the central North Atlantic west of Ireland crossed the Erris Trough, Rockall Trough and Rockall Bank, and terminated in the western Hatton-Rockall Basin. The results reveal the presence of a number of sedimentary basins separated by basement highs. The Rockall Trough, with a sedimentary pile up to 5 km thick, is underlain by thinned continental crust 8–10 km thick. Some major fault block structures are identified, especially on the eastern margin of the Rockall Trough and in the adjacent Erris Trough. The Hatton-Rockall Basin is underlain by westward-thinning continental crust 22–10 km thick. Sedimentary strata are up to 5 km thick. The strata in the Rockall Trough and Hatton-Rockall Basin probably range in age from Late Palaeozoic to Cenozoic. However, the basins have different sedimentation histories and differ in structural style. The geometry of the crust and sediments suggests that the Rockall Trough originated by pure shear crustal stretching, associated with rift deposits and Cenozoic thermal sag strata. In contrast, the development of the Erris Trough, located on unthinned continental crust, was facilitated by shallow, brittle extension with little deep crustal attenuation. A two-layered crust occurs throughout the region. The lower crustal velocity in the Hatton-Rockall Basin is higher than that in the Rockall Trough. The velocity structure shows no indication of crustal underplating by upper mantle material in the region.  相似文献   
The kimberlite pipe at Rietfontein has been found to contain a suite of ultrabasic xenoliths, amongst which are kyanite eclogites of unusual freshness. The kyanite crystals are of varying shades of blue. Physical properties of some of the primary minerals together with the chemical composition of four kyanite eclogites and of a light and a dark blue kyanite crystal are presented.The xenoliths found in the Rietfontein Pipe are compared with those found in the Zagadochnaya Pipe and certain similarities and differences noted.  相似文献   
Jonsson and Arneborg (Jonsson, I.G., Arneborg, L., 1995. Energy properties and shoaling of higher-order Stokes waves on a current. Ocean Engng 22, 819-857.) combined energy flux and set-down to make shoaling predictions for fourth-order Stokes waves with and without a net volume flux. With basis in their expressions, sixth-order expressions are derived and combined to make shoaling predictions correct to sixth order with an arbitrary net volume flux. The new sixth-order results are compared with the fourth-order results and the practically exact results obtained by Sobey and Bando (Sobey R.J., Bando K., 1991. Variations on higher-order shoaling. J. Waterway, Port, Coastal Ocean Engng ASCE 117, 348-368) with a Fourier 18 model. The effects of introducing sixth-order theory rather than the fourth-order theory in shoaling calculations are in general found to be small. As expected the deviations increase with increasing wave-steepness, decreasing depth and opposing currents. Also as expected, the results obtained with the sixth-order expressions improve the results obtained with the fourth-order expressions when compared to the results of Sobey and Bando. As novelties, some considerations regarding the consistency of odd- and even-order shoaling calculations, and the magnitude of the bottom slope, are presented. Furthermore a comparison between the wave-induced current and the total current is given.  相似文献   
An Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) variance analysis was performed to map in detail the spatiotemporal variability in individual stake mass-balances (ba) on Mittivakkat Gletscher (MG) – in a region where at present five out of ~20.000 glaciers have mass-balance observations. The EOF analysis suggested that observed ba was summarized by two modes: EOF1 and EOF2 represented 80% (significant) and 6% (insignificant) of the explained variance, respectively. EOF1 captured a decline in ba that was uniformly distributed in space at all stakes. The decline was correlated with albedo observations and air temperature observations from nearby stations. EOF2, however, described variations in ba that were heterogeneously distributed among stakes and associated with local slope and aspect. Low elevation stakes (~<400 m a.s.l.) showed relatively negative (out of phase) correlation and higher elevated stakes relatively positive (in phase) eigenvector correlation values with EOF2. Such relatively negative and positive eigenvector correlation values were present where the constituted of exposed glacier ice or snow cover, respectively. The results from this study show how EOF analyses can provide information on spatiotemporal patterns of glacier mass-balance. Understanding such detailed variabilities in mass-balance on a Greenlandic glacier is of interest because a fifth of the Arctic contribution from glaciers and ice caps to sea-level rise originates from Greenland.  相似文献   
Ocean colour-based monitoring of water masses is a promising alternative to monitoring concentrations in heterogeneous coastal seas. Fuzzy methods, such as spectral unmixing, are especially well suited for recognition of water masses from their remote sensing reflectances. However, such models have not yet been applied for water classification and monitoring. In this study, a fully constrained endmember model with simulated endmembers was developed for water class identification in the shallow Wadden Sea and adjacent German Bight. Its performance was examined on in situ measured reflectances and on MERIS satellite data. Water classification by means of unmixing reflectance spectra proved to be successful. When the endmember model was applied to MERIS data, it was able to visualise well-known spatial, tidal, seasonal, and wind-related variations in optical properties in the heterogeneous Wadden Sea. Analyses show that the method is insensitive to small changes in endmembers. Therefore, it can be applied in similar coastal areas. For use in open ocean situations or coastal or inland waters with other specific inherent optical properties, re-simulation of the endmember spectra with local optical properties is required. However, such an adaptation requires only a limited number of local in situ measurements.  相似文献   
Measuring solar-like oscillations in an ensemble of stars in a cluster, holds promise for testing stellar structure and evolution more stringently than just fitting parameters to single field stars. The most-ambitious attempt to pursue these prospects was by Gilliland et al. who targeted 11 turn-off stars in the open cluster M67 (NGC 2682), but the oscillation amplitudes were too small (<20 μmag) to obtain unambiguous detections. Like Gilliland et al. we also aim at detecting solar-like oscillations in M67, but we target red giant stars with expected amplitudes in the range 50–  500 μmag  and periods of 1 to 8 h. We analyse our recently published photometry measurements, obtained during a six-week multisite campaign using nine telescopes around the world. The observations are compared with simulations and with estimated properties of the stellar oscillations. Noise levels in the Fourier spectra as low as  27 μmag  are obtained for single sites, while the combined data reach  19 μmag  , making this the best photometric time series of an ensemble of red giant stars. These data enable us to make the first test of the scaling relations (used to estimate frequency and amplitude) with an homogeneous ensemble of stars. The detected excess power is consistent with the expected signal from stellar oscillations, both in terms of its frequency range and amplitude. However, our results are limited by apparent high levels of non-white noise, which cannot be clearly separated from the stellar signal.  相似文献   
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