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Channel incision is part of denudation, drainage-network development, and landscape evolution. Rejuvenation of fluvial networks by channel incision often leads to further network development and an increase in drainage density as gullies migrate into previously non-incised surfaces. Large, anthropogenic disturbances, similar to large or catastrophic “natural” events, greatly compress time scales for incision and related processes by creating enormous imbalances between upstream sediment delivery and available transporting power. Field examples of channel responses to antrhopogenic and “natural” disturbances are presented for fluvial systems in the mid continent and Pacific Northwest, USA, and central Italy. Responses to different types of disturbances are shown to result in similar spatial and temporal trends of incision for vastly different fluvial systems. Similar disturbances are shown to result in varying relative magnitudes of vertical and lateral (widening) processes, and different channel morphologies as a function of the type of boundary sediments comprising the bed and banks. This apparent contradiction is explained through an analysis of temporal adjustments to flow energy, shear stress, and stream power with time. Numerical simulations of sand-bed channels of varying bank resistance and disturbed by reducing the upstream sediment supply by half, show identical adjustments in flow energy and the rate of energy dissipation. The processes that dominate adjustment and the ultimate stable geometries, however, are vastly different, depending on the cohesion of the channel banks and the supply of hydraulically-controlled sediment (sand) provided by bank erosion.The non-linear asymptotic nature of fluvial adjustment to incision caused by channelization or other causes is borne out in similar temporal trends of sediment loads from disturbed systems. The sediments emanating from incised channels can represent a large proportion of the total sediment yield from a landscape, with erosion from the channel banks generally the dominant source. Disturbances that effect available force, stream power or flow energy, or change erosional resistance such that an excess of flow energy occurs can result in incision. Channel incision, therefore, can be considered a quintessential feature of dis-equilibrated fluvial systems.  相似文献   
This paper compares the results of the three state of the art climate-energy-economy models IMACLIM-R, ReMIND-R, and WITCH to assess the costs of climate change mitigation in scenarios in which the implementation of a global climate agreement is delayed or major emitters decide to participate in the agreement at a later stage only. We find that for stabilizing atmospheric GHG concentrations at 450?ppm CO2-only, postponing a global agreement to 2020 raises global mitigation costs by at least about half and a delay to 2030 renders ambitious climate targets infeasible to achieve. In the standard policy scenario??in which allocation of emission permits is aimed at equal per-capita levels in the year 2050??regions with above average emissions (such as the EU and the US alongside the rest of Annex-I countries) incur lower mitigation costs by taking early action, even if mitigation efforts in the rest of the world experience a delay. However, regions with low per-capita emissions which are net exporters of emission permits (such as India) can possibly benefit from higher future carbon prices resulting from a delay. We illustrate the economic mechanism behind these observations and analyze how (1) lock-in of carbon intensive infrastructure, (2) differences in global carbon prices, and (3) changes in reduction commitments resulting from delayed action influence mitigation costs.  相似文献   
Inter‐laboratory comparison of laser ablation ICP‐MS and SIMS U‐Pb dating of synthetic detrital zircon samples provides an insight into the state‐of‐the art of sedimentary provenance studies. Here, we report results obtained from ten laboratories that routinely perform this type of work. The achieved level of bias was mostly within ± 2% relative to the ID‐TIMS U‐Pb ages of zircons in the detrital sample, and the variation is likely to be attributed to variable Pb/U elemental fractionation due to zircon matrix differences between the samples and the reference materials used for standardisation. It has been determined that ~ 5% age difference between adjacent age peaks is currently at the limit of what can be routinely resolved by the in situ dating of detrital zircon samples. Precision of individual zircon age determination mostly reflects the data reduction and procedures of measurement uncertainty propagation, and it is largely independent of the instrumentation, analytical technique and reference samples used for standardisation. All laboratories showed a bias towards selection of larger zircon grains for analysis. The experiment confirms the previously published estimates of the minimum number of grains that have to be analysed in order to detect minor zircon age populations in detrital samples.  相似文献   
All the radial velocities (RV) available in the literature since the beginning of the century for the Be stars EW Lac, 28 Tau, Tau, KX And, KY And, CX Dra and 88 Her, are assembled. When possible, a periodogram analysis has been performed to search for eventual periodic phenomena.The following conclusions have been drawn: EW Lac could be a spectroscopic binary with a period of about 40 years; 28 Tau shows some indications of regular long-term RV variations on the time scale of decades; a probable recurrent shell activity of Tau could be hypothesized. Some useful indications for KX and KY And are given, whereas it is not possible to draw any conclusion for CX Dra and 88 Her owing to the lack of data.  相似文献   

The cartographic identification and characterization of urban settlements is problematic, particularly in varied areas or in large geographical extensions. This is due to the divergence between morphological area structures and data attribution, which is generally available at the level of administrative units. Most existing experiences focus on small regions or use indirect data, from which only indirect information can be derived. This paper proposes an identification of urban settlements in the European Union space, which combines urban population and shape through geographic information system (GIS) techniques. For that purpose, 1 km2 cells with associated population data are used. A procedure is developed establishing three different types of urban settlements, according to population and population density values: high-density urban clusters, small and medium-sized towns, and very small towns. A validation of this procedure is performed using direct survey from local experts in 10 selected study areas. The final results show that 78,307 urban settlements can be identified: 88.17% of them are classified as “very small towns,” 10.75% as “small and medium-sized towns,” and 1.08% as high-density urban clusters. This exercise generates new information for the European Union and surrounding countries, and yields the basis for further research. All GIS operations are performed using vector layers, which is not usual in large-area regional studies.  相似文献   
New K-Ar age determinations on the gneisses and schists of the south-Alpine basement of the Orobic Alps and their separated minerals have been carried out to supplement and support the previous study ofBocchio et al. (1981).The cooling ages of biotites and muscovites range from 218 to 331 my and from 170 to 330 my respectively, according to a bimodal distribution with modes at 222 and 298 my for biotite, 182 and 322 my for muscovite. The whole rock ages spread from 43 to 402 my with no significant cluster. Only a few samples give statistically significant internal isochrones, and these suggest two periods of equilibration, at 226–245 and 312–368 my.These age determinations support the conclusion drawn from regional petrologic studies (Bocchio et al., 1980;Crespi et al., 1980), that the south-Alpine basement underwent two main phases of metamorphism, now preferentially preserved in different areas: an old, Hercynian phase under a regime of intermediate pressure (staur-ky type), and a young, post-Hercynian phase under a regime of low pressure (staur-sill type) reactivated by the cover of the thick sedimentary pile on top of the basement. Furthermore, radiometric ages also point out the widespread but irregularly distributed occurence of an alpine overprint under the conditions of a very low metamorphic regime, that is documented by the growth of post-kinematic stilpnomelane in rocks of suitable bulk composition (Crespi et al., 1981, 1982), as well as by fine-grained phengite.
Zusammenfassung Neue Kali-Argon-Datierungen von Gneisen und Schiefern und ihrer abgetrennten Minerale des südalpinen Grundgebirges wurden in Ergänzung der Studie vonBocchio et al., 1981 durchgeführt. Die Abkühlungsalter der Biotite und Muskovite reichen von 218 bis 331 ma und von 170 bis 330 ma entsprechend einer bimodalen Entwicklung mit Modalwerten bei 222 und 298 ma für Biotit und 182 und 322 ma für Muskovit. Die Gesamtgesteinsalter reichen von 43–402 ma ohne signifikante Häufung. Nur wenige Proben geben eine statistisch signifikante Isochrone, woraus sich zwei Gleichgewichtsperioden zwischen 226–245 ma und 312–368 ma ablesen lassen.Diese Altersbestimmungen unterstützen die Schlußfolgerungen, die aus regional-petrologischen Studien (Bocchio et al., 1980;Crespi et al., 1980) gezogen wurden und die Aussagen, daß das südalpine Grundgebirge zwei Hauptphasen der Metamorphose mitgemacht hat, die heute in verschiedenen Gebieten erhalten sind: eine ältere herzynische Phase unter mittleren Druckbedingungen (Staur-Ky) und eine jüngere postherzynische Phase unter niedrigem Druck (Staur-Sil), die unter der Überdeckung einer mächtigen Sedimentserie über dem Grundgebirge reaktiviert wurde. Darüber hinaus deuten die radiometrischen Alter auf einen weit verteilten, aber unregelmäßig auftretenden alpinen Einfluß hin, der unter den Bedingungen einer sehr niedrigen Metamorphose aufgeprägt wurde. Dies wird dokumentiert durch das Wachstum postkinematischer Stilpnomelane in Gesteinen mit einer entsprechenden Zusammensetzung (Crespi et al., 1981, 1982) sowie von feinkörnigen Phenigiten.

Résumé De nouvelles déterminations d'âge par la méthode K-Ar ont été effectuées sur les gneiss et les schistes du socle sudalpin des Alpes Orobiques, ainsi que sur certains de leurs minéraux, en complément aux travaux antérieurs deBocchio et al. (1981).L'âge du refroidissement des biotites s'étend de 210 à 331 Ma et celui des muscovites de 170 à 330 Ma, selon une distribution bimodale: modes à 222 à 298 Ma pour la biotite et à 183 et 322 Ma pour la muscovite. Les âges mesurés sur roche totale vont de 43 à 402 Ma sans concentration significative autour d'une valeur. Un petit nombre d'échantillons seulement fournissent des isochrones statistiquement significatives; elles suggèrent deux périodes de mise en équilibre, à 226–245 Ma et à 312–368 Ma.Ces déterminations d'âge appuient les conclusions d'études pétrologiques régionales antérieures (Bocchio et al. 1980;Crespi et al. 1980), à savoir que le socle sud-alpin a subi deux phases principales de métamorphisme, conservées aujourd'hui dans de régions différentes: une phase ancienne, hercynienne, de pression intermédiaire (type staurotide-disthène) et une phase jeune, post-hercynienne, de basse pression (type staurotide-sillimanite) réactivée sous la couverture sédimentaire épaisse reposant sur le socle. De plus, les âges radiométriques mettent en évidence une reprise alpine, d'extension régionale mais irrégulièrement distribuée, dans les conditions d'un métamorphisme de très faible degré. Cette reprise s'exprime par la croissance de stilpnomélane post-cinématique dans les roches de composition appropriée (Crespi et al. 1981, 1982) ainsi que par le développement de phengite finement grenue.

. (1981), K/Ar-. 218 331 170 330 , 222 298 182 322 . 43–402 - . , 226–245 312–368 . . (1980) . (1980) , - : , , (Staur-Ky) , , (StaurSil) , . , , . ( ., 1981, 1982), .

Paper presented at the Second E.U.G. Meeting at Strasbourg, April 23–26, 1983  相似文献   
Fluvial bank erosion rates are often quantified by assuming that the erosion rate is a function of the excess (above a critical threshold) boundary shear stress applied by the flow. Research has shown that the form roughness induced by natural topographic bank features, such as slumps, spurs and embayments, is the dominant component of the spatially‐averaged total shear stress, meaning that form roughness provides an important control on bank erosion rates. However, measuring the relative components of the total shear stress for a natural system is not straightforward. In this work we use the method of Kean and Smith to partition the form and skin drag components of river bank roughness using a time series (2005–2011) of high‐resolution topographic surveys of an eroding bank of the Cecina River in central Italy. This method approximates the form drag component of the roughness along a longitudinal bank profile as a series of user‐defined Gaussian curves. The extracted metrics are used in conjunction with an estimate of the outer region flow velocity to partition the form and skin drag components of the total boundary shear stress according to the Kean and Smith analytical solution. The relative magnitude of the form and skin shear stress at each survey date is analysed alongside DEMs of difference to reveal that intense episodes of erosion are followed by periods of quiescence. We show that this is due to the protection offered by increased form drag roughness following erosion. We conceptualise the dynamic feedbacks that exist between river discharge, bank erosion processes and bank form roughness, into a simple model of the self‐limiting nature of river bank erosion. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We investigate the geology of Altar North (Cu–Au) and Quebrada de la Mina (Au) porphyry deposits located in San Juan Province (Argentina), close to the large Altar porphyry copper deposit (995 Mt, 0.35% Cu, 0.083 g/t Au), to present constraints on the magmatic processes that occurred in the parental magma chambers of these magmatic-hydrothermal systems. Altar North deposit comprises a plagioclase-amphibole-phyric dacite intrusion (Altar North barren porphyry) and a plagioclase-amphibole-biotite-phyric dacite stock (Altar North mineralized porphyry, 11.98 ± 0.19 Ma). In Quebrada de la Mina, a plagioclase-amphibole-biotite-quartz-phyric dacite stock (QDM porphyry, 11.91 ± 0.33 Ma) crops out. High Sr/Y ratios (92–142) and amphibole compositions of Altar North barren and QDM porphyries reflect high magmatic oxidation states (fO2 = NNO +1.1 to +1.6) and high fH2O conditions in their magmas. Zones and rims enriched in anorthite (An37–48), SrO (0.22–0.33 wt.%) and FeO (0.21–0.37 wt.%) in plagioclase phenocrysts are evidences of magmatic recharge processes in the magma chambers. Altar North and Quebrada de la Mina intrusions have relatively homogeneous isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr(t) = 0.70450–0.70466, εNd(t) = +0.2 to +1.2) consistent with mixed mantle and crust contributions in their magmas. Higher Pb isotopes ratios (207Pb/204Pb = 15.6276–15.6294) of these intrusions compared to other porphyries of the district, reflect an increase in the assimilation of high radiogenic Pb components in the magmas. Ages of zircon xenocrysts (297, 210, 204, 69 Ma) revealed that the magmas have experienced assimilation of Miocene, Cretaceous, Triassic and Carboniferous crustal rocks.Fluids that precipitated sulfides in the Altar deposit may have remobilized Pb from the host rocks, as indicated by the ore minerals being more radiogenic (207Pb/204Pb = 15.6243–15.6269) than their host intrusions. Au/Cu ratio in Altar porphyries (average Au/Cu ratio of 0.14 × 10?4 by weight in Altar Central) is higher than in the giant Miocene porphyry deposits located to the south: Los Pelambres, Río Blanco and Los Bronces (Chile) and Pachón (Argentina). We suggest that the increase in Au content in the porphyries of this region could be linked to the assimilation of high radiogenic Pb components in the magmas within these long-lived maturation systems.  相似文献   
In Sahel-Doukkala, which is characterized by lands of a relatively low relief, global DEMs and DEMs generated from digitizing topographic maps, have been the primary source of several multidisciplinary researches. Although these products present a great value of the conducted research, the level of the given accuracy is not sufficient enough for detailed geospatial analysis. These requirements led us to generate a high-resolution DEM as an alternative of available global DEMs or/and DEMs generated from digitizing topographic maps. In this study, we present a workflow to extract high-resolution DEM at 5 m resolution and derived orthoimages from ALOS-PRISM data over Sahel-Doukkala, through photogrammetric techniques, using a variation of GCPs obtained from topographic maps at scale 1:25,000. The accuracy of the generated products is reported according to NSSDA standards. Using ten GCPs, a PRISM-DEM with 3.88 m vertical accuracy and 11.60 m horizontal accuracy, both at 95% confidence level is obtained. This DEM will serve as base dataset for further detailed geospatial analysis and mapping applications in order to identify the relationship between surface parameters and groundwater, and also to assess and understand all factors influencing the development of karst landscapes and consequently subsurface stability in the investigated area.  相似文献   
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