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Paramuricea clavata (Cnidaria, Octocorallia) is an important ecosystem engineer of coralligenous assemblages increasingly threatened by anthropogenic activities and climate changes. As climate warming is predicted to continue in the coming years it is important to hypothesize future scenarios. Here we tested the influence of gorgonian colonies on sedimentation rates and vagile fauna trends, comparing sediments collected by traps inside and outside a gorgonian garden, in a coralligenous community of the Western Ligurian Sea, at 32 m depth, over a period of 1 year. The results indicated that sea fans created a sort of homeostatic effect on the surrounding habitat. We found evidence that where gorgonian colonies were present, the monthly fluctuations of sediments rate were lower than outside a garden. Gorgonian colonies also influenced the distribution of the associated vagile fauna; these organisms were generally more abundant inside than outside the garden. The data collected in this work appear to confirm the role of P. clavata as an ecosystem engineer, affecting biomass and variability of the surrounding habitat at both spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   
Continuous magnetotelluric (MT) measurements were conducted from May 2008 to July 2009 at Sakurajima, one of the most active volcanoes in Japan. Two observation sites were established at locations 3.3 km east and 3 km west–northwest of the summit crater. At both observation sites, the high-quality component of the impedance tensor (Zyx) showed variations in apparent resistivity of approximately ± 20% and phase change of ± 2°, which continued for 20–180 days in the frequency range between 320 and 4 Hz. The start of the period of changes in apparent resistivity approximately coincided with the start of uplift in the direction of the summit crater, as observed by a tiltmeter, which is one of the most reliable pieces of equipment with which to detect magma intrusion beneath a volcano. A 2D inversion of MT impedance suggests that the resistivity change occurred at a depth around sea level. One of the possible implications of the present finding is that the degassed volatiles migrated not only vertically through the conduit but also laterally through a fracture network, mixing with shallow groundwater beneath sea level and thereby causing the observed resistivity change.  相似文献   
New and previous versions of the high-resolution 20- and 60-km-mesh Meteorological Research Institute atmospheric general circulation models are used to investigate potential future changes in tropical cyclone (TC) activity in the North Indian Ocean (NIO). Fifteen ensemble experiments are performed under the International Panel on Climate Change A1B scenario. Most of the ensemble future (2075–2099) experiments do not project significant future changes in the basin-scale TC genesis number; however, they commonly show a substantial increase (by 46 %) in TC frequency over the Arabian Sea and a decrease (by 31 %) in the Bay of Bengal. Projected future changes in TC genesis frequency show a marked seasonal variation in the NIO: a significant and robust reduction during the pre-monsoon season, an increase during the peak-monsoon season, and a westward shift during the post-monsoon season. Several large-scale thermodynamic and dynamical parameters are analysed to elucidate the physical mechanism responsible for the future changes in TC activity; this analysis reveals a seasonal dependence of the relative contribution of these parameters to the projected future changes in TC genesis frequency.  相似文献   
An improved cloud tracking method for deriving wind velocities from successive planetary images was developed. The new method incorporates into the traditional cross-correlation method an algorithm that corrects for erroneous cloud motion vectors by re-determining the most plausible correlation peak among all of the local maxima on the correlation surface by comparing each vector with its neighboring vectors. The newly developed method was applied to the Venusian violet images obtained by the Solid State Imaging system (SSI) onboard the Galileo spacecraft during its Venus flyby. Although the results may be biased by the choice of spatial scale of atmospheric features, the cloud tracking is the most practical mean of estimating the wind velocities with extensive spatial and temporal coverage. The two-dimensional distribution of the horizontal wind vector field over 5 days was obtained. It was found from these wind maps that the solar-fixed component in 1990 was similar to that in 1982 obtained by the Pioneer Venus orbiter. The deviation of the instantaneous zonal wind field from the solar-fixed component shows a distinct wavenumber-1 structure in the equatorial region. On the assumption that this structure is a manifestation of an equatorial Kelvin wave, the phase relationship between the zonal wind and the cloud brightness suggests a short photochemical lifetime of the violet absorber. The momentum deposition by this Kelvin wave, which is subject to radiative damping, would induce a westward mean-wind acceleration of ~0.3 m s?1 per Earth day.  相似文献   
The extent to which movement on major faults causes long term shear heating is a contentious issue and an important aspect in the debate about the strength of major faults in the crust. Comparing the results of experimental work on the kinetics of crystallization of carbonaceous material with results of thermal modeling show that the Raman carbonaceous material (CM) geothermometer is well suited to studying shear heating on geological time scales in suitable lithologies exposed around exhumed major fault zones. The Median Tectonic Line (MTL), SW Japan, is the largest on‐land fault in Japan with a length of > 800 km. Application of Raman CM thermometry to pelitic schist adjacent to the fault reveals the presence of a rise in peak temperature of around 60 °C over a distance of around 150 m perpendicular to the MTL fault plane. The spatial association of this thermal anomaly with the fault implies it is due to shear heating. Thermal modeling shows the recorded thermal anomaly and steep temperature gradient is compatible with very high rates of displacement over time scales of a few thousand years. However, the implied displacement rates lie outside those generally observed. An alternative explanation is that an originally broader thermal anomaly that developed during strike slip faulting was shortened due to the effects of normal faulting. Constraints on displacement rate, width of the original anomaly, duration of heating and peak temperature imply a coefficient of friction, μ, greater than 0.4.  相似文献   
We report on the diffuse X‐ray emission from the Galactic Centre (GCDX) observed with the X‐ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) on board the Suzaku satellite. The highly accurate energy calibration and extremely low background of the XIS provide many new facts on the GCDX. These are (1) the origin of the lines at 6.7 and 7.0 keV is collisional excitation in a hot plasma, (2) the discovery of new SNR and super‐bubble candidates, (3) most of the 6.4 keV line is X‐ray fluorescence, and (4) time variability of the 6.4 keV line is found from the Sgr B2 complex. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Directionality of ground motions has been discussed in near-source groundmotion study. This is interesting from the point of structural response.Dominance of the fault normal (FN) component has been reported inrelation to fault rupture direction based on the observation recordsobtained in the source area (e.g.. Somerville et al., 1996). The authorsperformed the damage survey of the two Turkey earthquakes in 1999, theKocaeli and the Düzce earthquake, and realized that minaret is a goodtarget to investigate the ground motion directionality, because a minaret isa simple cantilever structure without structural directionality. This paperdescribes the ground motion directionality based on the survey of minaretdamages during the two earthquakes in Turkey. From the damage survey,it is found that the fault normal direction was dominant with a certaindistance from the fault, say, less than 1km. While, at the region withshorter distances, the damage direction was not fault normal but about40° from the fault strike. Discussion is addressed for the specificdamage direction inferred from the minaret damage near the fault.  相似文献   
It is well known that although the geographic landscape and the ecosystem are both terrestrial units involving physical and biological components, including man and his activity, they are in nature extremely different. The geographic landscape is a complex of directly perceptible forms produced by the interaction (synergism) of three main components (synergizing) present in varying degrees and in unstable equilibrium (physical base, the biotic element and the results of human activity); whilst the ecosystem may not be directly perceived and is composed of a stable system of matter and energy, contained in the living and non-living parts of an environment, where exchanges between the two parts take place in a continuous flux (Odum, 1958). The geographic landscape is characterized by formal, structural aspects, whereas the ecosystem is, by nature, functional and biological and is dominated by two cycles, one of matter and the other of energy, within which man can be included in varying degrees. Ever since man began to alter the natural biological processes with his constructive, destructive and polluting activity, structures have emerged within the ecosystem which show local modifications in quality and energy imbalance. These have survived in the form of truncated anthropo-ecosystems (Delpoux, 1972), where the artificially interrupted trophic chain survives with a disturbed energy balance. Imbalances are caused by alterations which are difficult to perceive directly in ecosystems, but are observable in landscapes which have been modified in response to such changes. The ecosystem must, therefore, be considered a determinant of landscape. Hence it is possible to distinguish fairly precisely the existence of different types of landscape on the basis of the material and energy balance of their associated ecosystems where ecosystem and geographic landscape are closely linked by cause and effect. Hence the term landscape ecology (Landschaftsöcologie;Troll, 1939) where the term “ecology” is taken to mean “the functional study of the dynamics of a system of action, determining landscape” (Schmithüsen, 1973). If the energy balance and the natural and human transformations of ecosystems are jointly considered, it is possible to obtain a significant ecologically based landscape classification. The first category is that of ecologically balanced landscapes, within which transfer phenomena are cyclic as energy, or even matter, are completely utilized by their biological constituents. This applies to all natural landscapes, even those with a dominant natural factor, that are unaffected by human action; their limits can therefore be considered similar to those of natural ecosystems. Amongst these can also be included areas with a gathering economy and primitive and subsistence farming. By contrast with these is the category of ecologically unbalanced landscapes where the presence of man in the environment has transformed natural ecosystems into anthropoecosystems with different characteristics. Two types can be distinguished, one hyperenergetic with a positive energy balance and thus an exporter of energy, the other hypoenergetic characterised by a negative energy balance,and thus importing energy (Delpoux, 1972). In hyperenergetic landscapes man intervenes with advanced agriculture and animal husbandry and thus transforms in different ways and in varying degrees the natural setting. They therefore include agrobiosystems, typical of specialized agriculture, intensive polyculture and plantation monoculture, and trophobiosystems typical of rationalized animal husbandry. Both produce vegetable and animal foods for the market. In hypoenergetic landscapes, the production of organic substances with an energy value becomes increasingly deficient, so that the biological community has to become dependent on external contributions; they mainly occur in high density population landscapes with low productivity rural activities due to poor natural conditions, poor organization, or a high degree of urban and industrial development. To these categories, which are mainly dependent on the ratio of population to resources, can be added that of degraded landscapes or ecosystems, caused by natural degradation (exogenous or endogenous) or by pollution and despoliation (biological and mineral) caused by human activity. Then follow landscapes with artificial or substitution ecosystems (urban or industrial) the elements of which are characteristically formal in appearance. The last category is that of ecologically integrated and complex landscapes, the result of the combination of two or more different ecological aspects (rural and urban, and, for example, outside this group, rural and industrial, agricultural and moderately urbanized) which interdigitate and encroach upon each other. On the basis of this classification, it is possible to discern the distinguishing features typical of landscapes and thus our ability to delimit their extent on maps. They have been applied in the production of an ecologically based landscape map of Italy at an original scale of 1:1,500,000, a reduced black-and-white version of which has been reproduced in the main body of this paper. As a first attempt at such a representation it is both adequate and useful and provides a basis for further work and analysis. The exercise confirms that the consideration of landscape, especially humanized landscape, in an ecological perspective, supplies important information for the interpretation of its structure from a functional and physiological stand-point, as well as for the understanding of its dynamics. It also facilitates the consideration of the environment as a whole, presenting more effectively the problems of its evaluation and consequently adds to our appreciation of its economic and social significance.  相似文献   
川滇菱形地块白垩纪古地磁学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在位于川滇菱形地块的西昌西南大德里向斜两翼的白恶系红和岩内采集古地磁学定向样品96个,进行了古地学研究,研究结果表明,西昌晚白垩世末期的古地磁偏角为5.9°,古地磁倾角为45.8°,地磁极位置为北纬84.7°,东径193.3°,将该数据与作前期研究结果对比,则可见自楚雄至无谋,进而至西昌,其古地磁偏角逐渐靠近正北,而古地磁极纬度渐次升高,这反映了川滇菱形地块内的断块呈自西南至东北逐渐减弱的顺时针  相似文献   
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