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We try to find how often, and in what regions large earthquakes (M≥7.0) occur within the shallow portion (20-60 km depth) of a subducting slab. Searching for events in published individual studies and the Harvard University centroid moment tensor catalogue, we find twenty such events in E. Hokkaido, Kyushu-SW, Japan, S. Mariana, Manila, Sumatra, Vanuatu, N. Chile, C. Peru, El Salvador, Mexico, N. Cascadia and Alaska. Slab stresses revealed from the mechanism solutions of these large intraslab events and nearby smaller events are almost always down-dip tensional. Except for E. Hokkaido, Manila, and Sumatra, the upper plate shows horizontal stress gradient in the arc-perpendicular direction. We infer that shear tractions are operating at the base of the upper plate in this direction to produce the observed gradient and compression in the outer fore-arc, balancing the down-dip tensional stress of the slab. This tectonic situation in the subduction zone might be realized as part of the convection system with some conditions, as shown by previous numerical simulations.  相似文献   
Lithospheric evolution of the Antarctic shield is one of the keystones for understanding continental growth during the Earth's evolution. Architecture of the East Antarctic craton is characterized by comparison with deep structures of the other Precambrian terrains. In this paper, we review the subsurface structure of the Lower Paleozoic metamorphic complex around the Lützow-Holm area (LHC), East Antarctica, where high-grade metamorphism occurred during the Pan-African orogenic event. LHC is considered to be one of the collision zones in the last stage of the formation of Gondwana. A geoscience program named ‘Structure and Evolution of the East Antarctic Lithosphere (SEAL)’ was carried out since 1996-1997 austral summer season as part of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE). Several geological and geophysical surveys were conducted including a deep seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection survey in the LHC. The main target of the SEAL seismic transect was to obtain lithospheric structure over several geological terrains from the western adjacent Achaean Napier Complex to the eastern Lower Paleozoic Yamato-Belgica Complex. The SEAL program is part of a larger deep seismic profile, LEGENDS (Lithospheric Evolution of Gondwana East iNterdisciplinary Deep Surveys) that will extend across the Pan-African belt in neighboring fragments of Gondwana.  相似文献   
The structural and elastic properties of the ilmenite and perovskite phases of MgSiO3 are investigated with a computational model based on energy minimization. The potential energies of these two crystals are approximated by the sum of Coulomb, van der Waals, and repulsion terms between atoms. Required energy parameters are derived by fitting the parameters to the observed crystal structures of these two phases as well as to the measured elastic constants of the ilmenite phase. The resulting potential model is applied to predicting the elastic constants of the perovskite phase. The calculated bulk modulus of the perovskite phase compares favorably with the data obtained from volume-compression experiments as well as the values estimated from empirical elasticity systematics of perovskite type compounds. The predicted shear modulus of the perovskite phase is also in reasonable agreement with the values proposed from similar empirical elasticity systematics. Subsequently, the model is used to simulate the high pressure behaviors of the crystal structures and elastic constants of these two phases.  相似文献   
At high pressures, CdGeO3 pyroxenoid transforms to garnet, then to ilmenite, and finally to perovskite. Enthalpies of transition among the four phases were measured by high temperature calorimetry. The entropies of transition and slopes of the boundaries were calculated using the measured enthalpies and free energies calculated from the phase equilibrium data. Pyroxenoid and garnet are very similar energetically. However garnet is a high pressure phase because of its lower entropy and smaller volume. The pyroxenoid-garnet transition has a small positiveP-T slope. Ilmenite is intermediate in enthalpy between garnet and perovskite, but is lower in entropy than both phases. Therefore the garnet-ilmenite transition has a positivedP/dT, while a negativedP/dT is calculated for the ilmenite-perovskite transition. The thermochemical data for the CdGeO3 phases are generally consistent with the observed high pressure phase relations. The high entropy of perovskite relative to ilmenite, observed in several ABO3 comounds including CdGeO3, is related to the structural features of perovskite, in which relatively small divalent cations occupy the large sites of 8–12 fold coordination. The thermochemistry of the CdGeO3 polymorphs shows several similarities to that of the CaGeO3 system.  相似文献   
Phase relations in the system Mg4Si4O12-Mg3Al2Si3O12 were examined at pressures of 19-27 GPa and relatively low temperatures of 800-1000 °C using a multianvil apparatus to clarify phase transitions of pyroxene-garnet assemblages in the mantle. Both of glass and crystalline starting materials were used for the experiments. At 1000 °C, garnet solid solution (s.s.) transforms to aluminous ilmenite s.s. at 20-26 GPa which is stable in the whole compositional range in the system. In Mg4Si4O12-rich composition, ilmenite s.s. transforms to a single-phase aluminous perovskite s.s., while Mg3Al2Si3O12-rich ilmenite s.s. dissociates into perovskite s.s. and corundum s.s. These newly determined phase relations at 1000 °C supersede preliminary phase relations determined at about 900 °C in the previous study. The phase relations at 1000 °C are quite different from those reported previously at 1600 °C where garnet s.s. transforms directly to perovskite s.s. and ilmenite is stable only very close to Mg4Si4O12. The stability field of Mg3Al2Si3O12 ilmenite was determined at 800-1000 °C and 25-27 GPa by reversed phase boundaries. In ilmenite s.s., the a-axis slightly increases but the c-axis and molar volume decrease substantially with increasing Al2O3 content. Enthalpies of ilmenite s.s. were measured by differential drop-solution calorimetry method using a high-temperature calorimeter. The excess enthalpy of mixing of ilmenite s.s. was almost zero within the errors. The measured enthalpies of garnet-ilmenite and ilmenite-perovskite transitions at 298 K were 105.2±10.4 and 168.6±8.2 kJ/mol, respectively, for Mg4Si4O12, and 150.2±15.9 and 98.7±27.3 kJ/mol, respectively, for Mg3Al2Si3O12. Thermodynamic calculations using these data give rise to phase relations in the system Mg4Si4O12-Mg3Al2Si3O12 at 1000 and 1600 °C that are generally consistent with those determined experimentally, and confirm that the single-phase field of ilmenite expands from Mg4Si4O12 to Mg3Al2Si3O12 with decreasing temperature. The earlier mentioned phase relations in the simplified system as well as those in the Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 system are applied to estimate mineral proportions in pyrolite as a function of depth along two different geotherms: one is a horizontally-averaged temperature distribution in a normal mantle, and the other being 600 °C lower than the former as a possible representative geotherm in subducting slabs. Based on the previously described estimated mineral proportions versus depth along the two geotherms, density and compressional and shear wave velocities are calculated as functions of depth, using available mineral physics data. Along a normal mantle geotherm, jumps of density and velocities at about 660 km corresponding to the post-spinel transition are followed by steep gradients due to the garnet-perovskite transition between 660 and 710 km. In contrast, along a low-temperature geotherm, the first steep gradients of density and velocities are due to the garnet-ilmenite transition between 610 and 690 km. This is followed by abrupt jumps at about 690 km for the post-spinel transition, and steep gradients between 700 and 740 km that correspond to the ilmenite-perovskite transition. In the latter profile along the low-temperature geotherm, density and velocity increases for garnet-ilmenite and ilmenite-perovskite transitions are similar in magnitude to those for the post-spinel transition. The likely presence of ilmenite in cooler regions of subducting slabs is suggested by the fact that the calculated velocity profiles along the low-temperature geotherm are compatible with recent seismic observations indicating three discontinuities or steep velocity gradients at around 600-750 km depth in the regions of subducting slabs.  相似文献   
Analysis of CTD data from four CREAMS expeditions carried out in summers of 1993–1996 produces distinct T-S relationships for the western and eastern Japan Basin, the Ulleung Basin and the Yamato Basin. T-S characteristics are mainly determined by salinity as it changes its horizontal pattern in three layers, which are divided by isotherms of 5°C and 1°C; upper warm water, intermediate water and deep cold water. Upper warm water is most saline in the Ulleung Basin and the Yamato Basin. Salinity of intermediate water is the highest in the eastern Japan Basin. Deep cold water has the highest salinity in the Japan Basin. T-S curves in the western Japan Basin are characterized by a salinity jump around 1.2–1.4°C in the T-S plane, which was previously found off the east coast of Korea associated with the East Sea Intermediate Water (Cho and Kim, 1994). T-S curves for the Japan Basin undergo a large year-to-year variation for water warmer than 0.6°C, which occupies upper 400 m. It is postulated that the year-to-year variation in the Japan Basin is caused by convective overturning in winter. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
新疆阿勒泰地区发育了红柱石-矽线石型递增变质带,由绿泥石-黑云母带、黑云母-石榴石带、石榴石-十字石带、十字石-红柱石带和矽线石带组成,根据石榴石成分环带、变质与变形关系、矿物共生组合演化等特征,将变质作用分为峰前期、峰期和峰后期3个演化阶段。峰前期、峰期为连续的递增变质过程,形成典型的中-低压过渡型递增变质带,峰后期属于退变质过程。据石榴石一斜长石一黑云母-白云母-石英组合内部一致地质温压计估算出峰期温度-压力:T=580℃~670℃,P一0.4GPa~0.5GPa。变质作用演化具有顺时针的PTt轨迹,代表陆壳有一定程度的构造增厚,但幅度不大,没有大规模的陆壳俯冲或拆沉作用,这种增厚可能以陆壳的构造叠置机制为主。总体相当于地体间斜向走滑兼有一定垂直分量的拼合过程的地球动力学机制。  相似文献   
We conducted full-depth hydrographic observations in the southwestern region of the Northwest Pacific Basin in September 2004 and November 2005. Deep-circulation currents crossed the observation line between the East Mariana Ridge and the Shatsky Rise, carrying Lower Circumpolar Deep Water westward in the lower deep layer (θ<1.2 °C) and Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW) and North Pacific Deep Water (NPDW) eastward in the upper deep layer (1.3–2.2 °C). In the lower deep layer at depths greater than approximately 3500 m, the eastern branch current of the deep circulation was located south of the Shatsky Rise at 30°24′–30°59′N with volume transport of 3.9 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3 s−1) in 2004 and at 30°06′–31°15′N with 1.6 Sv in 2005. The western branch current of the deep circulation was located north of the Ogasawara Plateau at 26°27′–27°03′N with almost 2.1 Sv in 2004 and at 26°27′–26°45′N with 2.7 Sv in 2005. Integrating past and present results, volume transport southwest of the Shatsky Rise is concluded to be a little less than 4 Sv for the eastern branch current and a little more than 2 Sv for the western branch current. In the upper deep layer at depths of approximately 2000–3500 m, UCDW and NPDW, characterized by high and low dissolved oxygen, respectively, were carried eastward at the observation line by the return flow of the deep circulation composing meridional overturning circulation. UCDW was confined between the East Mariana Ridge and the Ogasawara Plateau (22°03′–25°33′N) in 2004, whereas it extended to 26°45′N north of the Ogasawara Plateau in 2005. NPDW existed over the foot and slope of the Shatsky Rise from 29°48′N in 2004 and 30°06′N in 2005 to at least 32°30′N at the top of the Shatsky Rise. Volume transport of UCDW was estimated to be 4.6 Sv in 2004, whereas that of NPDW was 1.4 Sv in 2004 and 2.6 Sv in 2005, although the values for NPDW may be slightly underestimated, because they do not include the component north of the top of the Shatsky Rise. Volume transport of UCDW and NPDW southwest of the Shatsky Rise is concluded to be approximately 5 and 3 Sv, respectively. The pathways of UCDW and NPDW are new findings and suggest a correction for the past view of the deep circulation in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
Abstract Miyanohara tonalite occurs in the middle part of the Higo metamorphic belt in the central Kyushu, Southwest Japan. This tonalite intrudes into early Permian Ryuhozan metamorphic rocks in the south and is intruded by Cretaceous Shiraishino granodiorite in the north. The Miyanohara tonalite yielded three mineral ages: (i) 110–100 Ma for Sm–Nd and Rb–Sr internal isochrons and for K–Ar hornblende; (ii) 183 Ma for Sm–Nd internal isochron; and (iii) 211 Ma for Sm–Nd internal isochron. The ages of 110–100 Ma may indicate cooling age due to the thermal effect of the Shiraishino granodiorite intrusion. The ages of 183 Ma and 211 Ma are consistent with timing of intrusion of the Miyanohara tonalite based on geologic constraints. The hornblende in the sample which gave 183 Ma shows discontinuous zoning under microscope, whereas the one which gave 211 Ma does not show zonal structure. These mineralogical features suggest that the 183 Ma sample has suffered severely from later tectonothermal effect compared with the 211 Ma sample. Therefore, the age of 211 Ma is regarded as near crystallization age for the Miyanohara tonalite. The magmatic process, geochronology and initial Sr and Nd isotope ratios for the Miyanohara tonalite are similar to those of early Jurassic granites from the Outer Plutonic Zone of the Hida belt that constitutes a marginal part of east Asia before the opening of the Japan Sea. Intrusion of the Miyanohara tonalite is considered to have taken place in the active continental margin during the late Triassic.  相似文献   
The interannual variations of sea level at Chichi-jima and five other islands in the subtropical North Pacific are calculated for 1961–95 with a model of Rossby waves excited by wind. The Rossby-wave forcing is significant east of 140°E. Strong forcing of upwelling (downwelling) Rossby wave occurs during El Niño (La Niña) and warm (cold) water anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific. The first and second baroclinic modes of Rossby wave are more strongly generated than the barotropic mode in the study area. A higher vertical mode of Rossby wave propagates more slowly and is more decayed by eddy dissipation. The best coefficient of vertical eddy dissipation is determined by comparing the calculated sea level with observation. The variation in sea level at Chichi-jima is successfully calculated, in particular for the long-term change of the mean level between before and after 1986 with a rise in 1986 as well as the variations with periods of two to four years after 1980. It is concluded that variations of sea level at Chichi-jima are produced by wind-forced Rossby waves, the first baroclinic wave primarily and the barotropic wave secondly. The calculation for other islands is less successful. Degree of the success in calculation almost corresponds to a spatial difference in quantity of wind data, and seems to be determined by quality of wind data.  相似文献   
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