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Fifty-eight rock chips from fifteen samples of sedimentary rocks from the Ramah Group (approximately 1.9 Ga) in northeastern Labrador, Canada, were analyzed for major and minor elements, including C and S, to elucidate weathering processes on the Earth's surface about 1.9 Ga ago. The samples come from the Rowsell Harbour, Reddick Bight, and Nullataktok Formations. Two rock series, graywackes-gray shales of the Rowsell Harbour, Reddick Bight and Nullataktok Formations, and black shales of the Nullataktok Formation, are distinguishable on the basis of lithology, mineralogy, and major and trace element chemistry. The black shales show lower concentrations than the graywackes-gray shales in TiO2 (0.3-0.7 wt% vs. 0.7-1.8 wt%), Al2O3 (9.5-20.1 wt% vs. 13.0-25.0 wt%), and sigma Fe (<1 wt% vs. 3.8-13.9 wt% as FeO). Contents of Zr, Th, U, Nb, Ce, Y, Rb, Y, Co, and Ni are also lower in the black shales. The source rocks for the Ramah Group sediments were probably Archean gneisses with compositions similar to those in Labrador and western Greenland. The major element chemistry of source rocks for the Ramah Group sedimentary rocks was estimated from the Al2O3/TiO2 ratios of the sedimentary rocks and the relationship between the major element contents (e.g., SiO2 wt%) and Al2O3/TiO2 ratios of the Archean gneisses. This approach is justified, because the Al/Ti ratios of shales generally retain their source rock values; however, the Zr/Al, Zr/Ti, and Cr/Ni ratios fractionate during the transport of sediments. The measured SiO2 contents of shales in the Ramah Group are generally higher than the estimated SiO2 contents of source rocks by approximately 5 wt%. This correction may also have to be applied when estimating average crustal compositions from shales. Two provenances were recognized for the Ramah Group sediments. Provenance I was comprised mostly of rocks of bimodal compositions, one with SiO2 contents approximately 45 wt% and the other approximately 65 wt%, and was the source for most sedimentary rocks of the Ramah Group, except for black shales of the Nullataktok Formation. The black shales were apparently derived from Provenance II that was comprised mostly of felsic rocks with SiO2 contents approximately 65 wt%. Comparing the compositions of the Ramah Group sedimentary rocks and their source rocks, we have recognized that several major elements, especially Ca and Mg, were lost almost entirely from the source rocks during weathering and sedimentation. Sodium and potassium were also leached almost entirely during the weathering of the source rocks. However, significant amounts of Na were added to the black shales and K to all the rock types during diagenesis and/or regional metamorphism. The intensity of weathering of source rocks for the Ramah Group sediments was much higher than that of typical Phanerozoic sediments, possibly because of a higher PCO2 in the Proterozoic atmosphere. Compared to the source rock values, the Fe3+/Ti ratios of many of the graywackes and gray shales of the Ramah Group are higher, the Fe2+/Ti ratios are lower, and the sigma Fe/Ti ratios are the same. Such characteristics of the Fe geochemistry indicate that these sedimentary rocks are comprised of soils formed by weathering of source rocks under an oxygen-rich atmosphere. The atmosphere about 1.9 Ga was, therefore, oxygen rich. Typical black shales of Phanerozoic age exhibit positive correlations between the organic C contents and the concentrations of S, U, and Mo, because these elements are enriched in oxygenated seawater and are removed from seawater by organic matter in sediments. However, such correlations are not found in the Ramah Group sediments. Black shales of the Ramah Group contain 1.7-2.8 wt% organic C, but are extremely depleted in sigma Fe (<1 wt% as FeO), S (<0.3 wt%), U (approximately l ppm), Mo (<5 ppm), Ni (<2 ppm), and Co (approximately 0 ppm). This lack of correlation, however, does not imply that the approximately 1.9 Ga atmosphere-ocean system was anoxic. Depletion of these elements from the Ramah Group sediments may have occurred during diagenesis.  相似文献   
We investigated marine and terrestrial environmental changes at the northern Japan margin in the northwestern Pacific during the last 23,000 years by analyzing biomarkers (alkenones, long-chain n-alkanes, long-chain n-fatty acids, and lignin-derived materials) in Core GH02-1030. The U 37K′-derived temperature in the last glacial maximum (LGM) centered at 21 ka was ∼10°C, which was 2°C lower than the core-top temperature (∼12°C). This small temperature drop does not agree with pollen evidence of a large air temperature drop (more than 4°C) in the Tokachi area. This disagreement might be attributed to a bias of U 37K′-derived temperature within 2.5°C by a seasonal shift in alkenone production. The U 37K′-derived temperature was significantly low during the last deglaciation. Because this cooling was significant in the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition zone, the temperature drops are attributable to the southward displacement of the Kuroshio-Oyashio boundary. Abundant lignin-derived materials, long-chain n-alkanes and long-chain n-fatty acids indicate a higher contribution of terrigenous organic matter from 17 to 12 ka. This phenomenon might have resulted from an enhanced coastal erosion of terrestrial soils due to marine transgression and/or an efficient inflow of higher plant debris to river waters from 17 to 12 ka.  相似文献   
Grab samples of the smaller macrobenthos (>1 mm, <1g wet weight) were obtained seasonally at fourteen stations along two transects in the shallow coastal waters of the westernmost part of Wakasa Bay. According to Morisita's similarity index (C i , two faunal groups were recognized to be present throughout the year. The boundary between them was found to lie between depths of 10 and 20 m where the silt-clay fraction increased abruptly in the sediment, although the boundary was less obvious in summer. Statistics on community structure (species diversity, species richness, and evenness) also showed marked differences between the two assemblages. The change in faunal features was found to be roughly parallel to changes in sediment characteristics. On the nearshore sandy bottom, the influence of wave action is considered to be the major factor affecting the fauna as it results in a decrease in evenness and species richness. On the other hand, on the offshore muddy bottom, stagnant conditions cause the benthic fauna to decrease in density and to bear some resemblance to those of enclosed bays. The highest species diversity was found on the silty sand bottom (20 m deep). This can be understood as an edge effect of an ecotone.  相似文献   
Integrated colors of M3, M5, M13, and M92 are calculated from the luminosity function, the color-magnitude diagram, and the two-color diagram to compare them with observed ones. The results show good agreements for M3, M13, and M92 and the discrepancy for M5. Possible causes for this discrepancy are discussed.To study the way in which integrated colors are affected by changes in the distribution of stars in the color-magnitude diagram, we calculate the integrated colors by taking into account changes in the distribution of horizontal branch stars and in the ratio of the number of horizontal branch stars to that of red giant branch stars. The result shows that (B-V) color varies within the range of about 0.1 mag with changes in the distribution of horizontal branch stars, implying that the cluster with a well-developed blue horizontal branch has bluer intrinsic integrated (B-V) color than that with yellow one. This tendency is compared with observation.  相似文献   
Moored instrument observations in the Kuroshio south of Kyushu   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In each of the (fiscal) years 1979–1982, multilayer current measurements by means of moored instruments were carried out in the Kuroshio off Tanegashima Island, south of Kyushu, with particular interest in the baroclinic layer (0–1,000 m) of the intense current. Most of the moored instruments were in position for more than 30 days, the maximum duration being 145 days. This paper describes some noticeable features of the mean and fluctuation fields in the surface Kuroshio as inferred from the the new data sets.Vertical profiles of horizontal velocities show that the eastward current of the Kuroshio in the region is confined to the upper 600 m on average and below this level the mean current is directed to the southwest along the local isobaths. This is believed to be the first observation of the level of no motion in this region. It is argued that the indicated level of no motion would lead to much smaller values for the Kuroshio transport than previous values referred to the 1,000 m level — for example, earlier estimates by Nitani (1972).The fluctuation field in the upper intense current appears to be dominated by an organized motion with a time scale of about 30 days. This can be seen clearly in the time variations of water temperature and local volume transport, but less clearly in the velocity records. The horizontal transfer components of momentum and heat are calculated and it is suggested that the transverse momentum transfer, UV tends to be negative (offshore) in the region of anticyclonic shear of the upper Kuroshio; no evidence for a negative eddy viscosity effect is found.  相似文献   
The skarn‐type tungsten deposit of the Date‐Nagai mine is genetically related to the granodiorite batholith of the Iidateyama body. Skarn is developed along the contact between pelitic hornfels and marble that remains as a small roof pendant body directly above the granodiorite batholith. Zonal arrangement of minerals is observed in skarn. The zonation consists of wollastonite, garnet, garnet‐epidote, and vesuvianite‐garnet zones, from marble to hornfels. Sheelite is included in garnet, garnet‐epidote, and vesuvianite‐garnet zones. The oxygen isotope values of skarn minerals were obtained as δ18O = 4.2–7.7‰ for garnet, 5.9–6.9‰ for vesuvianite, ?0.3–3.4‰ for scheelite, 6.0–10.9‰ for quartz, and 8.2‰ for muscovite. The temperature of skarn‐formation was calculated from oxygen isotopic values of scheelite‐quartz pairs to be 288°C. Calculated oxygen isotope values of fluid responsible for skarn minerals were 6.1–9.5‰ for garnet, 1.2–4.8‰ for scheelite, ?1.3‐3.6‰ for quartz, and 4.5‰ for muscovite. Garnet precipitated from the fluids of different δ18O values from scheelite, quartz, and muscovite. These δ18O values suggest that the origin of fluid responsible for garnet was magmatic water, while evidence for the presence of a meteoric component in the fluids responsible for middle to later stages minerals was confirmed.  相似文献   
Recent studies on mineralogy, geochronology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope (Pb, Os, S, C, O, Sr) characteristics were reviewed to determine constraints for genetic models of the Chilean manto‐type copper deposits. The Chilean manto‐type deposits are divided into the two geologic categories of the northern areas (Arica–Iquique, Tocopilla–Taltal) and the central areas (Copiapó, La Serena, Santiago). The former is distributed in the coastal range composed of Jurassic andesite‐dominated volcano‐sedimentary piles and younger plutonic intrusions, and yields chalcocite (‐digenite) and bornite as the principal hypogene copper sulfides. The latter is hosted mostly in Lower Cretaceous volcano‐sedimentary sequences, and has chalcopyrite‐rich mineral associations. The fluid inclusion data indicate that the primary copper mineralization was commonly generated in the temperature range 150–360°C under low‐pressure conditions near the boiling curve, mediated with relatively saline brines. Generally, homogeneous Pb and S isotope compositions for primary copper minerals imply direct magma source or leaching of igneous rocks. Pb and Os isotope data published for some deposits, however, suggest that ore‐forming metals were derived mainly from the volcano‐sedimentary host rocks. The noticeably negative isotope ratios of primary sulfide sulfur and hydrothermal calcite carbon of some central area deposits indicate influx of sedimentary rock components, and the high 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios of hydrothermal calcite from the Tocopilla–Taltal area deposits imply contribution of the contemporaneous seawater or marine carbonates. These isotopic constraints imply a formation mechanism in which the Chilean manto‐type copper deposits formed epigenetically in the process of hydrothermal interaction of non‐magmatic surface‐derived brine with the volcano‐sedimentary host rocks, which is inferred to have been induced by a deep‐seated plutonic complex as the possible heat source.  相似文献   
Chang-Qing  Zheng  Takenori  Kato  Masaki  Enami  Xue-Chun  Xu 《Island Arc》2007,16(4):598-604
Abstract   The chemical Th-U-total Pb isochron method (CHIME) has been applied to determine the ages of monazite grains from metasediments of greenscshist-amphibolite facies in the Altai orogen, northwest China. The area of distribution of these metamorphic rocks is divided into the Permian (261–268 Ma) central-western and Devonian (377–382 Ma) eastern units on the basis of their metamorphic ages. The Devonian CHIME ages are consistent with the Pb–Pb ages of granitoid in the eastern unit, and support the idea that emplacement of the granitoids was synchronous with regional metamorphism at deep levels. The Permian metamorphic ages (the present study) and igneous ages previously reported from the central-western unit can be interpreted in terms of subduction of crustal material and oceanic plate, and rapid exhumation.  相似文献   
The variation of velocity and potential vorticity (PV) of the Kuroshio at the PN line in the East China Sea and the TK line across the Tokara Strait were examined in relation to the path variations of the Kuroshio in the southern region of Japan, using quarterly data from a conductivity-temperature-depth profiler and a shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler during 1987–97. At the PN line the Kuroshio has a single stable current core located over the continental slope and a significant maximum of PV located just onshore of the current axis in the middle part of the main pycnocline. On the other hand, the Kuroshio at the TK line has double current cores over the two gaps in the Tokara Strait; the northern core has a much larger velocity than the southern core on average during periods of the large meander of the Kuroshio, while the difference in strength between the double cores is small during the non-large-meander (NLM) period. At the TK line, PV in the middle pycnocline is variable; it is small and nearly uniform throughout the section for 40% of the total observations, while it has a significant maximum near the northern core for 30% and two maxima corresponding to the double current cores for 23%. The small, nearly uniform PV occurs predominantly during the NLM period, and is closely related to the generation of the small meander of the Kuroshio southeast of Kyushu. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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