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A historical record of the effects of human development upon Lake Macatawa is established using geologic criteria. Significant cultural events are recognized using the pollen record, particularly ambrosia/vesiculate pollen ratios, and occurrences of detrital and chemical contaminants within the more recent sedimentary column. Detrital contaminants include such things as cinder and ash from coal burning power plants and animal hair from early tanning operations. Trace metal contaminants, frequently associated with specific industrial events, are particularly useful in establishing a modern sedimentary chronology. The impact of human activity upon Lake Macatawa is measured using fossil diatoms. The advantage of this method of environmental impact assessment is that it provides a historical perspective in which changes within an environment are related to its natural conditions.  相似文献   
Several isoprenoid compounds were isolated from a heat-treated marine sediment in the southern California continental shelf (from Tanner Basin) which were not present in the original sediment. Among the compounds identified were: phytol, dihydrophytol, C18-isoprenoid ketone, phytanic and pristanic acids, C19- and C20-monoolefins, and the alkanes 2,6,10-trimethylpentadecane, pristane and phytane. The significance and possible routes leading to these compounds is discussed.  相似文献   
Recent sediments from Tanner Basin (off southern California) and Bandaras Bay (in Gulf of California) have been analyzed for normal, isoprenoid and steroidal alcohols using chromatographic (column, GLC, TLC), and spectroscopic (u.v., i.r., MS) methods, prior to and after heat-treatment (from 65 to 150°C). Normal saturated alcohols (C14-C24) and monounsaturated alcohols (C22-C24) were identified, as well as the isoprenoid alcohols, phytol and dihydrophytol.Two series of sterols (Δ5 and Δ7) were found in Tanner Basin, and Δ5-sterols and triterpenes, in Bandaras Bay sediment. Sterols from both sediments contained the corresponding stanols.  相似文献   
Sediments are the ultimate sink for contaminants in the marine environment, and physical processes of sedimentation influence the distribution and accumulation of these contaminants. Evaluation of contaminant levels in sediments is one approach to assessing environmental impact; data interpretation depends on consideration of sediment texture and mineralogy, however, which profoundly influence chemical composition. In this study, comparison of potentially contaminated sediments from the production field with control populations was done only within the context of similar (as to texture and organic carbon and carbonate content) sample groups as determined by cluster analysis. Ba, Cd, and Sr are identified as contaminants. Supported by the identification of a well-crystallized expandable clay—possibly bentonite—drilling fluids are a potential source of Ba. Ba and Sr may be unnaturally high because of their abundance in discharged produced formation waters, but may also be naturally controlled by the unique faunal assemblage associated with the structures. Cd is probably derived from corrosion of the structures and assorted debris on the seafloor. In general, contamination is limited to an area within 100 m of the platforms. Furthermore, substantial erosion around platforms has probably effectively removed and dispersed the bulk of the contaminants introduced into the marine environment by the offshore exploration/production operations.  相似文献   
The thermodynamical and microphysical characteristics of monsoon clouds in the Poona, Bombay and Rihand regions were investigated using extensive aircraft in-cloud observations. The number of clouds sampled at Poona, Bombay and Rihand is 2199, 169 and 104 respectively. The temperatures inside the cloud are colder than its environment at Poona and Rihand. The maximum difference is about 3°C at the cloud base level and the difference decreased with height. At Bombay the difference is less than 1°C and at some levels the temperatures inside the cloud are warmer than its environment. The lapse rates of temperatures inside the cloud are slightly less than those in the immediate environment of the cloud. The environmental lapse rates are nearly equal to the saturated adiabatic value. The positive increments in liquid water content (LWC) are associated with the increments in temperature inside the cloud. Similarly positive increments in temperatures inside the cloud are associated with the increments in temperature of its immediate environment at the same level or the layer immediately above. The maximum cloud lengths observed at Poona and Bombay respectively are 14 and 3 km. The horizontal cross-section of LWC showed a maximum number of 13 peaks in clouds at Poona while only 7 peaks were observed at Bombay. The location of maximum LWC in the horizontal cross-section is more or less at the centre of the cloud. The LWC profile showed an increase with height from the base of the cloud at Poona and Bombay. There is no marked variation of LWC with height at Rihand. The total droplet concentration at different altitudes at Poona and Bombay is in the range 28–82 cm?3. The size distribution of cloud droplets experienced a broadening effect with increase in height from the cloud base at Poona. The broadening effect at Bombay is not as marked as that at Poona.  相似文献   
An attempt to establish an LD50 for submergence onLittorina irrorata casts strong doubt on the hypothesis that submergence avoidance behavior is due to the threat of drowning. Predator avoidance is offered as a more plausable hypothesis. Respiration rates of 2.73×10?3 ml O2/g body wt./min. for submerged snails and 2.70×10?2 ml O2/g body wt./min. for controls were determined.  相似文献   
Geomagnetic paleointensity determination have been made by the Thellier method using samples from 27 sites in Bulgaria. The samples include bricks, specimens taken from historic kilns, from prehistoric hearths and the sites of ancient fires. The ages of the samples, which range from about 4500 B.C. to the 19th century A.D., have been determined partly by the 14C method and partly from archaeological evidence. The (residual NMR)-(induced TRM) diagrams tend to be less linear for the prehistoric samples either due to weathering or because the NRM is not a total TRM.  相似文献   
The microstructure of a quartzite experimentally deformed and partially recrystallised at 900 °C, 1.2 GPa confining pressure and strain rate 10−6/s was investigated using orientation contrast and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Boundaries between misoriented domains (grains or subgrains) were determined by image analysis of orientation contrast images. In each domain, EBSD measurements gave the complete quartz lattice orientation and enabled calculation of misorientation angles across every domain boundary. Results are analysed in terms of the boundary density, which for any range of misorientations is the boundary length for that range divided by image area. This allows a more direct comparison of misorientation statistics between different parts of a sample than does a treatment in terms of boundary number.The strain in the quartzite sample is heterogeneous. A 100×150 μm low-strain partially recrystallised subarea C was compared with a high-strain completely recrystallised subarea E. The density of high-angle (>10°) boundaries in E is roughly double that in C, reflecting the greater degree of recrystallisation. Low-angle boundaries in C and E are produced by subgrain rotation. In the low-angle range 0–10° boundary densities in both C and E show an exponential decrease with increasing misorientation. The densities scale with exp(−θ/λ) where λ is approximately 2° in C and 1° in E; in other words, E has a comparative dearth of boundaries in the 8–10° range. We explain this dearth in terms of mobile high-angle boundaries sweeping through and consuming low-angle boundaries as the latter increase misorientation through time. In E, the density of high-angle boundaries is larger than in C, so this sweeping would have been more efficient and could explain the relative paucity of 8–10° boundaries.The boundary density can be generalised to a directional property that gives the degree of anisotropy of the boundary network and its preferred orientation. Despite the imposed strain, the analysed samples show that boundaries are not, on average, strongly aligned. This is a function of the strong sinuosity of high-angle boundaries, caused by grain boundary migration. Low-angle boundaries might be expected, on average, to be aligned in relation to imposed strain but this is not found.Boundary densities and their generalisation in terms of directional properties provide objective measures of microstructure. In this study the patterns they show are interpreted in terms of combined subgrain rotation and migration recrystallisation, but it may be that other microstructural processes give distinctive patterns when analysed in this fashion.  相似文献   
We present absorption cross sections of propane (C3H8) at temperatures from 145 K to 297 K in the 690–1550 cm−1 region. Pure and N2-broadened spectra were measured at pressures from 3 Torr to 742 Torr using a Bruker IFS125 FT-IR spectrometer at JPL. The gas absorption cell, developed at Connecticut College, was cooled by a closed-cycle helium refrigerator. The cross sections were measured and compiled for individual spectra recorded at various experimental conditions covering the planetary atmosphere and Titan. In addition to the cross sections, a propane pseudoline list with a frequency grid of 0.005 cm−1, was fitted to the 34 laboratory spectra. Line intensities and lower state energies were retrieved for each line, assuming a constant width. Validation tests showed that the pseudoline list reproduces discrete absorption features and continuum, the latter contributed by numerous weak and hot band features, in most of the observed spectra within 3%. Based on the pseudoline list, the total intensity in the 690–1550 cm−1 region was determined to be 52.93 (±3%) × 10−19 cm−1/(molecule cm−2) at 296 K; this value is within 3% of the average from four earlier studies. Finally, the merit of the pseudoline approach is addressed for heavy polyatomic molecules in support of spectroscopic observation of atmospheres of Titan and other planets. The cold cross sections will be submitted to the HITRAN database (hitran.harvard.edu), and the list of C3H8 pseudolines will be available from a MK-IV website of JPL (http://mark4sun.jpl.nasa.gov/data/spec/Pseudo).  相似文献   
Numerical models constitute the most advanced physical-based methods for modeling complex ground water systems. Spatial and/or temporal variability of aquifer parameters, boundary conditions, and initial conditions (for transient simulations) can be assigned across the numerical model domain. While this constitutes a powerful modeling advantage, it also presents the formidable challenge of overcoming parameter uncertainty, which, to date, has not been satisfactorily resolved, inevitably producing model prediction errors. In previous research, artificial neural networks (ANNs), developed with more accessible field data, have achieved excellent predictive accuracy over discrete stress periods at site-specific field locations in complex ground water systems. In an effort to combine the relative advantages of numerical models and ANNs, a new modeling paradigm is presented. The ANN models generate accurate predictions for a limited number of field locations. Appending them to a numerical model produces an overdetermined system of equations, which can be solved using a variety of mathematical techniques, potentially yielding more accurate numerical predictions. Mathematical theory and a simple two-dimensional example are presented to overview relevant mathematical and modeling issues. Two of the three methods for solving the overdetermined system achieved an overall improvement in numerical model accuracy for various levels of synthetic ANN errors using relatively few constrained head values (i.e., cells), which, while demonstrating promise, requires further research. This hybrid approach is not limited to ANN technology; it can be used with other approaches for improving numerical model predictions, such as regression or support vector machines (SVMs).  相似文献   
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