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Abstract— The Carcote meteorite, detected in 1888 in the northern Chilean Andes, is a brecciated, weakly shocked H5 chondrite. It contains a few barred olivine chondrules and, even more rarely, fan-shaped or granular orthopyroxene chondrules. The chondrules are situated in a fine-grained matrix that consists predominantly of olivine and orthopyroxene with accessory clinopyroxene, troilite, chromite, merrillite, and plagioclase. The metal phase is mainly kamacite with subordinate taenite and traces of native Cu. In its bulk rock composition, Carcote compares well with other H5 chondrites so far analysed, except for a distinctly higher C content. Microprobe analyses revealed the following mineral compositions: olivine (Fa16.5–20), orthopyroxene (Fs14–17.5), diopsidic clinopyroxene (FS6–7), plagioclase (An15–20). Troilite is stoichimetric FeS with traces of Ni and Cr; chromite has Cr/(Cr + Al) of 0.86, Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Mg) of 0.80-0.88 and contains considerable amounts of Ti, Mn, and Zn. Merrillite is close to the theoretical formula Ca18(Mg, Fe)2Na2(PO4)14, although with a Na deficiency not compensated for by excess Ca; the Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) ratio of the Carcote merrilite is 0.93-0.95. Kamacite and taenite have Ni contents of 5.6–7.2 and 17.1–23.4 wt%, respectively. Native Cu contains about 3.1–3.3 wt% Fe and 1.6 wt% Ni. Application of different geothermometers to the Carcote H5 chondrite yielded apparently inconsistent results. The highest temperature range of 850–950 °C (at 1 bar) is derived from the Ca-in-opx thermometer. From the cpx-opx solvus geothermometers and the two-pyroxene Fe-Mg exchange geothermometer, a lower temperature range of 750–840 °C is estimated, whereas lower and more variable temperatures of 630–770 °C are obtained from the Ca-in-olivine geothermometer. Recent calibrations of the olivine-spinel geothermometer yielded a still lower temperature range of 570–670 °C, which fits well to the temperature information derived from the Ni distribution between kamacite and taenite. Judging from crystal chemical considerations, we assume that these different temperatures reflect the closure of different exchange equilibria during cooling of the meteorite parent body.  相似文献   
Abstract— Magmatic inclusions occur in type II ureilite clasts (olivine‐orthopyroxene‐augite assemblages with essentially no carbon) and in a large isolated plagioclase clast in the Dar al Gani (DaG) 319 polymict ureilite. Type I ureilite clasts (olivine‐pigeonite assemblages with carbon), as well as other lithic and mineral clasts in this meteorite, are described in Ikeda et al.(2000). The magmatic inclusions in the type II ureilite clasts consist mainly of magnesian augite and glass. They metastably crystallized euhedral pyroxenes, resulting in feldspar component‐enriched glass. On the other hand, the magmatic inclusions in the large plagioclase clast consist mainly of pyroxene and plagioclase, with a mesostasis. They crystallized with a composition along the cotectic line between the pyroxene and plagioclase liquidus fields. DaG 319 also contains felsic lithic clasts that represent various types of igneous lithologies. These are the rare components not found in the common monomict ureilites. Porphyritic felsic clasts, the main type, contain phenocrysts of plagioclase and pyroxene, and their groundmass consists mainly of plagioclase, pyroxene, and minor phosphate, ilmenite, chromite, and/or glass. Crystallization of these porphyritic clasts took place along the cotectic line between the pyroxene and plagioclase fields. Pilotaxitic felsic clasts crystallized plagioclase laths and minor interstitial pyroxene under metastable conditions, and the mesostasis is extremely enriched in plagioclase component in spite of the ubiquitous crystallization of plagioclase laths in the clasts. We suggest that there are two crystallization trends, pyroxene‐metal and pyroxene‐plagioclase trends, for the magmatic inclusions and felsic lithic clasts in DaG 319. The pyroxene‐metal crystallization trend corresponds to the magmatic inclusions in the type II ureilite clasts and the pilotaxitic felsic clasts, where crystallization took place under reducing and metastable conditions, suppressing precipitation of plagioclase. The pyroxene‐plagioclase crystallization trend corresponds to the magmatic inclusions in the isolated plagioclase clast and the porphyritic felsic clasts. This trend developed under oxidizing conditions in magma chambers within the ureilite parent body. The felsic clasts may have formed mainly from albite component‐rich silicate melts produced by fractional partial melting of chondritic precursors. The common monomict ureilites, type I ureilites, may have formed by the fractional partial melting of alkali‐bearing chondritic precursors. However, type II ureilites may have formed as cumulates from a basaltic melt.  相似文献   
The neutral gas environment of a comet is largely influenced by dissociation of parent molecules created at the surface of the comet and collisions of all the involved species. We compare the results from a kinetic model of the neutral cometary environment with measurements from the Neutral Mass Spectrometer and the Dust Impact Detection System onboard the Giotto spacecraft taken during the fly-by at Comet 1P/Halley in 1986. We also show that our model is in good agreement with contemporaneous measurements obtained by the International Ultraviolet Explorer, sounding rocket experiments, and various ground based observations.The model solves the Boltzmann equation with a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo technique (Tenishev, V., Combi, M., Davidsson, B. [2008]. Astrophys. J. 685, 659-677) by tracking trajectories of gas molecules and dust grains under the influence of the comet’s weak gravity field with momentum exchange among particles modeled in a probabilistic manner. The cometary nucleus is considered to be the source of dust and the parent species (in our model: H2O, CO, H2CO, CO2, CH3OH, C2H6, C2H4, C2H2, HCN, NH3, and CH4) in the coma. Subsequently our model also tracks the corresponding dissociation products (H, H2, O, OH, C, CH, CH2, CH3, N, NH, NH2, C2, C2H, C2H5, CN, and HCO) from the comet’s surface all the way out to 106 km.As a result we are able to further constrain cometary the gas production rates of CO (13%), CO2 (2.5%), and H2CO (1.5%) relative to water without invoking unknown extended sources.  相似文献   
The Solar–Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment {II (SOLSTICE {II), aboard the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) spacecraft, consists of a pair of identical scanning grating monochromators, which have the capability to observe both solar spectral irradiance and stellar spectral irradiance using a single optical system. The SOLSTICE science objectives are to measure solar spectral irradiance from 115 to 320 nm with a spectral resolution of 1 nm, a cadence of 6 h, and an accuracy of 5%, to determine its variability with a long-term relative accuracy of 0.5% per year during a 5-year nominal mission, and to determine the ratio of solar irradiance to that of an ensemble of bright B and A stars to an accuracy of 2%. Those objectives are met by calibrating instrument radiometric sensitivity before launch using the Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility at the National Institute for Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland. During orbital operations irradiance measurements from an ensemble of bright, stable, main-sequence B and A stars are used to track instrument sensitivity. SORCE was launched on 25 January 2003. After spacecraft and instrument check out, SOLSTICE {II first observed a series of three stars to establish an on-orbit performance baseline. Since 6 March 2003, both instruments have been making daily measurements of both the Sun and stars. This paper describes the pre-flight and in-flight calibration and characterization measurements that are required to achieve the SOLSTICE science objectives and compares early SOLSTICE{II measurements of both solar and stellar irradiance with those obtained by SOLSTICE {I on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite.  相似文献   
Using direct measurements of photo-electric absorption edges, I derive the intrinsic spectra for the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars. In the past, the hydrogen column density, N H had been found by fitting the X-ray spectra with a variety of simple continuum models. Since different models fit equally well, with different values of N H, little is learned about the true column density or intrinsic spectra. Here, I measure the column densities in a model-independent way, and thus derive intrinsic spectra without first assuming what those spectra ought to look like. Particularly for the brightest source, 4U 0142+61, the column density can be determined accurately, and is a factor of 1.4 smaller that the typically N H quoted. With this new value, the new intrinsic spectrum can be investigated anew, and shows a slight hint of a feature around 13 Å. To be emphasised, this is an empirical method with the minimum of assumptions, as is appropriate for these beguiling sources, the behaviour of which has mystifies astronomers for over a decade. This paper summarises the methods and conclusions to be published in the Astrophysical Journal by Durant and Van Kerkwijk (2006; see astro-ph/0606604).  相似文献   
Abstract— Nine additional iron meteorite fragments weighing a total of 72 kg were recovered from the Derrick Peak area by a Canterbury Museum geological party in late 1988. One iron was located in the Onnum Valley, 6 km south of the previous finds. Geochemical analysis indicates that all irons belong to a single meteorite shower, greatly increasing the known extent of the fall zone. Kamp and Lowe (1982) have previously estimated the terrestrial age of the meteorite from glacial geological evidence. The location of the 1988 finds supports Kamp and Lowe's interpretation that the meteorites lie in situ, but recent revisions of the chronology of Cenozoic glacial history of the region reduce the interpreted terrestrial age. An age of between Oxygen Isotope stages 6 and 2 is probable (190–125 to 35–12 ka BP). This conflicts with a terrestrial age estimate of 1.0 ± 0.1 Ma BP from cosmogenic radionuclides.  相似文献   
The role of different minerals in base cation release and thus the increase of buffering capacity of groundwater against acid deposition is controversially discussed in the literature. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and base cation concentration were investigated in whole rock leachates, mineral separates, precipitation, soil solution, groundwater and stream water samples in the Lehstenbach catchment (Germany) to identify the weathering sequence of the granite bedrock. Three different approaches were followed in parallel. It was assumed that the contribution of different minerals to base cation supply of the groundwater with increasing weathering intensity would be observed by investigating (1) unweathered rock leachates, deep groundwater and shallow groundwater, (2) groundwater samples from new groundwater wells, reflecting the initial weathering of the drilled bedrock, and groundwater from wells that were drilled in 1988, (3) stream water during baseflow, dominated by deep groundwater, and stream water during high flow, being predominantly shallow groundwater. Whereas the first approach yielded consistent patterns, there was some evidence that groundwater from the new wells initially reflected contamination by the filter gravel rather than cation release in an initial stage of weathering. Time series samples of stream water and groundwater solute concentrations and isotope ratios turned out to reflect varying fractions of soil water and precipitation water at baseflow and high flow conditions rather than varying contributions of different minerals that prevail at different stages of granite weathering.  相似文献   
The Plattengneis shear zone is a 250–600 m thick, flat lying, Cretaceous, eclogite facies, mylonitic shear zone, with north-over-south transport direction, that is exposed over almost 1000 km2 in the Koralpe region along the eastern margin of the Alps. Although the shear zone is one of the largest in the Alps, its role in the Eoalpine metamorphic evolution and the subsequent exhumation of the region, remain enigmatic and its large-scale geometry is not well understood. The outcrop pattern suggests that the shear zone is made up of a single sheet that is folded into a series of open syn- and antiforms with wavelengths of about 10 km. Eclogite bodies occur above, within and below the shear zone and there is no metamorphic grade change across the shear zone. In the south, the fold axes strike east–west and plunge shallowly to the east. In the north, the fold axes are oriented in north–south direction and form a dome shaped structure of the shear zone. Total shortening during this late stage warping event was of the order of 5%. Indirect evidence constrains this folding event to have occurred between 80 and 50 Ma and the fold geometry implies that the final exhumation in the Koralpe occurred somewhat later than further north. Interestingly, the shear zone appears to strike out of the topography in the south and dip into the topography in the north, so that north of the shear zone only hanging-wall rocks are exposed and south of it only foot-wall rocks. Possibilities for the geometric relationship of the Plattengneis shear zone with the surrounding south dipping detachments are discussed.  相似文献   
The present study aims at the assessment of six satellite rainfall estimates (SREs) in Pakistan. For each assessed products, both real-time (RT) and post adjusted (Adj) versions are considered to highlight their potential benefits in the rainfall estimation at annual, monthly, and daily temporal scales. Three geomorphological climatic zones, i.e., plain, mountainous, and glacial are taken under considerations for the determination of relative potentials of these SREs over Pakistan at global and regional scales. All SREs, in general, have well captured the annual north-south rainfall decreasing patterns and rainfall amounts over the typical arid regions of the country. Regarding the zonal approach, the performance of all SREs has remained good over mountainous region comparative to arid regions. This poor performance in accurate rainfall estimation of all the six SREs over arid regions has made their use questionable in these regions. Over glacier region, all SREs have highly overestimated the rainfall. One possible cause of this overestimation may be due to the low surface temperature and radiation absorption over snow and ice cover, resulting in their misidentification with rainy clouds as daily false alarm ratio has increased from mountainous to glacial regions. Among RT products, CMORPH-RT is the most biased product. The Bias was almost removed on CMORPH-Adj thanks to the gauge adjustment. On a general way, all Adj versions outperformed their respective RT versions at all considered temporal scales and have confirmed the positive effects of gauge adjustment. CMORPH-Adj and TMPA-Adj have shown the best agreement with in situ data in terms of Bias, RMSE, and CC over the entire study area.  相似文献   
High-pressure metamorphism in the Pohorje Mountains of Slovenia (Austroalpine unit, Eastern Alps) affected N-MORB type metabasic and metapelitic lithologies. Thermodynamic calculations and equilibrium phase diagrams of kyanite–phengite-bearing eclogites reveal PT conditions of >2.1 GPa at T<750°C, but within the stability field of quartz. Metapelitic eclogite country rocks contain the assemblage garnet + phengite + kyanite + quartz, for which calculated peak pressure conditions are in good agreement with results obtained from eclogite samples. The eclogites contain a single population of spherical zircon with a low Th/U ratio. Combined constraints on the age of metamorphism come from U/Pb zircon as well as garnet–whole rock and mineral–mineral Sm-Nd analyses from eclogites. A coherent cluster of single zircon analyses yields a 206Pb/238U age of 90.7±1.0 Ma that is in good agreement with results from Sm-Nd garnet–whole rock regression of 90.7±3.9 and 90.1±2.0 Ma (εNd: +8) for two eclogite samples. The agreement between U-Pb and Sm-Nd age data strongly suggests an age of approximately 90 Ma for the pressure peak of the eclogites in the Pohorje Mountains. The presence of garnet, omphacite and quartz inclusions in unfractured zircon indicates high-pressure rather than ultrahigh pressure conditions. The analysed metapelite sample yields a Sm-Nd garnet–whole rock scatterchron age of 97±15 Ma. These data probably support a single P-T loop for mafic and pelitic lithologies of the Pohorje area and a late Cretaceous high-pressure event that affected the entire easternmost Austroalpine basement including the Koralpe and Saualpe eclogite type locality in the course of the complex collision of the Apulian microplate and Europe.  相似文献   
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