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A model for sedimentation by surging glaciers is developed from analysis of the debris load, sedimentary processes, and proglacial stratigraphy observed at the Icelandic surging glacier, Eyjabakkajökull. Three aspects of the behavior of surging glaciers explain the distinctive landformsediment associations which they may produce: (a) sudden loading of proglacial sediments during rapid glacier advances results in the buildup of excess pore pressures, failure, and glacitectonic deformation of the overridden sediments; (b) reactivation of stagnant marginal ice by the downglacier propagation of surges is associated with large longitudinal compressive stresses. These induce intense folding and thrusting during which basal debris-rich ice is elevated into an englacial position in a narrow marginal zone. As the terminal area of the glacier stagnates between surges, debris from this ice is released supraglacially and deposited by meltout and sediment flows; (c) local variations in overburden pressure beneath stagnant, crevassed ice cause subglacial lodgement tills, which are sheared during surges, to flow into open crevasses and form “crevasse-fill” ridges.  相似文献   
To detect possible superficial deformations in the volcanic Caldera of Teide area (Canary Islands), we have set up a network composed by 17 points which we shall observe successively. In this paper, we present the analysis and reduction of data and the free tridimensional adjustment of the network for the first observation campaign.  相似文献   
The orthogneisses of the Spessart crystalline complex are derived from a granitic to granodioritic magma of S-type character which must have formed by anatexis of continental crust. It intruded into a relatively shallow crustal level, 410–420 Ma ago, at the Silurian. Trace element characteristics are consistent with a post-collision geotectonic environment testifying to extensional tectonics at the end of the Caledonian era.
Zusammenfassung Die Orthogneise des Spessartkristallins lassen sich von einem granitischen bis granodioritischen Magma von S-Typ-Charakter ableiten, das durch Anatexis kontinentaler Kruste entstanden sein mu\ und in ein relativ oberflächennahes Krustenniveau intrudierte. Die Platznahme erfolgte vor 410–420 Ma, d. h. im Silur. Die Spurenelement-Muster der Orthogneise entsprechen denen von Post-Kollisions-Granitoiden, was als Hinweis auf eine Phase der Dehnungstektonik am Ende der kaledonischen ära bewertet werden kann.

Résumé Les orthogneiss du Spessart sont dérivés d'un magma granitique à granodioritique de type S qui doit s'Être formé par anatexie de la croûte continentale. Ce magma a été intrudé dans un niveau peu profond de la croûte il y a 410–420 Ma c'est-à-dire au Silurien. La distribution des éléments en traces est en accord avec celle des granitoÏdes formés dans un contexte géodynamique de post-collision. Cette observation est en faveur d'une phase d'extension tectonique à la fin du cycle calédonien.

, — Wojcieszów-Kalke. , — . . , , , , .
The development of gypsum maze caves under artesian conditions has been simulated. The numerical model simulations show that the evolution of maze caves in this type of setting requires structural preferences such as laterally extended fissure networks in a horizon of the gypsum layer. Without any structural preferences vertical shafts rather than maze caves are predicted to develop. The most important stage for the development of horizontal caves under artesian conditions is found to be the initial karstification period. During this period the structure of the mature conduit system is established. The solutional enlargement of conduits is spatially extended, total dissolution rates are higher than the later ones.  相似文献   
Bolshaya Imandra, the northern sub-basin of Lake Imandra, was investigated by a hydro-acoustic survey followed by sediment coring down to the acoustic basement. The sediment record was analysed by a combined physical, biogeochemical, sedimentological, granulometrical and micropalaeontological approach to reconstruct the regional climatic and environmental history. Chronological control was obtained by 14C dating, 137Cs, and Hg markers as well as pollen stratigraphy and revealed that the sediment succession offers the first continuous record spanning the Lateglacial and Holocene for this lake. Following the deglaciation prior to c. 13 200 cal. a BP, the lake's sub-basin initially was occupied by a glacifluvial river system, before a proglacial lake with glaciolacustrine sedimentation established. Rather mild climate, a sparse vegetation cover and successive retreat of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) from the lake catchment characterized the Bølling/Allerød interstadial, lasting until 12 710 cal. a BP. During the subsequent Younger Dryas chronozone, until 11 550 cal. a BP, climate cooling led to a decrease in vegetation cover and a re-advance of the SIS. The SIS disappeared from the catchment at the Holocene transition, but small glaciers persisted in the mountains at the eastern lake shore. During the Early Holocene, until 8400 cal. a BP, sedimentation changed from glaciolacustrine to lacustrine and rising temperatures caused the spread of thermophilous vegetation. The Middle Holocene, until 3700 cal. a BP, comprises the regional Holocene Thermal Maximum (8000–4600 cal. a BP) with relatively stable temperatures, denser vegetation cover and absence of mountain glaciers. Reoccurrence of mountain glaciers during the Late Holocene, until 30 cal. a BP, presumably results from a slight cooling and increased humidity. Since c. 30 cal. a BP Lake Imandra has been strongly influenced by human impact, originating in industrial and mining activities. Our results are in overall agreement with vegetation and climate reconstructions in the Kola region.  相似文献   
The deuterium concentrations (δD vs SMOW) of biogenic methanes from world-wide occurrences range from ?180 to ?280%. and were found to be depleted in deuterium by approx. 160%. compared to the deuterium concentration of their associated waters. Theoretical considerations support this relationship to be the result of bacterial transformation of CO2 to methane and is therefore indicative of the biogenic origin of methane.Thermogenic gases with high C2+ concentrations (wet gases associated with crude oil) have D/H ratios from ?260 to ?150%. with deuterium contents tending to increase with decreasing wetness. Dry gases which are not associated with petroleum are more enriched in deuterium (?180 to ?130%.) and show an increase in deuterium with increasing rank of the source beds as it is similarly known for carbon-13.Many dry gases in young sedimentary basins were found to contain significant amounts of C2+ hydrocarbons. These gases cannot be grouped with either the biogenic or thermogenic gases and their methane is concluded to be of mixed biogenic and thermochemical origin.Using a δ13CδD diagrammatic display of the isotope data of methanes the various genetic groups of natural gases can be defined more clearly.  相似文献   
The ophiolitic mélange in the uppermost tectonic unit of the Cretan nappe pile contains crystalline slices which consist of a low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphic sequence and synmetamorphic intrusions, ranging in composition from diorite to granite. The plutonic rocks conform to two different igneous suites, dominated by diorites in eastern, and granites in central Crete, displaying I-type and A-type characters, respectively. Some of the granites from central Crete are classified as transitional I/S-type. They are closely associated with migmatitic paragneisses. Based on major and trace element, REE, Sr- and Nd-isotope geochemistry, the mafic members of both suites are derived from a depleted mantle source. The higher concentrations of P and Ti in the mafic members of the igneous suite in central Crete and the deviant trend of the whole suite may be explained by a different mantle source or a lower degree of partial melting. In both suites, magmatic evolution was governed by fractional crystallization of amphibole/clinopyroxene, plagioclase and minor phases. In addition, mixing or mingling of compositionally different magmas is indicated for the intrusive suite of eastern Crete whereas in central Crete the magma composition was at least partially modified through assimilation of (meta)pelites. The geochemical results suggest that the plutonic rocks formed in a supra-subduction zone setting. However, a formation during continental lithospheric extension cannot be ruled out. Published and new Rb–Sr and K–Ar dates on amphiboles and biotites from intrusive rocks and their metamorphic country rocks show that the peak of the low-P/high-T metamorphism and the intrusion of the two igneous suites testify to the same thermal event of Late Cretaceous age. A similar Late Cretaceous association of metamorphic and plutonic rocks has been described from the uppermost tectonic unit in the Attic–Cycladic Crystalline Complex. Together with the Cretan occurrences, they form a small sector radiating SSW along a distance of 300 km, across the general trend of the tectonic zones in the Hellenic orogen. This N–S alignment is regarded as a primary feature which may delineate the frontier zone between the Hellenides and the Taurides. The real paleogeographic position and geodynamic significance of the Late Cretaceous low-pressure/high-temperature belt, however, remains enigmatic. Received: 1 June 1999 / Accepted: 2 February 2000  相似文献   
Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios have been plotted against time of formation for various rock-types in the Schwarzwald and Vosges basement areas. These data exhibit strong positive correlations between the two variables. The Schwarzwald data define two distinct trend lines on the diagram, for the time span 500 to 250 Ma ago. The first comprises the data from orthogneisses, diatexites and pre-tectonic granites and documents the Sr isotope evolution in the crust underlying the Sehwarzwald. This region of the crust had a 87Rb/86Sr ratio of about 1. The other is delineated by data points from the post-tectonic plutons. These form a band corresponding to the development of closed systems with 87Rb/86Sr ratios of between 10 and 20 as indicated by the slope of the band. The second trend is interpreted as resulting from the formation of large, stable, deep-seated magma chambers formed by segregation of anatectic melts during a phase of tectonism 330Ma ago. The high 87Rb/86Sr ratios of these magmas arose by fractional crystallization, in response to tectonic decompression, during the coalescence of the presumedly water-saturated melts. Data for rocks from the Vosges, taken from the literature, form a single development line. Its slope corresponds to a 87Rb/86Sr ratio of about 5 and the line is analogous to the second trend line defined by the Schwarzwald data. The differences in the Rb/Sr systematics between the two areas can be explained as resulting from the deeper level of erosion in the Vosges. An important implication for Rb/Sr studies is that co-magmatic rocks can have very different initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios so that discrepancies in this ratio between rock-types cannot be used to divide plutons into genetic suites. On the other hand essential information is contained in the Rb/Sr systematics of orogenic magmatic rocks, such as the Variscan plutons in the Schwarzwald, that cannot be obtained from geochemical and petrological studies alone.  相似文献   
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