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Radar imaging results for Mercury's non-polar regions are presented. The dual-polarization, delay-Doppler images were obtained from several years of observations with the upgraded Arecibo S-band (λ12.6-cm) radar telescope. The images are dominated by radar-bright features associated with fresh impact craters. As was found from earlier Goldstone-VLA and pre-upgrade Arecibo imaging, three of the most prominent crater features are located in the Mariner-unimaged hemisphere. These are: “A,” an 85-km-diameter crater (348° W, 34° S) whose radar ray system may be the most spectacular in the Solar System; “B,” a 95-km-diameter crater (343° W, 58° N) with a very bright halo but less distinct ray system; and “C,” an irregular feature with bright ejecta and rays distributed asymmetrically about a 125-km source crater (246° W, 11° N). Due south of “C” lies a “ghost” feature (242° W, 27° S) that resembles “A” but is much fainter. An even fainter such feature is associated with Bartok Crater. These may be two of the best mercurian examples of large ejecta/ray systems observed in an intermediate state of degradation. Virtually all of the bright rayed craters in the Mariner 10 images show radar rays and/or bright rim rings, with radar rays being less common than optical rays. Radar-bright craters are particularly common in the H-7 quadrangle. Some diffuse radar albedo variations are seen that have no obvious association with impact ejecta. In particular, some smooth plains regions such as the circum-Caloris plains in Tir, Budh, and Sobkou Planitiae and the interiors of Tolstoj and “Skinakas” basins show high depolarized brightness relative to their surroundings, which is the reverse of the mare/highlands contrast seen in lunar radar images. Caloris Basin, on the other hand, appears dark and featureless in the images.  相似文献   
We analyzed a data cube of Neptune acquired with the Hubble STIS spectrograph on August 3, 2003. The data covered the full afternoon hemisphere at 0.1 arcsec spatial resolution between 300 and 1000 nm wavelength at 1 nm resolution. Navigation was accurate to 0.004 arcsec and 0.05 nm. We constrained the vertical aerosol structure with radiative transfer calculations. Ultraviolet data confirmed the presence of a stratospheric haze of optical depth 0.04 at 370 nm wavelength. Bright, discrete clouds, most abundant near latitudes −40° and 30°, had their top near the tropopause. They covered 1.7% of the observed disk if they were optically thick. The methane abundance above the cloud tops was 0.0026 and 0.0017 km-am for southern and northern clouds, respectively, identical to earlier observations by Sromovsky et al. (Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M., Dowling, T.E., Baines, K.H., Limaye, S.S., [2001b]. Icarus 149, 459-488). Aside from these clouds, the upper troposphere was essentially clear. Below the 1.4-bar layer, a vertically uniform haze extended at least down to 10 bars with optical depth of 0.10-0.16/bar, depending on the latitude. Haze particles were bright at wavelengths above 600 nm, but darkened toward the ultraviolet, at the equator more so than at mid and high latitudes. A dark band near −60° latitude was caused by a 0.01 decrease of the single scattering albedo in the visible, which was close to unity. A comparison of methane and hydrogen absorptions contradicted the current view that methane is uniformly mixed in latitude and altitude below the ∼1.5-bar layer. The 0.04 ± 0.01 methane mixing ratio is only uniform at low latitudes. At high southern latitudes, it is depressed roughly between the 1.2 and 3.3-bar layers compared to low-latitude values. The maximum depression factor is ∼2.7 at 1.8 bars. We present models with 2° latitude sampling across the full sunlit globe that fit the observed reflectivities to 2.8% rms.  相似文献   
The S(1) line of the pressure-induced fundamental band of H2 was identified and measured in the spectra of Saturn and Jupiter. This broad line at 4750 cm?1 lies in a region free from telluric and planetary absorptions. It is about 99% absorbing in the core; the high-frequency wing extends to at least 5100 cm?1. We compare the obseved line shape to the predictions of both a reflecting-layer model (RLM) and a homogeneous scattering model (HSM). The RLM provides a good fit to the Saturn line profile for temperatures near 150K; the derived base-level density is 0.52 (+0.26, ?0.17) amagat and the H2 abundance is 25 (+10, ?9) km-amagat, assuming a scale height of 48 km. The Jupiter line profile is fit by both the RLM and HSM, but for widely differing temperatures, neither of which seems probable. The precise fitting of the observed S(1) line profile to computed models depends critically on the determination of the true continuum level; difficulties encountered in finding the continuum, especially for Jupiter, are discussed. Derived RLM densities and abundances for both planets are substantially lower than those derived from RLM analyses of the H2 quadrupole lines, the 3ν3 band of CH4, and from other sources.  相似文献   
Abstract— The purpose of this paper is to review the results of long‐term cooperation between Dieter Stöffler and the authors in the field of shock wave deformation of minerals and rocks. First, the principal phenomena of shock wave generation and propagation, predominantly in solid media, are presented, and then analytical and numerical mathematical treatment of shock wave processes on the basis of mass, momentum, and energy conservation laws will be described and discussed. Experimental methods of shock wave investigations by means of impact and explosive techniques are summarized, including hypervelocity acceleration facilities and high‐pressure explosive devices. Shock pressure barometry by means of mineralogical evidence of distinct material phase transitions and characteristic shock structures is also discussed.  相似文献   
山东莒南后左山恐龙公园早白垩世恐龙足迹化石初步研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
山东省莒南县后左山恐龙公园内保存了数量众多、形态各异的恐龙足迹化石。该足迹化石群产于早白垩世大盛群田家楼组,主要是兽脚类、鸟脚类恐龙的足迹,尤以前者占优质。最大的一个为椭圆形,大小100cm×70cm,可能系鸟脚类恐龙的足迹。鸟脚类足迹大多为椭圆形,长轴一般30~40cm,常呈幻迹保存。最大的兽脚类足迹为三趾型,长49cm,宽35cm,是大型肉食龙类的足迹;最小的一个长8.5cm,宽4.5cm,可能是虚骨龙类的足迹。另外还发现了少量可能是驰龙的足迹,具有2个很长的趾(Ⅲ和Ⅳ趾),趾间角极小,二者几乎平行。鸟脚类恐龙足迹层位分布局限,但密度较大,产出的层面常发育泥裂、波痕,甚至冰晶痕,与泥岩、粉砂质泥岩等层位相关性较强。  相似文献   
An on-site gas monitoring study has been conducted in the framework of an earthquake laboratory (The International NELSAM–DAFGAS projects) at the TauTona gold mine, South Africa. Five boreholes up to 60 m long were drilled at 3.54 km depth into the highly fractured Pretorius Fault Zone and instruments for chemical and seismic monitoring installed therein. Over the span of 4 years sensitive gas monitoring devices were continuously improved to enable the direct observation of geogas concentration variations in the DAFGAS borehole. The major gas concentrations are constant and air-like with about 78% N2, 21% O2, 1% Ar. The geogas components CO2, CH4, He and H2 show the most interesting trends and variations on the minute-by-minute basis and significantly correlate with seismic data, while the 222Rn activity remains constant. Time series and cross correlation analysis allow the identification of different gas components (geogas and tunnel air) and the identification of two processes influencing the borehole gas composition: (1) pumping-induced tunnel air breakthrough through networks of initially water-saturated fault fractures; and (2) seismicity induced permeability enhancement of fault fractures to above ∼5 × 10-10 m2. The current set-up of the gas monitoring system is sensitive enough to quantify the resulting geogas transport during periods of intense blasting activities (including recorded blasts with seismic moment ?1 × 109 Nm, located within 1000 m of the cubby) and, it is suggested, also during induced earthquakes, a final goal of the project.  相似文献   
The heavy rain event of 30 January to 4 February 1993 in the Segura Basin in SE Iberia is investigated. The study emphasizes the atmospheric processes that led to thunderstorm development. The meteorological scenario has been separated into preconvective and convective periods and into large-scale and subsynoptic settings. The warm, moist air now from the Mediterranean Sea, channelled by a high-over-low blocking pattern with a cold front over southeastern Iberia appears to be the main reason that helped trigger a severe weather occurrence. The study of the mesoscale environment parameters showed an enhanced conditional unstability through a deep troposphere layer with a moderate to strong vertical wind shear that promoted conditions to allow organization of long-lived convective structures.  相似文献   
In order to test its ability as a bioaccumulator, the deposit feeding clam Asaphis deflorata, collected from a clean coastal area in Hong Kong (Ding Chau, Ma On Shan), was exposed to field-collected sediments representing a gradient of contamination. Sediments were collected from four sites, namely Shek O in the southeast of Hong Kong Island, Ap Lei Chau in Aberdeen district, Tai Kok Tsui in the Mong Kok waterfront, and To Kwa Wan near Kowloon City pier. Shek O was the cleanest and To Kwa Wan was the most polluted site. Replicate 30 L fiberglass tanks containing equal numbers of organisms were maintained for 28 days, with equal quantities of sediment and filtered seawater. Prior to this the animals were depurated for 10 days in clean sediment. During the 28-day holding period, sampling of both sediment and clams was performed on days 0, 10 and 28, along with condition index measurements. Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in sediments showed that Shek O was the cleanest of the sites, followed by Ap Lei Chau, Tai Kok Tsui and To Kwa Wan. There were marked differences among the sites, especially in PAH concentrations, with To Kwa Wan showing extremely high sediment concentrations.Following exposure, the biota concentrations of various organochlorine pesticides and PCBs suggested that there was sediment concentration-dependent accumulation by A. deflorata on day 10 of the experiment. However, there was no significant increase on day 28 for any of the compounds tested. Contaminant concentrations in clams feeding on Shek O sediments were minimal and almost the same on all sampling days, indicating the presence of only baseline contaminant concentrations. The condition indices (CI) of the clams on various sampling days showed that the animals were relatively more stable in sediment from Shek O. There were some deaths in all the test tanks (including those containing Shek O sediments). In addition, clams appeared to bury faster in the cleaner Shek O sediment and remained buried, unlike those in the sediment from the other locations, where some remained predominantly on the surface. Nevertheless, despite not completely burying, the clams in other test sediments still exhibited sediment concentration-dependent tissue accumulation. The results of the investigation indicate the possibility of developing a standard test protocol for bioaccumulation by sediment dwelling invertebrates, for practical use in Hong Kong, using A. deflorata.  相似文献   
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