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Magnetic resonance sounding applied to aquifer characterization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) is distinguished from other geophysical tools used for ground water investigation by the fact that it measures a magnetic resonance signal generated directly from subsurface water molecules. An alternating current pulse energizes a wire loop on the ground surface and the MRS signal is generated; subsurface water is indicated, with a high degree of reliability, by nonzero amplitude readings. Measurements with varied pulse magnitudes then reveal the depth and thickness of water saturated layers. The hydraulic conductivity of aquifers can also be estimated using boreholes for calibration. MRS can be used for both predicting the yield of water supply wells and for interpolation between boreholes, thereby reducing the number of holes required for hydrogeological modeling. An example of the practical application of MRS combined with two-dimensional electrical imaging, in the Kerbernez and Kerien catchments area of France, demonstrates the efficiency of the technique.  相似文献   
The thermal evolution of the only known Alpine (Cretaceous) granite in the Western Carpathians (Rochovce granite) is studied by low-temperature thermochronological methods. Our apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th)/He ages range from 17.5 ± 1.1 to 12.9 ± 0.9 Ma, and 12.9 ± 1.8 to 11.3 ± 0.8 Ma, respectively. The data thus show that the Rochovce granite records a thermal event in the Middle to early Late Miocene, which was likely related to mantle upwelling, volcanic activity, and increased heat flow. During the thermal maximum between ~17 and 8 Ma, the granite was heated to temperatures ? 60 °C. Increase of cooling rates at ~12 Ma recorded by the apatic fission track and (U-Th)/He data is primarily related to the cessation of the heating event and relaxation of the isotherms associated with the termination of the Neogene volcanic activity. This contradicts the accepted concept, which stipulates that the internal parts of the Western Carpathians were not thermally affected during the Cenozoic period. The Miocene thermal event was not restricted to the investigated part of the Western Carpathians, but had regional character and affected several basement areas in the Western Carpathians, the Pannonian basin and the margin of the Eastern Alps.  相似文献   
Spinels from cumulus and non-cumulus members of the Othris ophiolite display a considerable variation in composition. Cumulus picrites and gabbros contain either a primary chromite and/or a reaction spinel formed by reaction with co-existing silicates (Cr-Al varia tion) or intercumulus liquid (Cr-Fe variation). Non-cumulus peridotites contain spinels which vary along a Cr-Al trend. Harzburgites contain a Cr-spinel and lherzolites a more aluminous spinel. The occurence of gabbroic segregations within the host lherzolite appears to affect the spinel chemistry. Spinels adjacent to these plagioclase—diopside veinlets are richer in aluminium than the spinels scattered within the depleted lherzolite surrounding the veinlet. [Protoclastic harzburgites contain a highly aluminous spinel phase either as an exsolution phase within pyroxenes or as a groundmass spinel.] The Cr-Al variation of the peridotites is believed to have resulted from interaction with interstitial aluminous liquid—in situ basaltic melt from a fused peridotite?  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the effect of different land use on lithogenic Tl geochemistry, two forest and grassland soils developed on an identical Tl-rich substrate were examined. For this purpose a complex soil-plant investigation supplemented by mineralogical methods was performed. The modified BCR sequential extraction combined with X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and voltammetry of microparticles (VMP) were performed for a detailed insight on lithogenic Tl speciation and availability in both contrasting soils. It was revealed that soil forming processes like bioturbation and probably dust deposition may influence the increased input of lithogenic Tl into the forest floor. Thallium was predominantly bound within the residual fraction (up to 95%) corresponding to primary silicates (mainly orthoclase and muscovite) and probably secondary illite, which were detected by XRD in all studied horizons. Thus, stable silicates can be thought as the phases controlling the solubility of lithogenic Tl in both the forest and grassland soils. The highest portion (~ 5%) of “labile” Tl was found in the organic horizons of the forest soil indicating a distinct role of forest soil organic matter (SOM) on Tl mobilization and availability. Thallium adsorption was dominated by an identified non-crystalline Mn(III,IV) oxide detected by VMP proving thus its strong affinity for Mn oxides in mineral soils. On the contrary, Tl adsorption by more abundant Fe(III) oxides (goethite and ferrihydrite) was evaluated to be negligible. Organically bound Tl in the forest floor was found to be associated with primary SOM corresponding to the raw and partially decomposed litter of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.). Moreover, a relatively high Tl uptake was recorded by this species. In contrast, lithogenic Tl uptake by common grasses like red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) or timothy grass (Phleum pratense L.) seems to be very low.  相似文献   
Hybrid depositional systems are created by the interaction of two or more hydrodynamic processes that control facies distribution and their characteristics in terms of sedimentary structures and depositional geometry. The interaction of wave and tide both in the geological sedimentary record and modern environments has been rarely described in the literature. Mixed coastal environments are identified by the evidence of wave and tidal structures and are well identified in nearshore environments, while their recognition in lower shoreface–offshore environments lacks direct information from modern settings. Detailed field analyses of 10 stratigraphic sections of the Lower Ordovician succession (Fezouata and Zini formations; Anti‐Atlas, Morocco) have allowed the definition of 14 facies, all grouped in four facies zones belonging to a storm‐dominated, wave‐dominated sedimentary siliciclastic system characterized by symmetrical ripples of various scales. Peculiar sedimentary organization and sedimentary structures are observed: (i) cyclical changes in size of sedimentary structures under fair‐weather or storm‐weather conditions; (ii) decimetre‐deep erosional surfaces in swaley cross‐stratifications; (iii) deep internal erosion within storm deposits; (iv) discontinuous sandstone layers in most depositional environments, and common deposition of sandstones with a limited lateral extension, interpreted to indicate that deposition at all scales (metric to kilometric) is discontinuous; (v) combined flow–oscillation ripples showing aggrading–prograding internal structures alternating with purely aggrading wave ripples; and (vi) foreshore environments characterized by alternating phases of deposition of parallel stratifications, small‐scale and large‐scale ripples and tens of metres‐wide reactivation surfaces. These characteristics of deposition suggest that wave intensity during storm‐weather or fair‐weather conditions was continuously modulated by another controlling factor of the sedimentation: the tide. However, tidal structures are not recognized, because they were probably not preserved due to dominant action of storms and waves. A model of deposition is provided for this wave‐dominated, tide‐modulated sedimentary system recording proximal offshore to intertidal–foreshore environments, but lacking diagnostic tidal structures.  相似文献   
内蒙古乌拉特中旗恐龙足迹研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
2006年内蒙古地质环境监测院在乌拉特中旗海流图镇西10公里处发现一恐龙足迹化石点。由于恐龙足迹产地的地层研究程度较低,因此这批恐龙足迹的研究在地层年代确定、以及恢复古环境方面具有重大意义。共识别出脊椎动物足迹化石119个,其中大部分为恐龙足迹,包括兽脚类恐龙足迹:玫瑰实雷龙足迹(Eubrontes glenrosensis)、海流图卡岩塔足迹(Kayentapus hailiutuensis ichnosp.nov)和鸟脚类恐龙足迹中型异样龙足迹种(Anomoepus intermedius),以及鳄类足迹的蛙步足迹,其中海流图卡岩塔足迹(Kayentapus hailiutuensisichnosp.nov)为新种。根据足迹形态的对比,推断造迹恐龙分别为兽脚类恐龙中的巨齿龙类(Megalosaurus)和双脊龙类(Dilophosaurus)以及鸟脚类恐龙棱齿龙类(Hypsilophodont)。通过对比发现乌拉特与波兰Opatw附近的Podole地区的早侏罗世的足迹组合十分相似,因此建议将乌拉特中旗海流图的足迹及含足迹地层的年代归入侏罗纪早期。根据对足迹产地附近的地层剖面的研究以及足迹组合中含大量鸟脚类恐龙足迹的事实推断:侏罗纪早期研究区古环境为山涧河流环境,雨量充沛。  相似文献   
Abstract: The Shibantan Member (Dengying Formation, South China) represents one of only two carbonate settings with Ediacara-type organisms and offers a rare opportunity to study the biogeochemistry of these ecosystems. To evaluate possibilities and limitations for future biomarker studies on fossil-bearing outcrop samples of the Shibantan Member, we analysed the spatial distribution of hydrocarbons in extractable organic matter (i.e. bitumen) on a millimetre scale. Our study demonstrates that the sample and most likely also other rocks from the same setting are contaminated with petroleum-derived compounds that bear the potential for erroneous interpretations in palaeo-reconstructions. The contamination was revealed by distribution patterns and amounts of extractable n-alkanes and acyclic isoprenoids. The contamination is linked to the external weathering surfaces but also to cracks within the rock, and the extent most likely depends on concentration gradients between these contamination sources. Here we show that contamination can successfully be distinguished from syngenetic signals obtained from non-extractable organic matter (i.e. kerogen) using catalytic hydropyrolysis (HyPy). However, we observed that decalcification is necessary to achieve sufficient yields of kerogen-bound hydrocarbons and to avoid artificial alteration of the biomarker signals due to matrix effects.  相似文献   
Qualitative and quantitative knowledge about the spatial association between mineral occurrences and geological features are important in mineral potential mapping. Two existing methods for quantifying spatial association between mineral occurrences and curvilinear geological features are applied to the Baguio district of the Philippines. An experimental method is described and applied to the study area as well. The results of the three methods are highly similar, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the experimental method presented here for quantifying spatial association between mineral occurrences and curvilinear geological features. It is shown that gold occurrence in the Baguio district are strongly spatially associated with northeasterly trending faults/fractures rather than with northwesterly trending faults/fractures. It is also shown that the spatial association between the gold occurrence and older batholithic intrusives is stronger than the spatial association between gold occurrence and younger porphyry intrusives. These spatial geoinformation characteristics can be used as evidential data layers in GIS-based mineral potential mapping.  相似文献   
Trace element concentrations in gold grains from various geological units in South Africa were measured in situ by field emission‐electron probe microanalysis (FE‐EPMA), laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) and synchrotron micro X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy (SR‐μ‐XRF). This study assesses the accuracy, precision and detection limits of these mostly non‐destructive analytical methods using certified reference materials and discusses their application in natural sample measurement. FE‐EPMA point analyses yielded reproducible and discernible concentrations for Au and trace concentrations of S, Cu, Ti, Hg, Fe and Ni, with detection limits well below the actual concentrations in the gold. LA‐ICP‐MS analyses required larger gold particles (> 60 μm) to avoid contamination during measurement. Elements that measured above detection limits included Ag, Cu, Ti, Fe, Pt, Pd, Mn, Cr, Ni, Sn, Hg, Pb, As and Te, which can be used for geochemical characterisation and gold fingerprinting. Although LA‐ICP‐MS measurements had lower detection limits, precision was lower than FE‐EPMA and SR‐μ‐XRF. The higher variability in absolute values measured by LA‐ICP‐MS, possibly due to micro‐inclusions, had to be critically assessed. Non‐destructive point analyses of gold alloys by SR‐μ‐XRF revealed Ag, Fe, Cu, Ni, Pb, Ti, Sb, U, Cr, Co, As, Y and Zr in the various gold samples. Detection limits were mostly lower than those for elements measured by FE‐EPMA, but higher than those for elements measured by LA‐ICP‐MS.  相似文献   
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