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Approximately 100 glasses and 52 lithic fragments from Apollo 11 lunar fines and microbreccias were analyzed with the electron microprobe. Ranges in bulk composition of lithic fragments are considerably outside the precision (<±1%) and accuracy (±2–5%) of the broad electron beam technique. Results of this study may be summarized as follows: i) A large variety of rock types different from the hand specimens (basalt) were found among the lithic fragments, namely anorthosites, troctolitic and noritic anorthosites, troctolites, and norites (different from Apollo 12 norites). ii) In analogy to the hand specimens, the basaltic lithic fragments may be subdivided into low-K and high-K groups, both of which extend considerably in composition beyond the hand specimens. iii) Glasses were divided into 6 groups: Group 1 are the compositional analogs of the anorthositic-troctolitic lithic fragments and were apparently formed in single-stage impact events directly from parent anorthosites and troctolites. iv) Group 2 glasses are identical in composition to Apollo 12 KREEP glass and noritic lithic fragments, but have no counterparts in our Apollo 11 lithic fragment suite. Occurrence of KREEP in Apollo 11,12, and 14 samples is indicative of its relatively high abundance and suggests that the lunar crust is less depleted in elements that are common in KREEP (e.g. K, rare earths, P) than was originally thought on the basis of Apollo 11 basalt studies. v) Group 3 glasses are the compositional analogs of the basaltic lithic fragments, but low-K and high-K glasses cannot be distinguished because of loss of K (and Na, P) by volatilization in the vitrification process. vi) Group 4 glasses have no compositional analogs among the lithic fragments and were probably derived from as yet unknown Fe-rich, moderately Ti-rich, Mg-poor basalts. vii) Group 5 (low Ti-high Mg peridotite equivalent) and 6 (ilmenite peridotite equivalent) glasses have no counterparts among the Apollo 11 lithic fragments, but rock equivalents to group 5 glasses were found in Apollo 12 samples. Group 6 glasses are abundant, have narrow compositional ranges, and are thought to be the products of impact melting of an as yet unrecognized ultramafic rock type. iix) The great variety of igneous rocks (e.g. anorthosites, troctolites, norites, basalts, peridotites) suggests that large scale melting or partial melting to considerable depth must have occurred on the moon.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wurden zwei indische Lateritprofile untersucht. Die Lateritproben wurden soweit unverfestigt, in Korngrößenklassen zerlegt. Mit röntgenographischen. differentialthermoanalytischen und optischen Methoden wurde der Mineralbestand quantitativ bestimmt. Die Änderungen des Mineralbestandes und die Änderungen der Mineralverteilung wurde in den Lateritprofilen verfolgt.Die Lateritprofile sind auf quarzhaltigen Gesteinen, einem grobkörnigen Granit und einem feinkörnigen Quarz-Glimmer-Sandstein, entstanden. Als Ursache der Lateritbildung ist bei beiden Profilen die Verwitterung und Kaolinisierung des Ausgangsgesteins anzusehen. Bei dem Granit wurden die Feldspäte sowie die Hornblende und der Biotit, bei dem Sandstein wurde der Muskowit kaolinisiert. Der Quarz wurde mehr oder weniger stark korrodiert.Durch die Anreicherung von oxydischen und hydroxydischen Eisenmineralen in bestimmten Zonen der Verwitterungsprofile kam es zur Ausbildung typischer Lateritprofile mit konkretionsführenden bzw. pisolithischen Horizonten. Die Anreicherung von Eisenmineralen in diesen Horizonten ist durch Zufuhr von Eisen aus Verwittrungslösungen erfolgt. Das Eisen entstammt bei dem ersten Profil den verwitternden eisenhaltigen Mineralen des Granites, der Hornblende und dem Biotit. Bei dem zweiten Profil ist die Herkunft des Eisens aus verwitternden hämatitreichen Rindern des Sandsteines abzuleiten. An hydroxydischen Aluminiummineralen sind in beiden Lateritprofilen nur geringe Mengen Diaspur vorhanden.Auflösung von Kaolinit, Wanderung der Kaolinsubstanz und Neubildung von Fireclaymineral wurde in beiden Profilen nachgewiesen.  相似文献   
One hundred and seventy-six oxide mineral grains in the Luna 20 samples were analyzed by electron microprobe. Spinel is the most abundant oxide, occurring in troctolite fragments. Next most abundant is ilmenite, which occurs in all rock types except those containing spinel. Chromite also occurs in all rock types except those containing spinel. Minor amounts of ulvöspinel, armalcolite, zirkelite, baddeleyite and an unidentified TiO2-rich phase were also found.Spinel grains are predominantly spinel-hercynite solid solutions, commonly with very minor chromite. The Fe(Fe + Mg) ratio is generally lower than in spinel from Apollo 14 rocks. Chromites in non-mare rocks are similar to those from mare rocks. Ilmenite of mare origin is Mg-poor and Zr-rich compared to non-mare ilmenite; these elements may therefore be useful in determining the origin of ilmenite grains.Phase equilibria considerations suggest that spinel troctolite crystallized from a melt high in alumina; a likely candidate is the high-alumina basalt of Prinzet al. (1973a).Sub-micron wide rods of metallic Fe occur in plagioclase grains and may have formed by sub-solidus reduction processes.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bereits vor der Intrusion des Leuchtenberger Granits waren seine Rahmen-gesteine unter den Bedingungen der Amphibolit-Fazies regionalmetamorph eingeformt worden, wobei sich folgende Paragenesen bildeten: Muscovit + Biotit + Granat ± Sillimanit ± Staurolith (+ Quarz + Plagioklas) Muscovit + Biotit ± Kalifeldspat (+ Quarz + Plagioklas).Die Kontaktmetamorphose führt in den äußeren Bereichen der Aureole zur Paragenese Muscovit + Andalusit + Cordierit + Biotit (+ Quarz + Plagioklas), die der Hornblende-Hornfels-Fazies entspricht.In der inneren Kontaktzone werden die p-t-Bedingungen einer höhergradierten Hornfelsfazies erreicht, die sich in der Paragenese ± Kalifeldspat + Sillimanit + Cordierit ± Almandin + Biotit (+ Quarz + Plagioklas) dokumentiert.Die zonale Anordnung der Mineral-Paragenesen im Kontakthof läßt sich durch quantitative Verbreitungskarten anschaulich machen (150 Modalanalysen aus 59 Fundpunkten). Phasenbeziehungen und Mineralreaktionen werden anhand von AKF- und AFM-Diagrammen diskutiert, für deren Aufstellung 19 Mineralanalysen neu ausgeführt wurden.Durch den Vergleich mit derzeit verfügbaren experimentellen Unterlagen lassen sich die p-t-Bedingungen im Steinacher Kontakthof abschätzen. Danach ist ein Druckbereich von 1,5–3 kbar am wahrscheinlichsten. Mit der Bildung der höchst-gradierten Hornfelse waren 550° C sicher überschritten, während nach dem Jaeger-Modell 700° C als alleroberste Temperaturgrenze anzusehen ist. In der innersten Kontaktzone muß man mit geringen O2-Partialdrucken rechnen.
The gneiss-hornfelses of Steinach, Oberpfalz (Bavaria)
The southern margin of the Leuchtenberg granite massive is surrounded by a thermal aureole in which banded gneisses and mica schists have been transformed into hornfelses containing andalusite, sillimanite, cordierite, and almandine.Before the intrusion of the granite, the country rocks had undergone regional metamorphism to give mineral assemblages typical of the amphibolite facies: Muscovite + biotite ± K-feldspar + quartz + plagioclase in the banded gneisses and muscovite + biotite + garnet ± sillimanite ± staurolite + quartz + plagioclase in the mica schists.In the outer zone of the aureole, contact metamorphism produced the assemblage: Muscovite + andalusite + cordierite + biotite + quartz + plagioclase, corresponding to the hornblende-hornfels facies.In the inner zone of the aureole, increasing temperatures yielded the high grade assemblages: K-feldspar + sillimanite + cordierite ± almandine + biotite + quartz + plagioclase sillimanite + cordierite ± almandine + biotite + quartz + plagioclase.The zonal arrangement of the mineral assemblages within the Steinach aureole is shown in quantitative distribution maps of andalusite, contact-metamorphic sillimanite, cordierite, and contact-metamorphic garnet respectively, based on 150 modal analyses (from 59 points, Fig. 1). Andalusite (Fig. 10) reaches its maximum at about 200–400 m from the granite border and, toward it, is more and more substituted by sillimanite (Fig. 11). On the other hand, contact metamorphic sillimanite goes to the outer zone of the aureole almost as far as andalusite. This means that the sillimanite isograd passed across the andalusite zone during the contact metamorphism. Cordierite (Fig. 12) shows a constant increase from the margin to the innermost zone of the aureole, as does contact metamorphic garnet (Fig. 13). Phase relations and mineral reactions are discussed in terms of AKP- and APM-diagrams (Figs. 14, 15, 17, 18) based on 19 new mineral analyses (Tables 5–9).With respect to the experimental data so far available, possible P-T-conditions within the Steinach aureole have been discussed. The transition from the low to the high grade assemblages took place very near to the cross-over point of the andalusite/sillimanite equilibrium curve and the breakdown curve of muscovite + quartz in the P-T-diagram (Figs. 16, 19).This gives a minimum H2O-pressure of 1 kbar. In the innermost contact zone, temperatures must have exceeded 550° C, which is in good agreement with recent oxygen-isotope data as well as with Jaeger's model. As is shown by the ore mineral assemblages, studied in polished sections (Table 10), the oxygen activity in the high grade hornfelses was low.

Prof. S. Matthes (Würzburg) möchte ich für das lebhafte, fördernde Interesse an dieser Arbeit sowie für die Überlassung von Proben und von Geräten der DFG meinen herz-lichen Dank aussprechen. Wesentlichen Anteil am Gelingen dieser Untersuchung hat auch Prof. B. W. Evans, dem ich für die freundschaftliche Aufnahme in Berkeley, für die ständige Bereitschaft zur Diskussion und für wertvolle Anregungen zu großem Dank verpflichtet bin. Weiter danke ich Prof. W. Schreyer (Bochum) und Prof. F. J. Turner (Berkeley) für die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskripts sowie Mr. L. K. Burns (Berkeley), Dr. A. Peters und Dr. P. Richter (Würzburg) für wichtige Hinweise bei der Analytik. Die Untersuchungen an der Mikrosonde in Berkeley wurden durch ein Stipendium der Deutschen Forschungs-gemeinschaft ermöglicht; das Gerät stand durch die Unterstützung der National Science Foundation (grant GA 500) zur Verfügung. Beiden Organisationen sei für ihre Hilfe gedankt.

Textlich gekürzte, aber um neue Untersuchungsergebnisse erweiterte Fassung einer Habilitationsschrift, angenommen im Januar 1968 von der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Würzburg.  相似文献   
Problems related to the formation of chloritoid in metapelites, associated with lawsonite-glaucophane bearing metabasalts, in the quartzitephyllite series of western Crete (Greece) are discussed. It is supposed that chloritoid was formed, during prograde metamorphism, according to a gliding-equilibrium reaction of the type (Fe,Mg)-carpholite1+chlorite1 (Fe,Mg)-carpholite1 2+(Fe,Mg)-chloritoid1 2 +chlorite1→2+quartz+H2O ? (Fe,Mg)-chloritoid2+chlorite2+quartz+H2O. This view is stipulated by the occurrence of ferrocarpholite-chloritoid schists in the southeastern part of central Crete. The assemblage chloritoid+ lawsonite recently recognized in western Crete provides evidence that the formation of chloritoid started well within the stability field of lawsonite.  相似文献   
Food, energy and mineral resources appeared to be available in limitless quantities. The accelerated growth in global population during recent centuries brought about a new situation. We reached the resource limits of Spaceship Earth. This, along with the dawning awareness of the extent of environmental damage to date, have made it necessary to turn to new attitudes as to the use of renewable and non-renewable resources.IRM (Integrated Resource Management) is proposed as a way to rationally balance the use and conservation of natural resources. A databank based on the Geographic Information System (GIS) concept, bringing together all relevant resources of a nation, is the centerpiece of IRM and will make it possible to establish strategies to optimize the long term use of resources, including all relevant environmental factors.  相似文献   
Quartz–amphibole–pyroxene gneiss from the island of Akilia, Southwest Greenland has been claimed to contain the earliest traces of life on Earth in the form of biogenic carbonaceous matter encapsulated as inclusions in apatite crystals. Various lines of evidence, including petrography, geochronology, field relations, and geochemistry, have, however, been presented that challenge this interpretation. Textural relationships and geochemical signatures in this controversial gneiss presented here manifest a complex, spatially variable metamorphic history that includes granulite- and amphibolite-facies overprints and metasomatism. A peak metamorphic, granulite-facies, quartz–orthopyroxene–clinopyroxene–amphibole–magnetite assemblage is preserved in only a few centimeter-scale layers within the 5-m-thick, quartz–amphibole–pyroxene gneiss unit. Calcite veinlets that appear to postdate the peak metamorphism occur in pyroxene. The quartz–amphibole–pyroxene gneiss unit has subsequently experienced isochemical (except hydration) amphibolite-facies alteration during which pyroxenes were retrogressed to amphiboles and magnetite, and calcite was consumed. Parts of the quartz–amphibole–pyroxene gneiss that contain texturally late hornblende have experienced metasomatic alteration by Al-carrying fluids. These fluids controlled the alteration of pyroxenes and amphiboles to hornblende, and modified the trace-element composition by remobilizing LREE and Eu. Apatite has variable REE composition and 87Sr/86Sr in the quartz–amphibole–pyroxene gneiss, but on the local scale (cm) is in equilibrium with co-existing silicates. Effective recrystallization of apatite crystals as well as co-existing silicates during several stages of the metamorphic history makes the intact preservation of diagenetic apatite with encapsulated primary carbonaceous matter implausible. Hence, it is highly unlikely that Akilia apatite could serve as repository of the earliest traces of life on Earth.  相似文献   
A newly discovered, extensive sphalerite-bearing breccia (~7.5 wt.% Zn) is hosted in dolomitised Carboniferous limestones overlying Ordovician–Silurian metasedimentary rocks on the Isle of Man. Although base metal sulphide deposits have been mined historically on the island, they are nearly all quartz vein deposits in the metamorphic basement. This study investigates the origin of the unusual sphalerite breccia and its relationship to basement-hosted deposits, through a combination of petrographic, cathodoluminescence, fluid inclusion, stable isotope and hydrogeologic modelling techniques. Breccia mineralisation comprises four stages, marked by episodes of structural deformation and abrupt changes in fluid temperature and chemistry. In stage I, high-temperature (T h > 300°C), high-salinity (20–45 wt.% equiv. NaCl) fluid of likely basement origin deposited a discontinuous quartz vein. This vein was subsequently dismembered during a major brecciation event. Stages II–IV are dominated by open-space filling sphalerite, quartz and dolomite, respectively. Fluid inclusions in these minerals record temperatures of ~105–180°C and salinities of ~15–20 wt.% equiv. NaCl. The δ34S values of sphalerite (6.5–6.9‰ Vienna-Canyon Diablo troilite) are nearly identical to those of ore sulphides from mines in the Lower Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks. The δ18O values for quartz and dolomite indicate two main fluid sources in the breccia’s hydrothermal system, local Carboniferous-hosted brines (~0.5–6.0‰ Vienna standard mean ocean water) and basement-involved fluids (~5.5–11.5‰). Ore sulphide deposition in the breccia is compatible with the introduction and cooling of a hot, basement-derived fluid that interacted with local sedimentary brines.  相似文献   
East-northeastern Brazil has a wave-dominated, micro- to meso-tidal coast, lying entirely within the southern Atlantic trade wind belt. Integration of geologic mapping, radiocarbon dating and vibracoring data shows that the Quaternary coastal evolution of this area was controlled by three major factors: (1) sea-level history; (2) trade winds; and (3) climate change.

Sea-level history. Along the east-northeastern coast of Brazil, relative sea level has fallen approximately 5 m during the last 5000 y. Correlation of this sea-level history with the evolution of beach-ridge, lagoonal and coastal plain deposits shows that: (1) sea-level rise favours the formation of barrier island—lagoonal systems and the construction of intralagoonal deltas; (2) sea-level lowering is not conductive to barrier island formation. Rather, lagoons and bays become emergent and beach-ridge plains rapidly prograde.

Trade winds. Sediment dispersal systems along the coastal zone of east-northeastern Brazil have been highly persistent since Pleistocene time, as deduced from beach-ridge orientation. This persistence results from the fact that sediment dispersal in wave-dominated settings is ultimately controlled by atmospheric circulation which, for the east-northeastern coast of Brazil is associated with the South Atlantic high-pressure cell. The remarkable stability of this cell through time, has allowed the accumulation of extensive beach-ridge plains at the longshore drift sinks located along the coast.

Climate change. Effects of Quaternary climate changes on coastal sedimentation are twofold. Climate changes may affect rainfall patterns, thus exerting an important control on coastal dune development. Along the coast of northeastern Brazil, active coastal dunes are only present in those areas in which at least four consecutive dry months occur during the year. Mapping of these areas has shown that dune development during the Holocene has been episodic, these episodes being probably controlled by variations in rainfall patterns associated with climate changes. Secondly, despite its overall stability, the position of the high-pressure cell has experienced small shifts in position during the Holocene in response to climate changes. Changes in wind direction associated with these shifts have induced modifications in the coastal dispersion system, which are recorded in the strandplains as small truncations in the beach-ridge alignments.

These results have important implications in understanding accumulation of ancient sandstone shoreline sequences.  相似文献   

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