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The rotation of the solar corona is analyzed using the original database on the brightness of the FeXIV 530.3 nm coronal green line covering six recent activity cycles. The rate of the differential rotation of the corona depends on the cycle phase. In decay phases, there are only small differences in the rotation, which are similar to that of a rigid body. The differences are more significant (though less pronounced than in the photosphere) during rise phases, just before maxima, and sometimes at maxima. The total rate of the coronal rotation is represented as a superposition of two, i.e., fast and slow modes. The synodic period of the fast mode is approximately 27 days at the equator and varies slightly with time. This mode displays weak differences in rotation and is most pronounced in the middle of decay phases. The slow mode is manifested only at high latitudes during the rise phases of activity, and displays a mean period of 31 days. The relative contribution of each mode to the total rotational rate is determined as a function of time and heliographic latitude. These results indicate that the structure of the velocity field in the convective zone must also vary with time. This conclusion can be verified by helioseismology measurements in the near future.  相似文献   
A Petrologic Perspective of Kilauea Volcano's Summit Magma Reservoir   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two hundred years of magmatic history are documented by thelavas and tephra sampled from K  相似文献   
This study uses the fault-tree technique to identify the major effects of land degradation caused by the adoption of a malfunctioning shifting cultivation technology for food production in tropical basins. Through reference to existing empirical research, the sequence of events in the process of degradation of the Nigerian agricultural basins and the adjoining river systems was identified and related to the appropriate causal agent. A complete picture of the cost of land degradation goes beyond the degraded terrain and includes damage in areas where there is an unloading of large quantities of run-off and sediments. The causal pathway showed that existing land degradation management policies have focused on the symptoms rather than on the cause of the degradation process. Through a thorough examination of those malfunctioning components of the traditional farming technology, appropriate management strategies are proferred. An institutional organization for land degradation management in Nigeria which includes the federal, state and local governments is strongly recommended.  相似文献   
New data on the elemental composition of the Severnaya Dvina River, the largest one in the White Sea region, are presented. The elemental composition of the river water in May, the period of the snowmelt flood, is similar to the upper layer of the Earth’s continental crust due to the active erosion of the earth material in the catchment area. In August, the period of the summer low water, the impact of biogenic components increases and elevated concentrations of Cd, Sb, Mn, Zn, Pb, and Cu are observed. At other times, no significant pollution by heavy and rare-earth elements is registered.  相似文献   
Rare-earth elements abundance in black shales of the Upper Jurassic (Tithonian Stage)–Lower Cretaceous (Berriassian Stage) Bazhenov Formation is discussed. This formation is the principal oil source rocks of West Siberia. The deposits within the formation can be subdivided into two main marine groups: (a) moderately hemipelagic deposits (clayey-siliceous, including phosphatic and carbonate rocks) and low-density distal clayey turbidites (argillites), both are considered as normal and (b) silty argillites and clayey-silt rocks, which are channel deposits and considered as anomalous. The hemipelagic rocks of normal sections, which are enriched in the rare-earth elements (REE), accumulated under both slow rates of sedimentation (clayey-siliceous rocks) and faster rates of sedimentation (argillites). The channel deposits of anomalous sections, which are impoverished in the REE, accumulated exclusively under fast rates of sedimentation.Within the hemipelagic group the rate of sedimentation of the argillites was faster than of the clayey-siliceous rocks, but the REE concentration in the former rocks (140.4 ppm) is higher than in the latter group (97.4 ppm). The argillites are more than twice enriched in clayey material than clayey-siliceous rocks. It is likely that the clay fraction was the main carrier of REE in these rocks. In the channel group of rocks, the REE abundance in clayey-silt rocks (21.2 ppm) is lower than in the silty argillite (84.6 ppm), in which the clay content is elevated.With respect to redox potential the Bazhenov Formation rocks can be subdivided further into three groups, based on the degree of pyritization index (DOP): (1) the highly reducing clayey-siliceous rocks of normal sections, with high DOP; (2) the substantially reducing argillites and carbonate rocks of normal sections, with intermediate DOP; (3) the moderately reducing rocks of anomalous sections with low DOP. The rocks with the high DOP (group 1) are characterized by ΣLREE/Σ(M+H)REE ratios between 7.37 and 7.5, whereas the rocks with the lower DOP (group 2 and 3) are characterized by ΣLREE/Σ(M+H)REE ratios between 12.8 and 13.5. Negative Ce anomalies are either small or absent in all deposits, which is typical for reducing conditions.Thus, the Bazhenov Formation exemplifies the complex depositional conditions that influence the REE concentration in black shale. However, it is this very complexity that has contributed to the development of six separate depositional models (REE contents in ppm are given in brackets). (1) Phosphatic clayey-siliceous rocks of normal sections (367.95); (2) argillites of normal sections (130.73); (3) clayey-siliceous rocks of normal sections (85.97); (4) carbonate rocks, largely dolomites of normal sections (23.23); (5) silty argillites of anomalous sections (78.7) and (6) clayey-silt rocks of anomalous sections (19.66).  相似文献   
Selection of material properties for use in design of frozen earth structures has been a limiting factor for some field applications. In particular, the mechanical properties governing the behavior of a frozen soil structure subjected to bending stresses are of interest. The effects of strain rate, temperature, and sample size on the compressive and tensile properties of frozen silica sand have been determined experimentally using uniaxial compression and split cylinder tests. Data included on the initial tangent modulus, compressive strength, failure strains, and tensile strength help delineate some limitations of available test procedures. Failure modes for various test conditions are described.

Data analysis shows that the initial yield stress, the compressive peak strength, and the initial tangent modulus increase with decreasing temperatures and increasing strain rates. Tensile strengths from split cylinder tests appear to be independent of deformation rates. Uniaxial compressive strengths decreased slightly and the initial tangent modulus increased with increasing sample diameter (constant length to diameter ratio). Deformation and failure modes changed from a plastic to a brittle behavior when strain rates were increased from low to high values. Larger failure strains at slower strain rates (more time available) appear to be a result of pressure melting, water migration and refreezing, permitting more particle readjustments before development of the peak strength. Observations on failure strains suggest limiting values for design situations.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of recording peculiarities at seismic stations of the Uniform System of Seismic Observations (USSO) is presented a complicated nature of the source being shown. Consideration is given to parameters of the earthquake source, including the seismic moment and the length of the rupture.Comparison of magnitudes MLH and MPV indicates an anomalous attenuation in surface waves, itis is 3–4 times weaker than it had been noticed in case of other intermediate-depth Carpathian earthquakes.On the basis of comparison of the logarithm of the ratio of P-wave spectra at different epicentral distances (30° –70° ), the fac tor characterizing the absorption of P wave is found to remain practically unchanged.Average value of the seismic moment is estimated to be 2.6 × 1027 dyne × cm, the most reasonable length of the rupture 58 km, and its focus 100 –130 km. The source parameters of the earthquake in question are compared with those of the earthquake of November 10, 1940.  相似文献   
Occurrence of small (3 ML < 4) earthquakes on two 10-km segments of the Calaveras fault between Calaveras and Anderson reservoirs follows a simple linear pattern of elastic strain accumulation and release. The centers of these independent patches of earthquake activity are 20 km apart. Each region is characterized by a constant rate of seismic slip as computed from earthquake magnitudes, and is assumed to be an isolated locked patch on a creeping fault surface. By calculating seismic slip rates and the amount of seismic slip since the time of the last significant (M 3) earthquake, it is possible to estimate the most likely date of the next (M - 3) event on each patch. The larger the last significant event, the longer the time until the next one. The recurrence time also appears to be increased according to the moment of smaller (2 < ML < 3) events in the interim. The anticipated times of future larger events on each patch, on the basis of preliminary location data through May 1977 and estimates of interim activity, are tabulated below with standard errors. The occurrence time for the southern zone is based on eight recurrent events since 1969, the northern zone on only three. The 95% confidence limits can be estimated as twice the standard error of the projected least-squares line. Events of M 3 should not occur in the specified zones at times outside these limits. The central region between the two zones was the locus of two events (M = 3.6, 3.3) on July 3, 1977. These events occurred prior to a window based on the three point, post-1969 slip-time line for the central region.
LatitudeLongitudeDepthMag.Target dateStandard error (days)
37°17′± 2′N121°39′±2′W5.0 ±2 km3.0–4.07-22-7722.3
37°26′± 2′N121°47′±2′W6.0 ± 2 km3.0–4.09-02-778.0
Summary Barylite has been identified for the first time in Greenland in several specimens from the nepheline syenite pegmatite pockets at Narssârssuk. The crystals are orthorhombic, showing the forms {100}, {210} and {201}, and form thin plates parallel to {100}. Electron microprobe analysis and emission spectrography show a composition close to the ideal formula. The refined unit cell paramters are:a=9.835(2) Å,b=11.654(3) Å andc=4.673(1) Å. The barylite is biaxial negative, 2V =66o±2o,n =1.694,n = 1.697 andn calc.=1.698.
Das erste grönländische Vorkommen des seltenen Minerales Barylith
Zusammenfassung Der seltene Barylith wurde zum ersten Mal in Grönland in verschiedenen Proben aus Nephelin-Syenit-Pegmatit-Drusen bei Narssârssuk identifiziert. Die Kristalle sind orthorhombisch mit den Formen {100}, {210} und {201}, sie bilden dünne Tafeln nach {100}. Elektronensonden-Analyse und Emissions-Spektrographie ergeben eine chemische Zussammensetzung, die der Idealform nahekommt. Die verfeinerten Zellparameter sind folgende:a=9,835(2) Å,b=11,654(3) Å undc=4,673(1) Å. Barylith ist zweiachsig negativ, 2V =66o±2o,n =1,694,n =1.697 undn calc.= 1,698.
Archean sedimentary rocks of very limited lateral extent from horizons within basaltic and ultramafic volcanic sequences at Kambalda, Western Australia, are extremely variable in major elements, LIL and ferromagnesian trace element compositions. The REE patterns are uniform and do not have negative Eu anomalies. Two samples have very low total REE abundances and positive Eu anomalies attributed to a very much greater proportion of chemically deposited siliceous material. Apart from these two samples, the Kambalda data are similar to REE abundances and patterns from Archean sedimentary rocks from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia and to average Archean sedimentary rock REE patterns. These show a fundamental distinction from post-Archean sedimentary rock REE patterns which have higher LaYb ratios and a distinct negative Eu anomaly.  相似文献   
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