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This paper develops a compensation algorithm based on Linear–Quadratic–Gaussian (LQG) control system design whose parameters are determined (in part) by a model of the atmosphere. The model for the atmosphere is based on the open-loop statistics of the atmosphere as observed by the wavefront sensor, and is identified from these using an auto-regressive, moving average (ARMA) model. The (LQG) control design is compared with an existing compensation algorithm for a simulation developed at ESO that represents the operation of MACAO adaptive optics system on the 8.2 m telescopes at Paranal, Chile. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Particulate emissions from Mt. Etna in the fine-size range below 100 nm were studied in June and September 1989. The aerosol particles were characterized by size, concentration and photoelectric activity. These quantities are sensitive to the physical and chemical properties of the magma. Concentrations varied from 104 to 107 cm-3. The size distributions peak below 20 nm (radius) and are very narrow. The particles are generated mainly by nucleation and condensation of magmatic volatiles in a strong temperature gradient. The photoelectric activity of these particles can indicate high magma levels and increased exsolution of volatiles. It is therefore related to the observed activity of the respective crater and may be helpful as a prediction tool when used in conjunction with other volcano-monitoring techniques.  相似文献   
Abstract— The 65 Ma Chicxulub impact structure, Mexico, with a diameter of ~180 km is the focus of geoscientific research because of its link to the mass extinction event at the Cretaceous‐Tertiary (K/T) boundary. Chicxulub, now buried beneath thick post‐impact sediments, is probably one of the best‐preserved terrestrial impact structures known. Because of its inaccessibility, only limited samples on the impact lithologies from a few drill cores are available. We report major element and Sr‐, Nd‐, O‐, and C‐isotopic data for Chicxulub impact‐melt lithologies and basement clasts in impact breccias of drill cores C‐1 and Y‐6, and for melt particles in the Chicxulub ejecta horizon at the K/T boundary in Beloc, Haiti. The melt lithologies with SiO2 ranging from 58 to ~63 wt% show significant variations in the content of Al, Ca, and the alkalies. In the melt matrix samples, δ13C of the calcite is about ?3%o. The δ18O values for the siliceous melt matrices of Y‐6 samples range from 9.9 to 12.4%o. Melt lithologies and the black Haitian glass have rather uniform 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7079 to 0.7094); only one lithic fragment displays 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7141. The Sr model ages TSrUR for most lithologies range from 830 to 1833 Ma; unrealistic negative model ages point to an open Rb‐Sr system with loss of Rb in a hydrothermal process. The 143Nd/144Nd ratios for all samples, except one basement clast with 143Nd/144Nd of 0.5121, cluster at 0.5123 to 0.5124. In an ?Nd‐?Sr diagram, impactites plot in a field delimited by ?Nd of ?2 to ?6, and ?Sr of 55 to 69. This field is not defined by the basement lithologies described to occur as lithic clasts in impact breccias and Cretaceous sediments. At least one additional intermediate to mafic precursor component is required to explain the data.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional (3D) modeling of coronal loops and filaments requires algorithms that automatically trace curvilinear features in solar EUV or soft X-ray images. We compare five existing algorithms that have been developed and customized to trace curvilinear features in solar images: i) the oriented-connectivity method (OCM), which is an extension of the Strous pixel-labeling algorithm (developed by Lee, Newman, and Gary); ii) the dynamic aperture-based loop-segmentation method (developed by Lee, Newman, and Gary); iii) unbiased detection of curvilinear structures (developed by Steger, Raghupathy, and Smith); iv) the oriented-direction method (developed by Aschwanden); and v) ridge detection by automated scaling (developed by Inhester). We test the five existing numerical codes with a TRACE image that shows a bipolar active region and contains over 100 discernable loops. We evaluate the performance of the five codes by comparing the cumulative distribution of loop lengths, the median and maximum loop length, the completeness or detection efficiency, the accuracy, and flux sensitivity. These algorithms are useful for the reconstruction of the 3D geometry of coronal loops from stereoscopic observations with the STEREO spacecraft, or for quantitative comparisons of observed EUV loop geometries with (nonlinear force-free) magnetic field extrapolation models.  相似文献   
Summary In August 1955 a series of specially arranged quarry blasts in the Kiruna iron ore mines was recorded with a refraction apparatus at approx. 10 km distance. The experiments are the first seismic investigations of the deeper crustal structure in Fennoscandia and were mainly undertaken in order to study near-vertical reflections from crustal discontinuities. The records show clear directP waves with sharp onsets and a velocity of 5.65±0.13 km/sec (in porphyry), furthermoreS waves of less definite onsets and sound waves through the atmosphere.P waves reflected from crustal discontinuities are weak and of erratic occurrence, in agreement with theoretical expectation for near-vertical reflections. Approx. depths to the Conrad and the Mohorovii'c discontinuities are calculated as 19 km and 33–34 km. There is general agreement with the explosion records written by the Grenet seismograph at Kiruna, and the differences which exist can be explained by the different frequency response of the two instruments.
Zusammenfassung Im August 1955 wurde eine Reihe speziell angeordneten Steinbruchsprengungen in den Eisenerzgruben bei Kiruna mittels einer Refraktionsapparatur in rund 10 km Entfernung registriert. Diese Versuche sind die ersten seismischen Untersuchungen der tieferen Krustenstruktur in Fennoskandien und wurden hauptsächlich wegen eines Studiums von Reflexionen an krustalen Diskontinuitäten bei nahe vertikalem Einfall der Wellen vorgenommen. Deutliche, direkteP-Wellen mit scharfen Einsätzen und einer Geschwindigkeit von 5.65±0.13 km/sec (Porphyr) wurden registriert, ausserdemS-Wellen mit weniger scharfen Einsätzen und Schallwellen durch die Atmosphäre. An krustalen Diskontinuitäten reflektierteP-Wellen sind schwach und unregelmässig, im Einklang mit theoretischen Erwartungen für Reflexionen bei nahe vertikalem Einfall. Die Tiefen der Conrad- und der Mohorovii-Diskontinuitäten wurden annähernd zu 19 km bzw. 33–34 km berechnet. Es besteht allgemeine Übereinstimmung mit den Explosionsregistrierungen des Grenet-Seismographen in Kiruna, und die Unterschiede können lediglich durch die unterschiedliche Frequenzempfindlichkeit der Instrumente erklärt werden.
Summary A method is developed, which permits a rapid and reliable determination of the location of near epicenters (within about 10o) using the differences of arrival times of a common phase (usually Sg) to a net of three stations. The resulting equation for computation of epicentral distances is solved numerically once for all by an electronic computer for every station triangle and for all possible time differences for every wave used. The calculated epicentral distances and coordinates are arranged in tables with the two travel-time differences for each triangle as entries. Such tables permit an immediate solution of the problem in every special case. The accuracy of the method is investigated, and necessary precautions in its use are emphasized. Application is made to a few cases of Sg recorded at the Swedish stations.
Zusammenfassung Eine Methode wird entwickelt, die eine schnelle und zuverlässige Bestimmung der Lage von nahegelegenen Epizentren (innerhalb rund 10o) mittels der Laufzeitdifferenzen einer gegebenen Welle (gewöhnlichSg) in einem Netz von drei Stationen ermöglicht. Die erhaltene Gleichung für die Berechnung der Herdentfernungen wird mittels einer elektronischen Rechenmaschine für jedes Stations-dreieck und für alle möglichen Zeitdifferenzen für jede verwendete Welle ein für allemal numerisch gelöst. Die berechneten Herdentfernungen und-Koordinaten werden in Tabellenform dargestellt mit den beiden Laufzeitdifferenzen für jedes Dreieck als Eingangswerte. Solche Tabellen ermöglichen eine unmittelbare Lösung des Problems in jedem einzelnen Fall. Die Genauigkeit der Methode wird untersucht, und die notwendigen Vorsichtsmassregeln bei ihrer Verwendung werden hervorgehoben. Die Methode wird auf einige Registrierungen vonSg an den schwedischen Stationen angewendet.
Ocean Dynamics - The Eastern Kamchatka Current (EKC) is the western boundary current of the North Pacific subpolar gyre. Southeast of the Kamchatka Peninsula lies a large anticyclonic eddy, the...  相似文献   
The European Water Framework Directive demands to assess and report the chemical and ecological status of water bodies (WB). Linking their status to drivers and pressures and deriving suitable mitigation measures require knowledge of the shape and area of WB catchments. We derived a network of 26 570 WB catchments in Germany using the hydrologically-defined drainage basins of the German federal states. We established a network of 338 149 drainage basins. This network underwent plausibility checks and a validation with the catchment areas of 348 monitoring stations across Germany. To this network, we assigned the longest intersecting or the next downstream WB code. To account for geometric inaccuracies we revised spurious intersections resulting in splittings and cycles in the WB network. As WB may be ecologically but not hydrologically well defined, we split them at confluences and intersections. The network of drainage basins matched the monitoring stations with a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 1.00. The final WB network contained 11 005 out of the 11 586 original WBs longer than 1 m. The corresponding local catchment areas range from <<0.0001 to 446 km2, with a median of 10 km2. The dataset combines the requirements of hydrological and ecological modelling applications at basin or national scales with the needs of the EU reporting which can foster their acceptance by state authorities and river-basin management.  相似文献   
In this article, we describe the dynamics of pH, O2 and H2S in the top 5–10 cm of an intertidal flat consisting of permeable sand. These dynamics were measured at the low water line and higher up the flat and during several seasons. Together with pore water nutrient data, the dynamics confirm that two types of transport act as driving forces for the cycling of elements (Billerbeck et al. 2006b): Fast surface dynamics of pore water chemistry occur only during inundation. Thus, they must be driven by hydraulics (tidal and wave action) and are highly dependent on weather conditions. This was demonstrated clearly by quick variation in oxygen penetration depth: Seeps are active at low tide only, indicating that the pore water flow in them is driven by a pressure head developing at low tide. The seeps are fed by slow transport of pore water over long distances in the deeper sediment. In the seeps, high concentrations of degradation products such as nutrients and sulphide were found, showing them to be the outlets of deep-seated degradation processes. The degradation products appear toxic for bioturbating/bioirrigating organisms, as a consequence of which, these were absent in the wider seep areas. These two mechanisms driving advection determine oxygen dynamics in these flats, whereas bioirrigation plays a minor role. The deep circulation causes a characteristic distribution of strongly reduced pore water near the low water line and rather more oxidised sediments in the centre of the flats. The two combined transport phenomena determine the fluxes of solutes and gases from the sediment to the surface water and in this way create specific niches for various types of microorganisms.  相似文献   
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