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Particulate emissions from Mt. Etna in the fine-size range below 100 nm were studied in June and September 1989. The aerosol particles were characterized by size, concentration and photoelectric activity. These quantities are sensitive to the physical and chemical properties of the magma. Concentrations varied from 104 to 107 cm-3. The size distributions peak below 20 nm (radius) and are very narrow. The particles are generated mainly by nucleation and condensation of magmatic volatiles in a strong temperature gradient. The photoelectric activity of these particles can indicate high magma levels and increased exsolution of volatiles. It is therefore related to the observed activity of the respective crater and may be helpful as a prediction tool when used in conjunction with other volcano-monitoring techniques.  相似文献   
The regional seismic activity in Sweden is significantly correlated to the global seismic activity. This result suggests that the regional Swedish activity is linked to the global activity by intraplate tectonics, rather than being caused exclusively by regional effects, such as the land uplift after the last glaciation.  相似文献   
Earthquake data analysis: An example from Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Markus Båth 《Earth》1983,19(3):181-303
Methods and results of earthquake data analysis are illustrated by the seismicity of Sweden in the period 1951–1976, summarizing a comprehensive research project for the past five years. Starting from the regional structural properties, methods are given for the evaluation of instrumental and macroseismic observations, including error analysis and source identification. The resulting earthquake distribution is investigated in relation to space (various types of seismicity mapping), time (periodicities) and magnitude (frequency-magnitude and energy-magnitude relations). The tectonophysical explanations of the earthquake origin are still subject to considerable uncertainty and can be treated only by way of discussions. The engineering applications, stimulated recently by the nuclear power industry, can be placed on much more reliable ground. They include calculations of seismic risk and fracture risk as well as investigations of certain phenomena of practical consequences, especially rockbursts.This review is primarily addressed to those who have use for seismological data in their work, especially geologists, tectonophysicists and engineers. It is important for them to realize how the seismological data are obtained, their reliability and their range of application. Sweden is here mainly used as an example, but the developed methods have a general applicability to any earthquake region, with proper modifications.In short, our purpose is two-fold: (1) to summarize recent research on the seismicity of Sweden: (2) to introduce all users of seismological data into methods and results.  相似文献   
Chironomid remains from Big Lake, British Columbia were analysed and paleosalinities were estimated using a pre-existing transfer function and several developed using new regression methods. A two component partial-least-squares model (PLS-2) had the highest coefficient of determination (R2 (Jackknifed) = 0.75) and lowest root-mean-squared error-of-prediction (RMSEP). As compared to the pre-existing model, it was also less sensitive to the influence of rare taxa. Nevertheless, the marginally larger R2 (Jackknifed) and lower RMSEP do not clearly identify a single best model. The models were applied to Big, Mahoney and Kilpoola lakes, revealing the sensitivity of paleosalinity inferences to model selection. A synopsis of chironomid-based paleosalinities in British Columbia and their correspondence with other paleoclimatic data are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
Debris flows are a major threat in many parts of the Alps, where they repeatedly cause severe damage to infrastructure and transportation corridors or even loss of life. Nonetheless, the spatial behavior of past debris-flow activity and the analysis of areas affected during particular events have been widely neglected in reconstructions so far. It was therefore the purpose of this study to reconstruct spatio-temporal patterns of past debris flows on a forested cone in the Swiss Alps (Bruchji torrent, Blatten, Valais). The analysis of past events was based on a detailed geomorphic map (1:1000) of all forms related to debris flows as well as on tree-ring series from 401 heavily affected trees (Larix decidua Mill. and Picea abies (L.) Karst.) growing in or next to deposits. The samples were analyzed and growth disturbances related to debris-flow activity assessed, such as tangential rows of traumatic resin ducts, the onset of reaction wood or abrupt growth suppression or release.In total, 960 growth disturbances were identified in the samples, belonging to 40 different event years between A.D. 1867 and 2005. In addition, the coupling of tree-ring data with the geomorphic map allowed reconstruction of eleven formerly active channels and spatial representation of individual events. Based on our results we believe that before 1935, debris flows preferentially used those channels located in the western part of the cone, whereas the eastern part of the cone remained widely unaffected. The spatial representation of the 40 events also allowed identification of five different spatial patterns for debris flows at the study site.  相似文献   
We present a model for pore spaces that consists of two parts related by duality: (1) a decomposition of an open polyhedral pore space into open contractible pore bodies separated by relatively open interfaces and (2) a pore network that is homotopy equivalent to the pore space. The dual model is unique and free of parameters, but it relies on regularity conditions for the pore space. We show how to approximate any pore space by the interior of a polyhedral complex such that the regularity conditions are fulfilled. Thus, we are able to calculate the dual model from synthetic porous media and images of real porous media. The pore bodies are unions of relatively open Delaunay cells with respect to the corners of the pore boundary, and the pore network consists of certain at most two-dimensional (2D) Voronoi cells with respect to the corners of the pore boundary. The pore network describes the neighborhood relations between the pore bodies. In particular, any relatively open 2D Delaunay face f separating two pore bodies has a unique (relatively open) dual network edge. In our model, f is a pore throat only if it is hit by its dual network edge. Thus, as opposed to widespread intuition, any pore throat is convex, and adjacent pore bodies are not necessarily separated by pore throats. Due to the duality between the pore network and the decomposition of the pore space into pore bodies it is straightforward to store the geometrical properties of the pore bodies [pore throats] as attributes of the dual network vertices [edges]. Such an attributed network is used to perform 2D drainage simulations. The results agree very well with those from a pore-morphology based modeling approach performed directly on the digital image of a porous medium. Contractibility of the pore bodies and homotopy equivalence of the pore space and the pore network is proven using discrete Morse theory and the nerve theorem from combinatorial topology.  相似文献   
PLL Tracking Performance in the Presence of Oscillator Phase Noise   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
The tracking performance of a Phase Lock Loop (PLL) is affected by the influence of several error sources. In addition to thermal noise and dynamic stress error, oscillator phase noise can cause significant phase jitter which degrades the tracking performance. Oscillator phase noise is usually caused by two different effects: Allan deviation phase noise is caused by frequency instabilities of the receiver's reference oscillator and the satellite's frequency standard. It can be termed as system-inherent phase noise and is relevant for both static and dynamic applications. “External” phase noise, however, is caused by vibration and is a major problem for dynamic applications. In the context of this paper, both types of phase noise will be modeled and the resulting integrals will be evaluated for PLLs up to the third order. Besides, phase jitter induced by thermal noise and signal dynamics will also be discussed, thus providing all necessary formulas for analyzing the performance of a phase lock loop in case of different forms of stress. Since the main focus is centered on the effects of oscillator phase noise, the overall PLL performance is graphically illustrated with and without consideration of oscillator phase noise. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Flood Events in the Rhine Basin: Genesis,Influences and Mitigation   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Disse  Markus  Engel  Heinz 《Natural Hazards》2001,23(2-3):271-290
The paper analyses the hydrological regime of the Rhine catchment,the genesis of recent floods,and recommends some research and practical activities to mitigate flood damage. The catchment of the Rhine River can be divided into four main subcatchments: the alpine region with the Aare River as its main tributary and downstream the lower mountain regions of the tributaries Neckar, Main and Moselle. These four basins generate very different hydrographs. Due to the geographical conditions, the average discharge maximums shift from summer to winter downstream the Rhine. Moreover, the spatial and temporalprecipitation patterns of each river have a strong influence on the individual flood events. Some recent extraordinary floods are used to illustrate the parameters that have influenced these events.A strong relationship between recent climate change observationsand the occurrence of flood levels cannot be proven. However, the consequences of human interventions and the resulting changes to the river system (the Rhine and its tributaries) for the hydrograph can be quantified precisely.The influences of different land-use and climatic scenarios on flood conditions in the Rhine basin have not yet been separately identified. Thus, the Dutch-German project LAHoR was established. The primary aim of this project is to giveadvice for the ``Action Plan on Flood Defence' of the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (IKSR). In this plan a multidisciplinary approach to mitigating floods is suggested.It is anticipated that the plan willgenerate synergistic effects between flood prevention, water management, regional planning, agriculture, forestry and ecological demands.  相似文献   
Summary In August 1955 a series of specially arranged quarry blasts in the Kiruna iron ore mines was recorded with a refraction apparatus at approx. 10 km distance. The experiments are the first seismic investigations of the deeper crustal structure in Fennoscandia and were mainly undertaken in order to study near-vertical reflections from crustal discontinuities. The records show clear directP waves with sharp onsets and a velocity of 5.65±0.13 km/sec (in porphyry), furthermoreS waves of less definite onsets and sound waves through the atmosphere.P waves reflected from crustal discontinuities are weak and of erratic occurrence, in agreement with theoretical expectation for near-vertical reflections. Approx. depths to the Conrad and the Mohorovii'c discontinuities are calculated as 19 km and 33–34 km. There is general agreement with the explosion records written by the Grenet seismograph at Kiruna, and the differences which exist can be explained by the different frequency response of the two instruments.
Zusammenfassung Im August 1955 wurde eine Reihe speziell angeordneten Steinbruchsprengungen in den Eisenerzgruben bei Kiruna mittels einer Refraktionsapparatur in rund 10 km Entfernung registriert. Diese Versuche sind die ersten seismischen Untersuchungen der tieferen Krustenstruktur in Fennoskandien und wurden hauptsächlich wegen eines Studiums von Reflexionen an krustalen Diskontinuitäten bei nahe vertikalem Einfall der Wellen vorgenommen. Deutliche, direkteP-Wellen mit scharfen Einsätzen und einer Geschwindigkeit von 5.65±0.13 km/sec (Porphyr) wurden registriert, ausserdemS-Wellen mit weniger scharfen Einsätzen und Schallwellen durch die Atmosphäre. An krustalen Diskontinuitäten reflektierteP-Wellen sind schwach und unregelmässig, im Einklang mit theoretischen Erwartungen für Reflexionen bei nahe vertikalem Einfall. Die Tiefen der Conrad- und der Mohorovii-Diskontinuitäten wurden annähernd zu 19 km bzw. 33–34 km berechnet. Es besteht allgemeine Übereinstimmung mit den Explosionsregistrierungen des Grenet-Seismographen in Kiruna, und die Unterschiede können lediglich durch die unterschiedliche Frequenzempfindlichkeit der Instrumente erklärt werden.
Summary A method is developed, which permits a rapid and reliable determination of the location of near epicenters (within about 10o) using the differences of arrival times of a common phase (usually Sg) to a net of three stations. The resulting equation for computation of epicentral distances is solved numerically once for all by an electronic computer for every station triangle and for all possible time differences for every wave used. The calculated epicentral distances and coordinates are arranged in tables with the two travel-time differences for each triangle as entries. Such tables permit an immediate solution of the problem in every special case. The accuracy of the method is investigated, and necessary precautions in its use are emphasized. Application is made to a few cases of Sg recorded at the Swedish stations.
Zusammenfassung Eine Methode wird entwickelt, die eine schnelle und zuverlässige Bestimmung der Lage von nahegelegenen Epizentren (innerhalb rund 10o) mittels der Laufzeitdifferenzen einer gegebenen Welle (gewöhnlichSg) in einem Netz von drei Stationen ermöglicht. Die erhaltene Gleichung für die Berechnung der Herdentfernungen wird mittels einer elektronischen Rechenmaschine für jedes Stations-dreieck und für alle möglichen Zeitdifferenzen für jede verwendete Welle ein für allemal numerisch gelöst. Die berechneten Herdentfernungen und-Koordinaten werden in Tabellenform dargestellt mit den beiden Laufzeitdifferenzen für jedes Dreieck als Eingangswerte. Solche Tabellen ermöglichen eine unmittelbare Lösung des Problems in jedem einzelnen Fall. Die Genauigkeit der Methode wird untersucht, und die notwendigen Vorsichtsmassregeln bei ihrer Verwendung werden hervorgehoben. Die Methode wird auf einige Registrierungen vonSg an den schwedischen Stationen angewendet.
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