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The magnetic behaviour of hydrothermally synthesized greigite was analysed in the temperature range from 4 K to 700 °C. Below room temperature, hysteresis parameters were determined as a function of temperature, with emphasis on the temperature range below 50 K. Saturation magnetization and initial susceptibility were studied above room temperature, along with X-ray diffraction analysis of material heated to various temperatures. The magnetic behaviour of synthetic greigite on heating is determined by chemical alteration rather than by magnetic unblocking. Heating in air yields more discriminative behaviour than heating in argon. When heated in air, the amount of oxygen available for reaction with greigite determines the products and magnetic behaviour. In systems open to contact with air, haematite is the final reaction product. When the contact with air is restricted, magnetite is the final reaction product. When air is excluded, pyrrhotite and magnetite are the final reaction products; the amount of magnetite formed is determined by the purity of the starting greigite and the degree of its surficial oxidation. The saturation magnetization of synthetic greigite is virtually independent of temperature from room temperature down to 4 K. The saturation remanent magnetization increases slowly by 20–30 per cent on cooling from room temperature to 4 K. A broad maximum is observed at ~10 K which may be diagnostic of greigite. The coercive and remanent coercive force both increase smoothly with decreasing temperature to 4 K. The coercive force increases from ~50 mT at room temperature to approximately 100–120 mT at 4 K, and the remanent coercive force increases from approximately 50–80 mT at room temperature to approximately 110–180 mT at 4 K.  相似文献   
We use GPS displacements collected in the 15 months after the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake  ( M w 7.6)  to evaluate whether post-seismic deformation is better explained by afterslip or viscoelastic relaxation of the lower crust and upper mantle. We find that all viscoelastic models tested fail to fit the general features in the post-seismic GPS displacements, in contrast to the satisfactory fit obtained with afterslip models. We conclude that afterslip is the dominant mechanism in the 15-month period, and invert for the space–time distribution of afterslip, using the Extended Network Inversion Filter. Our results show high slip rates surrounding the region of greatest coseismic slip. The slip-rate distribution remains roughly stationary over the 15-month period. In contrast to the limited coseismic slip on the décollement, afterslip is prominent there. Maximum afterslip of 0.57 m occurs downdip and to the east of the hypocentral region. Afterslip at hypocentral depths is limited to the southern part of the main shock rupture, with little or no slip on the northern section where coseismic slip was greatest. Whether this results from along strike variations in frictional properties or dynamic conditions that locally favour stable sliding is not clear. In general, afterslip surrounds the area of greatest coseismic slip, consistent with post-seismic slip driven by the main shock stress change. The total accumulated geodetic afterslip moment is  3.8 × 1019 N m  , significantly more than the seismic moment released by aftershocks,  6.6 × 1018 N m  . Afterslip and aftershocks appear to have different temporal evolutions and some spatial correlations, suggesting that aftershock rates may not be completely controlled by the rate of afterslip.  相似文献   
We review the secondary-crater research over the past decade, and provide new analyses and simulations that are the first to model an accumulation of a combined primary-plus-secondary crater population as discrete cratering events. We develop the secondary populations by using scaling laws to generate ejecta fragments, integrating the trajectories of individual ejecta fragments, noting the location and velocity at impact, and using scaling laws to estimate secondary-crater diameters given the impact conditions. We also explore the relationship between the impactor size–frequency distribution (SFD) and the resulting secondary-crater SFD. Our results from these analyses indicate that the “secondary effect” varies from surface to surface and that no single conclusion applies across the solar system nor at any given moment in time—rather, there is a spectrum of outcomes both spatially and temporally, dependent upon target parameters and the impacting population. Surface gravity and escape speed define the spatial distribution of secondaries. A shallow-sloped impactor SFD will cause proportionally more secondaries than a steeper-sloped SFD. Accounting for the driving factors that define the magnitude and spatial distribution of secondaries is essential to determine the relative population of secondary craters, and their effect on derived surface ages.  相似文献   
Despite a history that dates back at least a quarter of a century, studies of voids in the large-scale structure of the Universe are bedevilled by a major problem: there exist a large number of quite different void-finding algorithms, a fact that has so far got in the way of groups comparing their results without worrying about whether such a comparison in fact makes sense. Because of the recent increased interest in voids, both in very large galaxy surveys and in detailed simulations of cosmic structure formation, this situation is very unfortunate. We here present the first systematic comparison study of 13 different void finders constructed using particles, haloes, and semi-analytical model galaxies extracted from a subvolume of the Millennium simulation. This study includes many groups that have studied voids over the past decade. We show their results and discuss their differences and agreements. As it turns out, the basic results of the various methods agree very well with each other in that they all locate a major void near the centre of our volume. Voids have very underdense centres, reaching below 10 per cent of the mean cosmic density. In addition, those void finders that allow for void galaxies show that those galaxies follow similar trends. For example, the overdensity of void galaxies brighter than   m B =−20  is found to be smaller than about −0.8 by all our void finding algorithms.  相似文献   
A research agenda is currently developing around the linkages between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation. It is therefore timely to consider which conceptual frameworks can best support research at this nexus. Our review of frameworks synthesises existing research on poverty/environment linkages that should not be overlooked with the adoption of the topical language of ecosystem services. A total of nine conceptual frameworks were selected on the basis of relevance. These were reviewed and compared to assess their ability to illuminate the provision of ecosystem services, the condition, determinants and dynamics of poverty, and political economy factors that mediate the relationship between poverty and ecosystem services. The paper synthesises the key contributions of each of these frameworks, and the gaps they expose in one another, drawing out lessons that can inform emerging research. Research on poverty alleviation must recognize social differentiation, and be able to distinguish between constraints of access and constraints of aggregate availability of ecosystem services. Different frameworks also highlight important differences between categories of services, their pathways of production, and their contribution to poverty alleviation. Furthermore, we highlight that it is important to acknowledge the limits of ecosystem services for poverty alleviation, given evidence that ecosystem services tend to be more associated with poverty prevention than reduction. We conclude by reflecting on the relative merits of dynamic Social–Ecological Systems frameworks versus more static checklists, and suggest that research on ecosystem services and poverty alleviation would be well served by a new framework distilling insights from the frameworks we review.  相似文献   
In western Tasmania Eocambrian and Cambrian rock sequences accumulated in narrow troughs between and within Precambrian regions which became geanticlines. The largest trough is meridional and is flanked by the Tyennan Geanticline to the east and the Rocky Cape Geanticline to the west. Within this trough ultramafic and mafic igneous masses, some of which are dismembered ophiolites, occur below a structurally conformable but erosional surface. This surface is at the base of an early-Middle Cambrian turbidite sequence, which grades upward into a probable correlate of the Owen Conglomerate that ranges into the Ordovician. Fault-bounded areas of Rocky Cape strata occur at the eastern boundary of the sedimentary trough deposits. A considerable pile of mineralized calcalkalic volcanic material, in which granite was emplaced, accumulated between the sedimentary trough deposits and the Tyennan Geanticline. Movements along Cambrian faults near and parallel to the margin of the Tyennan Geanticline caused angular unconformities. Above the unconformities occur volcaniclastic sequences that pass conformably upward into shallow marine and terrestrial Owen Conglomerate, derived from the Tyennan Geanticline.The transgressive Owen Conglomerate and its correlates are followed conformably by shallow marine limestone, of Early to Late Ordovician age. These limestone deposits covered much of western Tasmania and are succeeded conformably by Silurian to Early Devonian beds of shallow-marine quartz sandstone and mudstone.Pre-Middle Devonian rocks of western Tasmania extend to the Tamar Tertiary trough. In the northeast of Tasmania, immediately to the east of the Tamar trough, are sequences of interbedded mudstone and turbidite quartz-wacke of the Mathinna Beds, ranging in age from Early Ordovician to Early Devonian.The Cambrian to Early Devonian rocks of Tasmania are extensively deformed and show flattened parallel folds. In western Tasmania the folds are dated as late-Early to early-Middle Devonian because fragments of the deformed rocks occur in undisturbed Middle Devonian terrestrial cavern fillings. Folds of the northeastern Tasmania Mathinna Beds are probably of the same age. This widespread Devonian deformation is correlated with the Tabberabberan Orogeny of eastern Australia.In western Tasmania the geanticlines of Cambrian times behaved as relatively competent blocks during the Devonian folding, which is of two main phases. In the earlier phase the competent behaviour of the Tyennan Block determined the fold patterns. In the north the dominantly later folds resulted from movement from the northeast. During this later Devonian phase the Tyennan Block yielded in a northwesterly trending narrow zone of folding.In northeast Tasmania the Mathinna Beds exhibit folds which indicate a tectonic transportation opposite in direction to that which resulted in the folds of similar age in western Tasmania.Granitic rocks, dated 375-335 m.y., were emplaced within the folded rocks of Tasmania with usually sharp, discordant contacts. Foliations in the batholiths of northeast Tasmania suggest post-intrusion deformations involving east—west flattening. The late deformations may be related to lateral movements along a fracture zone which brought the Mathinna Beds of northeast Tasmania into juxtaposition with the rocks of contrasting stratigraphical and structural characteristics of western Tasmania.Flat-lying Late Carboniferous and younger deposits rest unconformably on the older rocks.  相似文献   
Abstract— Core from the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) hole, drilled as a result of the Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project (CSDP), has been analyzed to investigate the relationship between opaque mineralogy and rock magnetic properties. Twenty one samples of suevite recovered from the depth range 818–894 m are generally paramagnetic, with an average susceptibility of 2000 times 10?6 SI and have weak remanent magnetization intensities (average 0.1 A/m). The predominant magnetic phase is secondary magnetite formed as a result of low temperature (<150 °C) alteration. It occurs in a variety of forms, including vesicle infillings associated with quartz and clay minerals and fine aggregates between plagioclase/diopside laths in the melt. Exceptional magnetic properties are found in a basement clast (metamorphosed quartz gabbro), which has a susceptibility of >45000 times 10?6 SI and a remanent magnetization of 77.5 A/m. Magnetic mafic basement clasts are a common component in the Yax‐1 impactite sequence. The high susceptibility and remanence in the mafic basement clasts are caused by the replacement of amphiboles and pyroxenes by an assemblage with fine <1 μm magnetite, ilmenite, K‐feldspar, and stilpnomelane. Replacement of the mafic minerals by the magnetic alteration assemblage occurred before impact. Similar alteration mechanisms, if operative within the melt sheet, could explain the presence of the high amplitude magnetic anomalies observed at Chicxulub.  相似文献   
Using a space-for-time substitution design, we investigated the response of structural instream habitat and fish populations to different riparian management practices throughout a Dairy Best Practice Catchment. We found a significant negative correlation between the upstream area of stock exclusion fencing and deposited instream fine sediment cover. Furthermore, we determined that this relationship emerges when ≥300?m lengths of upstream riparian area were included in the analysis, indicating the scale at which stock exclusion fencing results in a positive instream habitat response. Specifically, for this historically degraded spring-fed stream, our findings indicate that riparian segments with 5 m wide stock exclusion fences (both banks) are required to achieve instream fine sediment cover below 20% in downstream reaches. Fish were sparse and evenly spread throughout the catchment. Fish distributions were not correlated with reach-scale riparian or instream habitat variables, possibly because the available habitat quality gradient was too narrow.  相似文献   
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