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High-altitude lake sediments are often used as archives for environmental changes and their chemical and isotopic compositions provide significant constraints on natural and anthropogenic long-term changes that have occurred in their catchment area. Here, trace-element concentrations and Pb isotopes are presented for two sedimentary cores from Lake Blanc Huez in the French Alps, to trace the impact of climate changes and human activities over the Holocene. Lead and Ag contents are very high and clearly dominated by input from a Pb–Ag vein located a few meters from the lakeshore, a vein that also buffers the Pb isotopes. Mining of this vein in medieval times is recorded in the corresponding lake sediments with high Ag content coupled with high Pb/U ratio. These chemical characteristics can be used to constrain the major Holocene climate changes. Significant advances of glaciers next to the lake produced sediments with Ag and Pb concentration peaks and high Pb/U ratios due to accelerated erosion of the Pb–Ag vein, similar to the effects of the medieval mining. In contrast, reduced glacier activity led to the formation of organic-rich sediments with high U and As contents and low Pb/U ratios. More generally, the observed combination of chemical changes could be used elsewhere to decipher environmental changes over long periods of time.  相似文献   

Depuis plus d’un siècle, l’origine autochtone ou allochtone des formations résiduelles à silex (en abrégé RS : résidus à silex) par rapport aux craies a fait l’objet de multiples discussions. Pour répondre à ce problème, un bilan d’altération entre ces deux formations a été effectué. Il repose sur une connaissance précise des âges des craies-mères des RS et sur des comparaisons granulométrique et chimique entre craie et RS. Ces comparaisons s’appuient sur les quantités de silex contenues dans les craies et les RS, sachant que les silex sont reconnus comme autochtones et que leur degré de dissolution est calculé. Les résultats apportent des informations sur l’évolution crétacée du Bassin anglo-parisien, avec la mise en évidence de la craie du Maastrichtien dans le bassin de Paris et la reconstitution des épaisseurs de craie dissoutes. De plus, ils indiquent que la stratigraphie des craies est conservée dans les profils de RS. Ils montrent également que les silex, éléments autochtones des RS, sont faiblement altérés. Les matrices des RS sont, quant à elles, en grande partie allochtones, notamment dans les dix mètres supérieurs de la formation. L’allochtonie diminue avec la profondeur, avec des RS pouvant être considérés comme des résidus d’altération de la craie au sens strict à partir de 20 mètres de profondeur. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   
Debris-flow activity on the forested cone of the Ritigraben torrent (Valais, Swiss Alps) was assessed from growth disturbances in century-old trees, providing an unusually complete record of past events and deposition of material. The study of 2246 tree-ring sequences sampled from 1102 Larix decidua Mill., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus cembra ssp. sibirica trees allowed reconstruction of 123 events since AD 1566. Geomorphic mapping permitted identification of 769 features related to past debris-flow activity on the intermediate cone. The features inventoried in the study area covering 32 ha included 291 lobes, 465 levées and 13 well-developed debris-flow channels. Based on tree-ring records of disturbed trees growing in or next to the deposits, almost 86% of the lobes identified on the present-day surface could be dated. A majority of the dated material was deposited over the last century. Signs of pre-20th century events are often recognizable in the tree-ring record of survivor trees, but the material that caused the growth anomaly in trees has been completely overridden or eroded by more recent debris-flow activity.Tree-ring records suggest that cool summers with frequent snowfalls at higher elevations regularly prevented the release of debris flows between the 1570s and 1860s; the warming trend combined with greater precipitation totals in summer and autumn between 1864 and 1895 provided conditions that were increasingly favorable for releasing events from the source zone. Enhanced debris-flow activity continued well into the 20th century and reconstructions show a clustering of events in the period 1916–1935 when warm–wet conditions prevailed during summer in the Swiss Alps. In contrast, very low activity is observed for the last 10-yr period (1996–2005) with only one debris-flow event recorded on August 27, 2002. Since sediment availability is not a limiting factor, this temporal absence of debris-flow activity is due to an absence of triggering events, which not only shifted from June and July to August and September over the 20th century, but also seemed to be initiated primarily by persistent precipitation rather than summer thunderstorms. From the reconstructions, based on RCM simulations, there are indications that debris-flow frequencies might continue to decrease in the future, as precipitation events are projected to occur less frequently in summer but become more common in spring or autumn.  相似文献   
Sediment grains in a bedrock‐alluvial river will be deposited within or adjacent to a sediment patch, or as isolated grains on the bedrock surface. Previous analysis of grain geometry has demonstrated that these arrangements produce significant differences in grain entrainment shear stress. However, this analysis neglected potential interactions between the sediment patches, local hydraulics and grain entrainment. We present a series of flume experiments that measure the influence of sediment patches on grain entrainment. The flume had a planar bed with roughness that was much smaller than the diameters of the mobile grains. In each experiment sediment was added either as individual grains or as a single sediment pulse. Flow was then increased until the sediment was entrained. Analysis of the experiments demonstrates that: (1) for individual grains, coarse grains are entrained at a higher discharge than fine grains; (2) once sediment patches are present, the different in entrainment discharge between coarse and fine grains is greatly reduced; (3) the sheltering effect of patches also increases the entrainment discharge of isolated grains; (4) entire sediment patches break‐up and are eroded quickly, rather than through progressive grain‐by‐grain erosion; (5) as discharge increases there is some tendency for patches to become more elongate and flow‐aligned, and more randomly distributed across the bed. One implication of this research is that the critical shear stress in bedrock‐alluvial channels will be a function of the extent of the sediment cover. Another is that the influence of sediment patches equalizes critical shear stresses between different grain sizes and grain locations, meaning that these factors may not need to be accounted for. Further research is needed to quantify interactions between sediment patches, grain entrainment and local hydraulics on rougher bedrock surfaces, and under different types of sediment supply. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Many rivers worldwide show converging sections where a characteristic limiting front for vegetation establishment on gravel bars is observed. An important conceptual model was advanced in 2006 by Gurnell and Petts, who demonstrated that for the convergent section of the Tagliamento River the downstream front of vegetation establishment can be explained by unit stream power. We introduce a theoretical framework based on 1D ecomorphodynamic equations modified to account for the biological dynamics of vegetation. We obtain the first analytical result explaining the position and river width where vegetation density is expected to vanish in relation to a characteristic streamflow magnitude and both hydraulic and biological parameters. We apply our model to a controlled experiment within a convergent flume channel with growing seedlings perturbed by periodic floods. For a range of timescales where hydrological and biological processes interact, we observe the formation of a front in the convergent section beyond which vegetation cannot survive, the location of which is explained by flow magnitude. This experiment confirms that the timescales of the involved processes and the unit stream power determine the existence and the position of the front within convergent river reaches, respectively. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Ophiolites are found all over the world: from the Alps to the Himalayas, in Cuba, Papua-New Guinea, New Caledonia, Newfoundland, etc. They are composed of hard rocks—basalt, dolerite, gabbro and peridotite, which are formed at the mid-oceanic ridges, with specific ridge-related tectonic fracturing and intense hydrothermal alteration. Their geological and thus their hydrogeological properties differ from those of both granite or classical gabbro and classical basaltic lava. A conceptual hydrogeological model of these hard-rock aquifers was developed based on the convergent results of a multidisciplinary approach at several spatial scales, from rock-sample (centimetre) to catchment (kilometre), on well-preserved ophiolite rocks in Oman. In ophiolite rocks, groundwater circulation takes place mostly in the fissured near-surface horizon (50 m thick), and, to a lesser degree, in the tectonic fractures. Hydrograph analysis (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), interpretation of numerous pumping tests using both classical Theis and dual porosity models [Water Resour Res 32:2733–2745, 1996; Comput Geosci J (in press)], and mercury porosity and hydraulic conductivity lab-measurements support the aquifer parameter estimates. The hydraulic conductivity K of the fissured horizon is estimated at 10–5 to 10–6 m/s for gabbro and dolerite, and 10–7 m/s for peridotite. The storage coefficient S of the peridotite aquifer is estimated at 10–3 and appears to be controlled mainly by microcracks (20 to 100 m wide). Tectonic fractures in the ophiolite have similar hydrodynamic properties regardless of lithology (10–1<T<10–4 m2/s and 10–1<S<10–3) though the probability of obtaining productive wells is two to three times greater in gabbro and dolerite than in peridotite. Some of the tectonic fractures produce small hydrothermal, hyperalkaline springs in the peridotite. The water budget and hydrochemistry of the Oman ophiolite are characterized and support the conceptual hydrogeological model. Despite low annual rainfall, a relatively low hydraulic conductivity and a significant storage coefficient explain why most of the streams in peridotite are perennial.
Résumé Les ophiolites se trouvent partout dans le monde : des Alpes à lHymalaya, à Cuba, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée, Nouvelle Calédonie, etc. Les ophiolites sont composées de roches dures basaltiques, de dolérites, gabbros et péridotites, qui sont formées aux rides mi-océaniques, avec, en relation avec les rides, une fracturation tectonique et une altération hydrothermale intense. Leurs propriétés géologiques et hydrogéologiques diffèrent de celles des granites ou des gabbros classiques ou des laves basaltiques classiques. Un modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel des aquifères de hard-rock a été développé sur les résultats convergents dune approche multidisciplinaire à différentes échelles spatiales, de léchantillon de roche de quelques centimètres à la taille du bassin versant en kilomètres, des ophiolites bien conservées dOman. Dans les roches ophiolitiques, la circulation des eaux souterraines est surtout localisée dans les fissures dun horizon de surface de plus dune cinquantaine de mètres et à un degré moindre dans les fractures tectoniques. Lanalyse des hydrographes (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), linterprétation des nombreux essais de pompage utilisant des modèles classiques de Theis et des modèles à double porosité (Water Resour Res 32:2733–2745, 1996; Comput Geosci J (Soumis), la porosité au mercure et la conductivité hydraulique calculée en laboratoire supportent lestimation des paramètres de laquifère. La conductivité hydraulique K de lhorizon fissuré est estimée entre 10–5 et 10–6 m/s pour les gabbros et les dolérites, et 10–7 m/s pour les péridotites. Le coefficient demmagasinement S de laquifère de péridotite est estimé à 10–3 et semble être contrôlé par les micro-fractures (20 à 100 m de largeur). Les fractures tectoniques dans les ophiolites possèdent des propriétés hydrodynamiques en regard de la lithologie (10-1<T<10-4 m2/s et 10-1/S/10-3) bien que la probabilité dobtenir des puits productifs est trois plus grand dans le grabbro et la dolérite que la péridétite. Quelques unes des fractures tectoniques produisent de petites sources hydrothermales hyperalcalines dans la péridotite. Le bilan hydrologique et hydrochimique de lophiolite dOman caractérise le modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel. Malgré des faibles précipitations annuelles, une relativement basse conductivité hydraulique et un coefficient demmagasinement significatif expliquent pourquoi la plus part des cours deau sur les péridotites ne sont jamais taris.

Resumen Las rocas ofiolitas se encuentran en muchas partes del mundo desde los Alpes a los Himilaya, Newfoundland, Nueva Caledonia etc. Son rocas duras compuestas de basalto, dolerita, gabro y peridotita que son formadas por los cordones medio-oceánicos y por fracturación relacionada con los cordones tectónicos específicos y alteración hidrotermal intensa. La geología y los propiedades hidrogeológicas varian entre las de granito y gabro clásico y lava de basalto clásico. Se desarrolló un modelo conceptual de los acuíferos de las rocas duras Basado en los resultados convergentes de un enfoce multidisciplinario a varias escalas a partir de muestras de roca (centímetro) a cuenca kilómetro) enfocado en las rocas ofilíticas bien preservados en Oman. En las rocas ofiolíticas la circulación de agua ocurre principalmente en el horizonte de fisuras cercanas a la superficie (>50 m de espesor) y en un grado menos importante en fracturas tectónicas. Los estimados de los parámetros de estos acuíferos se basan en análisis de hidrógrafos (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), en la interpretación de pruebas de bombeo usando los modelos clásicos de Theis y de porosidad doble (Hamm y Bidaux 1996; Lods y Gouze, [en prensa]), y porosidad de mecurio y conductividad hidraúlica medida en el laboratorio. La conductividad hidraúlica K del horizonte fisurado se estima en 10E-5 a 10E-6 m-s para gabro y dolerita y 10E-7 para peridotita. El coeficiente de abastecimiento S del acuífero peridotita se estima en 10–3 y parece ser controlado principalmente por microfracturas (20 to 100 m de ancho). Las fracturas tectónicas en la ofiolita tienen propiedades hidrodinámicas similares independientes de la litología (10–1<T<10–4 m2/s and 10–1<S<10–3) pero la probabilidad de obtener pozos productivos es dos o tres veces mayor en gabro que en dolerita o peridotita. Algunas de las fracturas tectónicas producen pequeñas descargas de agua hidrotermal hiperalcalina en la peridotita. El presupuesto e hidroquímica de las ofilitas de Omán se caracteriza y apoya en el modelo conceptual hidrogeológico. La baja lluvia anual, una conductividad hidraúlica relativamente baja y un coeficiente de abastecimiento importante explican porqué la mejoría de los drenajes en peridotita es peremne.
Quantifying initial and wind forcing uncertainties in the Gulf of Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study aims at analyzing the combined impact of uncertainties in initial conditions and wind forcing fields in ocean general circulation models (OGCM) using polynomial chaos (PC) expansions. Empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) are used to formulate both spatial perturbations to initial conditions and space-time wind forcing perturbations, namely in the form of a superposition of modal components with uniformly distributed random amplitudes. The forward deterministic HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) is used to propagate input uncertainties in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) in spring 2010, during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and to generate the ensemble of model realizations based on which PC surrogate models are constructed for both localized and field quantities of interest (QoIs), focusing specifically on sea surface height (SSH) and mixed layer depth (MLD). These PC surrogate models are constructed using basis pursuit denoising methodology, and their performance is assessed through various statistical measures. A global sensitivity analysis is then performed to quantify the impact of individual modes as well as their interactions. It shows that the local SSH at the edge of the GoM main current—the Loop Current—is mostly sensitive to perturbations of the initial conditions affecting the current front, whereas the local MLD in the area of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is more sensitive to wind forcing perturbations. At the basin scale, the SSH in the deep GoM is mostly sensitive to initial condition perturbations, while over the shelf it is sensitive to wind forcing perturbations. On the other hand, the basin MLD is almost exclusively sensitive to wind perturbations. For both quantities, the two sources of uncertainty have limited interactions. Finally, the computations indicate that whereas local quantities can exhibit complex behavior that necessitates a large number of realizations, the modal analysis of field sensitivities can be suitably achieved with a moderate size ensemble.  相似文献   
In the Pan-African Lufilian belt (Western Zambian Copperbelt), uranium mineralizations, preferentially scattered in kyanite ± talc micaschists (metamorphosed evaporitic sediments) or concentrated along transposed quartz veins provide an opportunity to (1) understand the time/space relationship between the ore minerals and the deformation of the host rocks, (2) identify the different fluid events associated with specific stages of quartz deformation and (3) characterize the ore fluid geochemistry in terms of fluid origin and fluid/rock interactions. In the U occurrences studied in Lolwa and Mitukuluku (Domes region, Western Zambian Copperbelt), two mineralizing stages are described. The first generation of ore fluids (53–59 wt% CaCl2, 13–15 wt% NaCl; N2–H2 in the gas phase of fluid inclusions) circulated during the high-temperature quartz recrystallization, at 500–700 °C. This temperature is in agreement with the PT conditions recorded during the crustal thickening related to continental collision at ca. 530 Ma. LA-ICPMS analyses show the presence of uranium within this fluid, with a concentration mode around 20 ppm. The second generation of ore fluid (21–32 wt% NaCl, 19–21 wt% CaCl2; CO2–CO in the gas phase of fluid inclusions) percolated at lower temperature conditions, at the brittle–ductile transition, between 200 and 300 °C. This temperature could be related to the exhumation of the high-grade metamorphic rocks at ca. 500 Ma. The formation of H2 and CO is interpreted as the result of radiolysis in the presence of dissolved uranium in the aqueous phase of these fluid inclusions. Finally, a late fluid (14–16 wt% NaClequiv) circulated in the brittle domain but seems unrelated to U (re-)mobilization event.  相似文献   
This chapter is devoted to a discussion about the difficulties and even the impossibility to date the events that occurred during the transition from non-living matter to the first living cells. Nevertheless, the attempts to devise plausible scenarios accounting for the emergence of the main molecular devices and processes found in biology are presented including the role of nucleotides at early stages (RNA world). On the other hand, hypotheses on the development of early metabolisms, compartments and genetic encoding are also discussed in relation with their role in extant living organisms. The nature of the Last Common Ancestor is also presented as well as hypotheses on the evolution of viruses. The following sections constitute a collection of independent articles providing a general overview of these aspects.  相似文献   
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