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Ching-Min Chang Marian W. Kemblowski 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》1997,11(2):129-143
Within the framework of stochastic theory and the spectral perturbation techniques, three-dimensional dispersion in partially saturated soils with a finite correlation scale of log-hydraulic conductivity is analyzed. The effects of spatial variability of the moisture distribution parameter on the asymptotic spreading behavior of a unsaturated solute plume are assessed. This is accomplished by comparing two asymptotic macrodispersivities and two variance of solute concentration, obtained for a constant moisture content and spatially varied moisture, respectively. 相似文献
Joseph R. Bennett Brian F. Cumming Peter R. Leavitt Marian Chiu John P. Smol Julian Szeicz 《Quaternary Research》2001,55(3):332
Postglacial climatic conditions were inferred from cores taken from Big Lake in southern British Columbia. Low concentrations of nonarboreal pollen and pigments near the base of the core suggest that initial conditions were cool. Increases in both aquatic and terrestrial production suggest warmer and moister conditions until 8500 cal yr B.P. Hyposaline diatom assemblages, increases in nonarboreal pollen, and increased concentrations of pigments suggest the onset of arid conditions from 8500 to 7500 cal yr B.P. Slightly less arid conditions are inferred from 7500 until 6660 cal yr B.P. based on the diatoms, small increases and greater variability in biogenic silica and pigments, and higher percentages of arboreal pollen. At 6600 cal yr B.P., changes in diatoms, pigments, biogenic silica, and organic matter suggest that Big Lake became fresh, deep, and eutrophic until 3600 cal yr B.P., when water levels and nutrients decreased slightly. Our paleoclimatic inferences are similar to pollen-based studies until 6600 cal yr B.P. However, unlike these studies, our multiple lines of evidence from Big Lake imply large changes in effective moisture since 6000 cal yr B.P. 相似文献
Marian Wagner 《International Journal of Coal Geology》1982,2(2):181-194
The paper presents the results of petrographic and chemical investigations of xylitic coal, xylite and their ash. As is known, a xylitic coal has the function of a lithotype whereas xylites are inclusions brown coals only. All these xylites were arranged according to the increasing degree of doppleritization of xylem in the sequence: common xylite, poorly, moderately and intensely doppleritized varieties, dopplerite coal. The distinctive criteria were their differentiated physical properties, which are also reflected in the variable petrographic and chemical compositions. The petrographic differences result from the replacement of textinite by ulminite and gelinite, while the differentiation of the chemical constitution is due to the increasing carbon content and the increasing number of functional groups that determine the aromatic nature of the internal structure of the coal. Infrared absorption spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and chemical analysis of ash have shown that the aromatization of coal and the resulting increase in the degree of order of the structural unit are due to the formation of organomineral compounds in the course of doppleritization. It appears from the investigations that the doppleritization of vegetable matter gives rise to gels that are a mixture of organo-mineral humic compounds. The process of humification leads to the formation of gel made up of humins. It follows then that there are two ways of initial coalification of plant material, both referred to as biochemical gelification. 相似文献
Rais Latypov Tony Morse Brian Robins Richard Wilson Grant Cawthorn Christian Tegner Marian Holness Charles Lesher Steve Barnes Brian O’Driscoll Ilya Veksler Michael Higgins Allan Wilson Olivier Namur Sofya Chistyakova Richard Naslund Peter Thy 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2015,169(2):1-10
Marian?B.?HolnessEmail authorView authors OrcID profile Robert?Farr Jerome?A.?Neufeld 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2017,172(1):7
The 168 m-thick Shiant Isles Main Sill is a composite body, dominated by an early, 24 m-thick, picrite sill formed by the intrusion of a highly olivine-phyric magma, and a later 135 m-thick intrusion of olivine-phyric magma that split the earlier picrite into a 22 m-thick lower part and a 2 m-thick upper part, forming the picrodolerite/crinanite unit (PCU). The high crystal load in the early picrite prevented effective settling of the olivine crystals, which retain their initial stratigraphic distribution. In contrast, the position of the most evolved rocks of the PCU at a level ~80% of its total height point to significant accumulation of crystals on the floor, as evident by the high olivine mode at the base of the PCU. Crystal accumulation on the PCU floor occurred in two stages. During the first, most of the crystal load settled to the floor to form a modally and size-sorted accumulation dominated by olivine, leaving only the very smallest olivine grains still in suspension. The second stage is recorded by the coarsening-upwards of individual olivine grains in the picrodolerite, and their amalgamation into clusters which become both larger and better sintered with increasing stratigraphic height. Large clusters of olivine are present at the roof, forming a foreshortened mirror image of the coarsening-upwards component of the floor accumulation. The coarsening-upwards sequence records the growth of olivine crystals while in suspension in a convecting magma, and their aggregation into clusters, followed by settling over a prolonged period (with limited trapping at the roof). As olivine was progressively lost from the convecting magma, crystal accumulation on the (contemporaneous) floor of the PCU was increasingly dominated by plagioclase, most likely forming clusters and aggregates with augite and olivine, both of which form large poikilitic grains in the crinanite. While the PCU is unusual in being underlain by an earlier, still hot, intrusion that would have enhanced any driving force for convection, we conclude from comparison with microstructures in other sills that convection is likely in tabular bodies >100 m thickness. 相似文献
Marian?B.?HolnessEmail authorView authors OrcID profile 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2018,173(6):48
One of the outstanding problems in understanding the behavior of intermediate-to-silicic magmatic systems is the mechanism(s) by which large volumes of crystal-poor rhyolite can be extracted from crystal-rich mushy storage zones in the mid-deep crust. The mechanisms commonly invoked are hindered settling, micro-settling, and compaction. The concept of micro-settling involves extraction of grains from a crystal framework during Ostwald ripening and has been shown to be non-viable in the metallic systems for which it was originally proposed. Micro-settling is also likely to be insignificant in silicic mushes, because ripening rates are slow for quartz and plagioclase, contact areas between grains in a crystal mush are likely to be large, and abundant low-angle grain boundaries promote grain coalescence rather than ripening. Published calculations of melt segregation rates by hindered settling (Stokes settling in a crystal-rich system) neglect all but fluid dynamical interactions between particles. Because tabular silicate minerals are likely to form open, mechanically coherent, frameworks at porosities as high as ~?75%, settling of single crystals is only likely in very melt-rich systems. Gravitationally-driven viscous compaction requires deformation of crystals by either dissolution–reprecipitation or dislocation creep. There is, as yet, no reported microstructural evidence of extensive, syn-magmatic, internally-generated, viscous deformation in fully solidified silicic plutonic rocks. If subsequent directed searches do not reveal clear evidence for internally-generated buoyancy-driven melt segregation processes, it is likely that other factors, such as rejuvenation by magma replenishment, gas filter-pressing, or externally-imposed stress during regional deformation, are required to segregate large volumes of crystal-poor rhyolitic liquids from crustal mushy zones. 相似文献
Marian Marschalko Işık Yilmaz Veronika Křístková Matěj Fuka Martin Bednarik Karel Kubečka 《Engineering Geology》2012
This study deals with the determination of the actual limit angles in the long-term formed subsidence basin in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin (the remaining part lays in Poland). Here there was the most extensive underground exploitation of black coal in the north-east of the Czech Republic. A limit angle is absolutely decisive in the determination of deep mining influences in relation to the current and future utilisation of this territory. The two CSM and Paskov mine localities on the edge of the subsidence basin were selected for this study, since they could not have been affected by mining in neighbouring mines. On the grounds of the long-term levelling monitoring of points on the surface which started prior to mining, the horizontal distance between the mined out area and the undisturbed ground surface was identified. The impact of limit angle on the surface was calculated by means of the horizontal distance and the established mining depth. Such identified actual limit angles reached the values of 36° at the CSM Mine and 25° for the Paskov Mine. The calculated values are significantly lower when compared with the currently applied empirical values of 57° for the CSM Mine and 56° for the Paskov Mine. This means that the extent of the undermining effects is unambiguously wider by 611 m at the CSM Mine and by 883 m at the Paskov Mine. This study thus establishes the existence of a significantly vaster area influenced by coal deep mining than previously expected. The identified facts lead to the conclusion that regular revisions and follow-up updates of the empirically determined parameters are recommended. 相似文献
Marian Marschalko Isik Yilmaz Martin Bednárik Karel Kubečka Hynek Lahuta 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2014,72(9):3443-3456
Deep mining of mineral resources causes extensive changes in rock environment and ground morphology and must be considered in the land use planning. Subsidence as a result of underground mining activities in terrains is one of the serious geological hazards because they can effect slopes and damage engineering structures, settlement areas, natural lakes and allow infiltration of contaminant into the groundwater. The main aim of this article was implementation of the building site categories of underground mining regions into the land use plans. This case study area was selected from the region of Orlova town within the Ostrava-Karvina Coal district, and this region is one of the most affected areas by underground mining of black coal in the Czech Republic. Certain risk categories of land, where the individual categories express generalized influence of deep mining of coal in current and planned constructions were also represented in this article. Extensive variations caused by underground mining were identified within a wide variability of risk categories. An important finding was also the extensive variability over time, manifested by spatial variations in the stated categories in the studied time periods. Moreover, technical documentation of environmental impacts related to underground mining activities was provided; importance of existing and proposed underground mining projects that may significantly impact the land use was discussed and pointed out in this article, especially. 相似文献
We discuss footpoints of loops seen by Yohkoh in soft X-rays that connect active regions across the equator (transequatorial interconnecting loops – TILs). While most TILs are rooted in moderately strong fields at peripheries of active regions, there are also cases when these loops are anchored in very weak or very strong fields, ranging from < 30 G to several hundred gauss. Some have their footpoints near sunspot penumbrae, creating `X-ray fountains' in a combination with active region loops. But TILs are never rooted in sunspots. The most likely explanation is that magnetic field lines leave spots almost vertically so that TILs rooted in them extend high into the corona and density in them is below the limit of visibility in X-rays. The fact that in force-free modeling some TILs are rooted in sunspots is most probably due to the difference between field-line connections in `vacuum' and in the highly conductive plasma on the Sun. Some TILs end before they reach active regions which sometimes may indicate the real situation, but mostly this `gap' is probably due to a temperature decrease near the loop footpoints which makes them invisible in X-rays. In that case the fact that these cool lowest parts of TILs are never found in TRACE or SOHO EIT images indicates that plasma density in TILs must be very low. Still, the total absence of any counterparts of X-ray TILs in TRACE and EIT images is puzzling and, therefore, other possible interpretations of the `gap' origin are also briefly mentioned. 相似文献
Radio-silent -ray flares are solar flares that lack any significant emission in the (non-thermal) radio wave band during their impulsive hard X-ray and -ray emission phases. Flares with extremely suppressed long-wavelength spectra have previously been reported by White et al. (1992) and have been discussed in different context by Hudson and Ryan (1995). A striking example of a radio-silent flare was observed by SMM during the onset of the 6 March 1989 energetic -ray flare. We argue that the absence of radio emission at wavelengths longer than microwave wavelengths is an indication of the compactness of the flare rather than that the flare did not exhibit non-thermal properties. Probably the flare site was restricted to altitudes above the photosphere in a newly emerging loop configuration lower than the equivalent altitude corresponding to an emission frequency of 1.4 GHz. This implies the presence of a dense and highly magnetized closed field configuration confining the electron component which causes the impulsive -ray continuum. Reconnection in such a configuration did not lead to open magnetic fields and streamer formation. Acceleration of particles in the and hard X-ray bursts was restricted to closed field lines. Thermal expansion of the loop system may subsequently lead to the generation of radially propagating blast waves in the solar corona which are accompanied by type II solar radio bursts and decimetre emissions. The emission during the onset of the flare was dominated by a continuum originating from electron bremsstrahlung at X-ray and -ray energies with only little evidence for the presence of energetic ions. It is, therefore, concluded that energetic electrons have been primary and not secondary products of the particle acceleration process. 相似文献