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We examined stable carbon isotope fractionation in biosynthesis of fatty acids of a piezophilic bacterium Moritella japonica strain DSK1. The bacterium was grown to stationary phase at pressures of 0.1, 10, 20, and 50 MPa in media prepared using sterile-filtered natural seawater supplied with glucose as the sole carbon source. Strain DSK1 synthesized typical bacterial fatty acids (C14-19 saturated, monounsaturated, and cyclopropane fatty acids) as well as long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (20:6ω3). Bacterial cell biomass and individual fatty acids exhibited consistent pressure-dependent carbon isotope fractionations relative to glucose. The observed ΔδFA-glucose (−1.0‰ to −11.9‰) at 0.1 MPa was comparable to or slightly higher than fractionations reported in surface bacteria. However, bulk biomass and fatty acids became more depleted in 13C with pressure. Average carbon isotope fractionation (ΔδFA-glucose) at high pressures was much higher than that for surface bacteria: −15.7‰, −15.3‰, and −18.3‰ at 10, 20, and 50 MPa, respectively. PUFA were more 13C depleted than saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids at all pressures. The observed isotope effects may be ascribed to the kinetics of enzymatic reactions that are affected by hydrostatic pressure and to biosynthetic pathways that are different for short-chain and long-chain fatty acids. A simple quantitative calculation suggests that in situ piezophilic bacterial contribution of polyunsaturated fatty acids to marine sediments is nearly two orders of magnitude higher than that of marine phytoplankton and that the carbon isotope imprint of piezophilic bacteria can override that of surface phytoplankton. Our results have important implications for marine biogeochemistry. Depleted fatty acids reported in marine sediments and the water column may be derived simply from piezophilic bacteria resynthesis of organic matter, not from bacterial utilization of a 13C-depleted carbon source (i.e., methane). The interpretation of carbon isotope signatures of marine lipids must be based on principles derived from piezophilic bacteria.  相似文献   
This paper describes an assessment of the enhanced geothermal system (EGS) resource base of the conterminous United States, using constructed temperature at depth maps. The temperature at depth maps were computed from 3 to 10 km, for every km. The methodology is described. Factors included are sediment thickness, thermal conductivity variations, distribution of the radioactive heat generation and surface temperature based on several geologic models of the upper 10 km of the crust. EGS systems are extended in this paper to include coproduced geothermal energy, and geopressured resources. A table is provided that summarizes the resource base estimates for all components of the EGS geothermal resource. By far, the conduction-dominated components of EGS represent the largest component of the U.S. resource. Nonetheless, the coproduced resources and geopressured resources are large and significant targets for short and intermediate term development. There is a huge resource base between the depths of 3 and 8 km, where the temperature reaches 150–250°C. Even if only 2% of the conventional EGS resource is developed, the energy recovered would be equivalent to roughly 2,500 times the annual consumption of primary energy in the U.S. in 2006. Temperatures above 150°C at those depths are more common in the active tectonic regions of the western conterminous U.S., but are not confined to those areas. In the central and eastern U.S. there are identified areas of moderate size that are of reasonable grade and probably small areas of much higher grade than predicted by this analyses. However because of the regional (the grid size is 5′ × 5′) scale of this study such potentially promising sites remain to be identified. Several possible scenarios for EGS development are discussed. The most promising and least costly may to be developments in abandoned or shut-in oil and gas fields, where the temperatures are high enough. Because thousands of wells are already drilled in those locations, the cost of producing energy from such fields could be significantly lowered. In addition many hydrocarbon fields are producing large amounts of co-produced water, which is necessary for geothermal development. Although sustainability is not addressed in this study, the resource is so large that in at least some scenarios of development the geothermal resource is sustainable for long periods of time.  相似文献   
Earthquake risk assessment of lifelines   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper presents the RISK-UE methodology for the seismic risk assessment of utility systems (potable water, waste-water, gas system, telecommunication, electric power) and transportation infrastructures (port, airport, road and railway system). The proposed methodology provides a uniform basis for the reduction of the consequences of lifeline damages in urban areas and an efficient mitigation strategy and prioritization policies for pre-earthquake and post earthquake actions. A detailed inventory for every element at risk together with a reliable seismic hazard assessment, appropriate selection of fragility models, estimation of the “global value” and economical impact of lifeline damages and losses are the main steps of the proposed methodology. The consideration of European distinctive features of lifelines and utility systems in the construction of seismic scenarios and the proposition of fragility curves are among the basic aims of the proposed methodology. Different modules of the methodology were applied in seven pilot cities (Thessaloniki, Catania, Nice, Bucharest, Sofia, Barcelona, Bitola). We present herein few representative examples (case studies) in order to illustrate the methodology and to prove its efficiency.  相似文献   
Supercontinent evolution and the Proterozoic metallogeny of South America   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The cratonic blocks of South America have been accreted from 2.2 to 1.9 Ga, and all of these blocks have been previously involved in the assembly and breakup of the Paleoproterozoic Atlantica, the Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic Rodinia, and the Neoproterozoic to Phanerozoic West Gondwana continents. Several mineralization phases have sequentially taken place during Atlantica evolution, involving Au, U, Cr, W, and Sn. During Rodinia assembly and breakup and Gondwana formation, the crust-dominated metallogenic processes have been overriding, responsible for several mineral deposits, including Au, Pd, Sn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Pb, U, P2O5, Ta, W, Li, Be and precious stones. During Rodinia breakup, epicontinental carbonate-siliciclastic basins were deposited, which host important non-ferrous base metal deposits of Cu–Co and Pb–Zn–Ag in Africa and South America. Isotope Pb–Pb analyses of sulfides from the non-ferrous deposits unambiguously indicate an upper crustal source for the metals. A genetic model for these deposits involves extensional faults driving the circulation of hydrothermal mineralizing fluids from the Archean/Paleoproterozoic basement to the Neoproterozoic sedimentary cover. These relations demonstrate the individuality of metal associations of every sediment-hosted Neoproterozoic base-metal deposit of West Gondwana has been highly influenced by the mineralogical and chemical composition of the underlying igneous and metaigneous rocks.  相似文献   
This article argues for a possibly new significance of geographical location in the information age, a significance amounting to more than mere spatial anchoring, on the one hand, and to less and different than absolute destiny, on the other. Hence, we show a possible change in the significance of geographical location from destiny in the industrial age to potential opportunity in the information age, a transition which applies to geographical units (i.e. cities, regions) and to individuals. First we discuss geographical location as destiny in the industrial age for both geographical entities and individuals. Second, we highlight a transitional period spanning through the 1970s and 1980s during which geographical location lost much of its absolute nature, becoming more of an anchor. Third, we present a conceptual framework for geographical location possibly turning into opportunity in the information age, again for both geographical units and individuals. We demonstrate that this potential opportunity has only partially materialized by individuals in the international use of online shopping, showing that their adoption is wider in North America, and differentiated in Europe. We further demonstrate a partial dissemination of opportunities for cities and regions by focusing on FDI. Finally, in the fourth and concluding section, we briefly discuss pertaining policy issues for the enhancement of locational opportunities.  相似文献   
In the Cubatão region, southern Brazil, sediments are transported by several rivers from the Serra do Mar Ridge into the Santos estuary. Fertilizer plants have been operating along the margins of one of these rivers (Mogi River) producing a large volume of phosphogypsum, which is stockpiled in nearby areas. Surface sediments of the Mogi River were sampled upstream and downstream in relation to the point where the effluents of the phosphogypsum piles flow into the drainage system. In the vicinity of this point one sediment core was collected. Results show that REE, Ba, Zr and Th concentrations in the non-contaminated sediments are of the same order as those present in the upper continental crust. The contaminated samples present a composition affected by that of the phosphogypsum, marked by a higher concentration of these elements and a stronger degree of REE fractionation. These phosphogypsum characteristics are inherited from the Catalão igneous phosphate ore and were moderately modified by the industrial process of phosphoric acid production. The phosphogypsum signal decreases rapidly downstream, pointing to a limited area of influence of the stacks. The deepest sediments of the core are also free of contamination, representing a time interval prior to the deposition of phosphogypsum wastes on the banks of the estuary.  相似文献   
In this note the KS-transformation introduced by Kustaanheimo and Stiefel into Celestial Mechanics is formulated in terms of hypercomplex numbers as the product of a quaternion and its antiinvolute. Therefore it represents a particular morphism of the real algebra of quaternions-having for image a three-dimensional real linear subspace-and also anatural generalization of the Levi-Civita transformation. The quaternion matrix of the product leads to the KS-matrix; the bilinear relation and the two identities which play a central role in the KS-theory are easily derived. A suitable quaternion gauge-transformation is given which leads to the well-known fibration of the four-dimensional space. In addition several geometrical interpretations are brought out.  相似文献   
We separate the tidal evolution of a planet-satellite system with zero eccentricity in two phases:phase 1—from the formation of the system to satellite's corotation (satellite's corotation means that its spin angular velocity equals the orbital angular velocity);phase 2—after satellite's corotation.We study the planet-satellite system during phase 1 with Darwin's graphical method and obtain an upper limit to satellite'sQ which discloses whether or not it is corotating. Moreover we obtain some qualitative information about the future evolution of the corotating satellites.The present work does not give any new result for the Earth-Moon case and for the Neptune-Triton case.  相似文献   
FeS2 pyrite can incorporate large amounts of arsenic (up to ca. 10 wt%) and hence has a strong impact on the mobility of this toxic metalloid. Focussing on the lowest arsenic concentrations for which the incorporation occurs in solid solution, the substitution mechanisms involved have been investigated by assuming simple incorporation reactions in both oxidising and reducing conditions. The solution energies were calculated by Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations and we predict that the formation of AsS dianion groups is the most energetically favourable mechanism. The results also suggest that the presence of arsenic will accelerate the dissolution and thus the generation of acid drainage, when the crystal dissolves in oxidising conditions.  相似文献   
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