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High precision U–Pb geochronology of rutile from quartz–carbonate–white mica–rutile veins that are hosted within eclogite and schist of the Monte Rosa nappe, western Alps, Italy, indicate that the Monte Rosa nappe was at eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions at 42.6 ± 0.6 Ma. The sample area [Indren glacier, Furgg zone; Dal Piaz (2001) Geology of the Monte Rosa massif: historical review and personal comments. SMPM] consists of eclogite boudins that are exposed inside a south-plunging overturned synform within micaceous schist. Associated with the eclogite and schist are quartz–carbonate–white mica–rutile veins that formed in tension cracks in the eclogite and along the contact between eclogite and surrounding schist. Intrusion of the veins at about 42.6 Ma occurred at eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions (480–570°C, >1.3–1.4 GPa) based on textural relations, oxygen isotope thermometry, and geothermobarometry. The timing of eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Monte Rosa nappe determined in this study is identical to that of the Gran Paradiso nappe [Meffan-Main et al. (2004) J Metamorphic Geol 22:261–281], confirming that these two units have shared the same Alpine metamorphic history. Furthermore, the Gran Paradiso and Monte Rosa nappes underwent eclogite-facies metamorphism within the same time interval as the structurally overlying Zermatt-Saas ophiolite [∼50–40 Ma; e.g., Amato et al. (1999) Earth Planet Sci Lett 171:425–438; Mayer et al. (1999) Eur Union Geosci 10:809 (abstract); Lapen et al. (2003) Earth Planet Sci Lett 215:57–72]. The nearly identical PTt histories of the Gran Paradiso, Monte Rosa, and Zermatt-Saas units suggest that these units shared a common Alpine tectonic and metamorphic history. The close spatial and temporal associations between high pressure (HP) ophiolite and continental crust during Alpine orogeny indicates that the HP internal basement nappes in the western Alps may have played a key role in exhumation and preservation of the ophiolitic rocks through buoyancy-driven uplift. Coupling of oceanic and continental crust may therefore be critical in preventing permanent loss of oceanic crust to the mantle.  相似文献   
We consider the inverse problem of permeability estimation for two-phase porous-media flow. The novel approach is based on regularization by zonation, where the geometry and size of the regions are chosen adaptively during the optimization procedure. To achieve this, we have utilized level-set functions to represent the permeability. The available data are sparsely distributed in space; hence, it is reasonable to confine the estimation to coarse-scale structures. The level-set approach is able to alter the boundaries between regions of different permeability without strict restrictions on their shape; however, when the data are sparse, a reasonable initial guess for the permeability is required. For this task, we use adaptive multiscale permeability estimation, which has the potential of identifying main permeability variations. These are described by a piecewise constant function, where the constant values are attained on rectangular zones. In the current work, we develop a level-set corrector strategy, assuming adaptive multiscale permeability estimation as a predictor.  相似文献   
Roughness control on hydraulic conductivity in fractured rocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of joint roughness on the typologies of fluid flow inside fractures is well known and, thanks to experiences in the field of hydraulics, it has been studied from both a physical and mathematical point of view. Nevertheless, the formulations adopted by traditional hydraulic models are hardly applicable in the geological field, because of the difficulty encountered in the roughness parameter estimation. Normally this parameter can be estimated using the joint roughness coefficient (JRC), which considers both the asperity height and its regularity and directional trend. The main advantage in using the JRC arises from the fact that it can easily be obtained from geological-technical surveys and from comparison with the standard Barton profiles. Some relationships have been built up that allow for the estimation of the hydraulic conductivity tensor (an essential parameter for understanding water flow in fractured rock masses), not only as a function of traditional parameters like aperture, spacing, dip and dip direction, etc., but also of joint roughness, precisely expressed in terms of the roughness coefficient. These relationships have been studied initially from a theoretical point of view and then practically, through laboratory investigations.
Resumen  Se conoce muy bien la influencia de la rugosidad de las grietas en las tipologías del flujo de fluidos a lo interior de las fracturas y gracias a las experiencias en el campo de hidráulica ha sido posible estudiarla desde puntos de vista matemáticos y físicos. Sin embargo, las formulaciones adoptadas por los modelos hidráulicos tradicionales tienen poca aplicabilidad en el campo geológico debido a la dificultad relacionada con la estimación del parámetro de rugosidad. Normalmente este parámetro puede estimarse usando el coeficiente de rugosidad de grieta (JRC) el cual considera tanto la altura de la aspereza como su regularidad y tendencia direccional. La principal ventaja de utilizar el JRC se deriva del hecho que puede obtenerse fácilmente de levantamientos técnico-geológicos y de la comparación con los perfiles Standard Barton. Se han construido algunas relaciones que permiten la estimación del tensor de conductividad hidráulica (un parámetro esencial para el entendimiento del flujo de agua en masas de roca fracturadas), no solo en función de parámetros tradicionales como apertura, espaciado, buzamiento y dirección de buzamiento, etc., sino también en función de la rugosidad de la grieta estimada con precisión en términos del coeficiente de rugosidad. Estas relaciones se han estudiado inicialmente desde un punto de vista teórico y luego de modo práctico a través de investigaciones de laboratorio.

Résumé  L’influence de la rugosité des joints sur les types d’écoulement de fluide dans les fractures est bien connue et a été étudiée aussi bien du point de vue physique que mathématique grace à des expériences menées dans le domaine de l’hydraulique. Cependant les formulations adoptées dans les modèles hydrauliques traditionnels sont difficilement applicables dans le domaine de la géologie à cause de la difficulté rencontrée pour estimer la rugosité. Ce paramètre peut normalement être apprécié grace au coefficient de rugosité du joint (JRC), lequel prend en compte à la fois la hauteur de l’aspérité ainsi que sa régularité et sa direction. Le principal avantage dans l’utilisation du JRC réside dans le fait qu’il peut facilement être obtenu à partir d’études techniques-géologiques et par comparaison avec la classification de Barton. Des relations qui permettent une estimation du tenseur de conductivité hydraulique (un paramètre essentiel pour comprendre l’écoulement de l’eau dans les masses rocheuses fracturées) ont été élaborées, pas seulement en fonction de paramètres traditionnels tels que l’ouverture, l’espacement, l’inclinaison et la direction d’inclinaison, etc , mais aussi en prenant en compte la rugosité des joints à travers le coefficient de rugosité. Ces relations ont initialement été étudiées d’un point de vue théorique puis expérimentalement à travers des recherches en laboratoire.
In this paper, we formulate a finite element procedure for approximating the coupled fluid and mechanics in Biot’s consolidation model of poroelasticity. Here, we approximate the pressure by a mixed finite element method and the displacements by a Galerkin method. Theoretical convergence error estimates are derived in a continuous in-time setting for a strictly positive constrained specific storage coefficient. Of particular interest is the case when the lowest-order Raviart–Thomas approximating space or cell-centered finite differences are used in the mixed formulation, and continuous piecewise linear approximations are used for displacements. This approach appears to be the one most frequently applied to existing reservoir engineering simulators.  相似文献   
Zircon U-Pb dating by the LA-ICP-MS method was applied to determining the ages of different units of the Guposhan granite complex, among which the East Guposhan unit is 160.8±1.6 Ma, the West Guposhan unit is 165.0±1.9 Ma, and the Lisong unit is 163.0±1.3 Ma in age. Much similarity in ages of the three units has thus proved that the whole Guposhan granite complex was formed in the same period of time. They were the products of large-scale granitic magmatism through crust-remelting in the first stage of the Middle Yanshanian in South China. However, the three units have differences both in petrology and in geochemistry. Besides the differences in major, trace and rare-earth elements, they are distinct in their Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions. The East Guposhan unit and Lisong unit and its enclaves have a similar (87Sr/86Sr)i value of 0.7064 with an average of εNd(t)=-3.03, indicating that more mantle material was evolved in the magma derivation; whereas the West Guposhan unit has a higher (87Sr/86Sr)i value of 0.7173 but a lower εNd(t) value of -5.00, and is characterized by strong negative Eu anomalies and higher Rb/Sr ratios, suggesting that its source materials were composed of relatively old crust components and new mantle-derived components. In addition, an inherited zircon grain in the East Guposhan unit (GP-1) yielded a 206Pb/238U age of 806.4 Ma, which is similar to the ages of the Jiulin cordierite granite in northern Jiangxi and of the Yinqiao migmatic granite in Guangxi in the HZH granite zone. All this may provide new evidence for Late Proterozoic magmatism in the HZH granite zone.  相似文献   
Neogene volcanic rocks in the Belog Co area, Qiangtang, northern Tibet, are represented by a typical intermediate-basic and intermediate alkaline rock association, with latite-trachyte as the main rock type. The results of chemical analysis are: SiO2=52%–62%, Al2O3>15%, Na2O/K2O>1 and MgO<3.30%. In addition, the volcanic rocks are LREE-enriched with LREE/HREE=10–13, (La/Yb)N=15–19, and show a weak negative Eu anomaly with δEu=0.71–0.89. The close relationship between Mg# and SiO2 and the co-variation of the magmatophile elements and ultra-magmatophile elements such as La/Sm-La and Cr-Tb indicate that this association of volcanic rocks is the product of comagmatic fractional crystallization. The rock association type and lower Sm/Yb values (Sm/Yb=3.23–3.97) imply that this association of volcanic rocks should have originated from partial melting of spinel lherzolite in the lithospheric mantle. On the other hand, the weak negative Eu anomaly and relative depletion in Nb, Ta and Ti reflect the features of terrigenous magma. So the Neogene Belog Co alkaline volcanic rocks should be the result of partial melting of the special crust-mantle transition zone on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   
The field relations, mineralogy, and major and trace elements (including REE analyses of whole-rock samples and minerals) of granites and their associated molybdenite uranium mineralized aplites in Southeastern Desert, Egypt, have been studied. The granites are leucocratic and mostly peraluminous in nature with muscovite increasing at the expense of biotite. The chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the granitic rocks indicate that their melts originated from the LILE-enriched mantle wedge by partial melting and are contaminated by crustal melts, followed by thermogravitational processes. Leucogranites with higher Na2O/K2O ratios from Um Dargag and Um Maiat crystallized under H2O-saturated equilibrium conditions in which the exsolved vapor continuously migrated away. The REE patterns of the granites studied are characterized by LREE enrichments and negative Eu anomalies. In comparison, the potassic aplites and the more sodic leucogranites are depleted in LREE, enriched in HREE and show more remarkable negative Eu anomalies. Allanite and monazite are the most important REE carriers in the granites. These minerals are strongly enriched in LREE, whereas fluorite and xenotime, which are more abundant in the aplites, are enriched in HREE. The average Lu/Ce ratio represents the fractionation trend with respect to HREE. It is 0.71 for radioactive fluorite, and it increases to 1.22 for non-radioactive fluorite. The high REE contents of molybdenite represent re-deposition of the mobilized Mo and REE. Due to the strong control of accessory minerals, the REEs are of limited use in petrogenetic modelling of highly evolved granitic systems.  相似文献   
The species of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd and Cr in sediments of the Taihu Lake, China, have been analyzed using the sequential chemical extraction method. Variations in the chemical fractions of these metals and their geographic distributions have also been studied. For all five metals, the residual fraction is highest but the exchangeable fraction is lowest among all the fractions. Compared to other metals, Cd has the highest percentage in the exchangeable fraction, and Cr is associated mainly with the residual fraction. Cu in the organic fraction and Pb in the Fe-Mn fraction are the important species, whereas the lowest percentages are found for Cd in the organic fraction, Cu in the Fe-Mn oxide fraction and Pb in the carbonate fraction. With respect to spatial differences, the total contents in the non-residual fractions of the metals in bay sediments are found to be higher than those in other sediments. The fractions of Cd, Cu and Cr showed significant variations in different regions. The fractions of Pb and Zn, however, did not show significant variations in spatial distribution, suggesting different amounts and different paths of anthropogenic input for the metals. Comparisons of the metal speciation indicated that Cd might be the most bioavailable metal, followed by Pb.  相似文献   
The Valley of Toluca is a major industrial and agricultural area in Central Mexico, especially the City of Toluca, the capital of The State of Mexico. The Nevado de Toluca volcano is located to the southwest of The Toluca Basin. Results obtained from the vulnerability assessment phase of the study area (5,040 km2 and 42 municipalities) are presented here as a part of a comprehensive volcanic risk assessment of The Toluca Basin. Information has been gathered and processed at a municipal level including thematic maps at 1:250,000 scale. A database has been built, classified and analyzed within a GIS environment; additionally, a Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) approach was applied as an aid for the decision-making process. Cartographic results were five vulnerability maps: (1) Total Population, (2) Land Use/Cover, (3) Infrastructure, (4) Economic Units and (5) Total Vulnerability. Our main results suggest that the Toluca and Tianguistenco urban and industrial areas, to the north and northeast of The Valley of Toluca, are the most vulnerable areas, for their high concentration of population, infrastructure, economic activity, and exposure to volcanic events.  相似文献   
In southern Chile, with a mild and rainy climate, high levels of heavy metals have been detected in many gold placer deposits. Many of the contaminants pose risks to human life, and consequently damage the trofic chain in this environment. The study zones selected correspond to the handicraft gold-bearing sands of Rio Gato (Los Muermos), Carelmapu and Cucao. These are all located in the X Region of “Los Lagos” in Chile. The type of methodology used in the characterization of the associated mineralization consists of testing each representative sample with a grain size distribution, statistical parameter analysis and a mineralogical analysis, using a binocular magnifying glass, a petrographic microscope, XRD and SEM/EDX. The chemical composition was defined by means of X ray fluorescence and micro-chemical analysis. The results of the study about sediments in southern Chile are presented. The major concentrations of heavy minerals are generally located in areas of dynamic river energy. In the samples, more than 70% of the heavy minerals were distributed among grain sizes corresponding to thin sand with good grain selection (meshes of 0.25–0.06 mm). The main mineral phases present in the analysed samples were gold, zircon, olivine, ilmenite, hornblende, hypersthene, hematite, garnet, chromite, chlorite, augite, amphibolitic-epidote, etc. The main heavy metals found as a result of the study were mercury, lead, cadmium, chrome, tellurium, indium, zinc, cobalt, copper, platinum, gold, etc., and as well some less common elements like cerium, praseodymium, gadolinium, neodymium, samarium and lanthanum. This research work is only a starting point for carrying out a risk probability mapping of heavy metals and the mineralogy of the Cucao, Carelmapu and Rio Gato gold-bearing sands.  相似文献   
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