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S.J. Peale  J.L. Margot 《Icarus》2009,199(1):1-8
The period of free libration of Mercury's longitude about the position it would have had if it were rotating uniformly at 1.5 times its orbital mean motion is close to resonance with Jupiter's orbital period. The Jupiter perturbations of Mercury's orbit thereby lead to amplitudes of libration at the 11.86 year period that may exceed the amplitude of the 88 day forced libration determined by radar. Mercury's libration in longitude may be thus dominated by only two periods of 88 days and 11.86 years, where other periods from the planetary perturbations of the orbit have much smaller amplitudes.  相似文献   
We discuss various strategies for parallelizing streamline simulators and present a single-phase shared memory implementation. The choice of a shared memory programming model is motivated by its suitability for streamline simulation, as well as the rapid advance of multicore processors, which are readily available at low-cost. We show that streamline-based methods are easily parallelizable on shared memory architectures through their decomposition of the multidimensional transport equations into a large set of independent 1D transport solves. We tested both a specialized explicit load balancing algorithm that optimizes the streamline load distribution across threads to minimize the time that any of the threads are idle, and the dynamic load balancing algorithms provided by OpenMP on the shared memory machines. Our results clearly indicate that built-in schedulers are competitive with specialized load balancing strategies as long as the number of streamlines per thread is sufficiently high, which is the case in field applications. The average workload per thread is nominally insensitive to workload variations between individual streamlines, and any load balancing advantage offered by explicit strategies is not sufficient to overcome associated computational and parallel overhead. In terms of the allocation of streamlines or streamline segments to threads, we investigated both the distributed approach, in which threads are assigned streamline segments, and the owner approach, in which threads own complete streamlines. We found that the owner approach is most suitable. The slight advantage that the distributed approach has in terms of load balancing is not enough to compensate for the additional overheads. Moreover, the owner approach allows straightforward re-use of existing sequential codes, which is not the case for the distributed approach in case of implicit or adaptive implicit solution strategies. The tracing and mapping stages in streamline simulation have low parallel efficiency. However, in real-field models, the computational burden of the streamline solves is significantly heavier than that of the tracing and mapping stages, and therefore, the impact of these stages is limited. We tested the parallelization on three shared memory systems: a 24 dual-core processor Sun SPARC server; an eight-way Sun Opteron server, representative of the state-of-the-art shared memory systems in use in the industry; and the very recently released Sun Niagara II multicore machine that has eight floating point compute units on the chip. We test a single-phase flow problem on three heterogeneous reservoirs with varying well placements (this system gives the worst case scenario as the tracing and mapping costs are not negligible compared to the transport costs). For the SPARC and Opteron system, we find parallel efficiencies ranging between 60 and 75 for the tracer flow problems. The sublinear speedup is mostly due to communication overheads in the tracing and mapping stages. In applications with more complex physics, the relative contributions of these stages will decrease significantly, and we predict the parallel performance to be nearly linear. On the Niagara II, we obtain almost perfect linear scalability even for the single-phase flow problem thanks to the lowered communication costs on these architectures that have a shared cache. This result is all the more satisfactory considering that future server designs will be akin to this system.  相似文献   
The BRITICE-CHRONO Project has generated a suite of recently published radiocarbon ages from deglacial sequences offshore in the Celtic and Irish seas and terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide and optically stimulated luminescence ages from adjacent onshore sites. All published data are integrated here with new geochronological data from Wales in a revised Bayesian analysis that enables reconstruction of ice retreat dynamics across the basin. Patterns and changes in the pace of deglaciation are conditioned more by topographic constraints and internal ice dynamics than by external controls. The data indicate a major but rapid and very short-lived extensive thin ice advance of the Irish Sea Ice Stream (ISIS) more than 300 km south of St George's Channel to a marine calving margin at the shelf break at 25.5 ka; this may have been preceded by extensive ice accumulation plugging the constriction of St George's Channel. The release event between 25 and 26 ka is interpreted to have stimulated fast ice streaming and diverted ice to the west in the northern Irish Sea into the main axis of the marine ISIS away from terrestrial ice terminating in the English Midlands, a process initiating ice stagnation and the formation of an extensive dead ice landscape in the Midlands.  相似文献   
This paper reports a radiofrequency identification (RFID) tracing experiment implemented in a high‐sediment‐load mountain stream typical of alpine gravel‐bed torrents. The study site is the Bouinenc Torrent, a tributary to the Bléone River in southeast France that drains a 38·9‐km² degraded catchment. In spring 2008, we deployed 451 tracers with b‐axis ranging from 23 to 520 mm. Tracers were seeded along eight cross‐sections located in the upstream part of the lowest 2·3 km of the stream. Three tracer inventories were implemented in July 2008, 2009 and 2010. Recovery rates calculated for mobile tracers declined from 78% in 2008 to 45% in 2009 and 25% in 2010. Observations of tracer displacement revealed very high sediment dispersion, with frontrunners having travelled more than 2 km only three months after their deployment. The declining recovery rate over time was interpreted as resulting from rapid dispersion rather than deep burial. We evaluated that 64% of the tracers deployed in the active channel were exported from the 2·3‐km study reach three years after the onset of the tracing experiment. Travel distances were characterized by right‐skewed and heavy‐tailed distributions, correctly fitted by a power‐law function. This supports the idea that in gravel‐bed rivers with abundant sediment supply relative to transport capacity, bedload transport can be viewed as a superdiffusive sediment dispersion process. It is also shown that tracers initially deployed in the low‐flow channel were characterized by a 15‐ to 30‐fold increase of mobility compared to tracers deployed in gravel bars. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Since the earliest use of this technology, a growing number of researchers have employed passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) transponders to track sediment transport in gravel rivers and coastal environments. RFID transponders are advantageous because they are inexpensive, durable and use unique codes that allow sediment particle mobility and displacement to be assessed on a clast‐by‐clast basis. Despite these advantages, this technology is in need of a rigorous error and detection analysis. Many studies work with a precision of ~1 m, which is insufficient for some applications, and signal shadowing can occur due to clustering of tagged particles. Information on in‐field performance is also incomplete with respect to burial and submergence, especially for different transponders and antennae combinations. The objectives of this study are to qualify and quantify the factors that influence the detection zone of RFID tracers including antenna type, transponder size, transponder orientation, burial depth, submergence and clustering. Results of this study show that the detection zone is complex in shape due to a set of lobes in the detection field and provide a better understanding of transponder detection shape for different RFID transponder/antenna combinations. This study highlights a strong influence of clustering and submergence, but no significant effect of burial. Finally we propose standard operating procedures for tagging and tracking in rivers and coastal environments. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Glacial landforms and sediments mapped in three presently unglaciated mountain massifs, the Nanhuta Shan, the Hsueh Shan and the Yushan, support the concept of repeated, multi-stage glaciations in the Taiwanese high mountain range during the late Pleistocene. New results from surface exposure dating using in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be measured in samples taken from erratic and moraine boulders in Nanhuta Shan at altitudes between 3100 and 3500 m are presented here. The results confirm independent and previously reported Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) ages and 10Be exposure ages from glacial deposits in the same area and suggest a Lateglacial and early Holocene glaciation, the so called Nanhuta glacier advance with two substages at about 12–15 ka and 9.5 ka BP. The respective equilibrium line altitudes (ELA) were calculated at 3340 m and 3440 m with corresponding ELA depressions of 610 ± 100 m and 510 ± 100 m relative to the present day (theoretical) ELA, which is estimated to be at about 3950 ± 100 m in Taiwan. Large-scale erosional landforms indicate a much wider glacier extent during an earlier stage, which is not dated in Nanhuta Shan so far. Luminescence dating from near Hsueh Shan suggests an age of marine isotope stage (MIS) 4 for this stage.  相似文献   
Natural resource planning at all scales demands methods for assessing the impacts of resource development and use, and in particular it requires standardized methods that yield robust and unbiased results. Building from existing probabilistic methods for assessing the volumes of energy and mineral resources, we provide an algorithm for consistent, reproducible, quantitative assessment of resource development impacts. The approach combines probabilistic input data with Monte Carlo statistical methods to determine probabilistic outputs that convey the uncertainties inherent in the data. For example, one can utilize our algorithm to combine data from a natural gas resource assessment with maps of sage grouse leks and piñon-juniper woodlands in the same area to estimate possible future habitat impacts due to possible future gas development. As another example: one could combine geochemical data and maps of lynx habitat with data from a mineral deposit assessment in the same area to determine possible future mining impacts on water resources and lynx habitat. The approach can be applied to a broad range of positive and negative resource development impacts, such as water quantity or quality, economic benefits, or air quality, limited only by the availability of necessary input data and quantified relationships among geologic resources, development alternatives, and impacts. The framework enables quantitative evaluation of the trade-offs inherent in resource management decision-making, including cumulative impacts, to address societal concerns and policy aspects of resource development.  相似文献   
Land-based eutrophication is often associated with blooms of green macroalgae, resulting in negative impacts on seagrasses. The generality of this interaction has not been studied in upwelling-influenced estuaries where oceanic nutrients dominate seasonally. We conducted an observational and experimental study with Zostera marina L. and ulvoid macroalgae across an estuarine gradient in Coos Bay, Oregon. We found a gradient in mean summer macroalgal biomass from 56.1 g dw 0.25 m−2 at the marine site to 0.3 g dw 0.25 m−2 at the riverine site. Despite large macroalgal blooms at the marine site, eelgrass biomass exhibited no seasonal or interannual declines. Through experimental manipulations, we found that pulsed additions of macroalgae biomass (+4,000 mL) did not affect eelgrass in marine areas, but it had negative effects in riverine areas. In upwelling-influenced estuaries, the negative effects of macroalgal blooms are context dependent, affecting the management of seagrass habitats subject to nutrient inputs from both land and sea.  相似文献   
Abstract— We report results of delay‐Doppler observations of 1999 JM8 with the Goldstone 8560 MHz (3.5 cm) and Arecibo 2380 MHz (13 cm) radars over 18 days in July‐August 1999. The images place thousands of pixels on the asteroid and achieve range resolutions as fine as 15 m/pixel. The images reveal an asymmetric, irregularly shaped object with a typical overall dimension within 20% of 7 km. If we assume that 1999 JM8's effective diameter is 7 km, then the absolute magnitude, 15.15, and the average Goldstone radar cross section, 2.49 km2, correspond to optical and radar albedos of 0.02 and 0.06, establishing that 1999 JM8 is a dark object at optical and radar wavelengths. The asteroid is in a non‐principal axis spin state that, although not yet well determined, has a dominant periodicity of ?7 days. However, images obtained between July 31 and August 9 show apparent regular rotation of features from day to day, suggesting that the rotation state is not far from principal axis rotation. 1999 JM8 has regions of pronounced topographic relief, prominent facets several kilometers in extent, numerous crater‐like features between ?100 m and 1.5 km in diameter, and features whose structural nature is peculiar. Arecibo images provide the strongest evidence to date for a circular polarization ratio feature on any asteroid. Combined optical and radar observations from April 1990 to December 2000 permit computation of planetary close approach times to within ± 10 days over the interval from 293 to at least 2907, one of the longest spans for any potentially hazardous asteroid. Integration of the orbit into the past and future shows close approaches to Earth, Mars, Ceres, and Vesta, but the probability of the object impacting Earth is zero for at least the next nine centuries.  相似文献   
During the last glacial cycle an intriguing feature of the British-Irish Ice Sheet was the North Sea Lobe (NSL); fed from the Firth of Forth and which flowed south and parallel to the English east coast. The controls on the formation and behaviour of the NSL have long been debated, but in the southern North Sea recent work suggests the NSL formed a dynamic, oscillating terrestrial margin operating over a deforming bed. Further north, however, little is known of the behaviour of the NSL or under what conditions it operated. This paper analyses new acoustic, sedimentary and geomorphic data in order to evaluate the glacial landsystem imprint and deglacial history of the NSL offshore from NE England. Subglacial tills (AF2/3) form a discontinuous mosaic interspersed with bedrock outcrops across the seafloor, with the partial excavation and advection of subglacial sediment during both advance and retreat producing mega-scale glacial lineations and grounding zone wedges. The resultant ‘mixed-bed’ glacial landsystem is the product of a dynamic switch from a terrestrial piedmont-lobe margin with a net surplus of sediment to a partially erosive, quasi-stable, marine-terminating, ice stream lobe as the NSL withdrew northwards. Glaciomarine sediments (AF4) drape the underlying subglacial mixed-bed imprint and point to a switch to tidewater conditions between 19.9 and 16.5 ka cal BP as the North Sea became inundated. The dominant controls on NSL recession during this period were changing ice flux through the Firth of Forth ice stream onset zone and water depths at the grounding line; the development of the mixed-bed landsystem being a response to grounding line instability. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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