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Qualitative research undertaken in a regional centre of northern Queensland revealed how community members with an interest in water quality see themselves and others being pro-active in maintaining healthy waterways. Interview analysis revealed that respondents saw social resilience to changing water quality as contingent upon personal perceptions of water quality; the ability of a whole community to respond to changes in water quality; and individual behaviour change. Many participants explained that, in general, individuals would not take responsibility for maintaining healthy waterways unless there were personal consequences for not acting. We relate these data to current literature linking individual attitudes to community pro-environmental behaviour. We conclude that certain conditions usually prevail before a whole community will take up environmentally responsible behaviour. These conditions include a latent level of social capital, collective social learning, agency coordination, sufficient resources, and personal significance.  相似文献   
Multibeam bathymetry acquired under the MAREANO programme from the continental shelf off Nordland and Troms, northern Norway, show bedforms that we have interpreted as rippled scour depressions. They occur in three areas offshore on bank slopes facing southeast, more than 15 km from land. They are generally found where the slope gradient is low, in water depths of 70–160 m. Individual depressions are up to 3 km long, 1 m deep and up to 300 m wide. They occur in areas where sediments evolve quickly from glacial deposits on the banks to post-glacial muddy sediments on the glacial troughs. Multibeam backscatter and underwater video data show that depression floors are covered by rippled, gravelly, shelly sand. Ripple crests are parallel or slightly oblique to the depression axis orientation. Sand without bedforms is observed between the depressions. TOPAS seismic lines show that the uppermost seismic unit consists of the sand between the depressions. The base of this unit may be the last transgressive/tidal/wave ravinement surface. Physical oceanographic modelling indicates that maximum current velocities are up to 0.6 m/s in the rippled scour depression areas. Stronger currents appear to inhibit the building of these features. Tidal currents play an important role as they trend parallel to the southeast banks slopes and are likely responsible of the gravelly ripples formation inside the depressions as well as the persistence of these depressions which are not covered by finer sediments. On Malangsgrunnen bank, some of the rippled scour depressions are in the extension of NW–SE furrows located on the bank. Simulated bottom currents indicate currents mainly perpendicular to these furrows, as for the rippled scour depressions on the bank slopes. Nevertheless, these features could also highlight currents coming from the northwest which reach the bank margin and continue down to the areas of the rippled scour depressions. These currents could be responsible for the formation of some of the bedforms, together with tidal currents.  相似文献   
Aureococcus anophagefferens, the pelagophyte responsible for brown tide blooms, occurs in coastal bays along the northeast coast of the United States. This species was identified in Chincoteague Bay, Maryland, in 1997 and has bloomed there since at least 1998. Time series of dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations and characteristics are presented for two sites in Chincoteague Bay: one that experienced a brown tide bloom in 2002 and one that did not. Characteristics of the bulk DOM pool were obtained using dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) measurements (spectral slope and specific UV absorbance). High molecular weight DOM (HMW-DOM) was characterized in terms of DOC concentration, carbon: nitrogen (C:N) ratio, isotopic signature, and molecular-level characteristics as determined by direct temperature resolved mass spectrometry (DT-MS). Compositional changes in the DOM pool are associated with brown tide blooms, although a direct relationship between DOM characteristics and bloom development could not be confirmed. DOC measurements suggest that during the brown tide bloom, HMW-DOM was released into the surface water. UV-Vis analysis on the bulk DOM and molecular-level characterization of the HMW-DOM using DT-MS show that this material was optically active and more aromatic in nature. Based upon C:N ratio and HMW-DOC measurements, it appears that this HMW-DOM was more nitrogen enriched. Whether this material was released as exudates or was due to lysis ofA. anophagefferens could not be determined.  相似文献   
The aim of this short article is to stress the importance of using only positive-definite functions as models for covariance functions and variograms.The two examples presented show that a negative variance can easily be obtained when a nonadmissible function is chosen for the variogram model.  相似文献   
A model of planetary formation in a binary system with a small relative mass of primary is computed on the assumption of a mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one with no mass and angular momentum carried away from the system under consideration. At the last stage of mass transfer the condensed Moon-like objects (planetoids) are ejected through the inner Lagrange point of the primary Roche lobe with the outflow of gaseous matter.The whole system is considered in the plane of binary star rotation. Newtonian equations of motion are integrated with the initial conditions for the planetoids referred to as the coordinates and velocity of the inner Lagrangian point at the moments of planetoid ejections, all the pairwise gravitational interactions being included in computations but without a gas-drag. The mass transfer ceases at the primary relative mass 10–3 which corresponds to the present Sun-Jupiter system. The total mass of planetoids approximates that of the terrestrial planets. Those are formed through coagulation of the planetoids with the effective radius of capture cross-section as an input parameter in the computer simulation. When the minimum separation between the pair of bodies becomes less than this radius they coalesce into a single body with their masses and momenta summed. If the effective radius value is under a certain limit the computer simulation yields the planetary system like that of terrestrial planets of the present Sun system.Numerical computations reveal the division of the planetoids into 4 groups along their distances from the Sun. Further, each group forms a single planet or a planet and a less massive body at the nearest orbits. The parameters of simulated planet orbits are close to the present ones and the interplanetary spacings are in accord with the Titius-Bode law.  相似文献   
Marine geophysical data from the southern Natal Valley and northern Transkei Basin, offshore southeast Africa, were used to study the structure of the crust and sedimentary cover in the area. The data includes seismic reflection, gravity and magnetics and provides information on the acoustic basement geometry (where available), features of the sedimentary cover and the basin's development. Previously mapped Mesozoic magnetic anomalies over a part of the basin are now recognized over wider areas of the basin. The ability to extend the correlation to the southeast within the Natal Valley further confirms an oceanic origin for this region and provides an opportunity to amplify the existing plate boundary reconstructions.The stratigraphic structure of the southern Natal Valley and the northern Transkei Basin reflects processes of the ocean crust formation and subsequent evolution. The highly variable relief of the acoustic basement may relate to the crust formation in the immediate vicinity of the continental transform margin. Renewed submarine seismicity and neotectonic activity in the area is probably related to the diffuse boundary between the Nubia and Somalia plates.2.5-D crustal models show that a 1.7–3.2-km-thick sediment sequence overlies a 6.3±1.2-km-thick normal oceanic crust in the deep southern Natal Valley and Transkei Basin. The oceanic crust in the study area is heterogeneous, made up of blocks of laterally varying remanent magnetization (0.5–3.5 A/m) and density (2850–2900 kg/m3). Strong modifications of accretionary processes near ridge/fracture zone intersections may be a reason of such heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Locating additional long-term groundwater resources in semi-arid regions of developing countries with growing populations is an expensive undertaking. Simple geographic information system (GIS) techniques can be utilised to facilitate efficient application of expensive geophysical techniques and test-drilling by functioning as an interdisciplinary integration and decision-making tool, especially in data-poor and poorly mapped environments where more sophisticated GIS techniques are not applicable. The paper demonstrates this in the context of the search for groundwater alternatives to the dwindling river water supply in the Boteti area of the Kalahari region in Botswana.  相似文献   
Two short cores of late Holocene, low tidal, estuarine sediment from the sheltered fringes of the Auckland's Waitemata Harbor, New Zealand, record the following changes through time since human colonization: an abrupt decline and disappearance of marine molluscs, a major decline and virtual disappearance of ostracods, an abrupt decline in calcareous foraminifera (mostlyAmmonia spp.), a rapid increase, in abundance of agglutinated foraminifera, large diatoms, and freshwater thecamoebians, and an increase in sedimentation rate, but no consistent trend in change of grain size. The up-core foraminiferal changes mimic their present day up-estuary zonation, which correlates strongly with decreasing salinity and pH. In both localities the faunal changes can be correlated with the documented local land-use history and increased freshwater runoff over time. At the head of the Waitemata Harbor, in Lucas Creek estuary, three phases of foraminiferal faunal change occurred: minor changes during initial Polynesian forest clearance (1500–1800 AD), a major change in early European times (1840–1870 AD) with clearance of most of the remaining native forest, and another small change in very, recent times (∼1990s) with urbanization in the Lucas Creek catchment. On the eastern, seaward fringes of the Waitemata Harbor, in the smaller Tamaki Estuary, no faunal changes occurred in association with complete forest clearance and establishment of pastoral farming in Polynesian and early European times (before 1950s). Major foraminiferal and other faunal changes occurred in the late European period (1960s–1970s) coincident with the onset of major urbanization spreading throughout the Tamaki catchment. Our results suggest increased freshwater runoff is the major culprit for many of the observed biotic changes in the urbanized estuaries of New Zealand.  相似文献   
An empirical global core-top calibration that relates the alkenone unsaturation index to mean annual SST (maSST) is statistically the same as that defined for a subarctic Pacific strain of Emiliania huxleyi (CCMP1742) grown exponentially in batch culture under isothermal conditions. Although both equations have been applied widely for paleoSST reconstruction, uncertainty still stems from two key ecological factors: variability in the details of biosynthesis among genetically distinct alkenone-producing strains, and impacts of non-thermal physiological growth factors on . New batch culture experiments with CCMP1742 here reveal that diverge systematically from the core-top calibration in response to nutrient depletion and light deprivation, two physiological stresses experienced by phytoplankton populations in the real ocean. Other aspects of alkenone/alkenoate composition also respond to these stresses and may serve as signatures of such effects, providing an opportunity to detect, understand, and potentially correct for such impacts on the geologic record. A test case documents that sediments from the Southeast Pacific display the alkenone/alkenoate compositional signature characteristic of cells physiologically stressed by light deprivation. Such an observation could be explained if marine snow provided a major vector of sedimentation for these biomarkers. Late Pleistocene records in the Southeast Pacific yield plausible paleotemperature histories of ice-age cooling, but ice-age alkenone/alkenoate signatures fall outside the range of modern calibration samples of similar . They better match core-top samples deposited beneath waters characterized by much cooler maSST, suggesting key features of ice-age ecology for alkenone-producing haptophytes were different from today, and that the index taken alone may misgauge the total range of ice-age cooling at these locations. Analysis of the full spectrum of alkenone/alkenoate compositions preserved in sediments opens up a new opportunity that may improve the accuracy of paleotemperature estimates based on simple analysis and help resolve longstanding disagreements between various paleotemperature reconstruction methods.  相似文献   
Blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) are an important species in coastal or lagoonal estuaries where adult population characteristics may differ as compared to drowned-river estuaries. Barnegat Bay, in southern New Jersey, is composed of two large embayments: one without and one with a salinity gradient. We tested the influence of physical characteristics on the abundance, sex ratio, and size of adult blue crabs and examined variation in measures of reproductive potential (e.g., sperm stores) in both sexes in Barnegat Bay from June to September, 2008–2009. Population structure was distinct between the embayments due to sex-specific responses to salinity: male abundance was negatively correlated with salinity whereas adult females were more abundant in high salinity because of proximity to Barnegat Inlet. This produced high sex ratios in low salinity areas and low sex ratios in high salinity areas. Summer was a growing season for adult males while in late summer-early fall, juvenile males recruited to the adult size class. The spawning season lasted from May to August and ovigerous females were concentrated near the inlets. Information on female sperm stores and ovarian development identified two cohorts of adult females: females that will spawn in the current summer and females that will not spawn until the following summer. Thus, not all adult females near the spawning grounds were members of the current spawning stock. This suggests that annual estimates of spawning stock size which overlook the proximity of females to spawning are overestimating the current spawning stock in Barnegat Bay and other estuaries.  相似文献   
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