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The inactivation of enzymes is of great interest for many industrial applications. The effectiveness of photoinactivation of alpha‐amylase, catalase, and urease with 222 nm radiation was investigated in comparison to that at 254 nm. The enzymes were irradiated with different fluence rates of 222 nm radiation emitted by a KrCl‐excimer lamp and with 254 nm radiation produced by a low‐pressure mercury lamp. The relative activities were calculated before and after irradiation. Degradation caused by UV‐radiation was assessed by SDS‐PAGE analysis. The results clearly demonstrated that inactivation of the proteins is much more effective with the 222 nm excimer lamp compared to the 254 nm mercury lamp. Irradiation with the excimer lamp and a UV‐fluence rate of 1000 J/m2 was sufficient to reduce the relative activities of amylase and urease to 15% and that of catalase to 60%. After irradiation with 4000 J/m2, the enzyme activity was almost completely inhibited. In contrast, after irradiation with the mercury lamp with an UV‐fluence rate of 4000 J/m2, the relative activity was still above 85%. The gel patterns showed no visible degradation after irradiation at 254 nm, but a strong and unspecific degradation was obvious after treatment at 222 nm, presumably caused by cleavage of the peptide bonds.  相似文献   
This study was carried out in the Laranjo basin (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal), an area impacted by mercury discharges. Liza aurata oxidative stress and biotransformation responses were assessed in the liver and related to total mercury (Hgt) concentrations. A seasonal fish survey revealed a sporadic increase in total glutathione (GSHt) and elevated muscle Hgt levels, although Hg levels did not exceed the EU regulatory limit. As a complement study, fish were caged for three days both close to the bottom and on the water surface at three locations, and displayed higher Hgt levels accompanied by increased GSHt content and catalase activity as well as EROD activity inhibition. The bottom group displayed higher hepatic Hgt and GSHt contents compared with the surface group. Globally, both wild and caged fish revealed that the liver accumulates higher Hgt concentrations than muscle and, thus, better reflects environmental contamination levels. The absence of peroxidative damage in the liver can be attributed to effective detoxification and antioxidant defense.  相似文献   
Biostratigraphic research, based on palynomorphs and ammonoids, of the tectonically imbricated lithological succession of the Neves Corvo mine, in the Portuguese part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, has yielded ages for all formerly recognised lithostratigraphic units. These can be assembled in three main lithological sequences: (1) detrital sandy/shale substrate (Phyllite-Quartzite Formation) of late Famennian age; (2) Volcano-Sedimentary Complex, divided into a lower and an upper suite, in which one basic, three dolerite sills and four felsic volcanic units and a mineralised package of massive sulphides are identified with ages which range from the late Famennian to the late Visean; (3) flysch succession (Mértola Formation) composed of shale and greywacke dated as late Visean to early Serpukhovian. Precise biostratigraphic dating of the sedimentrary host rocks of massive sulphide mineralisation constrains the age of the latter to the late Strunian (354.8–354.0 Ma). Three stratigraphic hiatuses, corresponding to early/middle Strunian, Tournaisian and early Visean respectively and a south-westward progressive unconformity were also recognised. Sequences 1 and 2 are related to extensional episodes while sequence 3 marks the beginning of compressive tectonic inversion which gave rise to south-westward flysch progradation in close relation to a foreland basin development. Our results lead to the reinterpretation of the tectonic structure of the Neves Corvo mine, with implications for the interpretation of the regional basin dynamics and metal exploration.Editorial handling: F. Tornos  相似文献   

Debris flows are hazardous phenomena occurring at volcanoes, and monitoring them has proved as challenging as imperative in several cases. The use of seismic instruments to measure and study the physical properties of debris flows has witnessed significant progress in the last years, with the use of improved sensors, innovative methodologies and high-resolution analysis. However, the application of such studies to the practical task of providing early warnings remains limited by the significant amount of infrastructural and technological resources commonly required for their deployment. In Ecuador, debris flows at volcanoes are detected by means of seismic instruments which are usually part of broader monitoring networks, thus requiring calibration to provide quantitative information about the flows and feed early-warning systems. In the present work, a theoretical approach based on the Buckingham Π-theorem is used to determine an expression that linearly correlates the seismic signal produced by a transiting debris flow with its discharge rate, for instruments installed in different substrata and at variable distances from the drainage. The expression is experimentally tested with Acoustic Flow Monitors and Broad-band seismometers installed in the vicinity of drainages at Tungurahua and Cotopaxi volcanoes, where actual debris flows occurred in relation to eruptive activity. The experiments consist in comparing the measured peak amplitude values of the seismic signal envelopes with the estimated peak discharge rates of several events. The results confirm the validity of the theoretical expression with linear correlations observed between the seismic amplitudes and the discharge rates, thus defining calibration expressions that can be generally applied to varied environments and instruments. The seismic instruments calibrated through this methodology can provide instantaneous and reliable predictions of debris flow discharge rates within less than an order of magnitude and only requiring limited data processing and storage. Such level of prediction could help to improve early warning systems based on seismic instruments installed in locations where more developed instrumental arrays are unavailable or unpractical.

We examine the sensitivity of 10Be concentrations (and derived denudation rates), to debris-flow and anthropogenic perturbations in steep settings of the Eastern Alps, and explore possible relations with structural geomorphic connectivity. Using cosmogenic 10Be as a tracer for functional geomorphic connectivity, we conduct sampling replications across four seasons in Gadria, Strimm and Allitz Creek. Sampling sites encompass a range of structural connectivity configurations, including the conditioning of a sackung, all assessed through a geomorphometric index (IC). By combining information on contemporary depth of erosion and sediment yield, disturbance history and post-LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) sedimentation rates, we constrain the effects of debris-flow disturbance on 10Be concentrations at the Gadria sites. Here, we argue that bedrock weakening imparted by the sackung promotes high depth of erosion. Consequently, debris flows recruit sediment beyond the critical depth of spallogenic production (e.g., >3 m), which in turn, episodically, due to predominantly muogenic production pathways, lowers 10Be concentration by a factor of 4, for at least 2 years. In contrast, steady erosion in Strimm Creek yields very stable 10Be concentrations through time. In Allitz Creek, we observe two- to fourfold seasonal fluctuations in 10Be concentrations, which we explain as the combined effects of water diversion and hydraulic structures on sediment mixing. We further show that 10Be concentration correlates inversely with the IC index, where sub-basins characterized by high concentrations (long residence times) exhibit low IC values (structurally disconnected) and vice versa, implying that, over millennial time scales a direct relation exists between functional and structural connectivity, and that the IC index performed as a suitable metric for structural connectivity. The index performs comparably better than other metrics (i.e., mean slope and mean normalized channel steepness index) previously used to assess topographic controls on denudation rates in active unglaciated ranges. In terms of landscape evolution, we argue that the sackung, by favouring intense debris-flow activity across the Holocene, has aided rapid postglacial reshaping of the Gadria basin, which currently exhibits a topographic signature characteristic of unglaciated debris-flow systems. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The exponential growth in global populations, economic activity and resource utilization means it is becoming increasingly difficult to satisfy global demand for a number of fundamental resources, while some key ecosystems services are under stress. The likelihood of future resource scarcities have begun to influence the positions taken within international climate change negotiations by fast-growing developing countries. When Brazil, South Africa, India, and China formed the BASIC group it took many by surprise. The coordination needed to align this heterogeneous group of countries cannot simply be understood in terms of a set of shared interests around climate policy. How the BASIC group emerged and the nature of its cooperation on climate change are examined within the broader context in which these increasingly powerful countries came to join forces. Although traditionally aligned with the G77 group of developing countries, recent strategising as a group of emerging economies reflects their realization that there are insufficient global resources available to follow the same development pathway as industrialized countries. Hence, they must seek alternative growth pathways, which requires establishing common ground while also keeping track of each others' positions on important global issues like climate change.  相似文献   
In the Iberian Pyrite Belt, volcanic rocks are relatively scarce, accounting for approximately only 25% of the geologic record, with the remaining 75% consisting of sedimentary units. This association is very clear in the host succession to the Neves Corvo massive sulfide deposit in Portugal. The Neves Corvo host succession comprises the products of explosive and effusive rhyolitic eruptions intercalated with mudstone that records a submarine below-wave-base environment and provides precise biostratigraphic age constraints. The first and second volcanic events involved eruptions at local intrabasinal vents. The first event generated thick beds of fiamme breccia that are late Famennian in age. The fiamme were originally pumice clasts produced by explosive eruptions and were subsequently compacted. The second event was the late Strunian (latest Famennian) effusion of rhyolitic lava that was pervasively quench-fragmented. The third and final event is younger than the massive sulfide deposits poorly represented in the mine area and minor compared with the two other events. The integration of biostratigraphic data with the volcanic facies architecture indicates that the Neves Corvo ore deposits are similar in age to the late Strunian rhyolitic lava. Although regionally the Iberian Pyrite Belt is essentially a sedimentary succession, ore formation at Neves Corvo can be closely linked to discrete volcanic events that produced a relatively narrow range of volcanic facies.  相似文献   
Occurrence of springs in massifs of crystalline rocks,northern Portugal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An inventory of artesian springs emerging from fractures (fracture springs) was conducted in the Pinh?o River Basin and Morais Massif, northern Portugal, comprising an area of approximately 650 km2. Over 1,500 springs were identified and associated with geological domains and fracture sets. Using cross-tabulation analysis, spring distributions by fracture sets were compared among geological environments, and the deviations related to differences in rock structure and, presumably, to differences in deformational histories. The relation between spring frequencies and rock structures was further investigated by spectral determination, the model introduced in this study. Input data are the spring frequencies and fracture lengths in each geological domain, in addition to the angles between fracture strikes and present-day stress-field orientation (θ). The model's output includes the so-called intrinsic densities, a parameter indexing spring occurrence to factors such as fracture type and associated deformational regime and age. The highest densities (12.2 springs/km of lineament) were associated with young shear fractures produced by brittle deformation, and the lowest (0.1) with old tensional and ductile fractures. Spectral determination also relates each orientation class to a dominant structural parameter: where spring occurrence is controlled by θ, the class is parallel to the present-day stress-field orientation; where the control is attributed to the length of fractures, the spring occurrence follows the strike of large-scale normal faults crossing the region. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
A one-dimensional model is used to analyze, at the local scale, the response of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean under different meteorological conditions. The study was performed at the location of three moored buoys of the Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic located at 10° W, 0° N; 10° W, 6° S; and 10° W, 10° S. During the EGEE-3 (Etude de la circulation océanique et de sa variabilité dans le Golfe de Guinee) campaign of May–June 2006, each buoy was visited for maintenance during 2 days. On board the ship, high-resolution atmospheric parameters were collected, as were profiles of temperature, salinity, and current. These data are used here to initialize, force, and validate a one-dimensional model in order to study the diurnal oceanic mixed-layer variability. It is shown that the diurnal variability of the sea surface temperatures is mainly driven by the solar heat flux. The diurnal response of the near-surface temperatures to daytime heating and nighttime cooling has an amplitude of a few tenths of degree. The computed diurnal heat budget experiences a net warming tendency of 31 and 27 W m−2 at 0° N and 10° S, respectively, and a cooling tendency of 122 W m−2 at 6° S. Both observed and simulated mixed-layer depths experience a jump between the nighttime convection phase and the well-stabilized diurnal water column. Its amplitude changes dramatically depending on the meteorological conditions occurring at the stations and reaches its maximum amplitude (~50 m) at 10° S. At 6° and 10° S, the presence of barrier layers is observed, a feature that is clearer at 10° S. Simulated turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rates, compared to independent microstructure measurements, show that the model tracks their diurnal evolution reasonably well. It is also shown that the shear and buoyancy productions and the vertical diffusion of TKE all contribute to the supply of TKE, but the buoyancy production is the main source of TKE during the period of the simulation.  相似文献   
Cold filaments associated with Eastern Boundary Currents are typically narrower than 100 km but can be several hundred kilometers long, extending from the coast to the open ocean in upwelling areas. One such structure, observed off Península de Mejillones (23°S, Chile), was studied with both satellite images and two 5-days hydrographic cruises carried out during January 1997. The study used a coastal grid of 31 stations in an area of 165 ×155 km2, approximately. The spatial distribution of the filament and its change between cruises are described from the horizontal distributions of dynamic height, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. The filament was a shallow feature (thickness <100 m) and extended at least 165 km toward the open ocean. A meandering northward current flowed at the borders of the filament, separating oceanic and coastal waters of different physical properties. Comparisons of cross sections of the filament near the coast and in the oceanic zone show the ascent of the shallow salinity minimum (SSM), and its extension toward the ocean, bound to the filament. It is concluded that Subantarctic Water ((SAAW) distinguish by low salinity, high dissolved oxygen) and Equatorial Subsurface Water ((ESSW) high salinity, low dissolved oxygen, high nutrient content) form this filament, and that their relative proportions depend on the strength of the coastal upwelling. Thus, the knowledge of the dynamics of these structures is fundamental to better understanding of the spatial distribution of important biological variables, such as nutrients and chlorophyll, in the coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   
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