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Yang  Bing  Hou  Yijun  Li  Min 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2019,37(3):938-956
Based on in-situ observation, satellite and reanalysis data, responses of the western North Pacific subtropical ocean(WNPSO) to the slow-moving category 5 super typhoon Nanmadol in 2011 are analyzed. The dynamical response is dominated by near-inertial currents and Ekman currents with maximum amplitude of 0.39 m/s and 0.15 m/s, respectively. The near-inertial currents concentrated around 100 m below the sea surface and had an e-folding timescale of 4 days. The near-inertial energy propagated both upward and downward, and the vertical phase speed and wavelength were estimated to be 5 m/h and 175 m, respectively. The frequency of the near-inertial currents was blue-shifted near the surface and redshifted in ocean interior which may relate to wave propagation and/or background vorticity. The resultant surface cooling reaches -4.35℃ and happens when translation speed of Nanmadol is smaller than 3.0 m/s.When Nanmadol reaches super typhoon intensity, the cooling is less than 3.0℃ suggesting that the typhoon translation speed plays important roles as well as typhoon intensity in surface cooling. Upwelling induced by the slow-moving typhoon wind leads to typhoon track confined cooling area and the right-hand bias of cooling is slight. The mixed layer cooling and thermocline warming are induced by wind-generated upwelling and vertical entrainment. Vertical entrainment also led to mixed layer salinity increase and thermocline salinity decrease, however, mixed layer salinity decrease occurs at certain stations as well. Our results suggest that typhoon translation speed is a vital factor responsible for the oceanic thermohaline and dynamical responses, and the small Mach number(slow typhoon translation speed) facilitate development of Ekman current and upwelling.  相似文献   
According to the comprehensive tests on the rising height of capillary water for seven kinds of different coarse grained soil by use of the method of standpipe,the relationship between the rising height of capillary water and time was obtained,and the influencing factors and rules were analyzed.The data of the steady rising height of capillary water were obtained,and the regression equation of coarse grained soil on steady height and physical indexes(effective grain d 10 and porosity n) was found.Compared with Hazen’s and other expressions that could estimate the steady height of capillary water of coarse grained soil,the proposed method is satisfactory and the defects of the latter were pointed out.  相似文献   
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The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the world’s highest and largest plateau. Due to increasing demands for environment exploration and tourism, a large transitional area is required for altitude adaptation. Hehuang valley, which locates in the transition zone between the Loess Plateau and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, has convenient transportation and relatively low elevation. Our question is whether the geographic conditions here are appropriate for adapted stay before going into the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Therefore, in this study, we examined the potential use of ecological niche modeling (ENM) for mapping current and potential distribution patterns of human settlements. We chose the Maximum Entropy Method (Maxent), an ENM which integrates climate, remote sensing and geographical data, to model distributions and assess land suitability for transition areas. After preprocessing and selection, the correlation between variables and spatial autocorrelation input data were removed and 106 occurrence points and 9 environmental layers were determined as the model inputs. The threshold-independent model performance was reasonable according to 10 times model running, with the area under the curve (AUC) values being 0.917 ± 0.01, and 0.923 ± 0.002 for test data. Cohen’s kappa coefficient of model performance was 0.848. Results showed that 82.22% of the study extent was not suitable for human settlement. Of the remaining areas, highly suitable areas accounted for 1.19%, moderately for 5.3% and marginally for 11.28%. These suitable areas totaled 418.79 km2, and 86.25% of the sample data was identified in the different gradient of suitable area. The decisive environmental factors were slope and two climate variables: mean diurnal temperature range and temperature seasonality. Our model showed a good performance in mapping and assessing human settlements. This study provides the first predicted potential habitat distribution map for human settlement in Ledu County, which could also help in land use management.  相似文献   
以OMS平台模型为研究对象,提出了一种地理分析模型服务化封装策略,以减少在模型提供者和模型使用者之间共享模型时遇到的障碍。通过设计模型描述接口、模型执行接口和模型部署接口,实现OMS平台模型的封装策略,形成标准化部署包。相关部署包可以部署到模型服务容器上,并发布为网络空间可重用共享的服务,以支撑分布式模型集成与模拟。本文以OMS平台下的AgES-W模型为案例,验证了模型封装策略的可行性和实用性,为网络环境下模型共享与集成奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The spatio-temporal patterns of macrofaunal fouling assemblages were quantitatively investigated in the nearshore waters of the South China Sea. The work was undertaken by deploying seasonal panels at two sites (H-site, L-site) for one year, and the fouling communities on the panels were examined and analyzed. The results indicated that species composition of assemblages was obviously different between the two sites. At both sites the assemblages were characteristic with solitary dominant species throughout the year, with Amphibalanus reticulates dominating at H-site and Hydroides elegans at L-site. Shannon index and biomass of the assemblages varied with depth and season at both sites. At H-site the total biomass in summer and autumn were significantly higher than those in spring and winter, while at L-site the assemblage biomass also differed significantly among the four seasons, and the greatest biomass occurred at the depth of 2.0 m in winter. The abundance of all seasonal samples in non-metric multidimensional scaling was clustered as one group at L-site and three groups at H-site. The environmental factors were more likely to be related to the variation of fouling assemblages. Furthermore, it also suggests that in tropical seas the integrated adaptability would qualify a species for dominating a fouling assemblage despite its short life cycle, rather than the usually assumed only species with long life span. This study reveals the complexity and characteristic dynamics of macrofaunal fouling assemblages in the tropical habitats, and the results would provide valuable knowledge for biodiversity and antifouling research.  相似文献   
以广播星历为起算轨道的北斗卫星实时滤波精密定轨往往需要较长收敛时间,针对此,提出利用超快速精密星历约束的实时精密定轨方法。通过MGEX跟踪网全球分布的51个测站连续7 d的实测数据,利用平方根信息滤波对北斗卫星实时精密轨道进行确定,并以3 d解事后轨道作为参考,评估北斗卫星实时滤波轨道精度。结果表明,利用广播星历作起算轨道时,北斗实时滤波轨道平均需要经过15 h收敛才能达到稳定,而新方法在这段时间内轨道变化较为平稳,未出现明显的收敛现象,并且7 d时间内GEO卫星在切向、法向和径向上RMS分别优于2.5 m、20 cm和30 cm,IGSO和MEO卫星在3个方向上分别优于30 cm、15 cm和10 cm。
Macroalgal surfaces are prone to being attached by bacteria. Epibacterial community structures on marine macroalgae are host-specific but temporally and spatially variable. In this study, we investigated the structure of epibacterial communities on the surfaces of four red macroalgae, Gracilaria lemaneiformis, Gloiopeltis furcata, Mazzaella sp. and Porphyra yezoensis, by analyzing the sequences of 16 S r RNA gene libraries. Healthy individuals of all macroalgae species were collected in winter from a farm at Dalian, China. The results showed that the epibacterial communities were mainly dominated by α-Proteobacteria, γ-Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Deinococcus-Thermus, Spirochaetes and ε-Proteobacteria were also found. The majority of cloned sequences shared the greatest similarity to those of culturable organisms. A large portion of sequences from the α-Proteobacteria homed in Roseobacter clade, i.e., genera Ahrensia, Roseovarius, Litoreibacter, Octadecabacter, Thaiassobacter and Sulfitobacter, while members of Bacteroidetes mainly belonged to family Flavobacteriaceae. The cloned sequences could be separated into 66 OTUs at 0.01 distance value, and rare common OTUs were found among libraries. At genus level, Pseudoalteromonas dominated Gr. lemaneiformis and Gl. furcata libraries, accounting for 72.2% and 47.3%, respectively. Sulfitobacter dominated P. yezoensis library, accounting for 35.4%. A previously undefined cluster within Deinococcus-Thermus dominated Mazzaella sp. library, accounting for 24.6% of the all. These results indicated that a broad range of bacteria inhabited the surfaces of these macroalgae.  相似文献   
近年来,异常气候事件的频发对人类的生活环境和经济发展带来严重负影响。气象学家研究表明:海洋气候异常对陆地气候异常事件的发生具有重要的诱发作用,因此,对海陆气候间的内在关联机制进行深入挖掘具有重要研究价值。本文提出了一种关联规则挖掘方法,以探索单一海洋气候指数与陆地异常气候事件间存在的关联。首先,针对陆地气候要素,采用顾及空间邻近关系的层次聚类方法进行有效气候分区,通过对各层分区结果进行相关统计分析得到有效的各区域气候序列;然后,进行顾及多重约束进行时序关联规则挖掘,以探索海陆气候要素间的关联机制;最后,通过实际算例分析得到的各气候指数与我国陆地区域异常降水事件间的关联机制结果,与实际情况高度吻合。  相似文献   
档案是企业的无形资产和宝贵财富,它的作用和价值是不可替代的,地籍档案又是档案工作中的组成部分。地籍档案管理的核心就是地籍资料来源明晰完整,图纸准确、清晰。在市场经济的今天,如何把档案管理工作做深做好,真正使地籍档案在铁路用地管理工作中起到主导作用,这是从事地籍档案管理的工作人员应当明确的问题。1地籍档案的作用(1)为维护用地提供法律依据。土地的价值已经引起各级组织和领导的高度重视,由于有的群众不了解我国土地管理的法律法规,擅自处置铁路用地以及乱占乱建现象时有发生,加之地方保护主义严重,给土地管理工作带来了很大…  相似文献   
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