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Summary The stress sensitivitiesS x andS R of susceptibility and remanence for titanomagnetite-bearing rocks are calculated in terms of magnetostriction constants 100 and 111 and anisotropy constantsK 1,K 2 of the magnetic minerals.S x andS R are represented by quite different algebraic expressions but happen to have comparable numerical values over the whole range of titanomagnetite compositions. Both increase strongly with titanium content. This leads to more optimistic calculations of tectonomagnetic effects than with the previously assumed stress sensitivity for pure magnetite.  相似文献   
Recent changes in the cultural and forest landscapes of the Meseta Purépecha in Michoacán, Mexico as a result of forest degradation underscore the complexity of forest change processes in the tropical highlands of Latin America. Differences in community perception and forest structure and composition between the furniture-making and lumber-producing towns of Pichátaro and Sevina, Purépechan indigenous communities located amidst pine forests on Michoacán's volcanic plateau illustrate the dynamics of this process. We base our comparisons on interviews and field measures of forest structure. Our results show dramatic changes in the forests and cultural landscapes of both communities during the past decade. Following high regional timber exports during the early 1990s, Sevina shifted from a self-sufficient to a timber importation community. By comparison, communal forests and individual parcels in Pichátaro continue to provide wood for approximately 300 wood shops. Field data and forest stand maps confirm the perception of forest degradation in both communities. While Pichátaro has maintained a larger and more diverse forest base to date, stand structure data indicate selective harvesting has led to a shift in dominance toward the less economically desirable pine species and oak. Deforestation and degradation of Sevina and Pichátaro's community forests are symptomatic of both the Meseta Purépecha and Mexico in general. Current forest conditions in both communities justify local, regional, and national concerns regarding declining biodiversity and sustainable economies.  相似文献   
A series of experiments on a synthetic, pigeonite-saturated, basaltic shergottite were carried out to constrain the variation of D(Eu/Gd)pigeonite/melt and D(Eu/Sm)pigeonite/melt with oxygen fugacity (fO2). The experiments have been run under both dry and hydrous conditions. The shergottite was doped with 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 wt.% Eu, Gd, and Sm oxides in different experiments and was equilibrated at liquidus conditions for 24 hours. D(Eu/Gd)pigeonite/melt in dry melts ranges from 0.156 ± 0.014 (fO2 = IW − 1) to 0.630 ± 0.102 (IW + 3.5). D(Eu/Sm)pigeonite/melt in dry melts ranges from 0.279 ± 0.021 (IW − 1) to 1.114 ± 0.072 (IW + 3.5). Due to difficulties with low-fO2 experiments, hydrous distribution coefficients were measured, but were not used in the calibration of the Eu-oxybarometers. These two Eu-oxybarometers provide an accurate way to measure fO2 recorded during pigeonite crystallization, thereby yielding a record of fO2 during the earliest period of Martian meteorite parent magma crystallization history.Using this new calibration, Martian meteorite pigeonite cores record fO2 values of IW − 0.6 (±0.3) (QUE94201) to IW + 1.9 (±0.6) (Shergotty). These new values differ in magnitude, but not trend, from previously published data. The pigeonite Eu-oxybarometer yields an fO2 range in the basaltic shergottites of 2 to 3 orders of magnitude. Several processes have been proposed to explain the origin of this fO2 range, the majority of which rely on assimilation of an oxidized source. A potential correlation between this new pigeonite data and recent Fe-Ti oxide data, however, is consistent with intrinsic fO2 differences in the magma source region being responsible for the measured fO2 variations. This implies that the Martian meteorite source region, the mantle or lithosphere, may be heterogeneous in nature. However, the process of assimilation cannot be completely ruled out in that an assimilation event that took place before crystallization commenced would result in the overprinting of the source region fO2 signature.  相似文献   
Dislocations in K-feldspars were studied by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and HRTEM images were further submitted to a filtering in order to improve their interpretation. (010)[101] dislocations appear to be dissociated with (001)[001]/2 planar defect, whereas (001)[110]/2 dislocations are perfect. Structural models of planar defects in (010) and (001) planes were investigated. The energy estimation of these models was performed using the Keating potential. The structural analysis agreed with the experimental result in that dislocations can be dissociated in the (010) plane, whereas they cannot be dissociated in the (001) plane.  相似文献   
A sounder theoretical basis for extrapolation and prediction, typologies of what is and what is not comparable, and representative natural areas for long-term field research are three geographically-based ingredients of comparative research in ecology. Two types of conceptual model allow assessment of the effects of phylogenesis and environment on ecosystem structure and functioning. The first is based on fixing of genetic variables and study of biological performance along a gradient of environmental conditions — an approach of sequential analysis of environmental gradients. The second is based on fixing of environmental variables and comparison of performance of different phylogenetic stocks in non-contiguous geographical areas — an approach entailing matching of disjunct ecological analogues. The two approaches are important complements in examining hypotheses of convergent and divergent evolution, in helping to define what really can be compared in comparative ecological research, and in contributing to ecology becoming a more predictive and credible science.  相似文献   
Samples from the core to the margin of a 20 cm wide meta-dolerite dyke are sequentially enriched in K, Rb, Sr, and the light REE's. Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd compositional and isotopic profiles in the dyke are interpreted to be the result of selective contamination with components of country rock derivation, rather than the result of simple bulk mixing. 87Rb86Sr ratios are higher at the edge of the dyke than at its centre, although they are somewhat irregular, due probably to the effects of subsequent alteration. This profile and one shown by unsupported 87Sr are both consistent with contamination of the dyke by a fluid phase derived by the breakdown of biotite. Common Sr shows a parallel, albeit weaker, contamination profile which is interpreted to reflect the contribution of a Sr-bearing phase such as plagioclase. 147Sm144Nd ratios and 144Nd concentrations increase and decrease respectively from the margin to the core of the dyke. In addition, the margin of the dyke is significantly less radiogenic than the interior. This contrasts with the relatively radiogenic character of an adjacent pegmatite vein. As this sample does not lie on an anticipated contamination profile between the Uivak gneisses and the dyke it is concluded that the REE contamination of the dyke occurred by the addition of a REE-enriched fluid phase which gained access to the dyke by flow along the dyke-pegmatite interface. If it is assumed that both the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd contamination profiles are the result of diffusion limited processes, then the observations of scale made in this paper suggest that the rate of diffusion of Nd is an order-of-magnitude slower than that for Sr. In view of the scale and nature of these profiles, ages obtained from isotopic data for such mafic dykes must be interpreted with some care. Nevertheless, in spite of these limitations the ?Nd values for the least contaminated specimens provide a clear indication that the Saglek dykes were derived from a depleted mantle source with ?Nd? +2.  相似文献   
Hydrological tracer testing is the most reliable diagnostic technique available for the determination of basic hydraulic and geometric parameters necessary for establishing operative solute-transport processes. Tracer-test design can be difficult because of a lack of prior knowledge of the basic hydraulic and geometric parameters desired and the appropriate tracer mass to release. A new efficient hydrologic tracer-test design (EHTD) methodology has been developed to facilitate the design of tracer tests by root determination of the one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation (ADE) using a preset average tracer concentration which provides a theoretical basis for an estimate of necessary tracer mass. The method uses basic measured field parameters (e.g., discharge, distance, cross-sectional area) that are combined in functional relationships that describe solute-transport processes related to flow velocity and time of travel. These initial estimates for time of travel and velocity are then applied to a hypothetical continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) as an analog for the hydrological-flow system to develop initial estimates for tracer concentration, tracer mass, and axial dispersion. Application of the predicted tracer mass with the hydraulic and geometric parameters in the ADE allows for an approximation of initial sample-collection time and subsequent sample-collection frequency where a maximum of 65 samples were determined to be necessary for describing the predicted tracer-breakthrough curve (BTC). Inclusion of tracer retardation and decay cause a net increase in tracer-mass estimates so that the preset average tracer concentration will be maintained and there will be a consequent steepening of the BTC, but retardation also causes BTC spreading and a delay in tracer arrival.  相似文献   
Seismic attribute study for gas hydrates in the Andaman Offshore India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seismic data from the Andaman offshore region has been examined to investigate for the presence of gas hydrates. The seismic data displays reflection characteristics such as blanking, enhanced reflection patterns, shadows in instantaneous frequency, and increase in amplitude with the offset, which are indicative of gas hydrates and underlying free gas. A prominent bottom-simulating reflection, BSR, coupled with reverse polarity is observed around 650–700 ms. Seismic attributes such as the reflection strength and instantaneous frequency are computed along this reflector in order to probe for the presence of gas hydrates or free gas in this region. The reflection plot shows a strong reflector paralleling the seafloor. In addition, attenuation of the high frequency signal is noticed, indicating the presence of free gas below the BSR.  相似文献   
Fluid flows in consolidated porous media of volcanic origin are being investigated to support such diverse efforts as the modeling of thermal/outgassing phenomena at Mount St. Helens and the hydrological modeling of tuffaceous rocks in support of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations Project An experimental apparatus was designed and built to allow water-saturated permeabilities as low as 10−18 m2 to be measured on cores of diameter 5 cm and length 10 cm under steady-state flow conditions. This same apparatus can also be utilized in a transient (pressure-decay) mode in order to measure permeabilities several orders of magnitude lower than the steady-state limit. Tests were conducted on samples of pumice, fractured welded tuff, and welded tuff, representing a permeability range of seven orders of magnitude Pumice was found to have a permeability of ∼3×10−12 m2, sufficiently high to allow the complete Darcy-to-Ergun regime to be investigated Welded (unfractured) tuff was tested in the transient mode, yielding a permeability of ∼5×10−19 m2. Two, long-time-scale, steady-flow experiments were conducted on a core of welded tuff containing a single, through-going fracture. For the first experiment, the core was an integral cylinder containing a naturally occurring fracture. For the second experiment, the core was separated into two pieces along the existing fracture plane, then rejoined. Effects of essentially constant, as well as rapidly varied, circumferential stress were studied in both tests. Results showed core permeability to decay to 2×10−18 m2 in both cases, independent of the initial fracture state (closed versus open). With a naturally occurring fracture, core permeability decreased by a factor of 2 over a 200-h test period. With an initially open fracture, core permeability decreased by a factor of 4 under the influence of a comparable 200-h load-time history, after 700 h of testing, core permeability was reduced by an order of magnitude from its initial level. Final effective hydraulic fracture aperture was calculated to be 10−6 m, corresponding to a calculated effective fracture permeability of 10−13 m2 Fracture flow was thus estimated to account for 80% of the total flow rate through this core under final test conditions.  相似文献   
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