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中国近年来先后在南海北部和祁连山南缘青海省天峻县永久冻土带中发现天然气水合物,这是一种新能源,它将对中国能源结构的调整和能源紧张的缓解起到非常重要的作用。但是,天然气水合物开采安全是个大问题,已经引起了国际上专家们的极大关注。俄罗斯南方国立技术大学地球物理、探矿工程和石油钻采教研室开发出来的天然气水合物开发安全检测技术和方法,可以准确确定出射孔部位的位置、检查射孔部位是否阻塞和如何解阻等关键技术,对天然气水合物开采安全提供了技术支撑,对此应该进行研究。  相似文献   
Geometric characteristics of fractal sets of cracks are investigated from the standpoint of their coalescence. A 1D computer model, in which a realistic character of forms of crack sets is achieved through the inducing of sets with the use of the multiplicative cascade procedure, is considered. The investigation is aimed at the determination of conditions of coalescence of cracks organized as a superposition of fractal subsets of a unified set of cracks. The process of crack coalescence is investigated for three different values of the coalescence criterion. The geometric characteristics of the sets of cracks that are necessary for the transition of the crack coalescence process into an avalanche-like stage are estimated.  相似文献   
The study of the stress-strain state of a medium in seismically quiet areas is difficult because of the absence of strong events. Under such circumstances, each earthquake, even relatively weak, is of high importance. In this case, all possible information on tectonic stresses and their dynamics, e.g., information on time, location, and magnitude of aftershocks, should be obtained from available seismic data. The earthquake near the town of Mariupol which occurred on August 7, 2016, had a body wave magnitude of 4.5–4.9 from the data of the different seismological centers. We detected 12 aftershocks that occurred within 5 days after the main shock using two seismic arrays (AKASG and BRTR) and one three-component station (KBZ) of the International Monitoring System, as well as two array stations of the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences. For six aftershocks, signals were found at three or more stations. The other aftershocks were detected from the data at two out of three nearest stations. Signal detection and association with aftershocks of the main shock, as well as estimation of magnitude and relative location of the found aftershocks, were carried out using the method of waveform cross-correlation (WFCC). The signals from the main shock that acted as the only master event (ME) for the WFCC method were used as waveform templates. To increase the signal-to-noise ratio and to determine the exact onset time of regular seismic waves from aftershocks, we used waveform templates of different length, from 10 to 180 s depending on the wave type and distance to the station, as well as band filtering in narrow frequency bands. The highest sensitivity of the detector and accuracy of the P-wave onset time estimates were reached when a waveform template included all regular waves from P to L g . Association of signals with aftershocks was based on back projection of signal arrival times to origin times using the travel time from a master event to the station, which was measured with a very low error, being equal to almost half of the digitization step length. To develop a seismic event hypothesis, the origin times at two or more stations should be spaced within a 2-s interval.  相似文献   
Based on mathematical simulation, quantitative estimates of the effect that coarse dust particles have on the accuracy of retrieving the optical characteristics of aerosol have been obtained from the results of ground-based measurements of the spectral fluxes of both direct and scattered solar radiations. The results of verifying a retrieval algorithm (used at the AERONET ground-based network) based on special test models showed that the aerosol characteristics retrieved with this algorithm are unsuitable for calculating integral solar fluxes and for simulating space spectrometric IR measurements when the concentration of dust particles in the atmosphere exceeds their concentration in the well-known CONT model of continental aerosol by a factor of two or more.  相似文献   
A note on the useable dynamic range of accelerographs recording translation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the late 1970s, the dynamic range and resolution of strong motion digital recorders have leaped from 65 to 135 dB, opening new possibilities for advanced data processing and interpretation. One of these new possibilities is the calculation of permanent displacement of the ground or of structures, associated with faulting or with non-linear response. Proposals on how permanent displacements could be recovered from recorded strong motion have been published since 1976. The analysis in this paper concludes that permanent displacements of the ground and of structures in the near-field can be calculated provided all six components of strong motion (three translations and three rotations) have been recorded, and the records are corrected for transducer rotation, misalignment and cross-axis sensitivity.  相似文献   
An investigation of the upper Kuwait Group clastic sequence (Mio-Pleistocene) exposed along the Jal Az-Zor escarpment in north Kuwait revealed several horizons of fossil calcrete. Field occurrences and textural characteristics of the studied sequence indicated that the fossil calcrete was hosted in cyclic fluviatile muddy sandstones and developed through diagenesis during inter-fluvial periods. Depositional and diagenetic features of the calcretized fluviatile sandstone units suggested that each cycle started with the deposition of a fluviatile muddy host sandstone during a humid period. This was followed by a period of semi-aridity during which calcrete profiles developed. The upper part of the calcrete profiles was weathered and terra rosa type soil was formed during wet seasons. This was succeeded by a severe arid climate and the deposition of desert aeolian sand sheets. Fossil nodular calcrete was only developed within the fluviatile muddy sandstones. The calcretized sandstones were lithified in two stages of diagenesis-an early stage that was responsible for the authigenesis of microcrystalline calcite and the development of calcrete nodules, and a later stage during which macrocrystalline calcite cement was precipitated as an intergranular cement displacing and replacing the clay matrix of the host sediments and filling fractures and cavities in the calcrete nodules. The findings and conclusions of the present study will help in understanding the lithostratigraphic setting of the Kuwait Group clastic sequence in the northern Arabian Gulf region.
Zusammenfassung Eine Untersuchung der klastischen Sequenz der oberen Kuwait-Gruppe, die entlang der Jal Az-Zor Zone in Nordkuwait aufgeschlossen ist, ergab mehrere Horizonte fossilen Kalksinters. Geländebeobachtungen und texturelle Charakteristik der Sequenz deuten an, daß der fossile Kalksinter in Zyklen eines feinkörnigen fluviatilen Sandsteines eingebettet ist und diagenetisch während interfluviatilen Stadien gebildet wurde. Merkmale der Ablagerungsverhältnisse und der Giagenese des verkalkten fluviatilen Sandsteines sprechen dafür, daß jeder Zyklus mit der Sedimentation des Sandsteines unter humiden Klimabedingungen begann. Auf dieses Stadium folgte eine Phase semiariden Klimas, während dessen sich die Kalksinterprofile entwickelten. Der obere Teil der Kalksinterabschnitte verwitterte in Regenzeiten, dabei bildeten sich »terra rosa«-Böden. Während des folgenden rauhen ariden Klimas wurden wüstenähnliche äclische Sande sedimentiert. Den fossilen knotigen Kalksinter findet man nur innerhalb des fluviatilen Sandsteines. Die Lithifizierung der Sandsteine erfolgte in zwei diagenetischen Phasen: In der frühen Phase wurde auhigener, mikrokristalliner Calcit und die Kalksinterknoten gebildet. Während der späteren Diagenesephase fiel makrokristalliner Calcit als intergranularer Zement aus, der die tonige Ausgangsmatrix substituierte und Klüfte sowie Hohlräume innerhalb der Kalksinterknoten ausfüllte. Beobachtungen und Interpretationen dieser Studie werden das Verständnis um den lithostratigraphischen Zusammenhang der klastischen Sequenz der Kuwait-Gruppe in der Region des nördlichen Arabischen Golfes erleichtern.

Résumé La série élastique du groupe supérieur du Koweit (MioPleistocène), exposée le long de l'escarpement de Jal Az-Zor (nord du Koweit) montre plusieurs horizons de calcrètes fossiles. Les relations de terrain et les caractères structuraux de cette série montrent que ces calcrètes se sont formées dans des sables argileux fluviatiles cycliques, par un processus de diagenèse intervenu au cours de périodes interfluviales. Les caractères sédimentologiques et diagénétiques de ces roches suggèrent que chaque cycle a débuté par le dépôt, en période humide, des sables argileux fluviatiles et s'est poursuivi en période de semi-aridité par le développement des calcrètes. La partie supérieure des calcrètes a subi une altération atmosphérique avec formation d'un sol de type »terra rossa« au cours des saisons humides. Le cycle se termine par l'installation d'un climat strictement aride, avec dépôt de sables éoliens désertiques. Les calcrètes, nodulaires, se sont formées uniquement dans les sables argileux fluviatiles. Leur lapidification s'est opérée en deux stades: un premier stade responsable de l'apparition de calcite authigène microcristalline et du développement de nodules carbonates; un second stade marqué par la précipitation d'un ciment intergranulaire de calcite macrocristalline qui s'est substitué à la matrice argileuse du sédiment primaire et a rempli les fissures et cavités des nodules. Les résultats de cette étude permettent de mieux comprendre l'édification lithostratigraphique de la série clastique du Groupe du Koweit dans la région septentrionale du Golfe Arabique.

, Jal Az-Zor , . , , . , . , . , «terra rosa». , . , , . — — : . , . , .
Detailed seismic investigations of the continental crust have produced evidence of definite regularities in the general layering of the consolidated crust despite its high degree of inhomogeneity. Three main layers may be resolved in the inner part of a continent: an upper layer with velocities of 5.8–6.4 km/s and a velocity gradient about 0.04–0.05 s−1, an intermediate layer with velocities of 6.2–6.6 km/s and velocity gradient about zero, and a lower layer with velocities of 6.8–7.2 km/s and a high-velocity gradient of 0.05–0.1 s−1. The intermediate layer is characteristically different not only because of its low average velocity gradient, but also because of its more pronounced horizontal layering, inversion zones, and its higher “transparency” and Vp/Vs ratio. The gravity and magnetic data have shown that basement inhomogeneities disappear at the top of the intermediate layer. Also there are few earthquakes in this layer. These pecularities may be interpreted as the result of partial melting (weakening) of rocks and their possible horizontal mobility inside this layer.Thus, dynamic models of tectonic processes must take into consideration the possible existence of a weak zone in the crust.  相似文献   
A decision support process is presented to accommodate selecting and scaling of earthquake motions as required for the time domain analysis of structures. Code-compatible suites of seismic motions are provided being, at the same time, prequalified through a multi-criterion approach to induce response parameters with reduced variability. The latter is imperative to increase the reliability of the average response values, normally required for the code-prescribed design verification of structures. Structural attributes like the dynamic characteristics as well as criteria related to variability of seismic motions and their compliance with a target spectrum are quantified through a newly introduced index, δ svsc , which aims to prioritize motions suites for response history analysis. To demonstrate the applicability of the procedure presented, the structural model of a multi-story building was subjected to numerous suites of motions that were highly ranked according to both the proposed approach (δ svsc ) and the conventional one (δ conv ), that is commonly used for earthquake records selection and scaling. The findings from numerous linear response history analyses reveal the superiority of the proposed multi-criterion approach, as it extensively reduces the intra-suite structural response variability and consequently, increases the reliability of the design values. The relation between the target reliability in assessing structural response and the size of the suite of motions selected was also investigated, further demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed selection procedure to achieve higher response reliability levels with smaller samples of ground motion.  相似文献   
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