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We sampled living and subfossil phantom midge (Diptera: Chaoboridae) larvae from surface sediments of 21 small lakes in Southern Sweden to examine the influence of fish and selected abiotic variables on the abundance and species composition of chaoborid assemblages. We expected total Chaoborus abundance to be inversely correlated with fish abundance and Chaoborus species most sensitive to fish predation to be found only in fishless lakes. We aimed to use the observed relationships to develop models to reconstruct past fish abundances from chaoborid remains and the abiotic environment. C. flavicans occurred in almost every lake, whereas subfossil C. obscuripes were found in the surface sediments of only one fishless lake. The density of living C. flavicans larvae correlated negatively with fish abundance, lake order and size. The concentration of C. flavicans subfossils was negatively associated with pH, lake size, water transparency and fish abundance. Regression models that included lake morphometry and landscape position as additional predictors of fish abundance performed better than models that used only Chaoborus predictors. The explained variance in fish abundance varied from 52 to 86%. Leave-one-out cross-validation indicated moderate performance of the two best models. These models explained 51 and 56% of the observed untransformed fish density and biomass, respectively. In addition, all Chaoborus models were unbiased in closely following the 1:1 reference line in plots of observed versus predicted values. These results are a promising step in developing midge-based paleolimnological reconstructions of past fish abundance, and the approach might be improved by including chironomid remains in the models.  相似文献   
Effects of elevated seawater temperature show high spatial heterogeneity and variation within and among coral species. The objective of this study was to investigate how two coral species, Porites lutea and Galaxea fascicularis, from two high latitude reefs differently exposed to chronic disturbance, respond to elevated seawater temperatures. Corals were collected from reefs nearshore (i.e. subjected to high sediment load, higher chlorophyll α concentrations, turbidity etc.) and offshore (i.e. less exposed). The corals were exposed in the lab to gradually increasing temperatures (25.5-33.5?°C) for 72?h after which they were allowed to recover to ambient temperature (25.5?°C) for 24?h. Production and respiration were measured after 24, 48, 72 and 96?h. The results show that P. lutea from nearshore reefs suffered an initial decrease in gross primary production/respiration (GP/R) ratio after 24?h, after only a moderate temperature increase (+2?°C, from 25.5 to 27.5?°C), while there was no difference in GP/R ratio between heat-exposed and controls the other days, indicating that the chronic disturbance in the nearshore reef had no effect on their thermotolerance. Furthermore, P. lutea from the offshore reef showed a decrease in GP/R ratio both after 24?h and 72?h (33.5?°C) of exposure. In comparison, G. fascicularis showed a decrease in GP/R ratio after 48?h, 72?h and 96?h of exposure for the nearshore corals. Also, after 72?h these corals had withdrawn their polyps. There were no differences between heat-treated and controls for the offshore G. fascicularis. This implies that the chronically disturbed G. fascicularis had lower thermotolerance when exposed to a temperature increase. This study, hence, shows that the response of corals to elevated seawater temperature varies with species and environmental background history.  相似文献   
This article presents a numerical model of heat and fluid flow in compacting sedimentary basins formulated in Lagrangian co-ordinates. The Lagrangian co-ordinates are the sediment particle positions of the completely compacted basin. A finite element formulation of excess water pressure and temperature in these Lagrangian co-ordinates is presented, in addition to an equivalent formulation in the real co-ordinates. The later formulation is also Lagrangian of nature, since the elements of the grid in the real co-ordinates always frame the same sediment particles. In other words, it is the Lagrangian grid mapped to the real space. This is done in an iterative loop which solves for excess water pressure, and then updates the real co-ordinates of the sediment particles. By comparing the two finite element formulations it is concluded that the one in real space is the simplest, most efficient and most precise. The model is validated by comparison with two dimensionless one-dimensional solutions, one analytical for the linear case, and one numerical for the non-linear case. Both these one-dimensional solutions are obtained on the unit interval, where the moving top boundary caused by continuous sedimentation is incorporated.  相似文献   
This paper studies the interplay between climate, health, and the economy in a stylized world with eleven heterogeneous regions, with special emphasis on USA, Europe, China, India, and Africa. We introduce health impacts into a simple economic integrated assessment model where both the local cooling effect of SO 2 and the global warming effect of CO 2 are endogenous, and investigate how these factors affect the equilibrium path. Regions do not respond in the same way to climate change. In particular, emission abatement rates and health costs depend on the economic and geographical characteristics of each region. Two policy scenarios are considered, Nash and Optimal, for which we present both global and regional results. Results for Africa and China are highlighted.  相似文献   
In this study, we consider the origin of the Coriolis-Stokes (CS) force in the wave-averaged momentum and energy equations and make a short analysis of possible energy input to the ocean circulation (i.e., Eulerian mean velocity) from the CS force. Essentially, we find that the CS force appears naturally when considering vertically integrated quantities and that the CS force will not provide any energy input into the system for this case. However, by including the “Hasselmann force”, we show some inconsistencies regarding the vertical structure of the CS force in the Eulerian framework and find that there is a distinct vertical structure of the energy input and that the net input strongly depends on whether the wave zone is included in the analysis or not. We therefore question the introduction of the “Hasselmann force” into the system of equations, as the CS force appears naturally in the vertically integrated equations or when Lagrangian vertical coordinates are used.  相似文献   
We quantified the sediment volume transported by a major debris flow event in the Halltal, Austrian Alps, using a combination of terrestrial (TLS) and airborne laser scanning (ALS) which has rarely been carried out before. A digital terrain model (DTM) derived from ALS data (pre-event surface) was combined with a DTM derived from TLS data (post-event surface). Both datasets were aligned and compared in a cut and fill analysis estimating differential volumes.The main focus lay on the evaluation and accuracy assessment of the applied method. Tie-point based registration of both datasets proved to be insufficient; additional alignment by Multi Station Adjustment was necessary to minimise the averaged height error between both datasets, amounting for a volumetric error of less than 10% which is comparable to pure ALS-campaigns. Larger errors were estimated for complex terrain with low scanning resolutions. A particular problem in data processing was the low and dense shrub vegetation in the study area which required a specifically adapted filter algorithm. An insufficient ground representation was observed for the ALS-data overestimating ground heights for averaged 70 cm. Despite these limitations, the approach proved to be suitable for accurate extreme event quantification.The starting zones of the debris flows lie at the bedrock-debris interface where runoff is concentrated. Volumes of 5000 to 12,000 m3 were assessed. Volume estimation worked better for the erosional than for the depositional features; this is because the erosional gullies are relatively deep and the calculation is not affected by pre-event vegetation. While erosion and sedimentation are balanced for one of the three catchments investigated, the deposited volumes are higher than the detected eroded volumes for the other two. The reasons are not fully understood. The magnitude of the flows was determined by catchment size, topographical characteristics and deforestation by a major wildfire in 1946.  相似文献   
Mixing in a two-layer stably stratified fluid by a turbulent jet was studied by a laboratory experiment. A non-swirling jet was discharged vertically downwards in a confined fluid system consisting initially of a top layer of fresh water and a bottom layer of salt water. In total, 16 experimental cases were considered, where the diameter and exit velocity of the jet were varied together with the density difference between the top and bottom layer. Vertical density profiles were determined from conductivity measurements. A three-layer density structure developed in all cases with an intermediate layer that grew in size with time elapsed as fresh and salt water were mixed. The mixing efficiency, defined as the percentage of the supplied kinetic jet energy that is used for increasing the potential energy of the fluid system, was related to a densimetric Froude number based on the intermediate layer depth. Overall, the calculated jet mixing efficiency displayed higher values than comparable efficiencies for destratification with air-bubble plumes.  相似文献   
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