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Summary The numerical properties of the low-frequency expansions for the reflection and transmission coefficients of SH-waves from transition layers, derived in [1], are studied. It is shown that the expansions are suitable for computations only when the thickness d of the transition layer is small in comparison with the wavelength of the incident wave (d0.5). For thicker transition layers, certain modifications of the method are suggested.  相似文献   
Résumé Dans cette étude l'explication de la formation des nuages Ac tra part de la supposition que l'air dans ce type de nuages est plus froid que l'air environnant, ce qui provoque certains courants convectifs dans la région du nuage. Ces courants ressemblent à ceux qui sont supposés par la théorie thermoconvective actuelle. D'après notre avis se trouvent des courants descendants audessous des petits nuages qui composent l'Ac tra, et les petits nuages qui forment l'Ac tra sont des corps séparés dont la température est moindre que la température de l'air environnant: c'est pour cela qu'ils tombent. Au contraire, d'après la théorie thermoconvective actuelle, l'air audessous de petits nuages monte et dans la distribution de la température des discontinuités n'existent pas.
Summary In this paper the explanation of the formation of clouds Ac tra is based on the assumption that the air in the cloud is colder than the surrounding air, causing convective currents in the region of the cloud. These currents are not unlike those assumed by the existing thermoconvective theory. According to the author's view there are descending currents under the cloudlets of which the Ac tra is made, and these cloudlets are separate bodies at a lower temperature than that of the surrounding air, so that the cloudlets fall. On the contrary, according to the existing thermoconvective theory, the air under the cloudlets rises and there are no discontinuities in the distribution of the temperature.

Rapport présenté le 26 Avril 1962 à la Xème Assemblée Générale de laSocietà Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (26–28 Avril 1962)  相似文献   
Summary ?Three texturally and compositionally distinct pairs of ferrotapiolite + tantalite, all spatially related to a cleavelandite unit, were distinguished in the zoned beryl-columbite pegmatite at Moravany nad Váhom, Považsky Inovec Mts., Slovakia. (1) Inclusions of ferrotapiolite I (∼200 μm) in zoned ferrotantalite I exhibit crosscutting tielines of coexisting compositions in the columbite-tantalite quadrilateral. (2) Large ferrotapiolite II grains and adjacent, compositionaly variable grains of ferro- to manganotantalite II (∼100 μm) display remarkably diverse tielines, not yet observed in a single sample or locality. (3) Sn-depleted and slightly Mn,Ta-enriched narrow rims (∼20 μm) of ferrotapiolite III with small inclusions of manganotantalite III (≤ 5 μm) are located along a late, hydrothermal, fracture-filling microlite vein cross-cutting ferrotapiolite II. Changes in fO2 derived from calculated Fe2O3 as well as variations in Ti, Sn, W concentrations through the ferrotapiolite + tantalite pairs I to III are negligible. Consequently, it seems plausible to explain the broadening of the two-phase field and the enrichment of ferrotapiolite and tantalite in Mn and Ta particularly by decreasing temperature. A disequilibrium crystallization from highly evolved residual melt and/or fluids is suggested for all textural types.
Zusammenfassung ?Zusammensetzung von Ferrotapiolit-Tantalit-Paaren im Beryll-Columbit Pegmatit von Moravany nad Váhom (Považsky Inovec Mts., Slowakei) Drei Ferrotapiolit-Tantalit-Paare k?nnen in dem zonierten Beryll-Columbit-Pagmatit von Moravany nad Váhom, Povazsky Inovec Mts., Slowakei, auf der Basis detaillierter textureller und chemischer Untersuchungen unterschieden werden. Sie wurden in verschiedenen Stadien der Pegmatit-Kristallisation gebildet und sind r?mlich in Beziehung zu der Cleavelandit-Einheit (1). Einschlüsse von Ferrotapiolit I (∼200 μm) in zoniertem Ferrotantalit I zeigen sich kreuzende Konoden im Columbit-Tantalit Quadrilateral, die koexistierende K?rner beider Minerale miteinander verbinden. Dies legt nahe, dass Ferrotapiolit ein Produkt prim?rer (magmatischer) Disequilibrium-Kristallisation ist, und gleichzeitig mit den assoziierten Mineralen der Columbit-Gruppe gebildet wurde (2). Gro?e Ferrotapiolit II K?rner und K?rner von angrenzenden Ferro- bis Manganotantalit II (∼100 μm) zeigen Konoden mit bemerkenswerter Verschiedenheit, die bisher nicht in einer einzigen Probe beobachtet wurden. Eine sehr betonte Disequilibrium-Kristallisation aus stark fraktionierter Restschmelze dürfte hierfür verantwortlich sein (3). An Zinn verarmte und etwas an Mn, Ta angereicherter Ferrotapiolit III bildet dünne R?nder (∼20 μm) mit schmalen Einschlüssen von Manganotantalit III (≤5 μm) l?ngs einer Mikrolit-Ader. Erhat sich w?hrend hydrothermaler Subsolidus Verdr?ngung von Ferrotapiolit II durch Sprünge füllenden Microlit gebildet. Schwankungen in fO2, berechnet aus Fe2O3 und die Gehalten an Ti, Sn und W k?nnen in den Ferrotapiolit-Tantalit-Paaren (1) bis (3) vernachl?ssigt werden. Dementsprechend erscheint es naheliegend, die Erweiterung des Zweiphasenfeldes und die Anreicherung von Ferrotapiolit und Tantalit an Mn und Ta durch Temperaturabnahme zu erkl?ren.

Received May 4, 1999;/revised version accepted January 5, 2000  相似文献   
A model of the internal structure of Neptune has been calculated according to the Savi?-Ka?anin theory of behaviour of materials under high pressure.  相似文献   
The method of Lie series is used to construct a solution for the elliptic restricted three body problem. In a synodic pulsating coordinate system, the Lie operator for the motion of the third infinitesimal body is derived as function of coordinates, velocities and true anomaly of the primaries. The terms of the Lie series for the solution are then calculated with recurrence formulae which enable a rapid successive calculation of any desired number of terms. This procedure gives a very useful analytical form for the series and allows a quick calculation of the orbit.The project is supported by the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissénschaftlichen Forschung under Project No. 4471.  相似文献   
The photometry of G and K subdwarfs in the Vilnius photometric system permits us to recognize them photometrically and to determine their metallicity, despite the presence of interstellar reddening. The weakening of the strong metallic lines in their spectra can also be used to estimate their metallicity.  相似文献   
This paper reports baseline levels of litter (macro, meso and microplastics) in sediments collected from different areas of the Croatian MPA of the Natural Park of Tela??ica bay (Adriatic Sea, GSA n. 17). The distribution of total abundance according to size, for all analysed locations evidences that microplastics are the dominant fraction concerning item's numbers. In all analysed samples no macroplastics were found, while microplastics are 88.71% and mesoplastics are 11.29% of the total.  相似文献   
ma ama m n¶rt;u am[1]. u ama, m¶rt;au n unm ¶rt; uuauu ma m nau a¶rt;a. a uau ¶rt;m ma a muna . au mu mamau n [1], m m¶rt;au n ¶rt;am ¶rt;mam m mam ¶rt;a u amu aa mu. aumu amu, uauau n ma nuu ¶rt;a . m am ¶rt;am mumm mam a naama am, aa uu L 0 au n. aa, m am mam namuu aum m L 0 . amu aa mu u aumu amu, a m mam n ¶rt; u L 0 . u uu L 0 , anum¶rt; ma amu aa mu nuam, nu aua nam m, m uu L 0 auum. aumu amu, u L 0 um m uau m a uuu anum¶rt; u, mmmu a. uu L 0 , uuu nam. ma uam mumm mam ¶rt;a ¶rt;u naama am. uau ¶rt;m ma anum¶rt; u ma muna S, S u SS.  相似文献   
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