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The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility was measured on 42 gabbros sampled across a complete plutonic sequence from the Oman ophiolite. The rock fabrics, investigated in the field and through plagioclase crystallographic fabric measurements, were compared to the magnetic fabrics. This comparative study reveals that from the paleo-Moho to the top of the foliated gabbros level, 73% of the rocks display a good correspondence in orientation, between the magnetic and rock fabric orientation. In these rocks, the AMS is controlled by secondary magnetites located in the fracture network of the olivines, and probably, but to a lesser extent, by secondary magnetites located in the exsolution lamellae of the clinopyroxenes. The high correlation between the AMS ellipsoid orientation and the rock fabric orientation is explained by the fact that the magnetic foliation is essentially constrained by the orientation of the olivine fracture planes, which is in turn constrained by the orientation of the overall magmatic rock fabric. In contrast to the primary mineral phases, the orientation of magnetite crystals in these gabbros is not due to their alignment in a flowing magma, so their preferred orientation, although usually mimicking that of the rock fabric, does have not the same origin. Furthermore, given that the preferred orientation of the anisometric secondary magnetites is much less perfect than the preferred orientation of the plagioclases, no correlation between the shape and magnitude of the AMS and plagioclase fabrics can be established. In the uppermost levels of the sequence there is no correspondence between the magnetic and rock fabric orientation. The magnetism of these rocks is mainly carried by primary magnetite and ilmenite grains. These minerals occur as small and scattered interstitial grains that exhibit neither alignment nor parallelism with the pre-existing rock fabric. Hence, the anisotropy, shape and orientation of the AMS ellipsoid are independent of the rock fabric ellipsoid. Although in the Wadi Al Abyad gabbros, just like in other magnetite bearing rocks (Rochette et al., 1992; Archanjo et al., 1995), the AMS cannot be used to evaluate the shape and strength of the finite strain ellipsoid, it can be reliably used to get the orientation of the rock fabric ellipsoid when the AMS is controlled by secondary magnetites.  相似文献   
'Institutional thickness' and industrial governance in Lowland Scotland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gordon MacLeod 《Area》1997,29(4):299-311
Summary This paper draws on the 'institutional thickness' framework of Amin and Thrift to examine some recent policy responses to globalization within the Lowland Scotland regional economy. Although shown to be institutionally well endowed vis-à-vis the governance of economic development, Lowland Scotland suffers a shortfall in the networks, inter-institutional synergy and 'corporatization of economic life' that are regarded as necessary to engender a diffused entrepreneurship, characteristic of more illustrious growth regions in mainland Europe.  相似文献   
Glacial varves can give significant insights into recession and melting rates of decaying ice sheets. Moreover, varve chronologies can provide an independent means of comparison to other annually resolved climatic archives, which ultimately help to assess the timing and response of an ice sheet to changes across rapid climate transitions. Here we report a composite 1257‐year‐long varve chronology from southeastern Sweden spanning the regional late Allerød–late Younger Dryas pollen zone. The chronology was correlated to the Greenland Ice‐Core Chronology 2005 using the time‐synchronous Vedde Ash volcanic marker, which can be found in both successions. For the first time, this enables secure placement of the Lateglacial Swedish varve chronology in absolute time. Geochemical analysis from new varve successions indicate a marked change in sedimentation regime accompanied by an interruption of ice‐rafted debris deposition synchronous with the onset of Greenland Stadial 1 (GS‐1; 12 846 years before AD 1950). With the support of a simple ice‐flow/calving model, we suggest that slowdown of sediment transfer can be explained by ice‐sheet margin stabilization/advance in response to a significant drop of the Baltic Ice Lake level. A reassessment of chronological evidence from central‐western and southern Sweden further supports the hypothesis of synchronicity between the first (penultimate) catastrophic drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake and the start of GS‐1 in Greenland ice‐cores. Our results may therefore provide the first chronologically robust evidence linking continental meltwater forcing to rapid atmosphere–ocean circulation changes in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   
A sequential extraction method was employed to extract the metals Al, Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, and Zn from a 10-m sediment core taken from the Tilbury Basin on the Thames Estuary. Characteristics of the observed metal partitioning distributions were attributed primarily to the composition of the estuarine waters at the time of deposition. For some metals, a decrease in the bulk sediment metal concentrations from a depth of ?6.59 m ODN to the surface was also observed in one of the solid phases. This was the case for Cr, Cu, and Pb extracted from the organic phase and for Zn extracted from the carbonate phase. This decrease in sediment concentrations is thought to reflect reported improvements to water quality in this region of the Thames Estuary in the early 1960s, following updating of major sewage treatment works (STW) approximately 20 km upstream. These findings give an indication of the influence of estuarine inputs from STW on metal partitioning distributions. The order of mobility for the metals of environmental concern was Cd>Ag>Cr>Ni, Zn>Co, Cu, Pb. for Cd and Ag there was a tendency to partition towards the exchangeable phase, both at the surface and at depth, which indicates the potential for long-term leaching of these metals from the sediments.  相似文献   
This paper derives a notional future carbon budget for UK agriculture, land use, land use change and forestry sectors (ALULUCF). The budget is based on a bottom-up marginal abatement cost curve (MACC) derived for a range of mitigation measures for specified adoption scenarios for the years 2012, 2017 and 2022. The results indicate that in 2022 around 6.36 MtCO2e could be abated at negative or zero cost. Furthermore, in the same year, over 17% of agricultural GHG emissions (7.85 MtCO2e) could be abated at a cost of less than the 2022 Shadow Price of Carbon (£34 (tCO2e)???1). The development of robust MACCs faces a range of methodological hurdles that complicate cost-effectiveness appraisal in ALULUCF relative to other sectors. Nevertheless, the current analysis provides an initial route map of efficient measures for mitigation in UK agriculture.  相似文献   
Research into star-forming regions, evolved HII regions, late-type stars with circumstellar dust shells and comet Halley using spectroscopic observations made with the Hartebeesthoek radio telescope is reviewed.  相似文献   
The emerging tephrostratigraphy of NW Europe spanning the last termination (ca. 15–9 ka) provides the potential for synchronizing marine, ice‐core and terrestrial records, but is currently compromised by stratigraphic complications, geochemical ambiguity and imprecise age estimates for some layers. Here we present new tephrostratigraphic, radiocarbon and chironomid‐based palaeotemperature data from Abernethy Forest, Scotland, that refine the ages and stratigraphic positions of the Borrobol and Penifiler tephras. The Borrobol Tephra (14.14–13.95 cal ka BP) was deposited in a relatively warm period equated with Greenland Interstadial sub‐stage GI‐1e. The younger Penifiler Tephra (14.09–13.65 cal ka BP) is closely associated with a cold oscillation equated with GI‐1d. We also present evidence for a previously undescribed tephra layer that has a major‐element chemical signature identical to the Vedde Ash. It is associated with the warming trend at the end of the Younger Dryas, and dates between 11.79 and 11.20 cal ka BP. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An up to ∼2-cm thick Chicxulub ejecta deposit marking the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary (the “K-T” boundary) was recovered in six holes drilled during ODP Leg 207 (Demerara Rise, tropical western Atlantic). Stunning features of this deposit are its uniformity over an area of 30 km2 and the total absence of bioturbation, allowing documentation of the original sedimentary sequence. High-resolution mineralogical, petrological, elemental, isotopic (Sr-Nd), and rock magnetic data reveal a distinct microstratigraphy and a range of ejecta components. The deposit is normally graded and composed predominantly of rounded, 0.1- to max. 1-mm sized spherules. Spherules are altered to dioctahedral aluminous smectite, though occasionally relict Si-Al-rich hydrated glass is also present, suggesting acidic precursor lithologies. Spherule textures vary from hollow to vesicle-rich to massive; some show in situ collapse, others include distinct Fe-Mg-Ca-Ti-rich melt globules and lath-shaped Al-rich quench crystals. Both altered glass spherules and the clay matrix (Site 1259B) display strongly negative values (−17) indicating uptake of Nd from contemporaneous ocean water during alteration. Finally, Fe-Mg-rich spherules, shocked quartz and feldspar grains, few lithic clasts, as well as abundant accretionary and porous carbonate clasts are concentrated in the uppermost 0.5-0.7 mm of the deposit. The carbonate clasts display in part very unusual textures, which are interpreted to be of shock-metamorphic origin. The preservation of delicate spherule textures, normal grading with lack of evidence for traction transport, and sub-millimeter scale compositional trends provide evidence for this spherule deposit representing a primary air-fall deposit not affected by significant reworking.The ODP Leg 207 spherule deposit is the first known dual-layer K-Pg boundary in marine settings; it incorporates compositional and stratigraphic aspects of both proximal and distal marine sites. Its stratigraphy strongly resembles the dual-layer K-Pg boundary deposits in the terrestrial Western Interior of North America (although there carbonate phases are not preserved). The occurrence of a dual ejecta layer in these quite different sedimentary environments - separated by several thousands of kilometers - provides additional evidence for an original sedimentary sequence. Therefore, the layered nature of the deposit may document compositional differences between ballistic Chicxulub ejecta forming the majority of the spherule deposit, and material falling out from the vapor (ejecta) plume, which is concentrated in the uppermost part.  相似文献   
The last British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) created a landscape with many sedimentary basins that preserve archives of paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic change during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition (LGIT; ~ 18-8 ka BP). The typical lithostratigraphic succession of these archives is composed of minerogenic/allogenic sediments formed during cold climatic conditions and organic-rich/authigenic sediments during warmer climates. This paper presents a multi-core lithostratigraphy compiled from the extant lake and surrounding basin at Llangorse Lake, south Wales, a basin lying within the southernmost limits of the last BIIS. This lake contains one of the longest continuous terrestrial sediment successions in the UK. Uncertainty previously existed concerning the presence and distribution of sediments at the site related to the Windermere Interstadial (~ 14.7 to ~ 12.9 ka BP) and Loch Lomond Stadial (~ 12.9 to 11.7 ka BP). A new borehole survey demonstrates that LGIT-age sediments are present at the site with nekron mud (gyttja), corresponding to the Lateglacial Interstadial, deposited in the deeper part of the lake waters and that these deposits are equivalent in age to marl deposits found at shallower depths at the margins of the basin. These deposits are associated with warmer conditions experienced during the Windermere Interstadial and Holocene, whilst minerogenic-rich sediments were deposited during the colder climatic conditions of the Dimlington Stadial and the Loch Lomond Stadial with rangefinder radiocarbon dates confirming this attribution. A model of lake level changes shows that drainage of the Dimlington Stadial glacial lake caused the largest fall, but there was also a further, smaller lake level fall at the end of the Windermere Interstadial and/or the start of the Loch Lomond Stadial, before the level rose in the early Holocene. The lithostratigraphic results presented here form the framework for further paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic research at Llangorse Lake.  相似文献   
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