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A survey on the epiphytic microorganisms growing on Posidonia oceanica leaves was conducted along a depth transect along the coast of Eastern Tunisia (Mahdia). Samples were collected by SCUBA diving at depths of 3, 5, 10 and 12 m in July 2008 and January 2009. A total of 58 microepiphyte taxa were identified. Multivariate analyses revealed temporal and spatial variation of the abundance of epiphytic microalgae. Water motion, light availability, temperature and motility of species seem to be responsible of temporal and bathymetric variations of epiphytic microalgae. Unlike diatoms, dinoflagellates were more abundant in deep waters, suggesting that they are more vulnerable to hydrodynamics. The significant correlation between leaf area index and abundance of epiphytic species indicates that the phenological parameters of the host plant influence the abundance of the epiphytic microorganisms. Among the epiphytic dinoflagellates, our data showed a great number of potentially toxic species (Alexandrium minitum, Amphidinium carterae, Karenia selliformis, Coolia monatis, Karlodinium veneficum, Ostreopsis siamensis, Prorocentrum concavum, Prorocentrum minimum, Prorocentrum rathymum and Prorocentrum lima). These species were more abundant in the deep station under more sheltered conditions than found at inshore shallower stations, which are subjected to high water motion.  相似文献   
A study was undertaken of the patterns of spatial variability, epiphytic biomass and distribution of epiphytic fauna and flora of Posidonia oceanica. Samples were taken at four stations located approximately 4 km apart, exposed to different current conditions. Stations A and B, situated near the Oued Mimoun tidal channel with its relatively strong bi‐directional flows, were affected by high current tide. The other two stations, North Oued Mimoun (L1) and South Oued Mimoun (L2), were located further from the channel, in low current tide conditions. Sampling was conducted in the Attaya area of Kerkennah Island (Tunisia) in August 2009 at depths between 2 and 3 m, with the results indicating differences among the stations. Shoot density decreased when exposed to high levels of hydrodynamic activity generated by current tides whereas the epiphytic biomass of P. oceanica leaves decreased at sheltered stations located far from the channel. Epiphytic algae such as Heterokontophyta, Rhodophyta and Chlorophyta, and epiphytic fauna represented by Bryozoa, Hydrozoa, Annelida, Porifera and Tunicata, dominated the epiphytic assemblages and were abundant at the station most exposed to high current tide hydrodynamics. Cyanobacteria, however, were dominant in stations exposed to low current tide.  相似文献   
Fluctuating asymmetry, a random deviation of bilateral traits, is assessed on grass goby Zosterisessor ophiocephalus Pallas, 1811 living in one disturbed site and in one unpolluted site Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia). Statistical analysis showed that assessed asymmetries are fluctuating. FA of orbital diameter, sub-orbital distance, pectoral fin and post-orbital length are higher in polluted site compared to control. Chemical pollution seems to be responsible for this high FA.  相似文献   
Total organic carbon (TOC) determination, Rock‐Eval pyrolysis, extractable organic matter content (EOM) fractionation, gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analyses, were carried out on 79 samples from eleven outcrop cross sections of the Bahloul Formation in central and northern Tunisia. The TOC content varied between 0.23 to 35.6%, the highest average values (18.73%, 8.46% and 4.02%) being at the east of the study area (at Ain Zakkar, Oued Bahloul and Dyr Ouled Yahia localities, respectively). The Rock‐Eval maximum pyrolysis temperature (Tmax) values in the 424–453°C range delineated a general east‐west trend increase in the organic matter (OM) maturity. The disparity in hydrogen index (HI) values, in the range 114–824 mg hydrocarbons (HC) g?1 TOC, is relevant for the discrepancy in the level of OM preservation and maturity among localities and samples. The n‐alkane distributions, maximizing in the C17 to C20 range, are typical for a marine planktonic origin, whereas pristine/phytane (Pr/Ph) average values in the 1–2 range indicate an oxic to suboxic depositional environment. Pr/n‐C17 and Ph/n‐C18 ratios in the 0.38–6.2 and 0.68–3.25 range, respectively, are consistent with other maturity indicators and the contribution of specific bacteria to phytol as a precursor of isoprenoids. The thermal maturity varies between late diagenesis to main‐stage of petroleum generation based on the optic and the cis‐trans isomerisation of the C29 sterane [20S/(20S+20R) and 14β(H),17β(H)/(14β(H),17β(H)+14α(H),17α(H)), respectively] and the terpane [18α(H)22,29,30‐Trisnorneohopane/(18α(H)22,29,30‐Trisnorneohopane+17α(H)22,29,30‐Trisnorhopane): Ts/(Ts+Tm)] ratios. The Bahloul OM is represented by an open marine to estuarine algal facies with a specific bacterial contribution as revealed by the relative abundance of the ααα‐20R C27 (33–44%), C28 (22–28%) and C29 (34–41%) steranes and by the total terpanes/total steranes ratio (1.2–5.33). These results attested that the Bahloul OM richness was controlled both by an oxygen minimum zone induced by high productivity and restricted circulation in narrow half graben structures and around diapirs of the Triassic salt.  相似文献   
A highly-fractionated garnet-bearing muscovite granite represents the marginal granitic facies of the Abu-Diab multiphase pluton in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt. New electron microprobe analyses(EMPA) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS) data from garnets are reported, in order to constrain their origin and genesis. Garnet in the Abu-Diab host granite is euhedral to subhedral, generally homogeneous and, in rare cases, it shows weak zonation. The garne...  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Nefza-Bizerte region, eastern part of the Tunisian Alpine chain, covers the thrust sheets domain called the Tell and its Atlassic foreland. The deep...  相似文献   
The analysis of calpionellid associations from jebels Amar and Jédidi sections in North-Atlasic Tunisia provides, for the first time, a precise biozonation of the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition succession. In the light of the new data obtained and considering recently published results, the age of Upper Jurassic formations is clarified, allowing correlations with the Tunisian ‘Dorsale’ and the North–South Axis successions. Within the Maghrebides' range, sections from the external zones correlated to the Tunisian successions are quite distinctive from their equivalent in the internal zones. Both have evolved in different palaeogeographic domains related to the early structuration of the northwestern and southwestern Tethys margins. To cite this article: M. Boughdiri et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
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