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从深部矿地球化学勘查实际需求出发,根据近年来20余个矿床研究结果,总结提出了热液成因有色金属矿床矿致异常规律--多维异常体系。多维异常体系是指产出在特定成矿地质时期地质体中,空间有序共存、形成机理各异、成矿指向递进的多属性地球化学异常体系,将在斑岩型、矽卡岩型、热液型以及沉积改造型等与热液作用有关的有色金属矿产深部矿预测和评价中发挥重要作用。以安徽马头斑岩型钼铜矿为例,对该矿床多维异常体系进行了探讨。结果表明: 在该矿床中,存在着以Na2O为代表的负异常体系、以S为代表的矿化剂元素异常体系、矿化剂元素S与Fe和成矿元素间协同平衡体系、成矿及其伴生元素异常体系等,这些异常体系对成矿的指示作用是递进的,从而证实了多维异常体系的存在。对应用多维异常体系思路预测和评价深部矿进行了说明。  相似文献   
The paper presents an approach to predicting variation of a degree of saturation in unsaturated soils with void ratio and suction. The approach is based on the effective stress principle for unsaturated soils and several underlying assumptions. It focuses on the main drying and wetting processes and does not incorporate the effects of hydraulic hysteresis. It leads to the dependency of water retention curve (WRC) on void ratio, which does not require any material parameters apart from the parameters specifying WRC for the reference void ratio. Its validity is demonstrated by comparing predictions with the experimental data on four different soils taken over from the literature. Good correlation between the measured and predicted behaviour indirectly supports applicability of the effective stress principle for unsaturated soils. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
陈如铁  马健 《地理科学》2017,37(6):841-849
以城市人口规模、城市间距离为指标,通过多元回归模型,定量分析辽宁中部城市群中城市规模与空间距离的关系,以及城市与“最近城市”的距离和“距离位序”之间是否存在类似“城市位序-规模律”的定量关系。研究发现:城市i的规模Pi与“最近城市”n的规模Pn、距离Di-n以及区域中心城市c的距离Di-c有关,与首位城市的规模和距离无关,其中PnDi-n为正向影响,Di-c为负向影响。就影响力而言,区域中心城市c的影响大于“最近城市”n,这一点区别于国内其他城市群。城市群中存在“城市距离-位序律”的定量关系。利用城市规模与距离的定量关系可以测算理论人口规模和影响范围,为辽宁中部城市群的人口预测和空间结构划分提供有益参考。  相似文献   
回顾了日冕磁的研究历史,介绍了我们首镒提出的日冕磁场的微波诊断方法及其应用的带来的启迪,提出进一步开展日冕磁场及其相关研究的建议。  相似文献   
In the high-speed urbanization process of China, the urban population has been increasing significantly, leading to a high-density aggregation of population. However, the sharp increase in population density has not produced commensurate improvements in the road networks. On the contrary, the population increase induced a serious evacuation vulnerability, which cities experience during various hazards and catastrophic events. Therefore, research on evacuation vulnerability is important to urban planning. To assess the evacuation vulnerability, the optimal and worst scenarios should be considered because all possible evacuation plans occur between these extremes. However, most previous evacuation vulnerability studies are based on the worst-case scenario, only providing an upper bound of a potential evacuation assessment. To provide a more comprehensive theoretical basis for decision-makers to understand the consequences caused by all possible evacuations, this paper proposes an optimal evacuation vulnerability assessment model that provides the lower bound on potential evacuation difficulties. The model is solved by a stepwise spreading algorithm based on Graph Theory. Subsequently, to evaluate the effectiveness of the model, the study adopts the model to assess the evacuation capability of different road network topologies. A comparison with previous research was performed. The model was demonstrated in an application to the South Luogu Alley of Beijing, China. The significance of this paper is that the combination of our model with previous research may provide a more complete theoretical basis for an evacuation vulnerability assessment.  相似文献   
扇三角洲沉积体系及其与油气聚集关系   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
扇三角洲沉积体系是断陷盆地中极为发育的一种沉积体系,主要由扇三角洲平原组合、扇三角洲前缘组合和前三角洲沉积构成,可识别出9种成因相。受沉积物供给速率、可容空间增长速率及盆缘断裂产状等因素控制可划分出退积型、加积型、前积型、陡坡型和缓坡型5种扇三角洲类型。位于扇三角洲平原的辫状分流河道砂体及其位于扇三角洲前缘的与之有成因联系的水下分流河口坝、洪水型重力流砂体等物性好,可以构成优质储层。含油性勘探成果亦证实各主力油层段平面上主要分布于扇三角洲前缘及分流间湾区,小部分位于扇三角洲平原区。受埋藏深度和成岩场的影响,不同地区、不同层位主力油层段的物性与岩性相关性各异。因此,应用沉积体系分布与油气聚集规律挖掘剩余油层及进行远景区预测是有效的与可行的。  相似文献   
Ma  Yuan  Xie  Ruixing  Zheng  Xiangming 《Solar physics》2001,200(1-2):157-166
The metric spectral data obtained at the Yunnan Observatory from July 1990 to December 1991 are analysed and some type III bursts associated with millisecond spikes are found. Their different morphologies reveal the relation between the type III bursts and the millisecond spikes. Based on the occurrence time and the characteristics of continuity and changes of the morphologies in the spikes and the type III bursts of two typical events, we verify that the acceleration region of the coronal electrons is located above the emitting region of the millisecond spikes and the type III bursts. The observations show that the interface frequency of a pair of type III bursts lies near 250 MHz. Finally the authors attempt to explain qualitatively the generating mechanism of the metric millisecond spike-type III bursts by means of the plasma hypothesis.  相似文献   
安徽齐云山丹霞地貌成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the study of some local scholars (Peng Hua et al., 2000), over 400 sites of Danxia landform have been already discovered in China. Chen Guoda (1935), Zeng Zhaoxuan et al. (1978), Huang Jin et al. (1992; 1994; 1996) and Peng Hua et al. (1998; …  相似文献   
根据矿床的地球物理地球化学异常特征,磁异常与金矿体的关系,地球化学异常及其垂向分带规律,归纳出矿床地球物理地球化学找矿模式和找矿标志。  相似文献   
研究了新试剂N-间甲苯基-N′-(对氨基苯磺酸钠)硫脲(MMPT)与Cu2+的显色反应。结果表明,在pH4.6~5.6的HAc-NaAc介质中,Cu2+与MMPT形成的配合物至少稳定5h,其λmax=370nm,表观摩尔吸光系数为1.12×105L·mol-1·cm-1。Cu2+的质量浓度在0.08~1.4mg/L时符合比尔定律,相关系数r=0.9991。方法简便、快速,用于铅矿中铜的分析,测定结果与监控样推荐值相符,对w(Cu)=0.8%的试样测定6次,RSD=3.2%。  相似文献   
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