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The equations for calculating the echo power from meteorological targets and the energy distribution within radar beam were derived, by taking the earth curvature, atmospheric refractivity gradient, reflection factor and the roughness of the earth's surface into consideration. The estimation based on these equations shows that the rain echo power may deviate from its normal value by a factor of -3 to +6 db depending on the radar height, antenna elevation, wave length, beam width, surface reflectivity and roughness.  相似文献   
基于GIS的安徽省重大农业气象灾害测评系统   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以安徽省重大农业气象灾害的气候规律分析及遥感监测方法的基础,利用地理信息系统技术,设计并建立了省级农业气象灾害测评系统。该系统运用结构化设计原理,根据用户需求及系统建设的基本目标,确定了系统结构及主要功能,以为主要支撑软件,建立了安徽省干旱,洪涝及低温冷害的基本数据库、灾害监测评估模型和应急反应及决策服务系统。  相似文献   
A complete yearly record (1988) of surface measurements is used to examine the atmospheric diurnal secondary circulations over the entire area of Hong Kong in conjunction with spatial and temporal variations of surface temperature, wind speed and rainfall. Evidence of atmospheric diurnal secondary circulations is found at 10 sites. The occurrence of a summer morning rainfall maximum over the coast results from the interaction of the large-scale summer monsoon and local mesoscale secondary circulations. The afternoon onshore secondary circulation accelerates the advection of warm, humid unstable air and, coupled with the upward orographic lifting, produces enhanced rainfall along windward mountain ridges.Dynamical and scaling considerations suggest that the blocking effect is negligible and the primary forcing mechanism is land-sea temperature difference, but terrain effects are also important. Although the secondary circulation system's strength and timing vary, the circulation behaves like a classic sea-land breeze circulation, complicated by superimposed mountain-valley breezes.  相似文献   
This paper quantitatively explores farmers' vulnerability to flood in the Poyang Lake Region (PLR) with the supports of GIS spatial functions. The analysis consists of three major steps, which is based on the spatial unit of township. Firstly, the spatial extent and characteristics of flood risk areas were determined using a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from the 1:50,000 topographic map. Secondly, for each of the township, six indices indicating the economic activities of local farmers were calculated. These indices are: rural population proportion, cultivated land proportion, GDP per unit area, employment proportion of primary industry, net rural income per capita and agricultural income proportion. These six indices were then normalized and used for later vulnerability assessment. Thirdly, the normalized indices (as GIS data layers) were overlaid with the flood risk areas to produce the risk coefficient for each township and to calculate the overall vulnerability for each township. The analysis results show that in the PLR there are high flood risk areas where the farmers' livings are seriously influenced or threatened. About 55.56% of the total 180 townships in the flood risk areas have a high degree of flood vulnerability. The townships under flood risk are mainly distributed in the areas around the Poyang Lake and the areas along the "five rivers".  相似文献   
监视分系统是国家级气象资料存储检索系统运行维护的主要工具。该分系统针对业务流程和系统设备监视需求, 融合多年业务运行维护经验, 结合用户需求而开发。运行结果表明:该分系统监视内容全面, 软件运行稳定, 人机界面友好, 吸引了有关用户使用。文章介绍了该系统开发的背景、目的、系统结构和若干关键技术, 简述了应用前景。  相似文献   
借助HS6288系列噪声分析仪,对河南省长垣县城区噪声进行了实地监测。依据国家城市区域环境噪声标准,并结合综合污染指数法和模糊综合评价法对监测结果进行分析评价。结果表明,长垣县城区总体噪声水平为4级(中污染),声环境已出现恶化。在分析长垣县城区噪声污染及其分布的同时,结合实地调查,提出了一些针对小城镇噪声污染防治的对策。  相似文献   
王浪  马力 《气象科技》2016,44(3):423-429
利用四川宝兴县1970—2000年及2008—2014年的小时和部分分钟降水量资料,对宝兴县5—9月汛期短时强降水的时空分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:宝兴短时强降水集中发生在7、8两月;由于地形地貌特征复杂,不同的海拔高度及地形位置,短时强降水强度差异较大,海拔1400~1500m之间的降雨强度最大、海拔2580m左右区域的降雨时数最长,此2种降水类型均易引发泥石流等地质灾害;海拔1300m以下,海拔高度愈高,γ中尺度系统发展愈均匀持久,降雨强度愈强,海拔1300 m以上,海拔高度愈高,γ中尺度系统发展愈激烈快速,降雨强度愈弱。  相似文献   
为研究不同高度的建筑物对雷电磁场的影响,对2011年7月—2012年8月广州高建筑物雷电观测试验中获取的雷电磁场波形数据进行统计分析,共选取击中14个高建筑物的40次雷电 (均为负极性雷电) 的磁场数据,结果表明:高建筑物对回击磁场峰值有增强作用,且建筑物越高对回击磁场峰值的增强作用越大,高度在200 m以上的建筑物上雷电首次回击磁场峰值的几何平均值是高度在200 m以下的建筑物上的2.4倍;高建筑物雷电回击的磁场波形呈多峰特征;观测到的20次击中200 m以下高建筑物的雷电中,有13次 (65%) 雷电首次回击的磁场波形出现后续峰值比初始峰值大的现象,击中200 m以上高建筑物的14次雷电中有8次 (57%) 出现该现象;40次高建筑物雷电中有22次 (55%) 为多回击雷电,135个回击间隔时间的几何平均值为69.1 ms, 多回击高建筑物雷电中有10次 (45%) 出现继后回击的磁场峰值大于首次回击磁场峰值的现象。  相似文献   
利用京秦高速公路沿线交通气象监测站实况资料,通过对84个站次的浓雾雾生和雾消各气象要素变化特征进行分析,归纳出高速公路沿线浓雾和强浓雾天气雾生雾消的预报指标。爆发性强浓雾期间能见度少波动,在能见度爆发下降前,温度下降过程中的小幅上升对能见度突然下降有很好的指示作用;相对湿度在能见度爆发下降前1 h内达到80%以上。一般性强浓雾大多数出现在温度波动之后继续直线下降期间;在500 m浓雾出现15 h之前空气相对湿度达90%以上,能见度达50 m之前相对湿度基本达饱和状态。浓雾消散主要有两个方面,因冷空气造成的雾消,预报应着眼于冷空气前锋影响高速公路所在区域的时间;而由辐射升温造成的雾消,预报应着眼于对天空状况和升温速度的判断。  相似文献   
Surface ozone, NO, NO2, and NO x were measured at a coastal site (Shihua) and a nearby inland site (Zhujing) in suburban Shanghai for the whole year of 2009. More days with ozone pollution in a longer time range were observed at the coastal site than the inland site. The diurnal variations of NO x concentrations were obviously higher at Zhujing station, while those of ozone concentrations were higher at Shihua station, indicating their different air pollution conditions. Coastal wind has significant influence on the levels and characteristics of the air pollutants. The ozone concentrations during maritime winds (MW) were much higher than those during continental winds (CW) at each of the site, while the NO and NO2 concentrations were both opposite. The ozone concentrations at Shihua station were much higher than those at Zhujing station, while the NO and NO2 concentrations were both opposite. The ozone concentrations at both of the two sites showed a distinct “weekend effects” and “weekdays effects” patterns during CW and MW, respectively. Correlation analysis of the pollutants showed that, the compounds during MW were more age than those during CW, and the compounds at Shihua were more age than those at Zhujing. The air pollutions at both of the two sites are mainly associated with the pollutants emitted in this region instead of long range transport.  相似文献   
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