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Using the model system MM5.V3 and multi-layer grid nesting technique, we have done a multi-scale numerical simulation over the area of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province to analyze the temperature and wind field there and study its local circulations. The results show a coupling effect of Urban Heat Island Circulation (UHIC), Mountain Valley Breeze (MVB) and Sea Land Breeze (SLB) occurs in this area when the synoptic system is weak. The SLB can penetrate deep into the mainland for about 200 km when it is blooming. MVB can extend to south and cover almost the whole plain area in Beijing. Both MVB and SLB are diurnal periodical; meanwhile the phase of MVB drops behind that of SLB for about six hours. As a local circulation, the UHIC weakens the two circulations above, and it also has a diurnal period. As a result, the coupling effect of circulations reveals not only different features in spring-summer period and autumn-winter period in a year but also the difference between early morning to noonday and afternoon to night in a day. We noted the diffusion of contamination over the area around Beijing, and found the steady presence of a transport routine of contamination over North-China throughout the year caused by the Coupling Effect mentioned above. This find is important for studying the environment pollution in this area. Supported by Central Public Welfare Special Fund Program for the Institute and Higher Education (Grant No. IUMKY200701), Public Welfare Special Fund Program (Meteorology) of China Scientific and Technological Ministry (Grant Nos. CYHY20080620, CYHY200706004), Spread New Technology Program of China Meteorological Administration (Grant No. CMATG2007M15) and Urban Meteorology Scientific Research Fund Program of the Institute of Beijing Urban Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration (Grant No. UMRF200702)  相似文献   
利用地震多属性分析技术,可以对地震数据进行各种数学、物理变换,提取出包含其中的岩性、含油气性、物性信息,为含油气储层预测提供技术支持,使地震属性模式识别技术在油气储层预测中得到了广泛的应用。在地震属性优选的基础上,应用多属性聚类分析技术,实现地震多属性与储层信息的结合,使特定的聚类区能可靠地反映含油气分布,同时聚类分析结果也可成功地预测研究区ZH2_1气组的有利含气区,为进一步勘探开发提供了目标区域。  相似文献   
Ocean-color imagers on conventional polar-orbiting satellites have a revisit time of ??2 days for most regions, which is further reduced if the area is frequently cloudy. The Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI), the first ocean-color imager on a geostationary satellite, provides measurements 8 times a day, thus significantly improving the frequency of measurements for studies of ocean environments. Here, we use results derived from GOCI measurements over Taihu Lake to demonstrate that the extra sampling can be used to improve the accuracy of statistically averaged longer-term (daily) measurements. Additionally, using numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the coupling of diurnal variations of both biomass and photosynthetic available radiation can improve the accuracy of daily primary production estimates. These results echo that higher sampling frequency can improve our estimates of longer-term dynamics of biogeochemical processes and highlights the value of ocean color measurements from geostationary satellites.  相似文献   
通过有限元软件ANSYS对土工格栅加筋路堤进行模拟,阐述了加筋土的加筋作用原理。通过一个工程实例分别对不加筋、仅加砂垫层、加一层土工格栅砂垫层、加两层土工格栅砂垫层四种不同的加筋路堤进行了计算。分析了不同加筋方式下加筋土路基竖向位移、侧向位移、竖向应力、剪应力和筋材拉力的规律。  相似文献   
为掌握江苏盐城滨海湿地獐(Hydripotes inermis)的最新种群数量与分布状况,于2007年3~5月,在江苏省盐城滨海湿地用样线法对獐的春季种群数量与分布进行了调查.调查结果表明,獐在盐城滨海湿地有2个分布区,一个在射阳县境内,以盐城国家级珍禽自然保护区核心区为中心,扩散至射阳芦苇公司及其周边区域;另一个位于大丰县境内,从大丰麋鹿保护区的第一核心区至第三核心区及周边荒地.獐在盐城滨海湿地的总数量在372只左右,其中盐城国家级自然保护区核心区分布獐的数量和密度最高,其数量约为327只,密度为1.9只/km2.与20世纪90年代调查数据相比,獐的分布范围和数量均显著下降.  相似文献   
A preliminary study of b value of rocks with two kinds of structural models has been made on the base of a new acoustic emission recording system. It shows that b value of the sample decreases obviously when the sample with compressive en echelon faults changes into a tensile one after interchange occurs between stress axis σ 1 and σ 2. A similar experiment is observed when the sample with tensile en echelon faults changes into that with a bend fault after two segments of the en echelon fault linking up. These facts indicate that the variation of b value may contain the information of the regional dominant structural model. Therefore, b-value analyses could be a new method for studying regional dominant structural models.  相似文献   
依据疏水性有机物(HOC)在有机相/水相之间简单物理化学分配的基本原理,提出了浮游植物对HOC生物富集双箱热力学模型。得出浮游植物对HOC的生物富集因子BCF与浮游植物比表面积S,有机物正辛醇/水分配系数kow,有机物在水中浓度Cw之间皆存在log-log相关性的结论,并且由海洋浮游植物对氯代苯的生物富集实验结果验证了该模型。  相似文献   
本文论述了加强矿石研究的重要性.并对块状构造、浸染状构造、海绵陨铁构造、乳滴状构造、层纹状构造的分类命名及代晶结构的鉴定特征提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   
通过对包头6.4级地震临震前动物、地下水等宏观异常时、空、强分布特征的研究,提出了利用动物、地下水震前宏观异常加强短临追综研究,进行短临预报的思路和方法。  相似文献   
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