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南海北部湾铁山港码头建设期间,邻近区域红树林带植株出现受损死亡现象。本研究构建基于遥感增强包含红树林潮间带的海湾水沙嵌套模型,评估码头建设对红树林带潮流、泥沙输移及冲淤的影响。结果表明:海湾水沙嵌套模型可充分利用南海海流模拟信息,且精细化模拟了工程建设附近海域泥沙输移规律。采用全球地表水覆盖几率遥感反演数据与当地潮位的信息融合技术,为红树林带水沙模拟提供了可靠地形信息。码头建设主要影响红树林带南部潮流,涨急时流速减小,落急时部分潮沟通道流速增大。当进港方案更改为过水钢栈桥,红树林带东南部流速略有增加。码头施工期,红树林带69%~72%范围的悬浮泥沙浓度增量介于20~50 mg/L之间。码头建设前,红树林带泥沙平均冲淤量为0.27 cm/a;进港方案分别为不过水通道和过水钢栈桥,码头建设后红树林带淤积量增加的面积占比分别为96.6%和89.3%,平均冲淤量分别为0.45 cm/a和0.36 cm/a。过水钢栈桥替换不过水通道,红树林带冲淤增量下降了50.0%。研究结论可为潮间带水沙环境模拟和红树林带保护决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
南海北部早渐新世发生明显的营养供给和二氧化碳浓度的变化,相关地质记录为研究颗石藻的生理机制提供了理想的自然实验室。在本研究中,我们建立了一个新的颗石藻群落演化的指标,定义为E*比值。该比值由富营养属种和中等-贫营养属种的相对丰度计算而得(E*=e/(e+c)×100,e代表富营养属种,c代表中等-贫营养属种)。其中富营养属种包括小Reticulofenestra, Reticulofenestra lockeri组,Reticulofenestra bisecta组和Coccolithus pelagicus组,而中等-贫营养属种包括Cyclicargolithus spp.。E*指标与早渐新世营养盐指标具有较强的相关性,但在不同二氧化碳浓度的条件下表现不同的公变趋势。将群落组合与已发表的二氧化碳浓度数据对比,我们提出颗石藻可能在二氧化碳持续降低的环境下改变其对碳源和营养盐的利用方式,指示颗石藻的碳浓缩机制可能开始于早渐新世。  相似文献   

Cobalt-rich crust has attracted increased attention due to their economic value. Studies have indicated that seamounts in the Western Pacific Ocean are rich in cobalt-rich crust resources. The Caiwei Guyot in Western Pacific Ocean is one of the cobalt-rich crust exploration areas contracted between China and the International Seabed Authority. A large volume of research has been conducted to elucidate the tectonic evolution, basement type, sediment type, gravity and magnetic anomaly characteristics, and geochemical characteristics of shallow surface sediments at Caiwei Guyot. However, a research gap exists on the sedimentary strata below the pelagic deposits and above the volcanic basement of the Caiwei Guyot. This paper summarizes that two main types of sediments existing on the top of Caiwei Guyot. The deposition thickness on the top of Caiwei Guyot is characterized by three sedimentary centers and exposed periphery. Pelagic sediments are difficult to form at the northeastern portion and edge area of Caiwei Guyot due to the strong bottom current environment, which makes these areas suitable for crust growth. This paper delineated three cobalt-rich crust prospective areas at the Caiwei Guyot with of significant implications for exploration and mining-lease-block selections at Caiwei Guyot.  相似文献   
皱纹盘鲍对氯霉素的通透性吸收与扩散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海水溶液中的氯霉素分子可以越过皱纹盘鲍Haliotis discus hannai Ino的体表结构进入其血淋巴液中。鲍血淋巴液中氯霉素的浓度与药浴液的氯霉素浓度,温度均呈线性关系,药浴时间的效应表现的S形逼近曲线。在20℃的海水中,鲍血淋巴液中的氯霉素向体外扩散的半衰期为42min。  相似文献   
中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)消化系统发生的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文对中国对虾消化道和中肠腺的发生进行了研究。完整的中肠管形成于N3期,它是由幼虫腹面的内胚层板向背中线上卷合拢而形成。在Z1期消化道完全贯通。至M1期,胃分化为贲门胃和幽门胃两部分,中肠前盲囊和中肠后盲囊也在此期出现,同时胃磨的雏形发生,但完整的胃磨形成于P期。另外,中肠腺始于N4-5期中肠前端突出的两对中肠腺盲囊。第一对中肠腺盲囊于M3期退化消失,而第二对中肠腺盲囊则发育为成体的中肠腺。中肠腺小管由4种不同类型的细胞(胚性细胞、吸收细胞、纤维细胞和泡状细胞)所组成  相似文献   
培育双壳类软体动物幼苗所需的饵料,是指池内培育阶段适合于幼虫和幼苗(壳长一般在1mm以下)的饵料。育苗成功的关键问题之一为是否已经选择到这样的饵料。自40年代找到适宜的饵料生物以后,双壳类幼虫的培养才取得较明显的成效。以往利用过的一些饵料生物巳有文献系统记载。我国贻贝人工育苗是在分离与培养出扁藻以后才获得成功的。随着研究工作的深入以及适应各种不同情况的需要,采用的饵料种类越来越多样化。从生产性育苗特别是多茬育苗考虑,必须因地制宜地筛选出一定种数的饵料,以便在不同培养条件下有机动选择的余地。同一时还应找出适宜的投饵数量,以求取得较好的育苗效果。为此目的,我们于1975-1978年结合生产性育苗的需要进行了一些饵料饲养实验。本文根据实验结果以及多年来生产性育苗的实践,对贻贝育苗的饵料问题进行总结,侧重于不同饵料的饲养效果比较。  相似文献   
A combination of CTD casts, discrete bottle sampling and in situ voltammetric microelectrode profiling was used to examine changing redox conditions in the water column at a single station south of the Bay Bridge in the upper Chesapeake Bay in late July/early August, 2002–2005. Short-term (2–4 h) fluctuations in the oxic/suboxic/anoxic interface were documented using in situ voltammetric solid-state electrodes. Profiles of dissolved oxygen and sulfide revealed tidally-driven vertical fluctuations of several meters in the depth and thickness of the suboxic zone. Bottom water concentrations of sulfide, Mn2+ and Fe2+ also varied over the tidal cycle by approximately an order of magnitude. These data indicate that redox species concentrations at this site varied more due to physical processes than biogeochemical processes. Based on analysis of ADCP data, tidal currents at this station were strongly polarized, with the principal axis of tidal currents aligned with the mainstem channel. Together with the chemical data, the ADCP analysis suggests tidal flushing of anoxic bottom waters with suboxic water from north of the site. The present study is thus unique because while most previous studies have focused on processes across relatively stable redox interfaces, our data clearly demonstrate the influence of rapidly changing physical mixing processes on water column redox chemistry.Also noted during the study were interannual differences in maximum bottom water concentrations of sulfide, Mn2+ and Fe2+. In 2003, for example, heavy spring rains resulted in severe hypoxia/anoxia in June and early July. While reported storm-induced mixing in late July/early August 2003 partially alleviated the low-oxygen conditions, bottom water concentrations of sulfide, Mn2+ and Fe2+ were still much higher than in the previous year. The latter implies that the response time of the microbial community inhabiting the suboxic/anoxic bottom waters to changing redox conditions is slow compared to the time scale of episodic mixing events. Bottom water concentrations of the redox-sensitive chemical species should thus be useful as a tracer to infer prior hypoxic/anoxic conditions not apparent from ambient oxygen levels at the time of sampling.  相似文献   
刍论大连湾底质地化环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文根据1987年的调查资料,总结阐述了大连湾底质地化环境诸要素的分布规律及其特征,运用相关分析法,通过多元回归计算求得了诸要素之间的关系。经过综合因素分析,得出了大连湾氧化还原环境分区、还原环境的成因及发展趋势。  相似文献   
Wanshan area has been chosen to be the specified field to calibrate and validate(Cal/Val) the HY-2 altimeter and its follow-on satellites. In March 2018, an experiment has been conducted to determine the sea surface height(SSH) under the HY-2 A ground track(Pass No. 203). A GPS towing-body(GPS-TB) was designed to measure the SSH covering an area of about 6 km×28 km wide centered on the HY-2 A altimeter satellite ground track. Three GPS reference stations, one tide gauge and a GPS buoy were placed in the research area, in order to process and resolve the kinematic solution and check the precision of the GPS-TB respectively. All the GPS data were calculated by the GAMIT/GLOBK software and TRACK module. The sea surface was determined by the GPS-TB solution and the tide gauge placed on Zhiwan Island. Then the sea surface of this area was interpolated by Arc GIS10.2 with ordinary Kriging method. The results showed that the precision of the GPS-TB is about 1.10 cm compared with the tide gauge placed nearby, which has an equivalent precision with the GPS buoy. The interpolated sea surface has a bias of –1.5–4.0 cm with standard deviation of 0.2–2.4 cm compared with the checking line. The gradient of the measured sea surface is about 1.62 cm/km along the HY-2 orbit which shows a good agreement compared with the CLS11 mean sea surface(MSS). In the Cal/Val of satellites, the sea surface between the tide gauge/GPS buoy and the footprint of altimeter can be improved by this work.  相似文献   
Interannual variability(IAV) in the barrier layer thickness(BLT) and forcing mechanisms in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean(EEIO) and Bay of Bengal(BoB) are examined using monthly Argo data sets during 2002–2017. The BLT during November–January(NDJ) in the EEIO shows strong IAV, which is associated with the Indian Ocean dipole mode(IOD), with the IOD leading the BLT by two months. During the negative IOD phase, the westerly wind anomalies driving the downwelling Kelvin waves increase the isothermal layer depth(ILD). Moreover, the variability in the mixed layer depth(MLD) is complex. Affected by the Wyrtki jet, the MLD presents negative anomalies west of 85°E and strong positive anomalies between 85°E and 93°E. Therefore, the BLT shows positive anomalies except between 86°E and 92°E in the EEIO. Additionally, the IAV in the BLT during December–February(DJF) in the BoB is also investigated. In the eastern and northeastern BoB, the IAV in the BLT is remotely forced by equatorial zonal wind stress anomalies associated with the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO). In the western BoB, the regional surface wind forcing-related ENSO modulates the BLT variations.  相似文献   
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