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In this study,a series of sensitivity experiments were performed for two tropical cyclones (TCs),TC Longwang (2005) and TC Sinlaku (2008),to explore the roles of locations and patterns of initial errors in uncertainties of TC forecasts.Specifically,three types of initial errors were generated and three types of sensitive areas were determined using conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP),first singular vector (FSV),and composite singular vector (CSV) methods.Additionally,random initial errors in randomly selected areas were considered.Based on these four types of initial errors and areas,we designed and performed 16 experiments to investigate the impacts of locations and patterns of initial errors on the nonlinear developments of the errors,and to determine which type of initial errors and areas has the greatest impact on TC forecasts.Overall,results from the experiments indicate the following:(1) The impact of random errors introduced into the sensitive areas was greater than that of errors themselves fixed in the randomly selected areas.From the perspective of statistical analysis,and by comparison,the impact of random errors introduced into the CNOP target area was greatest.(2) The initial errors with CNOP,CSV,or FSV patterns were likely to grow faster than random errors.(3) The initial errors with CNOP patterns in the CNOP target areas had the greatest impacts on the final verification forecasts.  相似文献   
In this study,the impacts of horizontal resolution on the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP) and on its identified sensitive areas were investigated for tropical cyclone predictions.Three resolutions,30 km,60 km,and 120 km,were studied for three tropical cyclones,TC Mindulle (2004),TC Meari (2004),and TC Matsa (2005).Results show that CNOP may present different structures with different resolutions,and the major parts of CNOP become increasingly localized with increased horizontal resolution.CNOP produces spiral and baroclinic structures,which partially account for its rapid amplification.The differences in CNOP structures result in different sensitive areas,but there are common areas for the CNOP-identified sensitive areas at various resolutions,and the size of the common areas is different from case to case.Generally,the forecasts benefit more from the reduction of the initial errors in the sensitive areas identified using higher resolutions than those using lower resolutions.However,the largest improvement of the forecast can be obtained at the resolution that is not the highest for some cases.In addition,the sensitive areas identified at lower resolutions are also helpful for improving the forecast with a finer resolution,but the sensitive areas identified at the same resolution as the forecast would be the most beneficial.  相似文献   
一次强风切变过程的分析及成因讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
慕熙昱  徐琪  夏文梅  徐芬 《高原气象》2010,29(5):1289-1296
2006年6月21日09:04南京禄口机场监测到较强风切变。龙王山(南京)多普勒天气雷达观测图上显示,此时恰有一直径为50 km的对流云团自西向东经过禄口机场。南京市地面自动气象站的观测也表明,此时在南京地区近地层气流出现急剧变化。利用多普勒天气雷达资料对风暴进行立体结构分析,并结合地面自动气象站资料分析得知,这次过程在3 km以下的低层有水平方向的风切变,在1 km高度处有垂直方向的风切变。从多普勒天气雷达的垂直积分液态含水量产品能够更直接地看到对流云团的发展过程,这有助于预报风切变发生的位置。这次雷暴系统中宏下击暴流引起的高空气流下沉,至地面后向两侧辐散,造成水平方向及垂直方向都有强风切变存在。  相似文献   
基于新一代天气雷达三维组网等多源气象数据分析了2009年7月30~31日的一次西南低涡触发的强降水天气过程以及主要降水时段雷达回波三维结构及演变特征,研究发现:(1)西南低涡降水与低涡强度发展存在不一致性,强降水出现在低涡强度达到最强之前;(2)中尺度对流系统的发生、发展是此次低涡降水的重要影响因素,西南低涡与中尺度对流系统既相互独立又相互影响,降水是两者共同作用的结果;(3)最强组合反射率因子同样出现在西南低涡发展到最强盛之前,西南低涡能显著影响盆地内降水雷达回波的强度与类型。  相似文献   
南京及周边地区雷达气候学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究南京及周边地区暖季(6-9月)对流风暴的活动分布规律,利用2009-2013年6-9月长时间序列的南京多普勒天气雷达数据识别对流回波并格点化,统计并分析了南京及周边地区对流风暴的气候学分布特征,结果表明:(1)在暖季,南京及周边地区对流风暴具有明显的区域分布特征,其中7与8月为对流风暴活动高峰期,对流风暴频数分布大值中心位于南京东部沿江地区;(2)不同尺度和伸展高度对流风暴的分布特征各不相同,较大较深对流的分布大值中心更加明显;(3)对流风暴的垂直结构因月份不同而有所差异,7与8月对流风暴强度最大;(4)不同尺度和伸展高度对流风暴频数存在明显的日变化特征,呈多峰分布,主峰值区位于午后,同样,各月份对流风暴频数的日变化特征也非常明显,呈单峰或者多峰分布。   相似文献   
玛纳斯河山麓冲积扇演变遥感研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于地质过程,特别是沉积地质过程的理论和方法,通过对航空相片和遥感影像的解译,结合野外考察和地貌与沉积物分析,研究玛纳斯河山麓冲积扇的演变过程,并对其形成和演变原因进行探讨。晚第四纪以来,玛纳斯河山麓冲积扇从第二排山麓到下游冲积平原,可划分为四期规模较大和三期规模较小的冲积扇;玛纳斯河山麓冲积扇的形成演变受气候、构造或气候—构造耦合作用的共同影响,具有多成因性和多层次性。  相似文献   
旅游效率评价对区域旅游业提质增效发展具有重要意义。以云南省为实证,采用数据包络分析法(DEA)对其旅游业效率进行分析,运用空间自相关和趋势面等空间统计方法对旅游效率空间关联和整体趋势特征进行剖析,并借助地理探测器模型着重探讨了旅游效率的驱动因子。结果表明:1)云南省旅游综合效率总体水平较好,但州市间差距较大,纯技术效率对综合效率制约能力略强于规模效率;2)旅游效率呈现空间集聚态势,综合效率整体呈“南北两翼高中间低,东西平稳过渡”空间特征,高效区在滇西北“趋同集聚”;纯技术效率在南北方向呈“U”型趋势,东西方向上梯度递减;规模效率总体呈现“南北两翼高中间低,西高东低”趋势特征;3)旅游从业人数、交通网络密度和景区丰度是云南省旅游效率空间分异的主要影响因素,不同因子交互作用时均高于单独作用时的影响力。  相似文献   
随着中国住房改革的推进,城市居民通过居住迁移进行住房调整的行为日趋频繁。居住迁移作为城市空间分异和重构的微观机制在城市地理学、住房研究中得到了广泛关注,然而现有研究主要考察居住迁移的发生概率和驱动因素,较少论及居住迁移中的区位选择。论文基于2018年“上海市居民住房和生活空间调查”问卷,采用生命历程和时间地理学视角,刻画居民居住迁移的时空轨迹,并使用多项逻辑斯蒂回归模型探究居住迁移前后居住区位变化的影响因素。研究发现,上海市居民居住迁移的主要区位选择为跨环线向外迁移,但不同世代、不同户口、不同住房产权的居民的居住区位选择有较大差异。生命历程中的年龄、可达性中的工作单位区位以及住房属性中的产权性质都是影响居住迁移区位选择的重要因素。  相似文献   
The wetting deformation of coarse granular materials is often considered to be an important cause of the core wall rockfill dam cracks during impounding. By analyzing existing research results, this paper proposes a hyperbolic relationship between the wetting axial strain and wetting stress level and puts forwards a warped surface relationship among spherical stress, shear stress, and the ratio of wetting volumetric strain to wetting axial strain. To illustrate its practicability, the wetting strain model's parameter determination process is introduced and the rockfill materials wetting parameters are determined using the triaxial wetting test data. Moreover, the collapse settlement of Guanyinyan rockfill dam during first impounding is numerically simulated using the proposed method to calculate rockfill wetting deformation and verified by field measurements and monitoring data. The results show that the calculative method of wetting deformation proposed in this paper is reasonable and practical; the wetting deformation of upstream rockfill materials would cause an adverse deformation trend, which may lead to crack occurrence at the upstream slope and dam crest; and the Guanyinyan rockfill dam cracks on the top of junction mainly caused by the wetting deformation of upstream rockfill.  相似文献   
古地理学是一门强数据依赖性学科,古地理重建作为古地理学的核心任务之一,着眼于研究地质历史时期地球表面的地理、生物、气候面貌及其演化规律。随着大数据时代的来临,海量古地理数据的不断积累和计算机技术的高速发展使得标准化、智能化的数字古地理重建成为可能。文章通过介绍国内外与古地理相关的代表数据库及团队,总结其优缺点,提出大数据驱动下的数字古地理重建核心思路:(1)建立标准化的古地理学知识体系;(2)建立开放互动、动态更新的古地理数据库,并利用机器阅读技术等拓展数据来源;(3)建立标准化的古地理学数据质量控制体系;(4)利用机器学习技术建立各类型古地理重建模型,深度挖掘数据;(5)以可实时更新的智能数字地图集或多维动画形式输出成果。  相似文献   
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