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中国城市地表灰尘中重金属的富集状况及空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在统计中国城市地表灰尘中重金属含量的已有相关文献基础上,探讨了中国地表灰尘中Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd五种元素的空间分布特征及各省份的富集状况。搜集到的各地区地表灰尘重金属含量的研究数据分别为69、84、86、79、58个。对研究数据剔除异常值后分别进行克里金插值和统计各省份地表灰尘重金属含量的平均值,并与土壤背景值作对比计算出累积指数,得到中国地表灰尘中重金属的空间分布状况和各省份的富集水平。结果表明:中国地表灰尘中重金属含量普遍较高,且各地区重金属含量水平存在不同程度上的差异。就整体而言,Cu、Pb、Zn三种重金属含量的空间分布较为相似,由高到低均大致呈南—北走势,而Cr含量呈中部高两侧低的趋势,Cd并无明显趋势。各省份平均值与土壤背景值相比,除Cr在山东省和贵州省无富集状况以外,各省的地表灰尘中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd均具有一定的富集。其中,湖南省的Cd和Pb均富集最为严重,分别是土壤背景值的177.95和42.82倍;Cr在福建省富集最为严重,为背景值的7.11倍;广东省的Cu富集水平最高,是背景值的10.35倍,而Zn在江西省的富集水平最高,超出背景值39.13倍。  相似文献   
利用NCEP1°×1°再分析资料,对2009年3月19—20日北疆沿天山一带一次暴雪天气过程进行诊断分析,着重探讨了湿位涡诊断在新疆暴雪预报中的应用。分析表明:暴雪的水汽输送有3个源地,低层负散度、向北倾斜的涡度“上负下正”分布、等θe线的陡立密集带、垂直速度负值区与暴雪落区均有较好的对应关系。暴雪主要发生在MPV1〉0、MPV2绝对值迅速增加且等值线密集分布的区域。MPV1下传增大,大气对流不稳定能量释放,低层MPV2绝对值增大,大气湿斜压性增强,下滑倾斜涡度增长是暴雪形成的重要原因。  相似文献   
Recent Advances in Predictability Studies in China (1999-2002)   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
Since the last International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly (1999), the predictability studies in China have made further progress during the period of 1999-2002. Firstly, three predictability sub-problems in numerical weather and climate prediction are classified, which are concerned with the maximum predictability time, the maximum prediction error, and the maximum allowable initial error, and then they are reduced into three nonlinear optimization problems. Secondly, the concepts of the nonlinear singular vector (NSV) and conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP) are proposed,which have been utilized to study the predictability of numerical weather and climate prediction. The results suggest that the nonlinear characteristics of the motions of atmosphere and oceans can be revealedby NSV and CNOP. Thirdly, attention has also been paid to the relations between the predictability and spatial-temporal scale, and between the model predictability and the machine precision, of which the investigations disclose the importance of the spatial-temporal scale and machine precision in the study of predictability. Also the cell-to-cell mapping is adopted to analyze globally the predictability of climate,which could provide a new subject to the research workers. Furthermore, the predictability of the summer rainfall in China is investigated by using the method of correlation coefficients. The results demonstrate that the predictability of summer rainfall is different in different areas of China. Analysis of variance, which is one of the statistical methods applicable to the study of predictability, is also used to study the potential predictability of monthly mean temperature in China, of which the conclusion is that the monthly mean temperature over China is potentially predictable at a statistical significance level of 0.10. In addition,in the analysis of the predictability of the T106 objective analysis/forecasting field, the variance and the correlation coefficient are calculated to explore the distribution characteristics of the mean-square errors.Finally, the predictability of short-term climate prediction is investigated by using statistical methods or numerical simulation methods. It is demonstrated that the predictability of short-term climate in China depends not only on the region of China being investigated, but also on the time scale and the atmospheric internal dynamical process.  相似文献   
一次陕西关中强暴雨环境条件及中尺度系统分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
综合利用T213再分析资料和高时空分辨率观测资料包括地面区域逐时加密观测资料,对2007年8月8—9日陕西关中特大暴雨过程的环境条件和中尺度系统进行了分析。天气学分析表明:500 h Pa西太平洋副热带高压和青藏高原高压形成的高压坝在陕西中部断裂形成东北—西南向切变线、250 h Pa西风急流入口区右侧发散场和700 h Pa东西向切变线相互配合是特大暴雨形成的有利环境条件;低层风向快速变化使关中暴雨区低空水汽经历了减小—突然增加—快速减小的过程,关中周围水汽通过偏东气流输送至暴雨区为暴雨的发生提供了水汽和位势不稳定条件,而水汽的快速变化又形成关中暴雨的突发性和历时短而强的特征;高空反气旋涡度的发展形成强烈的"抽吸作用"、双圈垂直次级环流和强垂直上升运动及其两侧的弱下沉运动形成的不对称结构是暴雨形成的动力机制。强降水的中尺度特征分析显示:强暴雨是由一个中α尺度对流系统(MαCS)的发生发展产生的,MαCS又是由2个中β尺度对流系统(MβCS)合并发展而成,其内部对流单体的发展合并和独立加强形成岐山、礼泉和高陵3个大暴雨中心,这些对流单体的发展是由地面中尺度辐合系统产生的,强降水的强弱与地面中尺度辐合系统的强弱有很好的对应关系,地面中尺度辐合系统的形成和加强可能是强降水的触发机制和增幅原因之一。  相似文献   
汛期强降水过程与月内低频降水的联系及其可能机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1981 2010年中国753站逐日降水观测资料、NCEP/NCAR第二套逐日再分析资料及实况天气图等,选取长江中下游32次大范围持续性强降水过程,分析了该类强降水过程与月内(10~30天)低频降水的联系,并重点讨论了形成该类强降水过程的可能机制。结果表明:(1)长江中下游夏季降水具有显著的月内低频振荡周期。大范围持续性强降水过程基本位于降水低频振荡的峰值阶段。(2)梅汛期(6 7月)月内低频降水峰值位相前期,西太平洋副热带高压(下称西太副高)西伸北进,高低空急流发展加强。在强降水过程发生期,高中低层配置出现垂直方向上的最佳耦合;而台汛期(89月)低频降水峰值位相前期,西太副高东退南撤,低空急流逐渐南落至长江中下游东南部,与高空急流相配合,为强降水过程的发生提供了有利条件。(3)梅汛期东北亚低频位势高度低值区南下,与中纬太平洋西传的低频波列在长江中下游汇合。同时西太副高发展加强,造成了长江中下游降水峰值位相南高北低的低频位势高度分布,有利于强降水过程的发生;台汛期伴随从热带西太平洋到日本海低频波列的西北向移动,菲律宾东北部的低频气旋及其北侧低频反气旋的降水峰值位相分别移至长江中下游和东北亚地区,导致暖湿、干冷气流在长江流域交汇,进而造成强降水过程。(4)菲律宾以东洋面低频强对流可作为梅汛期和台汛期强降水过程发生的前期热带信号,提前低频降水峰值位相10天左右。  相似文献   
In this study,a series of sensitivity experiments were performed for two tropical cyclones (TCs),TC Longwang (2005) and TC Sinlaku (2008),to explore the roles of locations and patterns of initial errors in uncertainties of TC forecasts.Specifically,three types of initial errors were generated and three types of sensitive areas were determined using conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP),first singular vector (FSV),and composite singular vector (CSV) methods.Additionally,random initial errors in randomly selected areas were considered.Based on these four types of initial errors and areas,we designed and performed 16 experiments to investigate the impacts of locations and patterns of initial errors on the nonlinear developments of the errors,and to determine which type of initial errors and areas has the greatest impact on TC forecasts.Overall,results from the experiments indicate the following:(1) The impact of random errors introduced into the sensitive areas was greater than that of errors themselves fixed in the randomly selected areas.From the perspective of statistical analysis,and by comparison,the impact of random errors introduced into the CNOP target area was greatest.(2) The initial errors with CNOP,CSV,or FSV patterns were likely to grow faster than random errors.(3) The initial errors with CNOP patterns in the CNOP target areas had the greatest impacts on the final verification forecasts.  相似文献   
In this study,the impacts of horizontal resolution on the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP) and on its identified sensitive areas were investigated for tropical cyclone predictions.Three resolutions,30 km,60 km,and 120 km,were studied for three tropical cyclones,TC Mindulle (2004),TC Meari (2004),and TC Matsa (2005).Results show that CNOP may present different structures with different resolutions,and the major parts of CNOP become increasingly localized with increased horizontal resolution.CNOP produces spiral and baroclinic structures,which partially account for its rapid amplification.The differences in CNOP structures result in different sensitive areas,but there are common areas for the CNOP-identified sensitive areas at various resolutions,and the size of the common areas is different from case to case.Generally,the forecasts benefit more from the reduction of the initial errors in the sensitive areas identified using higher resolutions than those using lower resolutions.However,the largest improvement of the forecast can be obtained at the resolution that is not the highest for some cases.In addition,the sensitive areas identified at lower resolutions are also helpful for improving the forecast with a finer resolution,but the sensitive areas identified at the same resolution as the forecast would be the most beneficial.  相似文献   
一次强风切变过程的分析及成因讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
慕熙昱  徐琪  夏文梅  徐芬 《高原气象》2010,29(5):1289-1296
2006年6月21日09:04南京禄口机场监测到较强风切变。龙王山(南京)多普勒天气雷达观测图上显示,此时恰有一直径为50 km的对流云团自西向东经过禄口机场。南京市地面自动气象站的观测也表明,此时在南京地区近地层气流出现急剧变化。利用多普勒天气雷达资料对风暴进行立体结构分析,并结合地面自动气象站资料分析得知,这次过程在3 km以下的低层有水平方向的风切变,在1 km高度处有垂直方向的风切变。从多普勒天气雷达的垂直积分液态含水量产品能够更直接地看到对流云团的发展过程,这有助于预报风切变发生的位置。这次雷暴系统中宏下击暴流引起的高空气流下沉,至地面后向两侧辐散,造成水平方向及垂直方向都有强风切变存在。  相似文献   
基于新一代天气雷达三维组网等多源气象数据分析了2009年7月30~31日的一次西南低涡触发的强降水天气过程以及主要降水时段雷达回波三维结构及演变特征,研究发现:(1)西南低涡降水与低涡强度发展存在不一致性,强降水出现在低涡强度达到最强之前;(2)中尺度对流系统的发生、发展是此次低涡降水的重要影响因素,西南低涡与中尺度对流系统既相互独立又相互影响,降水是两者共同作用的结果;(3)最强组合反射率因子同样出现在西南低涡发展到最强盛之前,西南低涡能显著影响盆地内降水雷达回波的强度与类型。  相似文献   
南京及周边地区雷达气候学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究南京及周边地区暖季(6-9月)对流风暴的活动分布规律,利用2009-2013年6-9月长时间序列的南京多普勒天气雷达数据识别对流回波并格点化,统计并分析了南京及周边地区对流风暴的气候学分布特征,结果表明:(1)在暖季,南京及周边地区对流风暴具有明显的区域分布特征,其中7与8月为对流风暴活动高峰期,对流风暴频数分布大值中心位于南京东部沿江地区;(2)不同尺度和伸展高度对流风暴的分布特征各不相同,较大较深对流的分布大值中心更加明显;(3)对流风暴的垂直结构因月份不同而有所差异,7与8月对流风暴强度最大;(4)不同尺度和伸展高度对流风暴频数存在明显的日变化特征,呈多峰分布,主峰值区位于午后,同样,各月份对流风暴频数的日变化特征也非常明显,呈单峰或者多峰分布。   相似文献   
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