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目的:研究270 例三江侗族胃食管反流病(GERD)患者中医体质类型及红外皮温的分布特点。方法:选取270 例GERD患者,采用标准化的中医体质量表对患者进行体质判定,并运用数字式医用红外热成像仪观察患者的红外皮温情况。结果:270 例GERD患者中,阳虚质夹气郁质最多,其次为阳虚质夹痰湿质、阴阳两虚质,其他偏颇体质及平和质最少。不同年龄、不同性别GERD患者中医体质组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。阳虚质夹气郁质红外分布特点:督脉轨迹不显示或者断续,咽喉部、剑突下、两侧胁肋部呈高温分布,下焦、肾区呈凉偏离;阳虚质夹痰湿质红外分布特点:督脉轨迹不显示或者断续,胸骨后、剑突下呈高温分布,双眼皮温呈“镜片征”或者“八字征”,督脉、中焦、下焦、肾区呈凉偏离;阴阳两虚质红外分布特点:督脉轨迹不显示或者断续,口腔、咽喉处、胸骨后或者剑突下呈高温分布。偏于阳虚者,督脉、中焦、下焦、肾区呈凉偏离;偏于阴虚者,头面、四肢呈热偏离,督脉、中焦、下焦、肾区呈凉偏离。结论:270 例三江侗族GERD患者以阳虚质夹气郁质、阳虚质夹痰湿质、阴阳两虚质最为常见,不同体质GERD患者红外皮温具有共性,其特点为咽喉处、胸骨后、剑突下为高温分布。  相似文献   
The prevalence of toxicopathic liver lesions in English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus) was determined along a presumed gradient of chemical contamination in Vancouver Harbour, Canada. Fish were captured from five sites in or near Vancouver Harbour, British Columbia, Canada. No toxicopathic lesions were observed in fish examined at the reference site (Howe Sound outside Vancouver Harbour), or at the outer harbour site. In contrast, 20-23% of the fish from three sites located in the central harbour, Indian Arm and Port Moody Arm had one or more types of toxicopathic lesions. Likewise, aromatic hydrocarbon (AH) metabolites measured in bile exhibited a gradient in levels from lower concentrations at the reference site to significantly higher levels in fish from Indian Arm and Port Moody Arm harbour sites. The occurrence of toxicopathic liver lesions was statistically associated with concentrations of AHs measured in sediment and AH metabolite levels measured in bile.  相似文献   
格林威治时间2010年12月4日22点,哈勃太空望远镜开始观测狮子座内的一片天区。  相似文献   
Coastal ecosystems are subjected to a wide variety of disturbances, including those due to xenobiotics of agricultural and industrial origin. These pollutants as heavy metals can modify the genetic diversity of populations by favouring or counter-selecting certain alleles or genotypes by differential mortality. In the present study, two genetic markers (phosphoglucomutase and glucosephosphate isomerase) and a protein marker (metallothionein) were monitored in order to determine the impact of heavy metals in different clam populations. Analysis of the genetic structure of the clam populations examined reveals that those inhabiting environments contaminated by heavy metals exhibit a higher allelic diversity and possess alleles at PGM loci that could be selected by the presence of heavy metals. The evaluation of metallothionein levels using a specific polyclonal antibody developed in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) demonstrated the existence of a relationship between metallothionein concentrations and the level of metal pollution for clam populations sampled from different sites. An inter-specific difference was also detected between Ruditapes decussatus and Ruditapes philippinarum living in sympatry at the same site, suggesting a differential response of these two species upon exposure to an identical heavy metal concentration.  相似文献   
自动气象站业务运行中应注意的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自动气象站是由计算机实时监控和自动数据采集处理的地面气象观测系统,需要台站工作人员进行日常数据维护及自动气象站维修,保证其设备运行正常,采集到的气象资料才符合"三性"要求。  相似文献   
石西油田石南4井区侏罗系头屯河组为辫状河三角洲沉积背景,自下而上是湖平面先下降后快速上升的沉积序列,形成一套陆源碎屑岩。底部以中砂岩和泥岩为主,中部以粗、中砂岩相占绝对优势,顶部为厚层块状泥岩。基于岩石薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、X衍射等资料,首次对研究区储层的岩矿特征、孔隙结构以及物性特征进行详细研究。结果表明,头屯河组储集层岩矿类型以岩屑砂岩为主,其中胶结物以碳酸盐胶结为主,胶结类型以孔隙式胶结为主,杂基以泥质为主;黏土矿物以高岭石居多,高岭石、绿泥石含量与储层孔隙度有良好正相关性,储层具中偏强碱敏性和中等水敏性特征;储层孔隙类型有原生和次生孔隙2类,原生孔隙以常与石英、绿泥石矿物相伴生的粒间孔隙为主,次生孔隙以多同长石、高岭石矿物相共生的粒间溶孔为主,储集层属中孔低渗储层。基于储层特征及沉积微相主控因素,将头屯河组储层分为Ⅰ类优质、Ⅱ类储层,同时对研究区进行了储层有利区预测与潜力区识别,该潜力区可作为石南4井区后续滚动开发的重点区域。  相似文献   
汶川8.0级地震陕西省数字强震动记录分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对2008年5月12日四川汶川8.0级地震陕西数字强震动台网27个台的地震加速度记录进行了处理和分析,包括对加速度波形数据的基线调整、滤波、加速度反应谱计算,以及速度和位移计算。结果表明:除局部场地条件的影响外,大地震的能量辐射方向和传播路径中介质的横向不均匀对PGAH衰减的离散性可能有一些影响; 对于同一烈度值,PGA/PGV较小,PGA在数值上平均只有PGV的5倍左右,反映了地震动的低频成分比较丰富; 绝大部分强震台所处地区的烈度为Ⅴ—Ⅶ度; PGAH与水平单分向加速度峰值PGA(E-W)和PGA(N-S)中较大值之间的相对偏差绝大部分小于10%; 波形的性质为面波,盆地中覆盖土层较厚的场地长周期的面波更为发育,波列持续时间较长; 局部场地的介质特性对地震动特征有相当大的影响,盆地中较厚的覆盖土层对较长周期的地震波有明显的放大作用。  相似文献   
黑龙江省东部三江地区为煤层气资源主要富集带,其六个矿区4350km^2煤层气资源量初步评价为1870亿m^3,通过对各盆地煤层气参数和评价条件研究,共选择出八个目标区,优选其中的鹤岗南—鸟山区、鸡西区邱家—荣华区为首选勘探开发区。针对不同情况,采用地面钻井抽放、生产矿井和废弃矿井抽放相结合的开采方式,循序渐进、滚动发展,不失为一条科学合理的发展之路。  相似文献   
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