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A set of raw industrial materials, that is, pure quartz and quartz-rich mixtures, were investigated through electron paramagnetic resonance and electron spin echo-envelope modulation spectroscopies, with the aim of evaluating the effective role played by defect centres and of assessing whether they can be used to monitor changes in the physical properties of quartz powders with reference to their health effects. The obtained results point to two interactions of the Al defect centres with H+, hosted in sites within the channels parallel and perpendicular to the c axis of quartz, respectively. These two Al/H+ (hAl) centres exhibit a weak chemical bond, and their relative amounts appear to be modified/controlled by the thermo-mechanical processes underwent by powders. Indeed, a mechanically promoted inter-conversion between the two kinds of site is suggested. As a consequence, the hAl centres are effective in monitoring even modest activations of powders, through thermal or mechanical processes, and they are also supposed to play a specific, relevant role in quartz reactivity during the considered industrial processes.  相似文献   
The basement of the Philippine Mobile Belt (PMB) is mainly composed of ophiolites that are mostly overlain by Paleogene to Miocene turbidites in central Luzon. To clarify the geological development of the PMB with respect to the initial stage of the arc volcanism (eg. Yumul et al., 2003, 2008; Dimalanta and Yumul, 2003; Suzuki et al., 2011), radiolarian dating was examined in siliceous sediments associated with the ophiolites and turbidites. The samples were collected from sites identified with the Zambales and Montalban ophiolites, basic tuff phyllites in NW Din-galan, and their overlying formations.  相似文献   
Iodine contents of soils developed over the major rock formations of the northern zone of the Eastern Pontide Tectonic Belt (Northeastern Turkey) have been investigated with respect to soil-parent rock relationship, effect of topography, elevation, and climate to construe its effect on the health of the local population. Samples were collected from the A and B horizons of the soils developed over the major stratigraphic units constituting the eastern Pontides, including the Lower Basic Complex of Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous age, the Berdiga limestone (Jurassic-lower Cretaceous), the Dagbasi granitoid (Upper Cretaceous), volcano-sedimentary sequence of Upper Cretaceous age, ore-bearing and barren dacites of Upper Cretaceous age, and Neogene alkaline basalts. Chemical analyses of soil samples indicate significantly lower iodine abundances for all the soils studied (5–28 ppm) in comparison to the average abundance of iodine in analogous soils of other parts of the world (22–93 ppm). The concentration of iodine in soils developed over the same geologic formation decrease with increasing elevation. In certain cases, this decrease may reach up to 70%. Goiter is highly common throughout this region in Turkey. The results of this study suggest that the iodine deficiency of region’s soils may be a principal underlying cause for this area of Turkey being an endemic goiter region.  相似文献   
Relatively strongly magnetic fine components (< 30μm, XS-4J and DS-4J) which are most environmentally sensitive were separated from layer S5-1 in the Xifeng and Duanjiapo loess sections and analyzed by MPV-3 for their morphometric characteristics and reflectance, SEM-ESD for their element contents and XRD for their mineral phases, respectively. The results showed that minerals in both samples are dominated by detrial Fe-Ti oxides of aeolian origin. In sample XS-4J the reflectance and iron contents of magnetic minerals are usually high. In addition to magnetite (Fe3O4), maghemite (γFe2O3) and hematite (Fe2O3), some Fe-high oxide (72.25 wt%–86.67 wt%), ilmenite (FeTiO3), and magnetite-ulvöspinel [Fe(FeCr)O4, Fe (FeNi)O4] were also detected. In sample DS-4J obvious negative linear correlations were found between Ti and Fe, and the contents of Mn, Si, Al and Ca are usually high and the minerals are dominated by magnetite (maghemite), goethite (FeOOH) and limonite (containing Si and OH). In addition, the signs of corrosion of magnetic minerals and newly crystallized magnetite (maghemite) were recognized. Differences in the composition and assemblage characteristics of magnetite minerals between XS and DS reflect significant differences in source rocks and preserving conditions.  相似文献   
Iva frutescens is a common shrub at the upland fringe of salt marshes throughout the East and Gulf Coasts of North America. Within a marsh, its location and relative size are governed largely by the degree of flooding by seawater.Iva’s wide distribution and restricted location within salt marshes may make it a useful indicator of overall conditions of the marshes. This work was designed to provide basic information on the age and growth ofI. frutescens, especially as they relate to the degree of flooding that is needed in order to investigateIva’s potential as an indicator. Cross-sections of older stems (living and standing dead) from salt marshes in Rhode Island, United States, were examined in order to age stems and estimate their growth rate from cumulative increase in woody tissue. Most stems were six yr old or less, suggesting that aboveground structures live for only a few years. Stem diameter correlated with growth rate and aboveground biomass. Elevation at the root zone was used to estimate the duration that plants were flooded, which was negatively correlated with stem diameter. The most robust plants came from sites that were flooded only up to 6–7% of the total time during the growing season. No plants were found in areas flooded more than 30% of the time.  相似文献   
The sediments of the estuaries and offshore Tuticorin along the southern coast of Tamil Nadu were studied for their textural variation. Ninety sediment samples were collected from three sectors (river, estuary, offshore) on the basis of prevailing energy conditions and oceanographic parameters. Frequency curves show unimodal to bimodal in nature. Offshore samples also fall in bimodal with medium and fine sand where sediment is additionally deposited by the Tamiraparani River. The mean values ranging from 1.69 to 2.01 φ with medium to fine sand. The fine sand in the riverine region indicates the depositional nature of the sediments. In pre-monsoon, the standard deviation ranges from 0.29 to 0.81 φ, which falls in the very well sorted to moderately well sorted. Estuary ranges from 0.63 to 1.30 φ, with moderately sorted, whereas in the marine sediments ranges from 0.4 to 1.01 φ, with moderately to moderately well- sorted and some patches of poorly sorted is observed. In both monsoons, the grain size variations are mostly influenced in river and offshore samples compared to the estuaries. The CM pattern indicates the deposition of sediments in graded suspension. In estuary, the sediments are medium sand with moderately to poorly sorted, fine skewed which are indicative of denudation processes taking place there. In marine, the sediments are medium-to-fine, moderately-to-well sorted, and fine skewed to very fine skewed sediments, probably as a result of the influence of palaeo-sediments deposited by rivers from inland as well as by waves and currents from offshore. Further, the marine samples also highlight depositional processes.  相似文献   
The water supply in Denmark is based on high-quality groundwater, thus obviating the need for complex and expensive purification. Contamination from urban development and agricultural sources, however, increasingly threatens the groundwater resource. In 1995 the Danish Government thus launched a 10-point plan to improve groundwater protection. In 1998 this was followed by a decision to instigate spatially dense hydrogeological mapping of the groundwater resource within the 37% of Denmark designated as particularly valuable water-abstraction areas. The maps will be used to establish site-specific groundwater protection zones and associated regulation of land use to prevent groundwater contamination. Traditional mapping based solely on borehole data is too inaccurate for this purpose. The work will take 10 years and cost an estimated DKK 920 million, equivalent to 120 million euro (€). To fund this, consumers will pay a € 0.02 surcharge per m3 of drinking water during the 10-year period. This review of the Danish strategy to protect the groundwater resource demonstrates why dense mapping with newly developed geophysical measurement methods in large contiguous areas accords geophysics a highly central role in the forthcoming hydrogeological mapping. It is illustrated by examples of spatially dense, large-scale geophysical mapping carried out in the Aarhus area.
Resumen El abastecimiento de agua en Dinamarca está basado en agua subterránea de alta calidad, evitando de esta manera la necesidad de una purificación compleja y cara. Sin embargo, la contaminación a través del desarrollo urbano y de fuentes agrícolas, ha incrementado la amenaza para el recurso de agua subterránea. Entonces en 1995 el gobierno lanzó un plan de 10 puntos para mejorar la protección del agua subterránea. Este fue seguido en 1998 por la decisión para promover una cartografía hidrogeológica espacialmente detallada, para el recurso agua subterránea dentro del 37% de las áreas de extracción consideradas por Dinamarca con una importancia especial. Los mapas serán usados para establecer zonas específicas de protección para puntos de agua subterránea y una regulación asociada al uso del territorio, para prevenir la contaminación del agua subterránea. La cartografía tradicional basada exclusivamente en datos de la perforación es muy inexacta para este propósito. Este trabajo tomará 10 años y costará aproximadamente DKK 920 millones, equivalentes a 120 millones de Euros (€). Para financiar esto los consumidores pagarán un sobreprecio de € 0.02 por m3 de agua potable durante un periodo de 10 años. Este análisis de la estrategia Danesa para proteger el recurso agua subterránea, demuestra porque la cartografía detallada, hecha con nuevos avances en métodos de medición geofísica, aplicados a grandes áreas aledañas, otorgan a la geofísica un papel altamente importante en el futuro de la cartografía hidrogeológica. Esto está ilustrado con ejemplos de cartografía geofísica a gran escala y espacialmente detallada, llevados a cabo en el área de Aarhus.

Résumé Lalimentation en eau au Danemark suppose une haute qualité des eaux souterraines, en éliminant ainsi le coûteux processus dépuration. Néanmoins, la qualité des sources souterraines est menacée par la pollution provoquée par le développement urbain et agricole. En 1995 le gouvernement danois a lancé un plan en 10 points pour améliorer la protection des eaux souterraines. En 1999 ce plan a été suivi par la décision de promouvoir une cartographie hydrogéologique à grande densité sur 37% du territoire du Danemark où se trouvent des zones de captages importantes. Les cartes seront utilisées pour établir les zones de protection des eaux souterraines, en tenant compte des conditions locales du site ainsi que des règlements conjoints dutilisation des territoires, afin de prévenir la pollution des eaux souterraines. La cartographie traditionnelle, basée seulement sur les données des forages, est trop imprécise pour ce but. Les travaux vont durer 10 ans avec un coût estimé à 120 millions deuros (€). Pour ces travaux les consommateurs vont payer une surcharge de € 0.02 par m3 deau potable, ceci pendant 10 ans. Cette révision de la stratégie du Danemark concernant la protection des ressources en eaux souterraines a démontré les raisons pour lesquelles on a accordé un rôle central aux nouvelles méthodes géophysiques dans la future cartographie hydrogéologique de vaste régions. On présente un exemple de cartographie géophysique réalisée dans la région dAarhus.
Crystal-rich materials (scoriae and lava flows) emitted during the 1985–2000 activity of Stromboli were taken into consideration for systematic study of bulk rock/matrix glass chemistry and in particular for the study of chemical and textural zoning of plagioclase, the most abundant mineral phase. Over the considered time period, bulk rock composition remained fairly constant in both major (SiO2 49.2–50.9 wt% and K2O 1.96–2.18 wt%) and trace elements. The quite constant chemistry of matrix glasses also indicates that the degree of crystallization of magma was maintained at around 50 vol%. Plagioclase ranges in composition between An62 and An88 and is characterized by alternating, <10–100 m thick, bytownitic and labradoritic concentric layers, although the dominant and representative plagioclase of scoriae is An68. The labradoritic layers (An62–70) show small-scale (1–5 µm), oscillatory zoning, are free of inclusions, and appear to record episodes of slow crystal growth in equilibrium with a degassed liquid having the composition of the matrix glass. In contrast the bytownitic layers (An70-An88) are patchy zoned, show sieve structure with abundant micrometric glass inclusions and voids, and are attributed to rapid crystal growth.A key to understanding the origin of bytownitic layers can be retrieved from the texture and composition of the coronas of plagioclase xenocrysts, inherited from crystal-rich magma, in nearly aphyric pumice which are erupted during more energetic events and represent a deep, volatile-rich, HK-basaltic magma. They show a continuum from fine-sieve to evident skeletal texture from the inner to the outer part of the corona associated with normal compositional zoning from An90 to An75. In the light of these observations, we propose that input of H2O-rich melt blobs, and their mixing with the residing magma, causes partial dissolution of the labradoritic layers followed by the growth of bytownitic composition whose sieve texture attests of rapid crystallization occurring under undercooling conditions mainly induced by degassing. As a whole, the zoning of plagioclase in the scoriae records successive and discrete intrusions of volatile-rich magma blobs, its degassing and mixing with the resident degassed magma at shallow level.Editorial responsibility: T.L. GroveAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
The major Ghanaian lode gold deposits are preferentially aligned along the western and eastern contacts of the Kumasi Basin with the Ashanti and Sefwi Belts, respectively. The investigated area of the Abawso small-scale concession, covering the workings of the old Ettadom mine, is situated 3 km west of the lithological contact of the Birimian metavolcanic rocks of the Akropong Belt in the east with the Birimian metasedimentary rocks of the Kumasi Basin in the west. The rocks of the Abawso concession represent a steeply NW-dipping limb of a SE-verging anticline with an axis plunging to the SW. Quartz veining occurs predominantly in the form of en échelon dilatational veins along NNE–SSW-striking shear zones of a few metres width and shows evidence of brittle and ductile deformation. Also stockwork-style quartz veining occurs in the vicinity of the main shaft of the old Ettadom mine. Hydrothermal alteration includes sericitisation, sulphidation and locally carbonatisation. The auriferous quartz veins mainly follow the trend of brittle to ductile deformed quartz veins; however, some occur in stockwork. Fluid inclusion studies reveal a large number of H2O inclusions along intragranular trails in auriferous quartz vein samples, as well as an overall dominance of H2O and H2O-CO2 inclusions over CO2 inclusions. Textural observations and physico-chemical fluid inclusion properties indicate post-entrapment modifications for all quartz vein samples due to grain boundary migration recrystallisation. This process is interpreted to be responsible for the generation of the CO2 inclusions from a H2O-CO2 parent fluid. In comparison with mineralisation at the Ashanti and Prestea deposits, which are characterised by CO2±N2 inclusions, the observed inclusion assemblage may be due to a shallower crustal level of mineralisation, or different degrees and styles of recrystallisation, or a less pronounced development of laminated quartz veins due to comparably restricted pressure fluctuations. Furthermore, the microthermometric observations allow the reconstruction of a possible retrograde P-T path, depicting near-isothermal decompression in the P-T range of the brittle/ductile transition.Editorial handling: E. Frimmel  相似文献   
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