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利用1979~2012年青藏高原125个基本、基准站观测日最高及最低气温数据、Hadley中心月平均海冰覆盖率资料、ERA-Interim的风场、高度场等再分析资料,根据相关统计分析、合成分析等方法系统地分析了青藏高原地区秋、冬季冷昼和冷夜日数(低温日数)与关键影响海区海冰的关系及影响机理。结果表明,夏、秋季关键海区海冰偏少时,秋、冬季极地和青藏高原地区500 h Pa位势高度减小,中高纬西伯利亚地区位势高度增强,北极至青藏高原有明显由北向南波动通量,高压反气旋系统在西伯利亚地区形成与壮大,青藏高原以北风场呈现明显偏北风,Rossby波在青藏高原及其以北地区呈现由北向南波动形式,青藏高原以北的西风带地区Rossby波东传减缓,导致经向活动加强,北部冷空气易于通过气流向高原侵袭,秋、冬季青藏高原低温日数将偏多。  相似文献   
采用WRF模式对2010年9月发生在河南省附近的一次暴雨过程进行了集合预报试验。用增长模繁殖方法(BGM)制作了集合预报方案1;为了充分利用背景场信息,结合时间滞后法,制定了集合预报方案2:滚动繁殖法;考虑到暴雨过程中天气形势的特殊性,结合区域空间特征,制定了集合预报方案3:区域繁殖法。这3组试验均对变量U、V、T、Q进行了初值扰动,加上控制预报,均产生了9个集合成员。试验结果表明:几种集合预报方法在预报效果上相较于控制预报都具有明显的改善,滚动繁殖法及区域繁殖法对增长模繁殖法都具有一定的改进作用,其中区域繁殖法的预报效果更优,与实况更为接近。  相似文献   
The satellite-derived wind from cloud and moisture features of geostationary satellites is an important data source for numerical weather prediction(NWP) models. These datasets and global positioning system radio occultation(GPSRO)satellite radiances are assimilated in the four-dimensional variational atmospheric data assimilation system of the UKMO Unified Model in India. This study focuses on the importance of these data in the NWP system and their impact on short-term24-h forecasts. The quality of the wind observations is compared to the short-range forecast from the model background. The observation increments(observation minus background) are computed as the satellite-derived wind minus the model forecast with a 6-h lead time. The results show the model background has a large easterly wind component compared to satellite observations. The importance of each observation in the analysis is studied using an adjoint-based forecast sensitivity to observation method. The results show that at least around 50% of all types of satellite observations are beneficial. In terms of individual contribution, METEOSAT-7 shows a higher percentage of impact(nearly 50%), as compared to GEOS, MTSAT-2and METEOSAT-10, all of which have a less than 25% impact. In addition, the impact of GPSRO, infrared atmospheric sounding interferometer(IASI) and atmospheric infrared sounder(AIRS) data is calculated. The GPSRO observations have beneficial impacts up to 50 km. Over the Southern Hemisphere, the high spectral radiances from IASI and AIRS show a greater impact than over the Northern Hemisphere. The results in this study can be used for further improvements in the use of new and existing satellite observations.  相似文献   
WRF-EnSRF同化系统的效果检验及其应用   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
利用自主构建的针对风暴尺度资料同化的WRF-EnSRF同化系统同化多普勒天气雷达资料,检验其在2003年一次梅雨锋暴雨以及2009年一次强对流天气过程的同化性能.结果显示,在两个例中该同化系统均表现出有效的同化能力,经过60 min同化的分析场和以该分析场集合做初值的30 min的集合预报结果都比较接近实际观测.在同化过程中,径向速度和反射率因子的观测增量均方差分别达到3~4 m/s和9-11 dBz.本文考察了初始扰动时全场扰动与对流区域局部扰动,以及扰动环境风场与否对同化效果的影响.试验结果表明,对流区局部扰动相对于全场扰动并没有提高同化效果;对于尺度较大的梅雨锋暴雨来说,扰动环境风场时同化效果较好.为了考察分析场在降水预报中的表现,在暴雨个例中,以分析场为初值做6 h降水预报,经过同化的集合预报和确定性预报结果都比没有经过同化的控制试验预报结果准确.  相似文献   
对15个冬季北太平洋风暴轴区域500hPa天气尺度滤波位势高度方差与同期热带太平洋海表温度进行了奇异值分解(SVD)分析,结果表明,SVD得到的第一对空间典型分布反映了赤道中、东太平洋区域海温异常对风暴轴变化的影响。进一步的合成分析显示,赤道中、东太平洋区域海表温度异常可以通过激发或加强500hPa高度场上的PNA遥相关型,主要影响冬季北太平洋风暴轴的东西摆动及其中、东端的强度变化。  相似文献   
利用构造的均匀和涡旋风场模拟了单多普勒雷达径向风资料,分析了VAP方法对不同类型风场的反演能力,发现VAP方法对均匀风场反演能力很强,而对涡旋风场反演效果较差,这主要与该方法局地均匀风假定有关。据此,针对不满足VAP方法假定条件的局地非均匀风场,提出了扩展VAP方法,并用模拟资料进行了对比试验,结果表明,扩展VAP方法能显著提高局地非均匀风场的反演能力,反演风场在风速大小和方向上都更趋于合理。通过实例反演以及与双多普勒雷达反演结果对比,进一步证实了扩展VAP方法的反演能力。  相似文献   
An optimization method is based to design a snowfall estimate method by radar for operational snow warning, and error estimation is analyzed through a case of heavy snow on March 4, 2007. Three modified schemes are developed for errors caused by temperature changes, snowflake terminal velocity, the distance from the radar and calculation methods. Due to the improvements, the correlation coefficient between the estimated snowfall and the observation is 0.66(exceeding the 99% confidence level), the average relative error is reduced to 48.74%, and the method is able to estimate weak snowfall of 0.3 mm/h and heavy snowfall above 5 mm/h. The correlation coefficient is0.82 between the estimated snowfall from the stations 50 to 100 km from the radar and the observation. The improved effect is weak when the influence of the snowflake terminal velocity is considered in those three improvement programs, which may be related to the uniform echo. The radar estimate of snow, which is classified by the distance between the sample and the radar, has the most obvious effect: it can not only increase the degree of similarity, but also reduce the overestimate and the undervaluation of the error caused by the distance between the sample and the radar.The improved algorithm further improves the accuracy of the estimate. The average relative errors are 31% and 27% for the heavy snowfall of 1.6 to 2.5 mm/h and above 2.6 mm/h, respectively, but the radar overestimates the snowfall under1.5 mm/h and underestimates the snowfall above 2.6 mm/h. Radar echo may not be sensitive to the intensity of snowfall, and the consistency shown by the error can be exploited to revise and improve the estimation accuracy of snow forecast in the operational work.  相似文献   
An ocean model developed by the Institute of Marine Research and the University of Bergen in Norway (BOM) and a state-of-the-art sea ice model developed by NCAR (CSIM4) are coupled, Considering influences of 9 major rivers,forced by the NCEP reanalysis atmospheric fields and the Levitus surface salinity,the Arctic sea ice climatic variation from January 1949 to December.1999 was simulated through the coupled model.The comparison of simulated results and observations shows that:(1)the long-term ice concentration variation tendencies are in consistent with the observations in the divisional ocean regions;(2)simulated ice thickness horizontal distribution is reasonable.Simulated ice thickness has a decreasing tendency in the central Arctic,which agrees with the submarine observations.Simulated annually maximum ice thickness is highly related to observed fast-ice thickness off the Russian coast;and (3)sea ice area/volume fluxes through the Fram Strait are in accord with the satellite-derived data.Generally,the coupled model successfully simulated the Arctic Ocean sea ice climatic variation.  相似文献   
利用FNL全球再分析资料(Final Operational Global Analysis)、探空资料对2019年6—9月位于中国华北地区20个站点共5种型号(CFL-06、GLC-24、TWP8-L、CFL-03、CLC-11-D)的边界层风廓线雷达资料进行了质量评估。结果表明:各型号雷达均具有较强的探测能力,但不同雷达在水平风资料数据获取率以及有效探测高度上差异极大。不区分天气状况时,所有型号雷达均为V风质量优于U风质量。TWP8-L雷达U风测风质量相对最佳,CFL-03雷达紧随其后,GLC-24雷达U风测风质量最差,V风质量则差异不大,U风数据使用前需进行偏差订正以及质量控制。风廓线雷达观测对于降水较为敏感,降水使各型号雷达数据获取率在底层减小,中高层增加,增幅最大达到53%,但探测能力加强并不代表测风质量增加,统计结果表明降水是造成U风平均误差以及均方根误差较高的重要原因,其中,GLC-24、CLC-11-D雷达对降水最为敏感,降水状态相较于非降水状态均方根误差增幅均达到了5.5 m/s以上,降水情况下的U风及V风资料需进行进一步质量控制才可使用。  相似文献   
弱天气尺度强迫背景下的长江中下游暖区暴雨突发性强,高度非线性,难以准确预报,这时考虑不确定因素的集合预报成为重要选项,而对流尺度集合预报核心问题是积分一段时间后离散度偏低,会导致预报失败。比较包含不同尺度扰动信息的对流尺度集合预报方案间的差异性并据此优化初始扰动方案,针对2018年5月4—5日一次典型长江中下游暖区暴雨过程,分别采用动力降尺度(DOWN)、增长模繁殖法(BGM)、局地增长模繁殖法(LBGM)和混合扰动法(BLEND)等四种方法进行集合预报试验,以期探讨对离散度和预报效果的影响。结果表明,在模式积分0~6 h,具有中小尺度扰动信息的BGM和LBGM的离散度优于DOWN,其中LBGM相比于BGM具有一定程度上的改进,说明具有更准确中尺度特征的扰动能够在积分初始阶段获得有效增长,即考虑了中小尺度天气系统局地性的LBGM能弥补BGM的不足;但是,在模式积分12 h以后,具有更多大尺度特征扰动的DOWN优于区域模式中的增长模繁殖法BGM和LBGM,说明经过初始误差快速增长一段时间后,大尺度扰动开始起主要作用。而具有不同尺度扰动信息的BLEND方案则兼具LBGM和DOWN的优势,几乎在整个预报时段离散度较高且概率预报评分较好,体现出混合扰动的优越性。以上结果进一步说明,初始扰动的尺度特征在暖区暴雨的集合预报效果中具有关键性的作用,因而通过调整初始扰动的尺度信息来优化集合预报性能的混合扰动思想,在业务上具有一定的指导意义和推广价值。  相似文献   
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