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1983年,美日科学家Harrison和Sato发展的一种静电反馈技术成功地用于拉科斯特流动重力仪,使这一技术迅速推广到世界各国。本文将讨论具有VRL 8350静电反馈装置的拉科斯特重力仪的线性问题,研究拉科斯特重力仪在非反馈和反馈条件下,仪器纵水泡对重力仪的灵敏度、固有周期和阻尼的影响。  相似文献   
Cold water coral covered carbonate mounds at the south‐west margin of the Rockall Trough form ridges several kilometres long and up to 380 m high. Piston cores obtained at three mound crests reveal the complex internal structure of the mound build up, with alternating unlithified coral‐dominated intervals and lithified intervals. The most recent lithified interval is covered by corals embedded in a fine‐grained matrix, comprising ca 11 000 years of continuous mound evolution. Before this time 230Th/U dating shows the presence of several hiatuses in mound build‐up. Aragonitic coral material is absent or only present as mouldic porosity in the lithified intervals and coccoliths display widespread overgrowth. Downcore X‐ray fluorescence scanning, computer tomography scan images and petrographic observations indicate different degrees of diagenetic alteration. The upper boundary of the most recent lithified interval shows some erosional features, but petrographic observations indicate that initial lithification of the sediments is not related to this erosive event or to long‐term non‐sedimentation, but to earlier sub‐surface diagenesis. Organic matter oxidation and the subsequent lowering of the saturation state of the carbonate system drives dissolution of the unstable aragonitic coral skeletons. Depending on the openness of the system, this can lead to precipitation of a more stable low‐magnesium carbonate. A model is presented describing the sedimentary and diagenetic processes leading to the formation of lithified intervals.  相似文献   
Large changes in the wintertime atmospheric circulation have occurred over the past two decades over the ocean basins of the Northern Hemisphere, and these changes have had a profound effect on regional distributions of surface temperature and precipitation. The changes over the North Pacific have been well documented and have contributed to increases in temperatures across Alaska and much of western North America and to decreases in sea surface temperatures over the central North Pacific. The variations over the North Atlantic are related to changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Over the past 130 years, the NAO has exhibited considerable variability at quasi-biennial and quasi-decadal time scales, and the latter have become especially pronounced the second half of this century. Since 1980, the NAO has tended to remain in one extreme phase and has accounted for a substantial part of the observed wintertime surface warming over Europe and downstream over Eurasia and cooling in the northwest Atlantic. Anomalies in precipitation, including dry wintertime conditions over southern Europe and the Mediterranean and wetter-than-normal conditions over northern Europe and Scandinavia since 1980, are also linked to the behavior of the NAO. Changes in the monthly mean flow over the Atlantic are accompanied by a northward shift in the storm tracks and associated synoptic eddy activity, and these changes help to reinforce and maintain the anomalous mean circulation in the upper troposphere. It is important that studies of trends in local climate records, such as those from high elevation sites, recognize the presence of strong regional patterns of change associated with phenomena like the NAO.  相似文献   
汶川地震(Ms 8.0)地表破裂及其同震右旋斜向逆冲作用   总被引:41,自引:4,他引:41  
2008年5月12日14时28分,青藏高原东缘龙门山地区发生了震惊世界的汶川地震(MS 8.0),地震不仅造成巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,并形成了迄今为止空间上分布最为复杂、长度最大的逆冲型同震地表破裂带。通过多次野外考查表明,汶川地震(MS 8.0)在龙门山断裂带上至少使两条NE走向、倾向NW的映秀-北川断裂和灌县-安县断裂同时发生地表破裂,并沿映秀-北川断裂产生的地表破裂带长度约275 km,以逆冲运动伴随右旋走滑为其破裂特征,最大垂直位移量约11 m,最大右旋走滑位移量至少约12 m;沿灌县-安县断裂产生的地表破裂带长度约80 km,表现为纯逆冲运动的破裂特征,最大垂直位移量约4 m;另外发育一条长约6 km呈NW走向连接于映秀-北川破裂带和汉旺破裂带的小鱼洞破裂带,以左旋走滑兼有逆冲运动为特征。地表破裂基本沿袭早先活动断裂带上,并使早先抬高的地貌更加抬高,表明龙门山地区地震在同一断裂带上重复发生过,并且无数次地震活动(包括类似汶川MS 8.0地震的强震)的累积,逐渐形成了现今的龙门山。根据同震断裂面以及断裂面上的擦痕分析表明,汶川地震是由两次破裂事件叠加而成,初期破裂以逆冲运动为主,后期破裂以右旋走滑为主,这种破裂过程与地震波数据反演结果(陈运泰等,2008;Ji, 2008;王为民等,2008)一致。在地表破裂带南段(映秀—清平段)叠加了两次不同性质的破裂过程,北段(北川—南坝段)只反映了第二次破裂事件的过程。利用长期滑移速率与汶川地震同震位移对比,估算出在龙门山断裂带上类似汶川地震(MS 8.0)的强震复发周期为3000~6000 a。通过对比研究,西昆仑山、阿尔金山和东昆仑山与龙门山具有很相似的转换挤压构造特征,斜向逆冲作用是青藏高原周缘山脉快速崛起的主要机制。  相似文献   
During the summer of 1994, a meteorological experiment(PASTEX) was performed over the Pasterze Glacier,Austria. In this paper we describe the averagehorizontal and vertical structure of the atmosphericboundary layer (ABL) above the melting glacier, aswell as its diurnal variation during a period of fairweather. It was found that very persistent glacierwinds with a vertical extent of 100 m dominate thesummertime structure of the ABL, because the gravityforce acting on the near surface air parcels is manytimes larger than the synoptic-scale pressuregradient. During fair weather, we find a welldeveloped mountain-valley wind circulation above thekatabatic layer. During daytime, the valley wind advectswarm and humid air from the ice-free valley towardsthe glacier, limiting the development of the glacierwind. During the night, the downslope flows thatdevelop above the ice-free valley walls (mountainwind) merge with the glacier wind and enhance thedownslope transport of air. The associated subsidenceis the most probable cause for the drying of the lowerpart of the atmosphere during the night. Duringperiods of weak synoptic winds, the glacier windeffectively generates turbulence in the stronglystratified surface layer. On average, the turbulentfluxes of sensible and latent heat provide 25% of thetotal melting energy at the surface of the glaciertongue, and the influence of the glacier winds on thesurface energy budget can therefore not beneglected.  相似文献   
<正>As one of the longest strike-slip fault in Asia,the Altyn Tagh Fault(ATF)defines the northern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau and plays a significant role inaccommodating the deformation resulting from the IndiaAsia convergence.Slip-rate and seismic behavior of the fault are critical to understand the present-day kinematics  相似文献   
A new reconstruction of the interaction between the Saalian Drente glaciation ice margin and the Rhine–Meuse fluvial system is presented based on a sedimentary analysis of continuous core material, archived data and a section in an ice-pushed ridge. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) was applied to obtain independent age control on these sediments and to establish a first absolute chronology for palaeogeographical events prior to and during the glaciation. We identified several Rhine and Meuse river courses that were active before the Drente glaciation (MIS 11-7). The Drente glaciation ice advance into The Netherlands (OSL-dated to fall within MIS 6) led to major re-arrangement of this drainage network. The invading ice sheet overrode existing fluvial morphology and forced the Rhine–Meuse system into a proglacial position. During deglaciation, the Rhine shifted into a basin in the formerly glaciated area, while the Meuse remained south of the former ice limit, a configuration that persisted throughout most of the Eemian and Weichselian periods. An enigmatic high position of proglacial fluvial units and their subsequent dissection during deglaciation by the Meuse may partially be explained by glacio-isostatic rebound of the area, but primarily reflects a phase of high base level related to a temporary proglacial lake in the southern North Sea area, with lake levels approximating modern sea levels. Our reconstruction indicates that full 'opening' of the Dover Strait and lowering of the Southern Bight, enabling interglacial marine exchange between the English Channel and the North Sea, is to be attributed to events during the end of MIS 6.  相似文献   
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