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The present case study evaluates the downward longwave radiation at the surface (DLR) in several high‐resolution (≈1°) general circulation models (GCMs) using surface observations from a semiarid continental site in New South Wales, Australia (Uardry, 34.39°S, 142.30°E). This site is located on a large grassland plain uniform in both its land use and landcover type, and is therefore particularly well suited for a comparison with GCM grid mean values. Monthly averages of newly constructed clear‐sky and all‐sky DLR climatologies and the resulting cloud‐radiative forcing are compared. It is shown that the GCMs exceed the observed DLR under cloud‐free conditions by 10–20 W m−2 at this semiarid site on an annual basis, with a strong seasonal dependence. The calculated clear‐sky fluxes are overestimated during the warmer summer season, with large absolute values of DLR, while the biases are reduced in the colder and dryer winter season with smaller fluxes. This gives direct support for recent evidence that the DLR model biases depend systematically on the thermal and humidity structure of the cloudless atmosphere. Fluxes from strongly emitting atmospheres tend to be overestimated, but may be underestimated from atmospheres with smaller emission. This points to common problems inherent in the simulation of the emission from the cloudless atmosphere in current longwave radiation codes.
The comparisons of the all‐sky climatologies at Uardry show that the clear‐sky biases are partly masked in the models with an insufficient cloud‐radiative forcing, thereby counterbalancing the excessive DLR of the cloud‐free atmosphere. On the other hand, when the cloudradiative forcing is improved, the biases in the cloud‐free atmosphere become fully apparent in the all‐sky fluxes.  相似文献   
Ice-marginal debris-flow deposits (comparable to deposits elsewhere described as flow tills) are described from glacier-proximal sediments in an Alpine foreland area. Debris-flow deposits are characteristically interstratified with subaeric or subaquatie meltwater deposits, and occur in a wide variety of geomorpho-logical settings. The granulomctric composition of debris-flow deposits is more variable than that of subglacial tills. Within-flow variability may occur as a result of the formation of graded bedding, lateral as well as vertical. Clast fabrics show both random and preferred orientations; unequivocal interpretation of these is not possible. Debris-flow deposits are composed of material derived from various sources: sources from subglaeially-derived debris as well as from previously deposited tills and walerlain sediments can be demonstrated.  相似文献   
Kirkbride, M.P. & Bell, C.M. 2009: Edge‐roundness of boulders of Torridonian Sandstone (northwest Scotland): applications for relative dating and implications for warm and cold climate weathering rates. Boreas, 10.1111/j. 1502‐3885.2009.00131.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The relative ages of late Quaternary morainic and rock avalanche deposits on Late Precambrian Torridonian Sandstone are determined from the characteristic edge‐roundness of constituent boulders. Because weathering of sandstone is manifest as edge‐rounding by granular disintegration, a relative chronology can be derived by measuring the effective radii of curvature of a sample of boulder edges. Thirteen samples totalling 597 individual boulder edges fall into two statistically distinct groups. Moraines of inferred Younger Dryas age (12.9–11.5 kyr BP) are distinguished from moraines of the Wester Ross Re‐advance (≤14.0 kyr BP). One moraine previously assumed to be of Younger Dryas age is reassigned to the older group. The method allows spatial extrapolation of deposit ages from dated sites where lithological and sampling criteria are met. Calculated rates of edge‐rounding imply that granular disintegration was several times more rapid during cold stadial climates than during the Holocene. Used as a proxy for boulder ‘erosion rate’, this indicates that surface loss of grains in glacial climates exceeds that during interglacials by a factor of 2–5, with implications for the calculation of exposure ages from cosmogenic nuclides.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a comparative study of pockmarks and associated features appearing on both sides of the North Atlantic: on the Scotian Shelf off Nova Scotia and in the northern North Sea. Pockmarks are formed in seabed material consisting of soft silty clay. The seismic, sonar and lithologic characteristics of the sediments on the Scotian Shelf are remarkably similar to those found in the northern North Sea. Sediment clouds suspended in the water column immediately over the seabed have previously been observed on side-scan records associated with gas-charged sediments on corresponding shallow-seismic records. These and similar observations strongly suggest that most pockmarks are caused by gas efflux through the seafloor. However, the detailed mechanism of formation and the origin of the gas in the sediments is still unknown.  相似文献   
A GeoVision Micro™ colour video camera was used to investigate the internal structure of 11 boreholes at Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. The boreholes were distributed across a half-section of the glacier, with closest spacing towards the glacier margin. The boreholes were used to investigate the hydrology of the glacier through automatic monitoring of borehole water level and electrical conductivity (EC) at the glacier bed. EC profiling was undertaken in several boreholes to determine the existence of water quality stratification. Temporal variations in EC stratification were used to infer borehole water sources and patterns of water circulation. Borehole video was used to confirm the conclusions made from these indirect sources of evidence, and to provide an independent source of information on the structure and hydrology of this temperate valley glacier. The video showed variations in water turbidity, englacial channels and voids, conditions at the glacier bed and down-borehole changes in ice structure. Based on the video observations, englacial channels accounted for approximately 0·1% of the vertical ice thickness, and englacial voids for approximately 0·4%. Overall, the video images provided useful qualitative and semi-quantitative data that reinforce interpretations of a range of physical and chemical parameters measured in boreholes. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
FREY  MARTIN 《Journal of Petrology》1978,19(1):95-135
The unmetamorphosed equivalents of the regionally metamorphosedclays and marls that make up the Alpine Liassic black shaleformation consist of illite, irregular mixed-layer illite/montmorillonite,chlorite, kaolinite, quartz, calcite, and dolomite, with accessoryfeldspars and organic material. At higher grade, in the anchizonalslates, pyrophyllite is present and is thought to have formedat the expense of kaolinite; paragonite and a mixed-layer paragonite/muscovitepresumably formed from the mixed-layer illite/montmorillonite.Anchimetamorphic illite is poorer in Fe and Mg than at the diageneticstage, having lost these elements during the formation of chlorite.Detrital feldspar has disappeared. In epimetamorphic phyllites, chloritoid and margarite appearby the reactions pyrophyllite + chlorite = chloritoid + quartz+ H2O and pyrophyllite + calcite ± paragonite = margarite+ quartz + H2O + CO2, respectively. At the epi-mesozone transition,paragonite and chloritoid seem to become incompatible in thepresence of carbonates and yield the following breakdown products:plagioclase, margarite, clinozoisite (and minor zoisite), andbiotite. The maximum distribution of margarite is at the epizone-mesozoneboundary; at higher metamorphic grade margarite is consumedby a continuous reaction producing plagioclase. Most of the observed assemblages in the anchi-and epizone canbe treated in the two subsystems MgO (or FeO)-Na2O–CaO–Al2O3–(KAl3O5–SiO2–H2O–CO2).Chemographic analyses show that the variance of assemblagesdecreases with increasing metamorphic grade. Physical conditions are estimated from calibrated mineral reactionsand other petrographic data. The composition of the fluid phasewas low in XCO2 throughout the metamorphic profile, whereasXCH4 was very high, particularly in the anchizone where aH2Owas probably as low as 0.2. P-T conditions along the metamorphicprofile are 1–2 kb/200–300 °C in the anchizone(Glarus Alps), and 5 kb/500–550 °C at the epi-mesozonetransition (Lukmanier area). Calculated geothermal gradientsdecrease from 50 °C/km in the anchimetamorphic Glarus Alpsto 30 °C/km at the epi-mesozone transition of the Lukmanierarea.  相似文献   
Abstract Garnet granulites from Sri Lanka preserve textural and chemical evidence for prograde equilibration at temperatures of at least 700–750°C and pressures in the vicinity of 6–8 kbar. Associated strain patterns suggest prograde metamorphism occurred during and immediately following an episode of crustal thickening, with the prograde P–T conditions probably reflecting a combination of the conductive and advective transport of heat at the mid-levels of tectonically thickened crust. The occurrence of prograde wollastonite provides evidence for internally buffered fluid compositions, or fluid absent conditions, during peak metamorphism and precludes pervasive advection of a CO2-rich fluid. The advective heat component is therefore likely to have been provided by the transport of silicate melt. Intricate symplectitic textures record partial re-equilibration of the garnet granulites to lower pressures (˜ 4–6 kbar) at high temperatures (600–750°C), and testify either to the erosional denudation of the overthick crust prior to significant cooling (i.e. quasi-isothermal decompression) or to a subsequent static heating possibly of early Palaeozoic age (Pan-African). The metamorphic history of the Sri Lankan granulites is compared with high grade terrains in the neighbouring fragments of Gondwana, with the emphasis on similarities with Proterozoic granulites of the East Antarctic craton.  相似文献   
A Fluid-Dynamical Study of Crystal Settling in Convecting Magmas   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Thermal convection in magma chambers is believed to be almostalways highly time-dependent, or ‘turbulent’, andpredicted convective velocities are commonly orders of magnitudelarger than settling velocities for typical crystals calculatedfrom Stokes' Law. To understand crystal settling in magma chamberswe have therefore undertaken a theoretical and experimentalstudy of particle settling in a turbulently convecting fluid. The regime of interest is where the ratio, S, of the Stokes'Law settling velocity, vs, to the root mean square verticalcomponent of convective velocity, W, at mid-depth in the fluidis less than unity. Although vs < W, settling is still possiblebecause convective velocities are height-dependent and mustdecrease to zero at the boundaries of the fluid. Particles immediatelyadjacent to the bottom boundary settle out with their full Stokes'settling velocities. At the same time, convection is vigorousenough to ensure that the distribution of particles in the fluidis uniform. It follows that the number of particles in suspensiondecays with time according to an exponential law, and the decayconstant is simply the ratio of vs to h, the depth of the fluid.Experiments confirm this relationship, at least for low particleconcentrations, provided S < 0.5 and there is no re-entrainmentof particles from the floor of the tank. We apply this relationship to crystals in magma chambers andso calculate residence times for typical crystals. We find thatfor basaltic magmas the predicted residence times are smallcompared with the many thousands of years that a chamber takesto solidify if cooling is dominated by conduction through thecountry rock. We therefore conclude that crystal settling maybe an efficient differentiation mechanism. Significant magmaticevolution may, however, take place on time-scales that are competitivewith these residence times. If the settling of crystals is the rate-limiting step duringthe crystallization of a magma chamber it is expected that asteady state will be achieved at which the rate of supply ofcrystals into the convecting magma by crystallization balancesthe rate at which crystals settle out. We show how this ideacan explain both the lack of hydraulic equivalence in cumulaterocks and the commonly observed discrepancy between the relativeproportions of phenocrysts of various phases in fractionatedbasaltic lavas and the calculated relative proportions of thesemineral phases in the fractionating assemblage. Finally, anattempt is made to calculate the steady-state crystal contentof convecting magma chambers. Comparison of the predicted crystalcontents with the observed phenocryst contents of typical basalticlavas suggests that magma chambers may often cool more rapidlythan would be expected for conduction through the country rockalone.  相似文献   
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