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Haapaniemi, A.I., Scourse, J.D., Peck, V.L., Kennedy, H., Kennedy, P., Hemming, S.R., Furze, M.F.A., Pieńkowski, A.J., Austin, W.E.N., Walden, J., Wadsworth, E. & Hall, I.R. 2010: Source, timing, frequency and flux of ice‐rafted detritus to the Northeast Atlantic margin, 30–12 ka: testing the Heinrich precursor hypothesis. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 576–591. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00141.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Increased fluxes of ice‐rafted detritus (IRD) from European ice sheets have been documented some 1000–1500 years before the arrival of Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS)‐sourced IRD during Heinrich (H) events. These early fluxes have become known as ‘precursor events’, and it has been suggested that they have mechanistic significance in the propagation of H events. Here we present a re‐analysis of one of the main cores used to generate the precursor concept, OMEX‐2K from the Goban Spur covering the last 30 ka, in order to identify whether the British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) IRD fluxes occur only as precursors before H layers. IRD characterization and planktonic foraminiferal δ18O measurements constrained by a new age model have enabled the generation of a continuous record of IRD sources, timing, frequency and flux, and of local contemporary hydrographic conditions. The evidence indicates that BIIS IRD precursors are not uniquely, or mechanistically, linked to H events, but are part of the pervasive millennial‐scale cyclicity. Our results support an LIS source for the IRD comprising H layers, but the ambient glacial sections are dominated by assemblages typical of the Irish Sea Ice Stream. Light isotope excursions associated with H events are interpreted as resulting from the melting of the BIIS, with ice‐sheet destabilization attributed to eustatic jumps generated by LIS discharge during H events. This positive‐feedback mechanism probably caused similar responses in all circum‐Atlantic ice‐sheet margins, and the resulting gross freshwater flux contributed to the perturbation of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during H events.  相似文献   
A review of the academic literature and British Geological Survey mapping is employed to produce a 'Glacial Map', and accompanying geographic information system (GIS) database, of features related to the last (Devensian) British Ice Sheet. The map (1:625 000) is included in a folder and GIS data are freely available by web download (http://www.shef.ac.uk/geography/staff/clark_chris/britice.html). Emphasis is on information that constrains the last ice sheet. The following are included: moraines, eskers, drumlins, meltwater channels, tunnel valleys, trimlines, limit of key glacigenic deposits, glaciolacustrine deposits, ice-dammed lakes, erratic dispersal patterns, shelf-edge fans and the Loch Lomond Readvance limit of the main ice cap. The GIS contains over 20 000 features split into thematic layers (as above). Individual features are attributed such that they can be traced back to their published sources. Given that the published sources of information that underpin this work were derived by piecemeal effort over 150 years, then our main caveat is of data consistency and reliability. It is hoped that this compilation will stimulate greater scrutiny of published data, assist in palaeoglaciological reconstructions and facilitate use of field evidence in numerical ice-sheet modelling. It may also help direct field workers in their future investigations.  相似文献   
Pressure-temperature (P-T) paths have been calculated from pelitesand amphibolites of several major Acadian structures in west-centralNew Hampshire by using both inclusion thermobarometry and differentialthermodynamics (the Gibbs method). P-T paths calculated forrocks exposed in the Orfordville and Bronson Hill anticlinoriaare ‘clockwise’ and show 1–2.5 kb of exhumationwith 30–100 C of heating. Because this type of path ischaracteristic of the lower plate of overthrust terranes, theserocks are interpreted to be (para)autochthonous. P-T paths forrocks exposed in an intervening synclinorium (the Hardscrabblesynclinorium) show isothermal loading of 1–3 kb followedby possible isobaric cooling. This behavior is characteristicof rocks occupying a middle-plate structural position withina multiple thrust package, and so these rocks are interpretedto be allochthonous. The interpretation that the Hardscrabblerocks are allochthonous differs from previous models, but betterexplains the petrologic data and is consistent with the stratigraphicand structural data on which other models have been based. Correlation of the P-T paths with deformational events throughkinematic and textural analysis indicates that during nappestage deformation, the synclinorial rocks were transported westward,and that the anticlinorial and synclinorial rocks were buriedto depths of 25–30 and 20–25 km respectively. Theexhumation with heating recorded by the anticlinorial samplesoccurred during the dome stage of deformation, and differentiallyuplifted the anticlinorial rocks relative to the synclinorialrocks; this differential uplift may have been accommodated throughreactivation of early thrust faults with normal movement sense.P-T paths of the Hardscrabble synclinorium rocks are suggestiveof a relatively elevated initial geothermal gradient for theirpre-nappe source terrane, which is interpreted to have beenbetween the Kearsarge-Central Maine basin and the Bronson Hillparautochthon.  相似文献   
Wolf volcano, an active shield volcano on northern Isabela Islandin the Galápagos Archipelago, has undergone two majorstages of caldera collapse, with a phase of partial calderarefilling between. Wolf is a typical Galápagos shieldvolcano, with circumferential vents on the steep upper carapaceand radial vents distributed in diffuse rift zones on the shallower-slopinglower flanks. The radial fissures continue into the submarineenvironment, where they form more tightly focused rift zones.Wolf's magmas are strikingly monotonous: estimated eruptivetemperatures of the majority of lavas span a total of only 22°C.This homogeneity is attributed to buffering of magmas as theyascend through a thick column of olivine gabbroic mush thathas been deposited from a thin, shallow (<2 km deep) subcalderasill that is in a thermochemical steady state. Wolf's lavashave the most depleted isotopic compositions of any historicallyactive intraplate ocean island volcano on the planet and haveisotopic compositions (except for 3He/4He) indistinguishablefrom mid-ocean ridge basalt erupted from the GalápagosSpreading Center (GSC) 250–410 km away from the peak ofinfluence of the Galápagos plume. Wolf's lavas are enrichedin incompatible trace elements and have systematic major elementdifferences relative to GSC lavas, however. Wolf's magmas resultfrom lower extents of melting, deeper melt extraction, and agreater influence of garnet compared with GSC magmas, but Wolfand the GSC share the same sources. These melt generation conditionsare attributed to melting in a thermal and mechanical boundarylayer of depleted asthenosphere at the margins of the Galápagosplume. The lower degrees of melting and extraction from deeperlevels result from a thicker lithospheric cap at Wolf than existsat the GSC. KEY WORDS: caldera; Galápagos; mush; partial melting; plume  相似文献   
La Yeguada volcanioc complex (LYVC) is one of many major volcanoesthat represent the extension of the Central American arc inwestern Panama and that have resulted from current oblique subductionsouth of Panama. There are two major phases of calc-alkalinevolcanic activity at LYVC based on mapping and K-Ar radiometricdates. The first phase began at {small tilde} 13 Ma and ceasedat {small tilde} 7?5 Ma. This sequence, termed the old group,consists of basalts to rhyolites with typical arc mineralogies(OL, CPX, PL, MGT, and OPX). The samples have similar radiogenicSr and Nd values and appear to be related by fractional crystallizationwith assimilation and/or magma mixing involved in the differentiation.The parental basalts were probably derived from the metasomatizedmantle wedge via melting induced by fluids released from thesubducted lithosphere. There was an apparent period of minor volcanic activity from7–5 to 2–5 Ma (only one documented sample from thisperiod). The second phase (<2?5 Ma), termed the young group,consists only of dacites but with very different mineralogies(PL, MGT, AM, BI, with no PX) and geochemistries (e.g., highSr and low Y and HREE) compared with the old-group dacites (andandesites and rhyolites). The dacites cannot be related to theold group by various petrogenetic modeling techniques. Thesehigh-Al dacites have the characteristics of magmas derived fromthe partial melting of the subducted oceanic lithosphere witha hornblende eclogite residuum. This has been substantiatedby geochemical modeling. Samples similar to the young-group dacites in other arcs havebeen termed adakites and arc associated with the subductionof young hot crust which may explain why the slab melts. ThePanama basin has extremely high heat flow values, comparablewith those of the Galapagos ridge system. The change from normalarc volcanism to adakites suggests that the subducted oceaniccrust became hotter as time progressed. The subduction of anoceanic ridge or new ridge development along the Sandra Riftin the Panama basin can explain the change in volcanism withtime but more geophysical data are needed.  相似文献   
The sandbodies of the Bearreraig Sandstone Formation (Inner Hebrides, UK) are cemented by two generations of calcite. The first generation, an inhomogeneous ferroan calcite (0.05?3.28 mol% FeCo3) formed during sulphate reduction (δ13C =?24 to ?32%o PDB) in marine porewaters (δ18O of cement from ?1 to ?4%o PDB) at very shallow burial depths (a few centimetres). These cements are rare but form millimetre-scale clusters of crystals which acted as nuclei to the later, concretionary cements. The second generation of cements are more homogeneous ferroan calcites (mean 1?58% mol% FeCo3) which evolve to progressively higher Fe/Mg ratios. They are sourced by shell dissolution (δ13C of cement from +1 to ?3%o PDB) into meteoric (δ18O of cement from ?6 to ?10%o PDB) or mixed marine meteoric waters (δ18O of cement from ?4 to ?6%o SMOW). These were introduced into the formation either during Bathonian times as a freshwater lens, or, subsequent to partial inversion, by confined aquifer flow. Corroded feldspars within the concretions suggest that an interval of at least 8 Ma separated the deposition of the sediments from the onset of concretion growth. Abundant concretions are preferentially developed at certain horizons within the sandbodies, where the early generation of ferroan calcite cements provided nuclei. The latter formed close to the sediment-water interface, the concentration of cement within the sediment being related to sedimentation rate. The relatively high concentrations of the first generation of cement, upon which the concretionary horizons are nucleated, formed during periods of minimal sedimentation.  相似文献   
Geological mapping, definition of facies distributions and reconstruction of platform‐interior growth geometries of the Messinian Cariatiz carbonate platform (Sorbas basin, South Spain), were performed to evaluate the controlling factors in platform growth and to test a 3‐D computer simulation program. For the simulation with the program REPRO, five platform‐related facies were modelled: (1) the reef crest facies by the numerical solution of a Fisher equation; (2) the lagoonal facies by a function of water depth‐dependent carbonate production; (3) the proximal and middle slope facies (breccia and block facies, calcarenite facies) by a subroutine simulating gravity‐driven particle export from the reef crest; (4) a distal slope; and (5) a basinal facies by a pelagic rain function. Development of a fan delta conglomeratic system is simulated by using a siliciclastic point source and gravity‐driven particle redistribution. A best fit between the observed platform growth geometries and modelling results is achieved by assuming that high‐frequency sea‐level changes superimposed onto a longer term sea‐level fall controlled platform growth. For the modelling, a relative sea‐level curve was reconstructed, which is based on a deep‐sea benthic foraminiferal stable oxygen isotope record at ODP Site 926 with a 45 m eustatic sea‐level fall, and a tectonic uplift component of 20 m. The consistency of 3‐D simulation results is corroborated by the coral growth rates provided by the Fisher‐equation subroutine. These rates of 2–8 mm year−1 compare well to the coral growth rates in Recent fringing reefs. We propose that during the early stage of platform evolution the high‐frequency fluctuations were obliquity‐modulated precessional cycles, whereas precessional cycles control later stages of platform growth. REPRO provides a separate visualization of the different facies bodies as a function of time and space, showing the intrinsic pattern of facies distribution in the platform. This is the result of a combination of platform growth and syndepositional subaerial erosion. For example, only the youngest stages of reef framework facies in the development of the Cariatiz carbonate platform are preserved.  相似文献   
Carbonate nodules and slabs in late Holocene shelly terrigenous deposits of the modern Fraser River delta (~49°N) are formed close to the seafloor by precipitation from saline pore waters of mainly fibrous to bladed crystals of high-Mg (~ 10–20 mol% MgCO3) calcite cement as coalescing isopachous crusts on grains. Previous reports that the cement is low-Mg calcite are not supported by this study. Highly negative δ13C values of ? 7 to ? 59‰ for the cements indicate that the bulk of their carbonate carbon was derived from the microbiological degradation of organic matter in the deltaic deposits during shallow burial. In particular, the production of biogenic methane (CH4) by anaerobic bacterial fermentation, its upward migration, chemical or biological oxidation to CO2 and neutralization in the near-surface sediment, and diffusion to microenvironments relatively enriched in organic components, are a possible set of conditions influencing the process and sites of carbonate cementation. Methane-derived Mg-calcite appears also to be the major submarine cement in several other modern occurrences of lithified shallow-water terrigenous sands and muds at non-tropical latitudes.  相似文献   
The burial-stress and hydrologic conditions existing during concretion formation in mudrocks are evaluated and integrated into a model for the genesis of septarian cracks. Initial concretion cement formation will lower concretion permeability through the filling of pre-existing pore space. During progressive burial, this may lead to increased excess pore pressure, localized within the concretion body causing a reduction of the effective stress. Analysis of the stress conditions and crack morphology suggests that cracks in septarian concretions result from tensional failure (sub-critical crack growth), as a consequence of this localized excess pore pressure. Conditions suitable for crack formation will depend upon the magnitude of the excess pore pressure and the stress corrosion limit of the concretion body. A review of the likely strength of such concretions indicates that cracking could be initiated at depths less than 10 m. A variety of observed crack morphologies can be explained with this model, depending upon the spatial distribution of strength and effective stress in the concretion. Crack orientations mostly reflect stress anisotropy, but are also influenced by directional anisotropy in the crack growth rates. Locally increased pore pressure also likely occurs in non-septarian concretions, but is not sufficient to cause cracking. This enhanced local pressure may assist the crystal surface growth reactions of the carbonate cement. Through this enhancement process, the shape of concretions may be a response to the local anisotropic pore-pressure contours, which reflect the permeability anisotropy of the concretion and surrounding mudrock.  相似文献   
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